Dallas Wittgenfeld

| April 23, 2012

This guy’s records are a big question mark. He’s wearing a CIB, but according to his records, he was a commo guy in Vietnam, so there is no way he’s authorized to wear a CIB. He’s also wearing infantry brass with the blue background and a blue rope which he’s also not authorized to wear. But his FOIA says he was awarded a CIB;

But then I’ve never seen a FOIA that listed Letters of Commendation and Certificates of Achievement, either. So all of that makes me suspicious. Here’s his record of assignments from his Form 2-1;

The dates of his assignments coincide to the history of his two Ranger units, according to the 75th Ranger Regiment Association. But like I said, if he altered his military records to add the CIB, there’s no reason to believe he didn’t alter his assignments, too. The fact that he’s listed as a 05B20 while he was in Advanced Individual training is suspicious, too. I’m sure he wasn’t a Sergeant E-5 after four months of service.

And here’s a picture of him wearing a green beret at the Wall, and that’s a Purple Heart and Ranger scroll on his chest;

According to the Special Forces Association membership rules, he’s not eligible to be a member based on his assignments to Ranger units, so the green beret thing is right out.

You and I both know from looking at these records that he’s not authorized all of the infantry stuff, but how that CIB got in his records, I’ll never know, well, unless he gives up the ghost and tells us the truth. Not holding my breath.

Thanks to the folks at Scotty’s Hideaway, for the stuff.

Category: Phony soldiers

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LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

……. “Delta Rangers 151st INFANTRY” “Delta Rangers 75th INFANTRY” LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41 here……. over…!

The rest of my team are all dead…. I am the last paratrooper standing…. and jumping.. How about that..

Good going Scotty. You found out I was at the same etchelon as the MAC-V S.O.G….. but I was the “Special Liaison Advisor” for the Special Forces trained, Air America flown, and C.I.A. funded mercenaries of the Royal Thailand Army Airborne operating off of BearCat Special Operating Base where parachuting-training was common place. You KNOW I WAS JUMPING, right…?

Hey I got to jump… land… and get in a Thailand jeep (by myself) and drive to Saigon and screw the whores on TuDo Street too. War is hell…


Walter Mitty with a short dick complex.

Those that woof the loudest, have done the least.


Dallas, something tells me you’re the kind who, like Yon, would enjoy those Bangkok “ladyboys” more.

Just watch those Adam’s Apples, man–I hear they shave those down so it’s even harder to tell. Or maybe you like that. Meh.


Uh oh….dickwad’s about to get his face pushed in. Post pictures!


@ 154–like I said, the love child of Don King and a retarded walrus.

Tell me, Dallas–is it hard doing that two-mile run in size 27 squeaky shoes? And do you have to have that music playing in the background while you run behind the little car trying to catch it?

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

NOW, do you brainiacs know what will happen when Ms. Non-Profit discriminates against me 100% disabled Vietnam War Hero; hich is also a Purple Heart Patriot of the Year and being unfairly with predigeous excluded..? Proof is right here on Jonn Jonn’s page… Ouch, Ouch, Ouch…! See where this is going. 🙂 Follow the Pide Piper… down the trail.

Did you young stupid Veterans lie, twist the facts, and threaten me after I went off, hereon..? You are guilty.


I don’t think it has anything to do with your military fables man, you’re just a flaming doucherocket.


And I’m still wondering how a guy who claims 100 percent disability is still jumping out of airplanes.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Scottys Hideaway

Oef Veteran Prior to my comments on our other page about backing away from DW but keeping him on the radar I began investigating this RTAVF-SLS and came across a gentleman who had posted on a page that he had served in this very unit. The page was a Vietnam Veterans page where they come to find old buddies and reminisce about the old days and those lost. Anyway I sent this gentleman an E-Mail to find out what this RTAVF-SLS was and what follows is his reply… “I was with the RTAVF-SLS from about March of 68 to November 68. I was on the original 18 man team that was put together in Viet Nam. We were sent to Northern Thailand for 2 months to train with the Black Panther Division of the Royal Thai Army. The official name of our team was the Royal Thai Army Volunteer Force – Special Liaison Section. Our job was to coordinate support actions with the Thai Army, things like artillery support, aerial support, medical evac., etc. When we were first pulled together as a team at Long Binh Post, I don’t think any of us knew really what we were in for. If I remember correctly, the team consisted of a Lt Col. as the team leader, 7 other officers and 10 enlisted personnel. I was an E-4 at the time and had radio qualifications so I think that is why I was picked along with 3 other E-4’s who also were radio qualified. After the training period in Thailand, we brought the Division to Viet Nam via troop ships. We ended up at a 9th Infantry Division’s Basecamp, Bearcat. The 9th was being relocated further north if I recall correctly. The area was supposed to be relatively quiet as far as enemy activity was concerned and that was the reason the Thai’s were deployed there. It gave II Field Force Command the ability to move the 9th into areas where they could be more effective. My routine consisted of spending several days at one of two Firebases (artillery outposts) that the… Read more »

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Oh Yah Scotty…. I have NO CONTROLS on the newspaper scribes in a town or city I jump into. Newspapers in the same town told different stories… what the hell is up with that..? Right.. No connection to my scribes. Never wore anything I didn’t earn… so you are fucked…. Go find that picture… NOT… Then shut the fuck up idiot Jar-Head…


Doesn’t he have to share computer time with the other patients? He should be about at his time limit by now.


You’re skirting the issue, Wittgenfeld. Where did those journalists get the info regarding your military awards? I doubt that they’d file a FOIA to get it, or just make it up. They’d ask you instead.

I’m guessing you told them you had a BSM for valor. And later, when folks started asking, you “toned it down” and quit making that bogus claim.

But I could be wrong. Maybe they did just MSU (make stuff up).


Long Range Patrol41? Did you know Gene Ryack and Billy Covington? I think I remember them talking about you or with you about your service? They flew with Air America.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Hey Scotty…. Your Special Liaison Advisor for the Thais was old-hat in 1968, Man. I was there in 1970… when all the Cambodian cross-over shit was going on… got that. Thais could fly there without being shot down… Soooo, If I wasn’t “leading the way” how did I get shot up in May and an Airmedal… ? Another “Elephant in your stupid room”.

Scottys Hideaway

Yea we don’t have any photo’s of a clown skydiving in RVN for the benefit of the orphans either RTO boy. Sucks having a Marine Grunt call you out on your embellishing lies doesn’t it RTO boy. And as for the Military Gala. It is a ” private ” event & the hosts can deny any ones request to partake there of. You don’t have the money to send for the request & You damn sure don’t have the balls to show up.Now go eat your soft cereal old man before you really piss some one off.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

I didn’t party with Air America man… I just know them by their combat callsigns… Hotel 12…. Hotel 24… and so on.


Longe Range Patrol41: Jack Neely was another pilot over there, Jack, Gene, and Billy were pilots from 65-71 with Air America. Jack had his own little putt putt course, I’m sure there are pictures of you there drinking and BBQ’ing with them. I have to find them though.


Telling a flaming asshole to piss off isn’t discrimination, Wittgenfeld. Good luck with that one.

And tell us again how your “Thai Advisor” duty – which wouldn’t qualify you for a CIB even if it really occurred – is documented in your military records?


Oh SNAP!! You done got busted son!


I might be wrong, but since I was actually an 11B1P…..If I am not mistaken when awarded the CIB the Airborne wings move to the breast pocket, It might just be a unit mandated move and could possibly be different, but I know for a fact the 173rd and 82nd do not put their Airborne wings directly under their CIB’s. The only time I have ever seen it different is with WW2 vets since regulations were somewhat different then.
Am I wrong?


Speaking only about the Class A uniform.


Hondo–you seen them Thai ladyboys, man? I mean, he got turned on to one that had just taken out Yon and General Wat Du Phuck. It was dicey. No way you could actually tell short of going downtown and seeing if there was indoor or outdoor plumbing, if ya know what I mean.

Scary shit right there.

Scottys Hideaway

Oef Veteran : Basically what the RTAVF-SLS was the American Liasons for the Thai so they could communicate with the other forces working in the AO. Dallas being a Commo puke would have been a likely asset as my contact was also a Commo guy. Furthermore I am beginning to suspect that Thunderchickens PH awards were due to incoming fire on one of the firebases. He was assigned to an Arty unit after he left Delta 151/75 if I remember correctly. This would make sense since Firebases were prime targets for mortars.


Hey, Dallas–I hear you and Spooky 8 (aka, “The Anal Emission”) are tight too. Care to expand on that?


Has dickcheese ran in the stolen valor tourney yet? If not im paying the nomination thread a visit.


Dallas for once in your life tell the damn truth but all of know you will not. All of these men who are stating the facts are REAL military guys who served our country and are proud of what they did. It did not matter how long or what they did. They served. You could have been proud of what you did. Instead you embellished your service. When I told you to come back to my Vietnam veterans group and face the the Vietnam vets and they will destroy you for your embellishing ways. You despise when a woman stands up to you. There are two of us that have and all you can do is post sexual remarks. Instead of answering me you created a sexual group with my name. Thanks to men like Scott and many others you harass, they reported you for creating the page and in less than 24 hours it was shut down by fb. Keep going on with your lies. Nobody is buying it. The sand in your hourglass has run out….


I think it’s clear to everyone here by now that this guy has crossed over beyond the usual trolls and stolen valor violation defenders on here into some serious mental instability. As much fun as I’ve been having checking this thread all night to watch the electronic ass-kickery I submit that what we could do to piss this turd off more than anything is to immediately stop responding to his posts. You’re all trying to use rational arguments against a lunatic. This guy’s mom clearly should have swallowed.

That is all.


Redacted1775: I’ll second the nomination. And if this thread is any indication, he might have a good shot for making the fecal four on asshattery alone.

— break —

NHSparky: that wasn’t exactly the kind of “Thai Advisor” duty I was asking Wittgenfeld about. (smile)


Skysoldier just proved dingaling was full of shit in post #’s 166 and 170. Best part is he gave him just enough rope to hang himself with. He’s been awful quiet for the past half hour or so.

Scottys Hideaway

Say Hi to Arthur South & Tony Meyers for me RTO boy.


He’s now a tourney nominee. (smile)


Why ya bullshittin, Hondo? He’s a 1 or 2-seed for sure.


Maybe, NHSparky – since he’s now nominated. We’ll see what the seeding committee says.

But that only gives him a good shot at making the fecal four – which was what I said. (smile)


Depends on the path to get there. Remember, Duke was a 2-seed, and look what happened to them.


NHSparky: that’s why I said “good shot” vice “lock”. (smile)


Hey Dildo Dallas.. I am still waiting for those “VA Cops” and shit you keep crying like a spanked bitch about, to show up at my door. Nothing.. maybe it is cause i am 100% disabled veteran too… Hmm, Oh, and you say “They be talking in DC… really?? About YOU??? Bwhahahahahaahahahahahaaahahahahahahaaaa… deep breath.. hahahahahahahaahahahaahhavaabewhahahahahahhahahabwbwbwbahahahaa, Oh GAWD my sides hurt.. maybe the IRS is talking about you but not a single fucking soul in DC give a screamin “Thunder chicken turd from the heavens” about you or have a damn clue who you are. But, I have a feeling that the places that get the info that you are a embellishing P.O.S.will not be asking you to jump ( unless it is withOUT a chute) for them any more… you have screwed yourself little girl.. Congrats, you are an Official RETARD!


He still hasn’t breathed so much as a word about providing the order that would show his CIB is legit. Figures.

So he’s gonna “lawer” up and file a lawsuit when he’s denied entrance to the pownetwork function…that’ll be just as empty a threat as the the other ones he’s made, and those we’ve heard from phonies and wannabees such as “Mailman.”

Joe Williams

I call you a liar dallas. being flown as a passenger into a LZ does count as flight orders for a Air Medal. What are your injuries hat entitle you to 100% with the VA. You do not rate a Air Medal, show your orders and /or ciations for said awards.

Old Trooper

@174: Yeah, I mentioned how f-ed up the picture of him in his class As was, too. Now that he continues to talk like a douche, I will treat him as such. If he needs to brag like a 12 year old in order to feel good about himself, then I guess we should treat him as such. Then he says stupid shit like this: People treated me like a hero today as I entertained the entire dropzone with Patriotism to the 1st degree. THIS is what I get paid for. Really, Dallas? You have to be paid to be a patriot? You have to be paid to have people call you a hero? You brag about being called a hero? What the fuck is that all about? What about the rest of us, that you denigrate, who don’t get paid to display patriotism? Who don’t ask for a fucking dime to spend time at a Vets Home helping and talking with Vets that just want to visit with fellow Veterans? That raise money for the children of our fallen, so they can get an education, while spending our own money to do so? Those that donate our time and money to help wounded warriors? We don’t get paid and we don’t expect to be paid, or called “hero”. We do it because it’s right, not because we want to bask in the adoration and be called “hero”. If you want to be a walking, talking, dick with ears, that’s your call, but don’t expect anyone to feel sorry for you if you step on your wiener one too many times. I, also, don’t understand how one minute you have your chest puffed out talking like you’re Billy Badass who can kick all our asses and the next, you’re talking about having to carry a sidearm “for protection”. And last: Who the fuck do you think you are talking to a fine woman, who was recently widowed, like you did? If you would have said those words to her in my presence, you would have gotten your very first ass… Read more »


Dallass is all talk Ihave been listing to him run his mouth for a long time now .Plain and simple he has embellished his service . that has been proven he has nothing to offer but still spews threats . dont let his threats bother you the reason he said ne has never had is ass kicked is because he hides behind his keyboard. If your half the man you claim to be then tell us were your jumping next so we can come an see ya are you a man or a clown?


Dallass are you still a racist? just wondering

Yat Yas 1833

Yo Dickless, tell you what, I will send Jonn my contact information if you will too. Then we can make direct contact and set up a time and place to meet. I’m on sabbatical until February 2013 and have $25,000 left in my savings account so I can afford to travel to meet you anywhere. Of course you realize I’m going to post the meeting place information so anyone close can come and see you not show up. So, here it is right in front of everyone. Put up or shut up! A mere Marine shouldn’t be any problem for you, an assassin, to deal with. Sooo…prove yourself or admit you are a lying sack of shit.

Joe Williams

Hey DILDO I still not have heard from you about your flight orders! If we ever meet in person, you better not insult or talk down to or you will be looking up at me. Also, you will never get your weapons out.I am rated at 100% PTSD. If you are trying to claim PTSD makes voilent you are a liar. If you are homoical ,I want to know why you are not locked up for public safety.More lies on top of lies.


Gee, guys, have you noticed how inconsistent Mr. Dickless Wonder’s story is?

First, he “claims he sky dived in Vietnam to amuse the orphans in 1969 dressed as a clown”.

In #167 (above) he says “I was there in 1970”.

I’m waiting to hear what he jumped out of…maybe “Puff the Magic Dragon”??? Anyone who was over there will tell you that planes were mortar magnets. I don’t think I’d be jumping out of a plane, never mind in a clown suit, to amuse anyone.


Shoot, I clicked on ‘submit’ before I finished.

Sometimes I dance around the house in my underwear. That doesn’t mean I’m Madonna or Lady Gaga.

And just because you smell like an ape, it doesn’t mean you’re Tarzan.


@196- Careful Yat, he’s a LARP assassin. I saw pictures of one of them once; name of Steve Jordan. If this guy’s assassin costume is anywhere near as legit as Jordan’s “Snake Eyes” ninja getup, (and judging by his Monty picture up top it just might be) you might have your work cut out for you.

Because we’re talking about an airsoft battle, right?

Joe Williams

News Flash ! Anything in the air was shot at. Especally slow moving Helos. So imagine a lone parachute floating down.

Yat Yas 1833

Ok dingfeld, I’ve e-mailed my contact information to Jonn. Here, before God and country, I’m calling you out! Let me know when and where you want to meet. Anything other than your response to my challenge will show everyone what you truly are. As I mentioned before, don’t try any bluster or bullshit, here is a legitimate challenge for you to either put up or shut up. This will also go to my Facebook page so the whole world will know what you are. A worthless piece of shit with no honor.

