Meet Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich

| June 16, 2011

UPDATE: Nicholas Androsky died on Saturday February 22, 2014.

Someone at the RTB sent me these pictures with a story about how this guy showed up for his son’s stepfather’s graduation from basic training at Fort Benning dressed like this. According to our source, the MPs escorted his monkey ass off post;

Notice that on the desk in the last picture, the nose picker even had a Green Beret to round out the ensemble. I’m surprised the MPs didn’t shoot him on sight out of fear.

“He’s coming right at us!!”

Added: His real name is Nick Androsky according to someone who found his Facebook profile . Check his photos “Routine Patrol” and the one of him jumping at 30,000 feet from the Space Shuttle, I suppose.

Second Add Sporkmaster: Just to remove any questions about the Combat Badges crossing over from Army to Air Force that the regulations do not allow it. This is on page 149.

Permanent assignment denotes non TDY status. This rule also applies to other badges or patches i.e., Army Combat Patches earned or awarded by sister service components. Upon Permanent Change of Station (PCS) to an Air Force unit the member will remove them.

Also anyone who has received the CIB, CMB, CAB, or CAR can have it converted to the new Combat Action Medal. (Which our resident POS is wearing on the top row next to the Silver Star.)

Scott sends these screenshots of his Facebook Wall before he tore it down;

ADDED 6-21-2011: The guy at “Copy All” has uncovered Androsky’s appeal for his court martial, apparently for drug use back in 2004. Thanks to Chris for the link.

ADDED July 20, 2011: We have Androsky’s actual military records, now.

Category: General Whackos, Phony soldiers

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Herr Morgenholz

OK, the Antarctica ribbon slays me.

Diesel Freak

Being ancient in age, a retired Chief Petty Officer,, Navy Submariner type and a retired over the road 18 wheeler driver,, I have the correct answer…. naturally. This guy’s grandmother was a follower of Dr. Timothy Leary and was deeply into Dr. Leary’s plan of “LIVING BETTER THROUGH CHEMISTRY”,,,, AKA LSD. Grandma passed it on to Mom and Mom passed it on to her only off spring (we hope). Look at the eye’s on this dude,,,, and he predates American TV survivor and idol series programs…. this boy has been living the dream his entire life. If he is at his son’s graduation from basic…. to late to kill it before it multiplies,,me thinks?


He has only one purple heart? What a lame ass!

Parachute Cutie

From a friend of mine’s facebook page. He is a Veteran of several tours including 2 in Afghanistan and a Silver Star recipient for his actions at a major battle in Afghanistan during OEF VIII. He is “now a Drill Sergeant at Fort Benning

” This is 100% true.. i cannot make this up.. this happened two days ago…Welcome to my world of Sand Hill….Drill Sergeant…..Everyday I tell myself.. Nothing else can suprise me.. yet the Bermuda Triangle which is Sand Hill keeps proving me wrong”

“This guy’s step dad was a private trainee here.. during family day this mentally hadicapped fellow though he and his dad were disrespected by a Drill Sergeant so a few weeks goes by and this dude comes up to our BN demanding to see the CSM… he had a complaint.. thinking he could strong arm the DS’s showing his AWESOMENESS!!”

” well because he is in no military or IRR service there wasn’t anything we could do..nor was he trying to make a profit.. legally he was only to be escorted from the post, with orders not to return.. He kept his $200 or so worth of flair to try with someone else..and he was 32yrs old…its a looooooong story…”

Frankly Opinionated

Diesel Freak:
According to his Myspace album, he has a “sis and lil bro”, who are engaged to be married. Following the family tradition???????????????
Still laughing at a 33 yr old with a 28 yr old stepdad n 54 yr old mom. That has to be one helluva household.


I am pretty sure he also was once the leader of Panama as well as 5 African countries at the same time

Proud Army Dad

Please tell me that those photos hanging up in the room behind him are not memorial photos!


[…] shows up to son's basic training graduation in fake Air Force Dress Blues. This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here Blog Archive Meet Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich __________________ Cammar Pilru: Any training school for free citizens must begin by teaching […]

Diesel Freak

This just get’s stranger by the moment but,,, so does our America. Seems all have forgotten there used to be Federal Laws about impersonating/misrepresenting military members,law enforcement and fire fighters. There was a time when you got Court Martialed for wearing “non-earned medals”. What has happened with this derranged individual has probably been around since man first chose up sides and killed each other. Any way you choose to look at it,, this guy is a poster child for “STOLEN VALOR” and what’s left of America need’s to go back to prosecuting them. But thanks to Political Correctness,, don’t hold your breath until the current laws (I”m sure they are still on the books) are enforced. WE GET WHAT WE ALLOW TO HAPPEN. He is just expressing himself. You can’t take his right to express himself away,, that is not PC. Back in the “old school” day’s of sanity,, the MP’s would have figured out a way to prevent him “doing it again”. Get used to it,, you ain’t seen nothing yet….


Pretty sure I see a Defense of Stalingrad ribbon with a laser assault on Helsinki. Why didn’t they just shoot him? are you kidding? He can deflect bullets with his Johnson by the looks of things.


That is indeed an Antarctica Ribbon, 9th row from bottom on the right. I bet thats where he got the SF Diver Medal. Probably shot from a boomer torpedo tube at 5,000ft and rolled ashore taking The South Pole by himself.


The lower ribbon rack seems to be all Air Force ribbons. He is wearing four NATO ribbons, you are only supposed to wear the first one that you earned.


Also he has Arrow heads on both the Iraq and Afghanistan Medal. Also the Iraq one has a Gold service Start with the Afghanistan one has a Silver one.

rodney dill

Just think of it as Flair.


[…] […]


Sasha Lachinski: here’s his facebook friend “it’s actually him”
He invented this person to be his friend.


This person too: Jordan Miller

PRCS (Ret.)

It’s absolutely incredible. It boggles the mind trying to wrap yer skullmush around all that fruit salad.


Not defending this tool, but just want to comment on the CIB. Lots of former Army guys now in the USAF who proudly wear their earned CIB on Air Force blue.


this fucktard still has his myspace available for all to see. there is a pic of him with some hot chick. you can do a side by side of his face. same guy, no doubt. has master aviation (crew) badge pic, master halo, master jumper, and saying they are all “his”. looks like he got caught with his pants down in this pic. btw, isn’t that a female af jacket? shouldn’t there be breast pockets? not sure about af dress uniforms, though


He’s also a member of The Sons of Confederate Veterans.

Ranger Rick

I’m an old retired officer sitting here in this god forsaken place called Afghanistan working as a contractor. And I simply can’t tell you how that picture has made our day. We are still laughing and will be laughing all week long. Please don’t take it down. And I am curious as to why he has no marksmanship badges? Would have looked nice to see the badge with 15 or so clasps dangling down to his D&*C.


The CIB 3rd award alone would mean that he would have had to serve from the Korean war to the present, This idiot is wearing more stuff than Gen. George s. Patton, I will bet that his son felt 2 inches tall just from seeing him show up,Well atleast the military surplus store made some good money off of the Jackass,I hope the SOB gets atleast 10 years for being a war hero total Fake, They need to 5150 this moron.


That is not true. The time zones for the CIB are as followed.

The CIB is authorized for award for the following qualifying periods:

(1) World War II (December 7, 1941 to September 3, 1945).
(2) The Korean War (June 27, 1950 to July 27, 1953).
(3) Republic of Vietnam Conflict (March 2, 1961 to March 28, 1973),combined with qualifying service in Laos (April 19, 1961 to October 6,1962).
(4) Dominican Republic (April 28, 1965 to September 1, 1966).
(5) Korea on the DMZ (January 4, 1969 to March 31, 1994).
(6) El Salvador (January 1, 1981 to February 1, 1992).
(7) Grenada (October 23 to November 21, 1983).
(8) Joint Security Area, Panmunjom, Korea (November 23, 1984).
(9) Panama (December 20, 1989 to January 31, 1990).
(10) Southwest Asia Conflict (January 17 to April 11, 1991).
(11) Somalia (June 5, 1992 to March 31, 1994).
(12) Afghanistan (Operation ENDURING FREEDOM, December 5, 2001 to a date to be determined).
(13) Iraq (Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, March 19, 2003 to a date to be determined).

This is per regulations.

Soon Fresh SrA (3 months than ready to get out of the oven)

Can someone say “Boot to the face!” or Spartan Kick this step dad… embarrassment…


Soon Fresh SrA (3 months than ready to get out of the oven)

Can someone say “Boot to the face!” or Spartan Kick this step dad… embarrassment…


Man, I would love to know what kind of psychosis this man has. I hope he’s been to a doc and is on meds. He is obviously sick and delusional. This outfit screams “I need help” – I sure hope he gets some before he picks up a gun and pretends he’s really a soldier.

Oh and if you google his name there are some real gems out there. Some of his crazy-ass posts:

Nick Androsky: “WOMEN need an amputation, not a bandge! Be wary my friends their wiley, evil, and master manipulaters!
traumatic stess disorder) playing with my emotions
GIRLS!!!! START being my FRIEND as i may deploy!! Bad
feeling i’m PRAYIN FOR K.I.A.! SKI”

Nick Androsky to Jeremy Piven Movement (facebook)
“Thank u sir for getting me and most of my team through hell in africa and middle east! would u consider an autograph pic? Ssgt. nick “ski” androsky US SPECIAL FORCES love ya man. do more for us especially wounded vets. keeping us sane!”

Nick Androsky to Rex Lee(facebook post)
“ya’ll on entorage kept me and most of my team through hell in africa and middle east! Ssgt. Nick Androsky US SPECIAL FORCES love ya man. If requested may i recieve a autograph pic? I beseech you sir.”

Man you would think posers would be picking up chicks or something – but he’s faking so he can try to get autographed photos from Entourage stars. Really.

My diagnosis – he’s definitely sick but it ain’t PTSD…


Doesn’t the male dress jacket have chest pockets too? If so, I think this guy might be wearing a female jacket.

AF Mastersarge

WOW, this guy needs to be making Do Equis commercials.

Alex F.

I’m just glad he was able to make it back from single-handedly infiltrating Bin Laden’s compound and taking the bastard out with his bare hands (and you believed the official line that it took a whole TEAM of SEALs!!) in order to see his stepdad graduate from BCT.


This guy has to be Chuck Norris kryptonite, one look at him & Chick would probably explode!

AF Mastersarge

*Dos Equis


Sorry Chuck, didnt mean to misspell your name, I’m looking out for ultra man Androsky……


@BEAR: You dissed Chuck. Too late because as you know by the time you see Chuck Norris its too late.


#175 Sporkmaster,

I believe the comment above yours was concerning the qualifying periods, read further down in the reg you quoted:

“(e) Subsequent awards. To date, a separate award of the CIB has been
authorized for qualified soldiers in any of the following four
qualifying periods:
(1) World War II (December 7, 1941 to September 3, 1945).
(2) The Korean Conflict (June 27, 1950 to July 27, 1953).
(3) The Vietnam Conflict. Service in the Republic of Vietnam
conflict (after March 1, 1961) combined with qualifying service in Laos
(April 19, 1961 to October 6, 1962); the Dominican Republic (April 28,
1965 to September 1, 1966); Korea on the DMZ (after January 4, 1969); El
Salvador (January 1, 1981 to February 1, 1992); Grenada (October 23 to
November 21, 1983); Joint Security Area, Panmunjom, Korea (November 23,
1984); Panama (December 20, 1989 to January 31, 1990); Southwest Asia
(January 17 to April 11, 1991); and Somalia (June 5, 1992 to March 31,
1994) is recognized by one award only regardless of whether a soldier
has served one or multiple tours in any or all of these areas.
(4) Global War on Terrorism. Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (November
20, 2001 to date to be determined) and Operation IRAQI FREEDOM (March
19, 2003 to a date to be determined).”

As you can see, for whatever reason every conflict from Vietnam to Somalia only counts for one award.

As for this poser, damn…just damn…


Now that is what we call a “Chicken Noodle Hoagie!” No Ranger or SF tabs??!!


Well, based on his horrible fashion sense, at least
we know he’s straight! 🙂


Holy Crap. He went to any surplus store he could find a fruit salad and pinned it on as is. To top it off he went to Fort Benning and a basic graduation. Of course those drills would not know he was a doucher posing. What a POS.


Read his Facebook rants, did Jared Lee Loughner come to mind?


My, It cost him a fortune for all those.

Old Trooper

If he really was in the Air Force, then he should know not to show up on a military installation looking like that. With that in mind; he needs his ass beat but good.

Cedo Alteram

# 180 haha laughed my ass off!


First, Fort Benning is a closed post, meaning you must have the, proper ID or obtain a pass, with proper ID. He should have never gotten in the gate. Civilian rent-a-cops just don’t get it


Considering it was a graduation the stepdad could have very well had a pass for both his wife and stepson. That could be the reason why he was allowed on post.


oh Christ…even a zoomie would know when too much is to much. Naw this guy is a cold civvie


And guess what? He like all the others who have been caught lately were Repugnicans. Chicken hawks all!


What a tool.

tavern knight

#173Ranger Rick,

About those Marksmanship Badges, the Dweeb is wearing a AF Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon on the top left position of the bottom ribbon rack. As I can not make out (what exactly) the device that is on it – I will say that said device(s) looks like he’s wearing two bronze stars in the middle of it. Once again, the dweeb over-does it; to show “Expert” status with Small Arms Marksmanship in the AF, the ribbon and a small bronze star does it all.

Maybe that second bronze star is for the Super-Duper-Secret-Weapon that we’re not allowed to know about.


Why just throw hime off base… Maybe charges underthe stolen Valor Act 18 U.S.C. § 704 would be in order. Too bad the chair isnt an option for punishment for the particular violation.