Daniel A. Bernath; phony CPO

| December 11, 2013

Editor’s Note: Daniel A. Bernath passed away on January 21, 2018

Daniel Bernath

Scotty sent this to us over the weekend and I was holding on to it for a drought, but our own Ex-PH2 was excited that Daniel A. Bernath was a PH2, too. Just by looking at the rank on his sleeve, you can tell he’s a phony since, instead of laying out the bucks for new rank, he had a stripe embroidered on the sleeve. He has service stripes for twenty years of service, but his FOIA tells a different story;

3 years and change in active service, and a couple of years in the Reserves. Now let’s do some math – you’ll need most of your fingers, he’s wearing seven awards in the picture and the FOIA says that he has five. Well, finally we got a Navy phony who is not a SEAL.

Bernath portlandia medals

DSCF0759.jpg~original Bernath Caddy

Bernath portlandia medals close up

Bernath crash

ADDED: Look familiar? Courtesy of Sparks to whom I bow for his superior Google-foo belt.

John SheppardDaniel Bernath

From MCPO;

Bernath photos 3

Category: Phony soldiers

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Well safe to say we will never get answers from Bernath. He will take these lies to his grave most likely.

PIf any judge ask him these questions about his moral character, as we seen before…he will slap a restraining order on them.

Which surprises me that he has not tried to do anything to you PH-2, Jonn or MCPO via lawsuit.

Give it time I suppose.


I would ask the USS Yorktown Association historian to help out. Or ask a surviving member of the CO if there is a record in his personal papers. If no record, it did not happen.

Either way, we already know the answer. The CO never wrote the letter.

BREAK: PH1 Sheppard did not say he served 5 tours with ST-1. He said he served as a Combat Cameraman for a total of 5 tours in VN. Some of that time was spent with ST-1 as shoe (not a SEAL). Just for the record minor correction. We know Shep is the good guy.


Hey Danny Boy, is it getting warm in Oregon yet?



@ 1105. Bernath would not last a minute in a NYC night court, NY State court and or US Southern and Eastern District courts. He would be laughed out of town.

He can sue me anywhere he wants.

How about Oregon.

Maybe CA … San Diego county.

Or District of Columbia … MCPON can stop by.

But it is very hard to sue someone successfully when they have done nothing wrong.

I welcome it … I will bleed ZERO dollars … He will lose everything.

Bernath will and is going down as one of the most pathetic POS posers ever to have worn a uniform.

And again. All of this based on infomation he provided.


Daniel A. Bernath-Correction to my comment 1099 by Sparks.

For the record, because we, unlike you, want to keep straight records, as Master Chief MCPO NYC pointed out in post 1106, the correct paragraph I should have written is as follows:

“PH1 JOHN R. SHEPPARD, USN (RET), is still today a man of honor, integrity and proven valor. He served 5 tours in Vietnam, with some time spent covering SEAL Team 1 as a photographer. Going in harms way, in order to document their story for our country. Armed primarily with a camera. He is a hero and his valor is without question. Now he is in terrible health due to exposure to Agent Orange. Exposure during his selfless time on the ground. Documenting deeds, not of himself but of others.”

That is more correct. The heart of my comment 1099, still stands Daniel A. Bernath.

Though the truth of it all Daniel A. Bernath is…that you already know…the truth of it all.

MCPO NYC, Thank you Master Chief for helping me keep it straight and honest.


@C2, barnacle baldy bernastypants tried, in a very lame way, to ‘scare’ me, but it would take a real expert to do that.

You see, I lived in Chicago for 30 years.


MCPO? Were you in communications? The way you use –Break– is how we do it.


@1102: GT, imagine the battles-royal that would ensue between Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath and Paul of the Ballsack.

Two titanic egos, inflated full of swamp gas and bedfarts, puffed up about the lives of lies, bullying and scammery they’ve led, constantly battling each other like two feral cats in a gunny sack.

Just desserts for them and Phildo.


1094-Valkyrie: My bad. Your letter looks good so far but, remove “shitstain” and instead substitute, “subject” or “suspect”. Myself, would toss it when I see “shitstain” even though I may undersand your intentions.

Try this link for samplebusiness letters. 🙂


Street – I knew it had to be some confusion, Hondo explained it. Also my “letter” was a failed attempt at humor.

Mr Blue

#1111- I’d love to see Bernath locked in a room with Psaul AND Wittless…


@ #1113- Ah! Notice the *bigcheesygrinslowlymeltingdownmyface*

Just An Old Dog

One of the highlights of Vahalla will have to the real warriors sitting drinking ale while the shit-stains who were posers or poser enablers in this like are forced to fight each other with wet noodles while being bitten on their wee testicles by fire ants.


Or worse, Old Dog – the posers, fakers, and valor thieves all will be outside the Hall in the bitter wind, with the Harpies divebombing them, while they watch the real warriors at the honor tables.


MCPO NYC RET. Master Chief, the info on Bernath has been sent to Ian Parker, Reporter/Producer at KATU Portland.

Just An Old Dog

I made contact with a writer from the Oregonian who did a piece on him in Oct 2010 when he went to court for his scuffle with the judge. I hit the “low-lights” of Birdbath’s conduct topping it off with him awarding himself CPO and stealing PH-1 Sheppard’s photo. I got back a response already. He has a link to Here, so I’m sure he will have plenty of ammo. From the first article he wrote he appears to be fully aware of the type of bottom feeder Birdbath Berbath is.


@ 1110 Negative.


ALCON, I was a Boiler Technician (flying asshole) force converted to Machinists’ Mate (flange head).

As SEL ended up as MUIW, EOD and shoe in NSW!


That is all!




From: MCPO (name redacted)
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 12:13 PM
To: ‘Randi Law – VFW National’
Cc: Valor Thief’s Worst Nightmare; ‘Joe Davis – VFW National’



Thank you for response and all that the VFW does!

MCPO (name redacted)


From: Randi Law – VFW National
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 11:59 AM
To: MCPO (name redacted)
Cc: You Don’t Want to Be Highlighted by This Guy; Joe Davis – VFW National

MCPO (name redacted)

This matter has been passed along to National’s Administrative Operations department for review/response. Generally, careful examination and determining a proper course of action does take some time. As of now, I have no updates to provide, but please feel free to follow up with me in a few more days.


Randi K. Law
Manager, Communications & Public Affairs
VFW National Headquarters


From: MCPO (name redacted)
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 10:43 AM
To: Joe Davis – VFW National
Cc: Randi Law – VFW National; World’s Most Effective Valor Thief Hunter


Any movement … and what did VFW National Senior Leaders discover?

Daniel Bernath’s fraudulent bio (along with fraudulent documents) is still up on VFW web site with stolen likeness and retirement photo of PH1 Jon Sheppard, USN (Ret.).


Please let us know if Senior Leadership at VFW National has been made aware of this situation.


MCPO (name redacted)


Go Water Dogs, GO! Very well done, Master Chief. What the heck is a flange head? You water dogs sure do have an odd way of communicating skill sets, lmao!


A “Flange Head” certainly is not a: Twidget; Pecker Checker; Hard Hat; Turd Chaser; Sparky; Nuckle Dragger; Gun Monkey; Dirt Sailor; Silk Packer; Quill; Nose Picker; and Tin Knocker!

Hope that clears it all up!


Master Chief, you left out ‘or a WAVE’.

TNX much for update on VFW (MCPO) and media (Old Dog).

Windy and cold here. Squalls in the forecast. Sundogs this morning. Battening down all hatches and facing into the wind.

Green Thumb


That’s some old school stuff, right there.

A Proud Infidel

They’re now predicting SNOW for my locale, something that this area hasn’t had since, ohhh,.. 1989, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, I’ve had to use my ice scraper at least three times so far this winter!!


I left out WAVE because it covers way too much acerage … if you know what I mean!

However I did ferget: “PHOTOG”


Maybe Danny Boyee can weigh in with some of his expansive Naval knowledge!

Just An Old Dog


I just got off the phone with a reporter from the Oregonian. I gave him some of the Meat and Taters on what Bernath Has Done and refered him to the site and told him you guys would be glad to go over the entire thing with Honorary Chief title, and what awards that Bernath is wearing in the Photo-shop image and his other shennanigans as far as him taking credit for other photos. He is very interested in talking PH1 Sheppard if possible. He said he has a history of deaing with Bernath and wants to do an interveiw with him on the subject.


Shep’s in San Diego. Jonn has his contact info.

A Proud Infidel

@1123, sounds similar to Truckers’ slang, “Bears, reefers, skateboards, ,..”
I’m trying to decipher, “Twidget”, damifino, “Pecker Checker”, – A “Doc” or Corpsman, “Turd Chaser” – Plumber(?), “Sparky” – Electrician, maybe Commo, “Gun Monkey’ – shit, we have “Gun Bunnies”, “Quill” – a clerk, or as Squids say it, Yeoman,..
Time to get me another cup of coffee!

Just An Old Dog

I told him Jonn can fill him in pretty well on whats going on and that MCPO could fill him in on the Honorary CPO fiasco and the presteige of that rank. I dropped your name too on being a Navy Photographer type and having served with PH1 Sheppard.
I just want the reporter to have a pack chock full of info when he gets to sit Bernath down.

Missile Twidget

Master Chief and everyone else involved,

Just found this today while checking news on a CPO site elsewhere. It took awhile but I read through each post and it was well worth it. You guys did an awesome job!!! BZ and I look forward to following this until this guy is crushed!

Thanks again!
Missile Twidget


Uh, Master Chief, this “white-striped snipe” would have no problem being called a flange-head. God knows I had to know and be able to operate enough mechanical systems.

First RO/SRO watch, I was but a barely-qualified ET3. Shut down the reactor, immediately went to SRO, and my instructions were as follows: “Secure the SEO, make sure the ER is in a shutdown lineup, MSW/ASW lined up to port. I’ll be in the Goat Locker.”

It’s good to be trusted. It’s even better when you know it’s because you’ve EARNED it. Bernath will never know that feeling.


@ 1129 Nice.

I am ready … to disect Bernath’s Bull.

Jonn has my info!


Naval History Center, Naval Historical Preservation, NASA … Apollo 8 references …

No nexus to Bernath.

The photo of him taking a bath in a sink seems to get most of the hits!


@ 1135 …. Twidget pass the word!


Thanks for the shout out Master Chief.
There’s also the scope-dopes, Flag Wavers, Box Kickers, and the good old $#%%#@% Clerk. You know the DK that F-ed up your pay all the time.


Missle Twiget: Warheads on Foreheads. Long Range fun, Yeah. It’s all fun and games until someone loses a Warhead. Then it is just plain fun.



One hair (you know what type I am talkin’ about) away from total destruction that there is a relationship between my Brother PHC(AC) Milt Putnam, USN (Ret.) and Danny Boyee.


Danny Boyee,

Coast to coast attention has come to the ocean front hamlet of Tigard, OR.

A forensic psychologist retired FBI and US Navy vet buddy of mine took a look at your interview now poluting the Library of Congress.

He came back with a one word assessment: WHAT?


I’ve had it with this Bunghole Bernath. I’m giving all the TAH’s free access to my WTF lollipops. I am planning on shoving mine right up Bernath’s wrinkly old arse.


Master Chief, I’m very interested in Chief Putmans’s response to dandan the bernastypantsman.


Master Chief: Compass correction needed. Tigard, Oregon is NOT on or near the ocean. Landlocked, no ocean going vessels permitted. Small river and a handful of creeks ideally suited to A: Fishing B: Fishing and C: Bernath dunking party but it is accessable by heavy drop, motor transport, animules and/or foot traffic.

Missile Twidget

@1136: The word has been passed Master Chief. Norfolk messes are aware as well as a few SEL’s in PACNORWEST, Rota and a few fellas in Texas.

@1138 Senior, yalls camp at Rosie Roads was some of the best fun Ive had in my career. Swimming out to the island in the middle of that lagoon was an awesome day, but the Corpsman were none too happy about the urchin and jellyfish wounds and the sunburns were wicked!


This is now the #2 Gooooogle hit for (Phony Chief) Daniel A. Bernath. #1 is his FB page.

I noticed in many of his pics he appears much older than in the one he Photocrapped onto poor Shep’s body.

There is one of him holding an unfortunate child (Ticklemonster?) and an intriguing one of him peering around a door marked ‘RESTROOM.’ I wonder what could be going on there. The Phony Chief seems like the kind of guy who lurks in men’s rooms with suspicious intentions.

Dog – excellent work connecting those dots. Honest reporters love guys like Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath, especially when they’re good for sloppy-seconds stories, but guys like Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath rarely appreciate the attention and affection from those quarters.


@ street. I know he lives in a van down by the river.

I found the photo he used to crop his head onto Shep’s retirement photo.

I sent it to Jonn.

I hope he posts it side by side with the not real photo of him.

There is one catch. In his own photo, it appears that he photo shopped his head onto another body.

This is a no shitter.


comment image

Take a close look at this.

A Proud Infidel

Y’all tell me what you think, I think I’ve OD’ed on Stolen Valor articles, just the other day I stopped by a Walgreen’s on the way home from work. As I was walking back out to my pickup truck, I noticed a camouflage baseball cap on the dashboard of another car, that Chevy model that looks like it wishes it was a PT Cruiser, It had “RANGER” embroidered on it, with a Bronze Star medal was pinned on it next to the tab. All I could think was, “SHIT, I BET IT’S ANOTHER DAMN POSER!”. I didn’t bother to wait to see who drove it, My Wife and kid were waiting for me to get home.


At bare minimum, he appears to have Photoshopped himself onto a different background. The resolution of his face, vice the backdrop, is not the same. But the torso appears more, ah, svelte than other upper-body shots we’ve seen of him. I join you in calling shenanigans.

What a felchmeister.


Infidel, I hear you. When I see a guy coming through the airport with even a moderate amount of vet bling, I am now suspicious. The other day it was a guy in a vest that had OIF, OEF, Marine EGA and “Marine Sniper” patches on it. I didn’t have an opportunity to engage him but I was immediately suspicious. I hate that feeling, because I go out of my way to show appreciation to all who serve or have served. These creeps make it hard to do that.

A Proud Infidel

Amen to that, ExHack, I ran into some posers at a gun show a few years ago. I was wearing my favorite T-Shirt, one that says “Afghanistan Hunting Club, Coalition Forces” and I noticed some twentysomething kids who were wearing OD Green and desert ballcaps with ME tour-oriented embroidery on them. They seemed afraid to talk to me, I was asking sensible questions, like “When were you there, I was there from…” and “What unit did you go there with?”, they wouldn’t answer, and as soon as I turned around to say “Hi” to a friend, *POOF*, they disappeared into thin air!
Those of us who really have served or deployed ought to be allowed to curbstomp the little shits, and yes, I look at “Vet Bling” anymore, I feel the same way myself!


@1148, Master Chief, et al., I blew that head shot up to 150%. If you look at the sitter’s (bernath) head, on the right side there is a distinct blue line from the head shot he has elsewhere on a blue background. Furthermore, he has overdone the ‘cloning’ stamp bit up into the hair on the side of the head, by copying the background color into the head hair.

When you go to flatten the layers in Photoshop, you should always enlarge to 200% to inspect the job first. It ain’t like using Dr. Martin’s retouch colors at all.

Another bad ‘shopping job bites the dust.

3/17 air cav

@1149….. Feel the same. I’ve got a Vietnam era flight jacket, with my CIB, flight crew member wings, 1st Cav patch, and 3/17 Air Cav patch. Whenever I wear it, I wonder if other vets think I’m a phony.

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