Daniel A. Bernath; phony CPO

| December 11, 2013

Editor’s Note: Daniel A. Bernath passed away on January 21, 2018

Daniel Bernath

Scotty sent this to us over the weekend and I was holding on to it for a drought, but our own Ex-PH2 was excited that Daniel A. Bernath was a PH2, too. Just by looking at the rank on his sleeve, you can tell he’s a phony since, instead of laying out the bucks for new rank, he had a stripe embroidered on the sleeve. He has service stripes for twenty years of service, but his FOIA tells a different story;

3 years and change in active service, and a couple of years in the Reserves. Now let’s do some math – you’ll need most of your fingers, he’s wearing seven awards in the picture and the FOIA says that he has five. Well, finally we got a Navy phony who is not a SEAL.

Bernath portlandia medals

DSCF0759.jpg~original Bernath Caddy

Bernath portlandia medals close up

Bernath crash

ADDED: Look familiar? Courtesy of Sparks to whom I bow for his superior Google-foo belt.

John SheppardDaniel Bernath

From MCPO;

Bernath photos 3

Category: Phony soldiers

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A Proud Infidel

@1052, GT, I thought the saying goes “A rolling stone gathers no moss.”. In Daniel A Bernath THE FAKE CPO’s case, I would say “A rolling TURD gathers no toadstools.”!

A Proud Infidel

NHSparky, I’m ready to bet a sixpack of good graft beer and a bottle of good Bourbon that he’s gonna fly off the hook and do something real stupid, like take off in an airplane with a nearly empty fuel tank!


Proud, for something stupid, how about getting into a pissing match with the local gendarmes about his personal weapon?

WE all know he has one. He took it to court with him and was disciplined for that.

He’s just stupid enough to do something that stupid, too.


@1056: or maybe counterattack The Hair if the Shipley Trinity takes its own interest in him. Suicidal behavior would be lovely right about now.


He’ll do none of it. He’s like all the rest of these internet commandos. He’ll back off and lay low, hoping that his crap doesn’t come back to bite him in the ass. When the missus asks him what’s going on, he’ll tell her, “it’s nothing, just a misunderstanding”.


Funny how he hasn’t threatened to sue anyone yet. Even most graduates of Western School of Law, aka “Can You Draw This Bunny U” know they’d be pissing in the wind on this one.

But I’ve been wrong before. Oh, and Buttblast? My name? Well, they call me the breeze, I keep blowing down the road.


I keep waiting for someone to channel the late RADM Alan Shepard and tell him they’re José Jiménez . . . .


It is a good thing I have “Low T”, I would have travelled to Oregon weeks ago and choked to crap out of Danny Boyee!

For all the lawers out there, that is sarcasm.

I would not have choked him …


My guess is that creepazoid bernutsky is in hiding in the state of Denile, and won’t come out until it’s all over.

Guess what, bubblebutt bernastypants. This isn’t over.

And all you had to do was admit that you lied about what you did. But you couldn’t do that, could you? No.

Is that why you got shuffled off the Kearsarge so quickly? And sent to the reserves before you finished 4 yhears of AD?

Just how much of a troublemaker were you on either of those ships, you splink splinter?

All I wanted was an apology but instead, you posted a libelous comment about me on my own blog, which said comment will be permanently in pending, and the right people now have copies of it.

Then you came here to TAH and did the same thing right here http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=38816&cpage=22#comment-1096353 which people can click on now, for review.

This place is merely a collecting point for anyone who is REALLY interested in your long, lifetime career of being an unendurable asshole. Stealing from your own clients? Stealing someone else’s work? Stealing someone else’s retirement portrait?

Those are all things you did, you obnoxious little creep, all gathered together here in a public forum for anyone who wishes to review YOUR HISTORY.

It’s all about you, daniel a bernath. All the vile things you’ve done, collected in one place for easy reference.

Have a nice day. Smooches! <3


EX-PH2 … Can you please stop beating around the bush and tell him and us how you actually feel?

Just sayin’!

Leonardo Gemma

Please PLEASE PLEASE contact the good men and women near his hometown VFW post: http://www.tualatinvfw.com/biography/comrade-daniel-a-bernath/#comment-12738. They must have been duped and victimized by this shit stain as they have a huge bio page of him there – with the above picture and all his “awards” plus battle medals (six not the three he earned) etc. Makes me sick. FYI: He is also suing a former law partner where Bernath’s wife gave an affidavit that says he takes multiple painkillers and has to catheterize himself four to five times per day, is always in pain and rocks himself back and forth in a fugue catatonic state! Perhaps the FAA should be sent a copy of this thread to investigate? Do we want this guy flying over us in his new plane? And don’t believe the crap about his flying a Beechcraft Bonanza – that is a certified airplane and he only has a license to fly light sport airplanes. Unless of course he’s violating the FAA law and regulations pertaining to airplane operation which Bernath would probably not hesitate to do. The claim against the manufacture of the plane he recently crashed is pure BS. He admitted to the sheriffs deputies that he misjudged the winds and ran out of gas! He also said he was uninjured. Now he wants millions of dollars in a lawsuit for his “injuries”! He has failed to cooperate with the NTSB and FAA in the investigation and there exists no evidence whatsoever of any fuel tank problems in the airplane he ran out of gas in and….gee, crashed!he then solicited every owner of the type of plane to “join” him in his lawsuit – (against the law as it is a direct solicitation from a guy who isn’t even a lawyer in Oregon! As previous posts note, he was suspended from the practice of law in California and then lied to Oregon when he tried to gain admission to the Oregon bar! He was denied admission because he was of “unfit moral character”. He stole from clients, forged documents, didn’t pay child support, the list… Read more »


@1065 I have sent multiple messages to the Tualatin VFW in which Daniel A. Bernath is a member (as you referenced). Also, others have contacted the national office of the VFW. So most all avenues are being covered including two TV stations in Portland and the Portland Oregonian Newspaper. As Master Chief, MCPO NYC RET, says, one bit of the apple at a time. So we will see what fruit comes of these contacts.

Green Thumb


They keep wiping posts. Respectable, well-stated and clear posts, not garbage,, slurs and threats.

2/17 Air Cav

@1065. “Please PLEASE PLEASE contact the good men and women near his hometown VFW post.”

“Perhaps the FAA should be sent a copy of this thread to investigate?”

“I am certain he did not inform California of a pending legal investigation in Oregon and this post/thread would be helpful in getting the California bar to re-examine his fitness to practice in that state.”

“These threads should also be copied and sent to the FBI with the demand….”

“Finally, as stated, a copy of this thread should be sent both California and Oregon bar committee grievance panels….”

Why are you imploring others to take the steps you would like to see taken? Do what you think ought to be done.

Army Medical

maybe someone should notify the California bar about his problems in Oregon?


@1067 Green Thumb you are right. I get no responses from the VFW Post in Tualatin at all. I have only written them well stated and polite messages also. I can see if they have read the messages I send. I know they saw the first but they haven’t looked at the second as yet. In my last one I was polite but a bit sterner in my opinion of their lack of response, in having Daniel A. Bernath’s Bio still on there web site. I told them that while I hold the VFW in high regard, their particular Post is leaving something to be desired in regards to their lack any action. We’ll see what happens.

@1065 Leonardo Gemma. Please feel free to jump in any time. As 2/17 Air Cav posted get going and send your own emails and comments to whomever you think should see them. Others here have done a lot of heavy lifting already but if you want to help, by all means, get involved.


I think I remember reading somewhere that Bernath did that VFW post’s webpage.

If so, he may also be running their e-mail. Often for a small operation, the same individual also is the e-mail administrator. And if the e-mail addresses listed there are on the server he’s administering, the hypotheticals become really interesting.

It might be a better option to phone one or more of the VFW Post’s leaders. Or to contact the district office (if you can locate their contact info – I haven’t yet been able to), or the state office.


Amidst the upset and turmoil over one Daniel A. Bernath I would like to post something to the “Family” here at TAH.

Though I am relatively new to TAH I appreciate the warm welcome I have received over the last 9 or 10 months. I found this site while surfing the web, recovering from a left knee total replacement. Nothing much to do except entertain myself then. (By the way, come February 24th I am getting the right knee replaced.)

I hold each and every one of you in the highest regard as fellow veterans. I appreciate what each of you has given to our country in your service.

You are men and women of honor and integrity and it means a great deal to me to be numbered among you.

I also appreciate the hard work Jonn and all the administrative staff of TAH did and do in creating and keeping this site up and on the air five-by-five.

So on this day I say Thank You to all of you for all of your kindnesses and patience in putting up with my less than great writing at times. I am not nearly as smart or educated as most of you.

Have a wonderful day all of you and God Speed to each and every member of this “Family”.


Here’s the info for the Oregon VFW:

Commander’s name is Jason D. Carroll

Veterans of Foreign Wars
Department of Oregon
12440 N. E. Halsey Street
Portland, OR 97230-1927
Phone: 503-255-5808
Fax: 503-255-5817

Department e-mails:

The VFW service office:

Service Officer’s name is Travis Hersheim

100 S.E. Main Street
Suite 200
Portland, OR 97204

Phone: 503-412-4757
Fax: 502-412-4758

I suggest you print out your e-mails to the Tualatin VFW, Sparks, and fax them to both parties.

Master Chief, if I said what I really think, your computer would blow the circuitry in your house.


He can run the site all day long. VFW National has Bernath and his antics for actions!



Thanks for your words above and the emails you sent me!

It is I (or we) who should be thanking you. Your incredible dind of the real PH1 Sheppard was huge. And speaks to quality of the dickweeds that hang out here. It also speaks to jonn’s uncanny ability to attrack and continually maintain a battalion of such notewhorthy and accomplished dickweeds.

So in summary, from one dickweed to another … BRAVO ZULU (well done)!


Geez, I posted all the Oregon state VFW info and didn’t click on ‘submit’.

Sorry. Here’s a link to their contact page: http://www.vfworegon.org/contact_information.htm

I suggest that if you’re going to contact them, you use both e-mail and fax. Print out what you sent to the Tualatin VFW and fax that, and forward those e-mails to the Oregon state office.

Yes, Sparks, I owe you a big ‘thank you’ on finding Shep. I knew there was more to this than met the eye.


Here’s the link to the Oregon state VFW.


Try both faxing and e-mailing what you sent to Tualatin.


For some reason, my posts are not going through.


I’m going to try this again. http://www.vfworegon.org/contact_information.htm


Master Chief, if I posted what I really think of bernastypants, your computer would explode and blow every circuit in your house.


Let’s try this link: http://www.vfworegon.org/

Click on the department link. That gives you the contact info.


Try putting vfw dot oregon dot org in the search block. Click on the department link. That takes you to the contact page.


Should people be going after this Captain William L. Bennett guy if he is real too? Or whoever attempted to blow up his ego?


I sent a polite and professional message with commentary and all necessary links to Jason. D. Carroll, Commander Oregon VFW.

It has been both emailed and faxed.

Thanks Ex-PH2 for the contact information you found. 😀

Leonardo Gemma

I’m just the son of a 25 year retired Gunny USMC. Dad’s been gone for years but would puke if he saw this and karate chop Bernath to the throat if he ever met him. I’ve never worn the uniform. That’s why I pleaded with you fellows to make it known to those organizations. Means more coming from a Veteran than from a civilian. IMO


@1082: per Ex-PH2, CAPT Bennett was the real deal, now deceased. He was apparently in very poor health (congestive heart failure, which is usually attended by loss of mental faculties) when the purported recommendation letter from him was written. It is highly doubtful he wrote the letter. Much more likely (although NOT PROVEN CONCLUSIVELY) that the Phony Chief wrote it himself and floated it out there, as he did with another (better) man’s retirement photo he appropriated and Photoshopped his own head onto. It’s his MO. The late CAPT Bennett almost certainly had nothing to do with this circus; another man’s honor the Phony Chief violated.


ExHack, I think that Ex-PH2 also said that the time lines didn’t work out for the Captain to actually have been on the ship with Bernath, so he probably didn’t even know him.


I would be more than happy to send letters and emails to whomever (the more the better right?) but as y’all can tell from my commenting here, I’m a few fries short of a happy meal. If someone could post sorta a form letter or something I could use as a template I’ll take my snark from the web to the World!


Guys. You are not tracking. VFW Oregon was notified and did not respond – twice.

VFW National responded immediately.

Shit rolls down hill better than up.

Email who you want. But it is the PR guy at VFW who owes us a response now!

VFW Oregon and VFW Tigard (?) They will not respond … Because they are aware and may have know about this for a long time!


@1088 Thanks Master Chief. I never thought that because I guess I held the VFW, either the local Post or the State level, to a high standard. I am sure it does not speak to the VFW at large. I honestly do not believe it does considering the quick response of the National VFW. I have also known many VFW members and they are all honorable people of integrity as far as the ones I know and the ones here on TAH. I guess sometimes in-house policing of members is the hardest to deal with.


@1082 – Captain Bennett was CO of the Yorktown for slightly less than four months after our nasty dandan the bernastyman bernath arrived. The Yorktown had a crew of nearly 1000, and as one CO said in an interview with ABC while he was doing his morning rounds on an aircraft carrier some 30 years later, it is more than difficult for one person to know much in the way of details about each member of the crew. He has to rely on the leading petty officer, the division’s lead CPO, and the division officer for information.

To fake a LOR from a man who was slipping away from us in the last few months of his life in a military nursing home, as bernath did, is as low as anyone can possibly get.

But bernath has a longtime habit of forging client signatures on settlement checks and keeping the money for himself, and then suing them when they try to collect from him. That is in the public record.

You need to go back and read my post about CAPT Bennett, up above. He died in 2006 after a prolonged illness. He fought in WWII and Korea.

This creepazoidal splink splinter bernath isn’t fit to stand within 100 miles of his shadow.

Or Shep’s, either for that matter.


Can we get an IP check on #1087?


Why is there no movie about the glider pilots of World War II?


PH2–I was on a command (Proteus) where I met the CO exactly ONCE in six months. The CO has a lot more to deal with than some anonymous E-5 (or lower) who barely knows where his rack and the mess decks are located.



Street – Why do you want an IP check on me? I was truly asking for help in writing a letter to the Bar ass. in Oregon and California. Let me give you an example of what I have so far.

“Dears Sirs or Madams or Whomever reads this.

I would like to bring to your attention one Daniel A. Bernath. If you will kindly follow this link http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=38816&cpage=22#comment-1114659 you will see that this shitstain has been picked apart to the point there’s nothing left but toenails and ass hairs. He is undeserving of practicing Law in your fine state. And would just make jokes like ” How do you save a drowning lawyer? Take your foot off his head” appropriate . Thank you for your time and for the chance to see a tumble weed when I was in Oregon. I’d never seen one before, though it rained a lot while I was there.”

See why I could use some help? But I assure you it is me Valky that’s been hanging out here for a while now.

Green Thumb


That’s what I have been saying.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Val@1094, I believe that Street was meaning the poster @1082 who insinuated that the late Capt. William L. Bennett was a fake and poser himself.


I will put up what amounts to Press Release tomorrow.


Concur with what NHSparky said above. In general, an O5 or O6-level commander doesn’t see vast majority of the “average Joes” in his command terribly often. He/she simply has too much to do and too many of them to get to know personally (in the Army or USMC, an O6-level command often will have somewhere around 4000-5000 troops).


Daniel A. Bernath, the more I have thought on this today the more upset I have become. We have seen posers and perpetrators of stolen valor here many times. You are at the bottom of the list of the lowest of the low among them all now. I hold you in the most contemptible regard. PH1 JOHN R. SHEPPARD, USN (RET), is still today a man of honor, integrity and proven valor. Having served 5 tours in Vietnam with SEAL Team 1. Going in harms way, in order to document their story for our country. Armed primarily with a camera. He is a hero and his valor is without question. Now he is in terrible health due to exposure to Agent Orange. Exposure during his selfless time on the ground. Documenting deeds, not of himself but of others. You, Daniel A. Bernath, when you stole his image for your personal use, you also stole his years of service (hash marks) and medals. You laid claim to be a man you are not. In the uniform and with the awards of a far, far better man than you have ever been or ever will be. What you could not then and can now NEVER steal from him, is his true honor, integrity and valor. He EARNED those through his selfless service in wartime and a life’s career given in service to our country. You did not! You have demonstrated full well now that you have none of those qualities of honor, integrity and certainly not valor. You stole from a true hero, the shoes of whom, you will never be fit to shine. Growing up, the hardest thing for me to hear from my parents was, “shame on you”. It cut to the quick and made me look at my heart and what I had done. It was more effective than any punishment I ever received. I would say to you Daniel A. Bernath, shame on you! However I believe shame is a feeling to which you are immune. I believe your heart and mind are scarred and hardened to the… Read more »


Folks, I’d really recommend making comment references by the identity of the one making the comment vice by comment number (e.g., “@###”). If you reference a comment by number only, things can easily go to hell in a handbasket later.

Here’s why: sometimes one or more comments get caught in “pending” status for a while. If/when Jonn releases them, they appear in the comments in date/time order – and any comment number references after that point can get royally screwed up.


Thanks PH-2 and ExHack. So it is probably safe to say that those other LORs he wrote are fake and probably forced too. Unbelieveable. I was going to skim and check to see if anyone wrote whether those letters were forgeries that he keeps on putting out there. His website is full of “testamonials” about himself.

Green Thumb

I am serious when I say that Bernath should apply for a position within All Points Logistics’ (APL) legal department.

Being that it is non-existent, maybe he could become yet another “Vice-President” under Commander Phil Monkress.


Hondo–skimmers certainly are like that. Granted, boats are a bit of a different animal, with a typical SSN having maybe 130 people on it, and many watchstations (including most senior in-rate nuclear watches) requiring CO approval.

Even when I was an RCSS (Radcon Shift Supervisor, CO approved position) on the Holland, I barely interacted with officers in the command outside my division or the Ship’s Duty Officer. Even dealing with CPO’s wasn’t a daily occurrence.

Bottom line, I remember Captain Young, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t remember me, even after he signed off on my first NAM. So no, Buttblast Bernath, your story is, to put in nicely, a steaming pile of warm runny shit.


@C2Show, yes, because on one of them bernutsky uses the name of my division officer at the NAVPHOTOCEN, NAS Anacostia, WDC, who retired from the Navy as the CO of the Atlantic AV Command, and when I checked some of the leave requests I had in my service record, there was his signature as well as the MOPIC division, where I worked.

The tipoff in that particular ‘lor’ fakery was the phrase ‘for chief petty officer, which he should have been’. That is completely baloney. I worked for that man for 2.5 years. I think I know more about him than this byproduct of an asswiper bernath.

I think it’s fair to say, considering bernutsky’s lifetime history of lies, faking things, and forgeries, that every LOR on his ‘bio’ is pure fiction.

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