Phony General? (now with added Phony Goodness)

| April 13, 2009

Someone sent me this picture of a fellow he sees frequently around a local ROTC detachment. Our tipster says he believes the guy served in some capacity in the military but doubts his claims that he did 3 tours at SOCOM or that he’s a Major General.

Me? I’m just enjoying the military goodness of the pictures;

Like you are, I wondered what the glob of patches on his right shoulder are so I blew the picture up a bit;

For those of you who might not know, the patch on your right shoulder is supposed to be one of the units that you served in during combat. He’s added a Ranger tab and a Special Forces tab – which is completely unauthorized. Anyone who has ever worn the stuff for real knows which shoulder it goes on.

Here’s what he’s wearing over his left breast;

Yeah, the Combat Infantry Badge is a “Group 1” badge which means it goes over the Aviator Wings, a “Group 3” badge. It’s right in the AR 670-1 as an example;

Again, anyone who ever was awarded the CIB knows why it goes above everything else. It’s an exclusive club – one to which the three bloggers here all belong and we get reallly mad at people who wear them and haven’t earned them – ask Geof Millard. I don’t know where every single medal goes, but I know how to wear my own uniform.

I know that a general wearing a Good Conduct Medal is rare – he could have some enlisted time (officers don’t get the GCM because officers are supposed to be good all of the time without a medal) but that’s a long way to travel from three years of enlisted time (a GCM is awarded for three years of not stepping on your junk) to a two-star general. I also noticed that his Distinguished Flying Cross is placed higher than his Silver Star and his Legion of Merit is supposed to be higher than his Bronze Star.

You guys can pick over the medals in the comments if you want. Here’s a link to a .pdf Army Regulations 670-1 Wear and Appearance. And here’s a link to medals. Knock yourself out. I noticed a few other discrepancies – but I’m going blind look at all of this guy’s stuff.

I remember when I taught ROTC at the University of Vermont in the late 80s, uncles and parents would show up in a lot of weird shit at graduation but this guy takes the cake.

I forgot to ask; Is that a really flat beret on his head?

Added: Our tipster sent along a picture of the general’s left side – I’m glad he balanced out the long tab and short tab on both sleeves;

Is that crooked-ass tie part of a general’s uniform, too?

Expect updated posts on this fellow.

Category: Phony soldiers

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He has a freakin CAR (combat action ribbon) !!! let me guess he did a tour in the Korean War as a Scout Sniper too

Diane Baxter

The wonders of the internet. While searching the web I came across this story. I was married to this fool. Glad to see others have acknowledged what I’ve tried to inform the courts during legal actions. He is indeed a fraud. I was not aware of his ARMY service. He was discharged as a MARINE when we married in 1969.

Thank you for shinning a light on this wanna be.


@52- welcome, Diane. You’ll be pleased to know that your esteemed Ex made it into TAH’s first annual stolen valor tournament based on his exploits. He did quite well amongst some stiff competition. He’s quite the fraudster, and I’m glad that you are no longer associated with him.


Interesting that he told you he’s a former Marine, Ms. Baxter. His official records on-file at the National Personnel Records Center show service in the US Army – not the USMC. Apparently he was lying to you all along.

As teddy996 said: good to see you’re no longer associated with this LSoS.


All I can say is Omg, I am another daughter of that… the
Fraud charles baxter, I always was told marines, and when I went to visit, he said army
I said huh? I also received one if those dreaded coins, I knew he was a fraud
My mother divorced him I didn’t see him again until I was an adult, this is
So embarrasing, let me just say, all of my siblings, are wonderful people
Enlight of this ,and you all just salitified what I already knew, just had no proof! I am speechless and
Just spoke to him last week and he always talks about, his military awards, va hospital visits etc.,
I even questioned things he’s said, I can’t believe that this is been being investigated since
2009? And to date he still makes the same claims, unbelieveable! Lastly, I wonder does he know that your on to him, I wonder if anyone has told him he needs to stop this crap?!