Shane Kunzeman; phony Army Ranger
Our partners at Military Phonies send us their work on this fellow, Shane Kunzeman, who operates a resume writing business called Your New Life. For some reason, he thought it would be a good idea that he should become an Army Ranger, but he came to that conclusion after he left the Army, you know, when it was too late for him to attend training or to be assigned to a Ranger unit;
He did spend less than three and a half years on active duty as a 92A automated logistical specialist in an aviation unit in Germany. The he spent about a year and a half in the Army Reserves and he worked at the Asymmetric Warfare Group (AWP) as a logistics contractor;
No training or assignments that would make him a Ranger, not even parachutist qualified.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
Hello everyone, I figure after the seven death threats that I’ve gotten this morning, and the man who called from an unknown number saying he’ll be at my office doorstep today and I’m sure a lot of you guys out there are extremely happy about that maybe another veteran will get killed who is a father and a husband and you can say that guy got what he deserved and since you guys decided to threatened my wife and kids and the attacks on my friends and clients maybe you all should know a few things. Remember you’re only seeing one side of the story , and if I’m going to be able to prosecute the people accordingly I can only say so much other than just reassuring you that it wasn’t me. So from the bottom of my heart, I am. Sorry for you all seeing this… I really am. I’m very much focused on doing so many other things for YOUR NEW LIFE THAT I am literally fighting for TIME I WAS GIVING MY CLIENT EVERY MINUTE OF IT. I couldn’t help everybody all at once so I had to start hiring A-Team. And a team turned into more veterans employed in working for me I couldn’t send out hundreds of emails myself because I was so busy trying to make sure I did everything right and helping other people that I had others sending emails to clients for me and helping me out with social media and doing my social media for me… because we just had a lot of people that needed help and that we were trying to help… I IN TURN NEEDED HELP. It is definitely a big lesson learned that they misunderstood me as far as working with Army Rangers and or being one. It is definitely my mistake I’m taking ownership of it all. I pray that the Rangers out there and many other soldiers forgive me but also got the Lord forgives me and sees my HEART. HAVE Spent And been working 20 hour days for the past year… PLEASE PLEASE… Read more »
No one believes that you got any death threats. The stolen valor issue is important to us, but not so much that it’s worth a life. You should call the police and make a report, though, if you believe it.
I wonder, should we start the checklist??
Maybe I should consider generating a This Ain’t Hell Bingo Card ®™
/just a thought
I’m surprised you haven’t done so already!😈😆🍺
And here it is!!!
Take a look at it and let me know what you think and I’m, as always, open to any and all constructive criticism/editing suggestions.
I’ve been givin a few suggestions for editing and will do so vis-a-vis the Wilbert “Beau” Bass; phony SEAL
I like it !!!
Good job !!!
Not buying the death threat line at all.
Do believe you are a lying twerp, Shane Kunzeman.
And you cannot write well, either.
And invoking “THE LORD” as cover for your lies makes you even more despicable, and exposes you even more for a shyster fraud extraordinaire.
Go to the pharmacy and buy a case of Grow-A-Cet©™ and learn to man up.
Given the way he talked about himself in that comment, I thought for a second he was going to claim he had healed the blind and raised the dead!
And don’t call me Shirley!
I would go even further and suggest that you forward these death threats to Jonn as well.
Ya see, we have (he has) a low tolerance for fucktards who pull shit like that, and anyone here who would even think of doing such any thing would be shown the door most ricky-tick.
Your move, Scooter.
Shane – I got a headache trying to read your post. Edit it… mix in something resembling sentence structure, punctuation. It sounds like a little kid that got caught in a lie.
If you’re truly sincere about apologizing for this, stop hiding behind your business, friends, family, wife, kids, neighbors, other vets, the dog next door, etc. We’ve heard this type of drivel before, and frankly, it’s boring. If you’re apologizing, then MAN UP and do it. Otherwise, go away and deal with your lies.
As for the “death threats” – take Jonn’s advice and call the police.
Let us know verifiable specifics on your reporting of those alleged death threats…BTW, lying to LE is a serious offense…White boys don’t get the privilege of being let off the hook for a hoax. And anyway, why would anyone want to kill you for being a phoney….you’re self-destructing well enough. I do have sympathy for your family though, even though it’s your actions creating this mess. What’s next, you check into rehab?
I wonder if his wife and daughters know what a real man looks and acts like.
I’m thinking test tubes, Petri dishes and jerking off to a copy of GQ in a hospital men’s room stall were essential for him to procreate…what “man” would ever drag their family through this.
Read up and the daughters are adopted, poor things. He may still need a case of Grow-A-Cet©™ to be able to procreate.
I bet the judge that granted the adoption is having second thoughts.
If you have received death threats, report the details to your local LEO.
But please be aware that filing false reports can get you some free lodging in the jail.
Personally, I think you are either (a) delusional or (b) lying or (c) all the above plus some.
Say what? Dude, lay off the speed.
I wholeheartedly agree that you need to report any and every death threat you receive to Law Enforcement ASAP. As to your post, LIGHTEN UP just a little bit, you sound like you made your morning coffee with Red Bull ®™️ and you’re ranting like a lobotomized 2LT on LSD! You fucked up, got called on it, and now it’s time for you to man up, admit it and drive on in life! Seriously, I got more convincing rebuttals from my Son when I or my Missus caught him in the cookie jar or ice cream!
What you need is remedial English and a swift kick in the nuts. I don’t care what order. Go get a shovel and clean up your mess, and I hope your wife and kids can forgive your lies. And don’t call me Shirley, you lying sack of shit.
That statement is akin to Hillary explaining her greatest accomplishment at State. Rambling, disjointed bullshit.
LOL what a drama queen and a liar. Why do you guys always do this? Everytime someone catches you bullshitting…you pull the “I am getting threats” card hoping it will make things go away or you will get sympathy.
Own up to your shit.
Firstly this explains a lot about supply issues in the Army. Secondly This guy gets paid to write resumes for people looking for jobs? Does anyone actually get hired?
I think this guy is upset because he screwed me out of $800 for his shit service. I can go on and on about the lack of professionalism and organization. His service didn’t provide a single resume to any of the supposed contacts he provided.
Regardless, he also said his Mother and Daughter died and that’s why he failed at his service. Weird, his dead daughter got death threats? Yet another damn lie.
Shane Kunz
emanWell he’s half right
Oh Shane do tell us which half is right?
This is what happens when you can’t keep track of the lies!
Shane Cuntman just called me, returning the call that I had attempted yesterday. He insists that I am his buddy, calling me “Buddy” dozens of times in the few minutes he was on the phone. After telling me that someone did in fact use his e-mail to send the lies, an ex employee, I asked him a very simple, very straight forward question: “Do you know who used your e-mail to lie about you?”, and he just began talking over me, not answering, then hanging up. Before hanging up on me, he did admit that in working with Special Operations types that he had not put on body armor and picked up a weapon, but was an office working type. I compared that to the Dominoes Guy that delivered a pizza to 7th Special Forces Group being able to claim that he “works with 7th Group”. I wasn’t convinced of his innocence in the call. When I tried to call him back to complete our phone conversation, he hung up again. Heezaturd.
And he (it?) remains true to phony form.
Shane Kunzeman – word of advice: when you find yourself in a hole, quit diggin’, boy.
Shane. Frankie Cee has a well earned reputation here (and elsewhere) for taking matters to their sources. In that regard, he is known to his local sheriff’s dept and for all the the right reasons. I have no doubt that he gave you some sage advice, but that you were evasive and talked over and around him instead of answering him. You screwed the pooch on that, Shane, and then made matters worse by hanging up on him when he called you back. Believe me, if you had told HIM the unvarnished truth, he would have said so right here and this would probably be at an end now. Alas, it continues. And again, get that police report done, if there’s any truth to your claim of threats against you.
Shane Kunzeman is tap dancing like a Vaudeville Performer on Meth!
I was gonna say, his shit is shakier than a 3-legged Chihuahua with Parkinson’s on a frozen pond.
Shane has some issues. On the one hand, he says he apologizes and takes ownership of his fictional claims. On the other hand, he now asserts (more than once) that he has received death threats and that his wife and children “are being attacked as well.” As Jonn said, no one here would ever do such a thing and, Shane, make that police report. As for FB comments that you don’t like, may I suggest that you get the hell off FB? Try establishing a website for your business and keep your business separate from social media. And do try to rid yourself of the victimhood you have assumed. It’s quite unbecoming and you don’t play the role convincingly.
Shane Kunzeman is currently waiting in the on-deck circle for his chance to make it into the Big Show.
At the rate the comments were being posted, this one should just about put him over the top.
Is he there yet?
Almost, Claw. Another five and he hits the magic number.
This one might do it. Still time to fess up, Shane.
Shane Kunzeman is over the top and made it to the Big Show.
Unfortunately, I’m thinking he whiffed at three straight pitches in his one and only plate appearance./smile
I do NOT tolerate competition…fess up boy and stop being an asshole
Sorry DWB, I think he’s the bigger asshole…
Speaking of assholes…
The “Hair” makes a great appearance with his war of attrition against the fakes.
Get some…
I am not calling Mr Shipley an asshole, although I am certain that many fakers out there might attest to the “Assholiest” quality of both him and his lovely wife “Diane.
I am speaking of the morons that go through the motions and use Stolen Valor as a crutch…
“Assholiness” ?????
Just can’t resist.
All in jest.
“over 7 death threats”, and how were they delivered? By phone? you have the number, since you use a cell phone. By e-mail, simple to track back as well. By a message taped to a rock and pitched through your living room window? That would be harder to trace, but not impossible. If, in fact, you did have actual death threats, I am sure that you would not waste your time with us, but would be sitting on the lap of law enforcement, telling them of the threats and showing them the proof. I once had a death threat, one that I chose not to handle myself because it truly did involve my wife and kids, and it was delivered via the ol’ message taped to a rock and tossed through my living room window, during Sunday evening TV when the family was watching “The Wonderful World of Disney”. I went to the police on that one, (42 years ago), because it did involve my kids. A neighbor, knowing what I was dealing with, (a trade union), snapped a photo of the tag on the car. The owner was arrested, and later prosecuted for multiple crimes, that threat among them. There is a way to handle things that actually take place, but coming, whining, to a blog is really not productive at all, Shane Kunzeman.
Having been the recipient of real death threats myself, and never having to resort to using Grow-A-Cet©™ personally, I know my first response was not to go whining to the interwebz.
I suspect that Shane Kunzeman has as much experience receiving death threats as he does as an Army Ranger.
A real Army Ranger would instead embrace the suck with glee.
“over 7 death threats”? Is that because he can only count to seven?
His dick size is likely three so don’t know where seven came from…maybe 7/11 where he mainlined a couple of gallons of Peruvian 100 Octane coffee to fuel his incomprehensible rants
Don’t rule out coconuts
Shane says on his facebook page that TAH doesnt have all the info, something about a missing DD214 from 2000-2002. According to his ERB, he didnt start basic training until 2002. I’d like to see this magical DD214 he speaks of but not holding my breath.
There is a DD214 for that time period, but it is meaningless.
It would be the DD214 covering his five months and 11 days when he was on active duty only for training purposes (BCT/AIT).
He then returned to his home station and a little later went active duty and was shipped directly over to Germany.
But, it’s not like the unit in Germany was any kind of a front line Divisional unit. That Aviation outfit (214th) provided the helicopters that flew all the VIP type Big Wigs from USAREUR headquarters around. Ash and Trash General Support missions were their stock in trade.
And he was just a parts clerk that probably drove back and forth picking up the repair parts that had been placed on requisition and came available for pick-up.
But probably not very good at even being a parts clerk. He was never awarded a Good Conduct Medal (although eligible), nor a Army Commendation Medal, and wasn’t even awarded a Army Achievement Medal (and the Army awards AAMs by the bucket loads) either for singular performance or as an end-of-tour/ETS award.
But as Shane Kunzeman slides into obscurity having had his day in the spotlight, why don’t we all give him a hearty AMF* and See Ya Later.
*AMF – Adios, Mother Fucker – (It’s a Nam Thing)
I noticed that after I hit send, my bad. Agreed on the additional time for training.
It appears he’s going by the poser playbook though, someone else made those comments about being a Ranger and jumping out of planes, wasn’t me.
He could have been satisfied with his honorable discharge but decided to shit on it, thinking it would boost business somehow.
The earliest entry on the ERB above isn’t for Basic. It’s his reporting in for processing to go on AD from RC status. Two weeks later, he was in Germany; Basic is substantially longer than that, let alone AIT.
As Claw noted, the 5 mo and change of additional active service referenced on his DD214 above was for his Basic and AIT. He did those after first joining, then left active duty and was assigned to the Reserve Components.
There would be a second, separate DD214 for that time frame. That earlier DD214 apparently wasn’t provided in response to the FOIA request that received the above docs as a reply. However, as I recall 5 mo (give or take) is about right for many MOSs for the combo of Basic, AIT, and some transit time between the two.
Damn, I didn’t see your second comment until after writing the above. No intent to “pile on”, Swormy.
No sweat Hondo. Im the one who hit send before I addressed the whole issue.
I remember, several years ago when some commenter at some blog made up some “Wanted” posters on various users of society. One of those guys chose to attempt to make the posters show as a “Dead or Alive” thing, when no where on them it suggested anything of the sort. That guy went to a blog to complain of “death threats”, even attempting a law suit, and got nowhere, but deep into a South Florida piney woods. I remember.
think that was Denny chevalier
Nay, that would be everyone’s favorite now deceased disbarred lawyer, who sadly has shuffled off this mortal coil.
The ignition coil from his airplane shuffled right up his mortal arse.
Maybe Shane Kunzeman could have saved himself a shit ton of self-inflicted heartburn if he had just come out and said something like “Yeah, I fucked up by claiming to have done things I really didn’t do, I was full of shit when I said it.” instead of spinning like a chihuahua chasing its tail while on LSD.
Shane Kunzeman does not know me.
And I thought I was up your creek after the crash…to be unknown to Jack Shit is just too damn awful to contemplate…I think I’m getting an afterlife case of the piles
Hello, To the owner of this site, I am reaching out to you to ask if you would drop the information about me from your site as well as I wanted to formally apologize to the VETS that this upset, and take ownership as a Veteran and as a brother in Christ. I would like to address the situation to that you may know my intentions and know that I didn’t mean to upset you and mislead anyone. I was taught a valuable lesson from this as an owner of a company that is impacting many VETERAN lives and trying to help them. I will make sure that I am number 1 very specific with my verbiage with talking about my affiliations, and just plain down right not mention special ops or the Army Rangers at all….and I will just leave it out completely and offer our services with the word of mouth testimonials we have Already so you will not see any more mistakes from my self and my team moving forward. I pray you will forgive me and please take this down from the site. It is making it extremely hard for our creditability that we have worked so hard for. I know that some of you will make some more comments and say here is the “BEGGING” But honestly the LIVES OF VETS and the future of the VETS that work for me are WAY MORE VALUABLE THAN MY EGO….And I just can stand by and not help these VETS OUT THERE THAT NEED OUR SERVICES….. So please consider removing this completely as I WANT TO HELP VETS AND I CANT MAKE AS BIG OF IMPACT WITH THIS ON MY NECK…. PLEASE ACCEPT MY APOLOGY. I have uploaded a video and addressed the issues at hand but mainly. I am just taking ownership…and if you won’t offer the forgiveness then I understand. Please know we are VETS HELPING VETS I want you to know that We are doing the right thing we are helping people and not being greedy, we give much more than we receive and… Read more »
“I have contacted CID, ICE, FBI and the local Authorities”
You left out NASA, NOAA and the National Weather Service.
He forgot the Mayor and the Dog Catcher as well.
I believe the candle stick maker has jurisdiction
And the Social Security Administration.
Until Scooter here files a suit against them as well, he’s strictly a small time amateur.
What about The Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes? Whenever they show up on your door, your problems seem to just go away.
It won’t come down, you made your bed, now lie in it. However, you made the 1st baby step, sort of, but you’re still making excuses about being hacked etc.
If you’re truly “owning” it, then own it and fess up completely without the excuses. Your Military Docs haven’t been compromised when they come directly from the source, that excuse doesn’t hold water.
You’re getting there, but you still haven’t grasped the lesson.
it didn’t sound much like an apology to Hack. Sounds more like he is sorry that you may have misunderstood what he posted, not that he is sorry for lying.
IF that is an honest apology, only time will tell. IF you follow through and quit lying about your military experience, I will consider forgiving you your bad behavior.
It’s up to you, Shane. This episode will not be forgotten. Forgiven? Maybe, some day, but it all depends upon how you act going forward.
Lying to and about veterans is NOT helping veterans. You express a desire to help veterans, but apparently were not willing to do the hard work required to do so. IF that has changed, you are the only one who can do the work to recover a rep worthy of support by the same people you have dishonored.
It won’t be easy but it can be done. But only you can do it. We are not going to pretend otherwise.
Well, I’m good with Shane’s message and this is my last comment about him.
You found him creditable?
I see no apology that says “It was me that made the false claims and I am sorry that I made those claims. And, on the “over 7 death threats”, and it looks like there is a claim that one was acted on, traced to Utah. In all the apologies, I see no heartfelt apology, just a plea to leave him alone, so he can continue with his business. I am not convinced of his sincerity.
Take it down?
Uh, yeah–NO.
And which “local authority” might that be, Scooter?
Shane Kunzeman:
You made your bed out of a pack of lies.
You claim to be “a brother in Christ”, and I throw the BS flag on your lying adz.
““You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
Or, more precisely:
“ὑμεῖς ἐκ τοῦ πατρὸς τοῦ διαβόλου ἐστὲ καὶ τὰς ἐπιθυμίας τοῦ πατρὸς ὑμῶν θέλετε ποιεῖν ἐκεῖνος ἀνθρωποκτόνος ἦν ἀπ’ ἀρχῆς καὶ ἐν τῇ ἀληθείᾳ οὐκ ἔστηκεν ὅτι οὐκ ἔστιν ἀλήθεια ἐν αὐτῷ ὅταν λαλῇ τὸ ψεῦδος ἐκ τῶν ἰδίων λαλεῖ ὅτι ψεύστης ἐστὶν καὶ ὁ πατὴρ αὐτοῦ”
You, Shane Kunzeman, by maintaining your lies, are not behaving “as a brother in Christ” but, rather, as a son of Satan.
From what I can see, the only thing you are sorry about is being caught out as a liar and a fraud. Your continued protestations that you are trying to help veterans and others smell like a feedlot. I retract that – a feedlot smells better.
There are few things that make me angrier than a fraud hiding behind the pretense of being a Christian. But what I should warn you is that God Himself will punish those who claim to be following Him:
““And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’”
“καὶ τότε ὁμολογήσω αὐτοῖς ὅτι οὐδέποτε ἔγνων ὑμᾶς ἀποχωρεῖτε ἀπ’ ἐμοῦ οἱ ἐργαζόμενοι τὴν ἀνομίαν”
The Lake of Fire awaits those who do that.
Shane – YOU shot your credibility in the foot the SECOND you claimed you were an Army Ranger and LIED about your service.
Here’s a little news item that showed up today – about a couple of former NFL players that FUCKED over VETERANS:
Take a few minutes and read it carefully – this may happen to you if you’re fucking over people that you claim to be helping.
“Stolen Valor is the tip of the iceberg…”
“PLEASE KNOW I HAVE RECEIVED DEATH THREATS and I have had my emails hacked into and my military documents and personal information compromised. I have contacted CID, ICE, FBI and the local Authorities, and thankfully we were able to trace it to UT and the proper authorities have the information…. I HAVE A CASE NUMBER from the local authorities for the death threats as well…… SO1835695 for which I know that some of you didn’t believe me.”
Listen carefully, child. No. One. Cares. You could have a million case numbers for your lies and it would still add up to zero.
You decided to be google famous. Congratulations on the reward for your hard work!
I’m willing to be you were told at least once by a Sr NCO not to write checks your ass cannot cash. You should have listened.
Stop sniveling, dry your eyes, and get real with yourself. No one like a poser. Truth to tell, you don’t like posers. Not only does it diminish your actual service, it is an attempt to diminish ours as well by creating a perception that veterans are either liars or fabulists.
Finally, I’ll give you the advice I have given children like you for years, when you get tired of fucking up, get on top. Get on top of your lies and own them. Get on top of the lazy assed way of dealing with the world through shortcuts and put in the work.
Want respect? Earn it.
This mans company cost me over $1000 dollars. He ripped me off and I am a one hundred percent veteran from Buffalo NY. He lied cheated and scammed me. My resume looks like the paragraph up above. Mis spelling punctuation errors. This man is not helping veterans and after asking for a simple refund I will make it my priority to expose him. He has stolen thousands of dollars from veterans and even had the audacity to ask me to tip him or send him s limo for him and his wife. Wonder what it is like for her to be married to a fraud. 20/20 and Dateline here you come. Please if you were scammed by this man reach out to me as I plan on going to authorities in Florida and in NY..
Thanks for sharing your version with us. As you can, please keep us posted how things are going.
Jake Ray,….I am originally from buffalo, n.y , now residing in florida. This piece of shit works for the same company as my wife. I have been researching him,as he seemed shady, before I even wandered on to this site. Let me know if you need any info…
This would have never happened if you had some fucking integrity and owned your mistakes and came clean with it.
You could have refunded the money but your ignorance and pride have gotten the better of you.
I gave you every chance to make the wrong right.
Now you can lay in the pile of shit you have created.
He begged for the removal of this thread, TOUGH SHIT, the internet is forever! As to those he has ripped off and done half-assed work for, I hope they find this thread and keep the Google ®™️ fame a’ coming his way. IMHO Shane Kunzeman still has a long way to go before he comes clean.
You made the choice to poke the bear and now you will suffer his full rath!
You had a choice.
Why would some one need to pay to have a simple resume drawn up? I learned how to do that in high school. And again in college.
Always wrote my own and I always got the job.
I can see where some jobs might require a bit more bullshit to get in the door but geezze it’s not like you can’t find a typewriter and pound out some truth about yourself. Ironic that this guy would be in the embelishment racket.
What’s a typewriter?
Clueless Millenial
One who corrects that which is typed in error.
Jonn has that power but I am told he rarely uses it. Sorry for the typo. /s
Not a jab at you. You did spell it correctly. Hack’s comment was a jab at the younger generations unfamiliar with what they consider to be obsolete hardware. When Hack first retired, he worked for a Defense Contractor in Arlington VA, and one of the new hires had no concept of long playing records. Hack did his best to explain it, but the young man thought that he was being jerked around by an old-timer.
I see that Shane Kunzeman is still tap dancing in the Farcebook comments, what a bunny fart!
You claimed the phone number that was provided on your response back to the questions that I asked you on facebook was you personal cell number Shane Kunzeman. The same number you gave me when I asked you to vett yourself.![comment image](
Bosnia? Iraq? Afghanistan? Somalia? Turkey?, and all over the CONUS? You was one busy secret squirrel stationed in a warehouse in Germany son.
We would love to hear about what Army Ranger Units that you were in? (Assigned to) SERE school? YOU, or someone that you claim works for you made those statements to me directly. So either you own it or you’re tossing someone under the bus.
“where I jumped out of airplanes”
Ok, where? We’re all ears Shane Kunzeman.
Was it on the tarmac when you tripped going down the stairs and did a triple gainer into a chock block?
I got suspicious when I noticed praises and referrals were screen shots and not actual posts on his FB page. I’m not an internet guru but I tried to see if any of the testimonials on his site were real. I only found one that seemed to be a real person. His FB page lists his employment starting in Sep 2017 as “doing tbat stuff” whatever that is. Doesn’t sound to me like the “Senior Executive Position” Shane helped him get.
I noticed that Military Phonies guys closed the comments section. But I saw your post there, I was going to reply that even his testimonials are questionable.
Ole Shane posted a iPhone screenshot of some guy saying he was referred for GS13 in DC and GS9 in Louisville. Huge difference between 13 and a damn 9. But referrals don’t mean shit on USAJOBS. He is showing people that as proof that he is good at federal resumes? Come on.
Shane-O, better start using better referrals, pal.
Few people are actually saying they were scammed by Shane.
I started my day with 12 fucks, and as of 1143L, I still have them all. Nice try Shane. I award you zero points, and we are all now dumber for having read your “apology”. May God have mercy on your soul.
ChipNASA: this thread might be a good opportunity to try out your new Official TAH Bingo Card.
Shane Kunzeman: To the owner of this site, I am reaching out to you to ask if you would drop the information about me from your site The fact of the matter is that you made claims, on Facebook and elsewhere, about previously being an Army Ranger. You also made claims about doing special operations and psychological operations. Based on commentary from somebody that knows you, at Asymmetrical Warfare Group, you have a history of making these kinds of claims. When one of these individuals contacted you, you had a perfect opportunity to clarify yourself. Doing what we recommended here, when someone from the original website first contacted you about your being an Army Ranger veteran, may have averted you getting a special mention on this website. Now that you are featured here, the article on you is going to stay. I say this based on previous requests made to the site owner. The best thing that you can do is to resist the urge to argue against the facts on you. Doing what we recommend here would be a start. Continuously tap dancing, as you have been doing since we saw this article, will only get you more responses and mentions. By extension, continued activity on this article, and mentions of your name, ensures that this website hovers at the top of Google search listings. Shane Kunzeman: as well as I wanted to formally apologize to the VETS that this upset, and take ownership as a Veteran Any apology that you provide should meet the recommendations mentioned earlier in this thread. Again: Acknowledge that you made the claims that you made here. Provide a sincere apology that admits your fault with the initial claims of being an Army Ranger. Your apologies should not attempt to save face for you. Inform us of how you intend to move forward doing the right thing. Post a similar version of this apology on your websites. Taking ownership of this includes taking ownership of the fact that it was you, not some errant employee, not some hacker, but you that made these Army… Read more »
Shane Kunzeman: I will make sure that I am number 1 very specific with my verbiage with talking about my affiliations, and just plain down right not mention special ops or the Army Rangers at all….and I will just leave it out completely and offer our services with the word of mouth testimonials we have Already so you will not see any more mistakes from my self and my team moving forward. Your mentioning the “downright not mentioning special operations or Army Rangers”, is an attempt to deceive. In fact, in our replies, we mentioned Army Ranger multiple times. The reader can see the context of the statements, and not walk away thinking that we were one. We simply did not make that claim. You can mention these groups, same as they are mentioned here, without making people believe that you were one of them, operating side-by-side with them, being an operator. In fact, you should not even have to do this when trying to advertise your business. You’re a veteran, you should simply mention your business as a veteran owned and operated business. People will respect that. However, if your marketing performance depends on you mentioning “working with” one of the special operations units, then your marketing is weak. Your business performance, centering on the number of successes versus non-successes for your clients, should be sufficient for your marketing efforts. This part of your reply is only a part of the apology, which should follow your acknowledgment, and taking responsibility, for originally making claims of being an Army Ranger. Don’t shift the blame or try to isolate it outside of you as the cause. Shane Kunzeman: I pray you will forgive me If you give us a real, sincere, apology meeting the recommendations we provided for you on this thread, then carry out doing the right thing regarding this in your future actions, most would forgive you here. However, with the way that you are trying to tap dance here, that you are trying to save face, that you are trying to make this disappear, and are trying to… Read more »
Shane Kunzeman: But honestly the LIVES OF VETS and the future of the VETS that work for me are WAY MORE VALUABLE THAN MY EGO….And I just can stand by and not help these VETS OUT THERE THAT NEED OUR SERVICES….. So please consider removing this completely as I WANT TO HELP VETS AND I CANT MAKE AS BIG OF IMPACT WITH THIS ON MY NECK…. PLEASE ACCEPT MY APOLOGY. Your constant insistence on having this article, and associated thread, removed indicates “control issues”. These are the same “control issues” that motivated you to make your false/deceptive Army Ranger, special operations, psychological operations, etc., claims. Your insistence on having this removed, by offering a non-apology, also indicates control issues. If you are so concerned about the other veterans, if you are concerned about their welfare, their future, as well as your ability to assist them, you would swallow your pride. Then, you would go back and read our comments on what you need to do to offer a sincere apology. Then you would follow our recommendations on how to move forward. Your commentary is also a symptom of somebody who realizes that he is losing control. You want to continue doing what you have been doing. You do not want to be held accountable for your actions. You are insisting that certain things occur, and are attempting to describe the negative impacts this is having on your company and client. You don’t have control over what those on this site do. However, you have control over your own actions. If you are concerned about veterans that need your services, about your need to help other veterans, then follow our recommendations on providing a sincere apology. Hint: your “apologies” in your videos, and here, are precisely what we will consider “what not to do” with regards to real apologies. You are trying to have it both ways. If veterans are more important than your ego, you would swallow your ego and follow our recommendations regarding sincere apologies. Shane Kunzeman: I have uploaded a video and addressed the issues at hand but… Read more »
Shane Kunzeman: Please know I am deeply sorry No, you are not deeply sorry for your actions. You’re only sorry for the fact that you got caught. If you are truly sorry, you would follow our recommendations for providing a proper apology and for moving forward. Shane Kunzeman: and I have attached a video link to my google drive with an apology. Providing a video with a speech parallel to what you’ve posted here and elsewhere, making the same mistakes with regards to how to make an apology, does not help your situation. In fact, looking at how you present yourself in that video, and your surrounding background, actually works against your business image. You actually did more harm to yourself with that video attempt. This is just an example of you attempting to control the situation, rather than control your actions. Shane Kunzeman: PLEASE KNOW I HAVE RECEIVED DEATH THREATS and I have had my emails hacked into and my military documents and personal information compromised. I have contacted CID, ICE, FBI and the local Authorities, and thankfully we were able to trace it to UT and the proper authorities have the information…. I HAVE A CASE NUMBER from the local authorities for the death threats as well…… SO1835695 for which I know that some of you didn’t believe me. Chances are that if you were hacked, someone was after information related to your company. Additionally, they may have interest in any other potential “high money victim” that they could go after as well. They won’t just go after your personal information regarding your military documentations and personal information, unless it will gain the hackers something valuable. I can’t think of something, at the moment, that’d drive someone to glean something valuable from your military documents. As a precaution, you should list this “hacking” event on your website, provide any precautions that you have implemented to protect your clients’ information, and what they could do moving forward. Having said that, your statements regarding hacking of your personal information, and the death threats, will not change the course of action… Read more »
the besig,
Eloquent, well written, and brutally honest as always. Nobody can dismantle a poser the way you do.
Read his words slowly and carefully. Not only is it incredible advice on how to un-fuck yourself, it’s what properly written English looks like. Read it. Learn it. Live it.
And on the subject of “properly written English”, please change “in-fuck” to “un-fuck”. Thank you for your support.
“In-fuck” changed to “un-fuck” as requested. 😀
Thanks on the “written” and “dismantle” part.
Here’s what’s responsible for the written potion:
I concur SFC D.
the besig: thanks for doing the work of systematic dismantlement of Shane Kunzeman’s pseudo-apology.
Shane Kunzeman you did this to yourself. Own it. Treasure it. It is yours f.o.r.e.v.e.r., boy.
I concur. Shane Kunzeman, you have been offered some VERY sound advice, and it would greatly behoove you to take and act upon it, it includes some good steps on how to begin in-fucking yourself. Seriously, if I were to search for an outfit with your services, your current conduct would make me steer clear of you like I did lot lizards during my days as a Trucker, you’ve been dodging and ducking like a kid caught raiding the cookie jar before dinner, MAN UP and answer to what you did!
Shoot, API, IMHO the lot-lizards would be a step up. They are at least honest about their intentions.
Hell,I feel like apoligizing after reading that and I didn’t do anything.
Jimmy cracked corn, and I don’t give a shit about you or your company.
YOU made the claims, now YOU get to be Google famous for the rest of your life as a liar.
Nothing wrong with having been a supply dude, nothing wrong with it at all.
Hmm. I always wondered what a human version of Sesame Street’s “Beaker” would look like.
However, I seem to remember someone else Jonn’s crossed swords with (figuratively speaking, of course) in the past already has that nickname here at TAH. So maybe this guy should be nicknamed “Beaker II”.
Would anyone like to know this guy’s real service record? I was his First Sergeant for 3 years. I was sent a link to Military Phony from someone on Facebook, didn’t surprise me to see Kunzeman on this web site. I dimed him out on Facebook to all of the people in our unit, B Co. 1/214th AVN., we were stationed in Wiesbaden, Germany. Everyone was pretty upset. Judging by the replies here, you all are upset too. I understand. If you want to know about his tenure in the Army, I will be glad to explain it. Thanks,
Sure. Fill us in on his “real service record.” Is it different from what is posted? Or are you just offering to fill in some of the gaps?
You betcha, 1SG. Give us all the good poop. We always want to hear the “Rest of the Story.”
Kuntsman has already gotten enough comments to have made it to the Big Show, with some more you can make him an All-Star.
Oops, should be a reply to Carlos.
Mea Culpa
‘sOK. 🙂
We be good, but no bonus for your grade of execution.
He was with us as a 92A Supply, just a regular supply guy that was Armor qualified, not an aviation supply. Spent most of his time in the front leaning rest position. He was never “down Range” at any time. Only Germany. No combat time or deployments. He ETS and left with an honorable discharge.
Having said that: an earlier posting someone had mentioned he didn’t have a Good Conduct Medal, an AAM, or ARCOM. He was eligible for a good conduct medal for 3 years of service but the commander and myself decided he did not qualify for it, nor did he deserve a AAM or ARCOM for his service. He did not meet the requirements specified in the regulations. I did give him a parting gift for his service to our country. I let him keep his canteen cup from CIF. I told him he may need it when he’s in the “soup line”. No, shit, I gave him a canteen cup. As I expected, he may use it. I was hoping he would take the point I was trying to make and try to do better in life. Guess it didn’t sink in. I am disappointed that he chose to use the “Vet helping Vet” thing. I will not go into great detail about his time in the company, as for the record, he served, he was discharged Honorably and that is that.
I hope he can move on from this incident, no one’s fault but his own, throughout the years since 2005, he has kept in contact with me and the others from the company. I guess he fell in with a bad crowd of fake people posing as “Business People” doing tbat thang. Whatever! He needs to get a real job, do the 9-5 like everyone else, and move on. Hope this clarifies some of the questions about his time while serving.
You gave him a Canteen Cup and told him…
I’m kinda upset about that canteen cup thing. Pissed because I wish I woulda thought of it! That’s hall-of-fame awesome! Thanks for the info Carlos, stick around, I think you’ll like it here.
And the fucked up thing is that I can’t find mine and they don’t sell them in the PX anymore! The folks at Indiantown Gap gave me a business card for a surplus store….
The Canteen Cup/Soup Line story just made him an All-Star. Thank You for that, 1SG.
Being the old Supply Sergeant that I am,I would also have made him sign a Statement of Charges for it on the spot before finally signing out of the Company./smile
No, strike the Statement of Charges. Would take too long to process out of his final pay.
Make that a Cash Collection Voucher.
Again, (it seems like I say this a lot) Mea Culpa.
Thanks for the intel, 1stSgt.
We can hope he gets his life in line and grows up. But the choice is his to make.
Hope to hear more from you in future postings.
Thanks muchly for the additional information. We often wonder around here what the backstories include. We have to assume that an honorable discharge means that a poser/embellisher served well enough to not get a downgraded discharge. But that can include everything from minor incompetence to exemplary behavior.
Not that everyone is a hard charger. Don’t really need for all recruits to be hard chargers. Sounds like you did the best you could for this one.
I have discontinued the company. My deepenst apology.I wanted nothing more than to help veterans. And I want my family and and others to be safe. This has obviously changed my life for the worst. I honestly worked hard for the vets and I did my very best. We were just not able to continue due to many reasons. Please accept this apology. Hopefully I can get things back on track for my family and future. As honestly all I want to do is help people from the bottom of my heart. I have learned many lessons in this company and with veterans. I can assure you that I am deeply sorry. God bless.
I have discontinued the company. My deepenst apology.I wanted nothing more than to help veterans. And I want my family and and others to be safe. This has obviously changed my life for the worst. I honestly worked hard for the vets and I did my very best. We were just not able to continue due to many reasons. Please accept this apology. Hopefully I can get things back on track for my family and future. As honestly all I want to do is help people from the bottom of my heart. I have learned many lessons in this company and with veterans. I can assure you that I am deeply sorry. God bless.
Shane you had all the tools to succeed, but failed your self and your family when you played the operator card. The group is a close knit group for a reason.
Let’s not count all his meritorious awards right???
Crucify and conquer! Crazy group!
Which ones cupcake?
Number one.. Im not a cupcake! That’s quite disrespectful!
Number two… why does it matter at this point if you already have crucified and buried! I have the commendations and verified, thank you!
Just thought a note of “ shame on you” also needed to be called on you as well!”
Thank you!
You have the commendations and verified, for someone allegedly arguing on behalf of somebody else. Hmmmmmmm…
Shane Kunzeman,, Cupcake, what Ranger Class did you complete? Give us the class number. I can verify and back you up if you give me the Class number. It is that easy.
Well, cupcake,
stupid is as stupid does. Guess what that makes you?
If an idiot speaks in the forest is the idiot still stupid? Yes.
If an idiot places a sock puppet post on TAH are they stupid?
Why yes, yes they are.
So there ya go cupcake.
By the way cupcake, respect is earned, never demanded.
Sock Puppet! Or sympathizer?
Canteen cup spunk guzzler
Google, Google Google, Shane
Shame on Shane for being a disgusting lying fake and fraud.
Go ahead, keep coming back and allowing us to have a chew toy.
It’s been a long time.
Sock Puppet! Yum Yum! So who is the face behind the mask, is it Shane? Mrs. Shane? Shane’s mommy?
it is Shane’s little pony, Penny Sue.
She is one stupid little cupcake.
Just someone who knows their family, friends of family. Often wondered what was going on… didn’t believe there was such a vigilante group like this till now. It’s really a shame. The person that wrote you above was not Shane, wife or parents I can verify that.. just another friend of family piping in. But I do know his father is a Marine, his aunt is a Marine, their family friends are Marines and officers in the Corps and Air Force, good people. They have all supported and backed him up. I know he does have commendations from his service for exemplary service. I have seen and read these myself. just in awe that whether he said one sentence wrong on purpose or not.. is it really worth all of this? And for the battering above of a couple people who just made a simple statement? I just don’t think it’s a good example for military people to do. Just an opinion. Nuff said.
He lied about his service… he never was a Ranger.
Get over it – he got caught lying.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Certificates can be forged, and bought on the internet. Have you seen orders to accompany those certificates?
stupid is as stupid does. What does that make you, Sue?
Coming here with such a lame sock puppet post is well, stupid.
I am quite certain you know as a fact that he is a liar. In fact, I’m betting you are quite familiar with his lies.
It never ceases to amaze me how these posers respond and manage to leave no doubt whatsoever to their true character. He went through the liars toolkit like a seasoned pro. “They” did it, not me. Then pity seeking, hiding behind religion, begging, whining and every sniveling little tactic imaginable. He’s the kind that will steal your wallet and later help you look for it. Have yet to meet one liar who is not also a thief. 2 kinds of thieves. Caught and not caught.
Shane is a complete fraud! I was stationed with him in Wiesbaden Germany. I was 1st Armored Division and he was in an aviation unit. We were roommates for almost a year before I deployed. Everyone now knows that he didn’t see a combat zone.
His constant lies were ultimately to much for me. Most of the shit that came out of his mouth was a lie. From the lies he told everyone about things he did in his unit to his family being millionaires. It was never ending. I’m glad the lies finally caught up with him. You lost it all, including your family because of it. Serves you right!