Mark Hans Smith; Sockpuppet phony
This one is from our friends at Guardian of Valor and it’s about Mark Hans Smith, by his own accounts he’s one of the top snipers in the US military. What? You don’t believe it? Well, check out this barely literate story he sockpuppet-wrote about himself.
I guess he failed punctuation in grade school. But, GoV busted him getting free training for his dog, which he also decorated with stolen valor finery. Don’t blame the pup. But when GoV advised the dog trainers to challenge Smith for his DD214, Smith dissipated into thin air. Or fat air, whichever is more appropriate.
According to his 2-1, he served almost a year as an infantryman, then he went to be a supply sergeant/unit armorer.
Here, compare the FOIA to the picture at the top of this post;
Actually, I’m surprised that he’s not who he says he is. He was really good at pinning all of those badges on his jacket. Who wouldn’t believe him? Oh, yeah, GoV has pictures of his truck, too. Dude doesn’t know when to stop. Anyway, they say he’s out shopping for more free shit to steal from real combat veterans up there in Washington state. So be on the lookout.
Category: Phony soldiers
Just catching up on the thread.
In my time from ’70-’72, I saw only two, both E-8s, one MSG the other a 1SG who had third CIB awards. Both WWII, Korean and Vietnam vets. They were still spry but hardened, tough, gnarly and above all, honorable men. Even without their CIB you could tell they had had tough military careers. Just the look, posture and demeanor they carried about them. A different “air” to them is the best way I can describe it. Always, exceptionally well groomed and attired soldiers from the high polish of their Corcoran’s to their perfectly worn cover. Both were getting ready to pull the pin on retirement shortly. If still alive they would have to be 90 or so better now. I am going on because they’ve always stood out in my mind. They were a different breed to me.
For Mark Smith to belittle their service by wearing that rare CIB award is beyond the pale of decency to me. Why wasn’t one good enough for him phony up with? Why go full tilt, off the reservation, ass hole like that?
Don’t these thinktanks realize that eventually, their nonsensical twaddle is going to catch up to them? Are they really that dumb?
Rhetorical questions, of course, but worth asking.
The majority of them just seem to do it because they think no one is watching, unlike some of the more unrepentant scum and villany that inhabit the nether world of nonheroics.
My best guess is that he is another “Paintball Hero.”
From the chow and supply line to the front line.
Dear God…
Please bring down the wrath upon this piece of creation that has defiled us, your honorable soldiers, along with others like him who ruin life as veterans. May the law be guided by your Spirit, so that they may find favor in the sight of your Son, our Lord Jesus, and bring the foolish such as this individual to face justice, first by the public opinion against them, the court system to send them the nice cold house with bars and concrete so that they meet Brothers Bubba and Thor, and then later in Your presence, to explain what they did was not only to defile us veterans who have honor, but our legacy as well, that we served You well. Amen.
The ISAF patch is only authorized in Afghanistan.Not to mention all the other BS. What a douche.
@54 Pineywoods NCO Amen Brother, and Amen.
I stopped at the top, with the pinned on SF Branch insignia. Pinned on upside down SF Branch insignia. Pinned onto a Goretex jacket, upside down SF Branch insignia.
@54… don’t forget brother “Tiny”….AMEN!!!
@57 George…there’s just no fixin’ stupid is there? How come these guys can operate a computer enough to have Facebook pages and exchange emails, but they can’t manage to Google, “US Army Uniforms and Awards, Proper Wear Thereof”. Never will figure that out.
What is that shit below his foreign jump wings?
Cannot really tell.
@60 Green Thumb I could not make those things out either. Glad it wasn’t just me.
@59, Sparky: nope. No fixing stupid.
I really did quit looking at his shitshow when I saw pinned on insignia on the Goretex. Then I looked again. At the sewn velcro for his nametape. And the velcro glued to the goretex sleeves. And the UCP watch cap.
I gotta admit that I didn’t pay attention to the CIB on the first go around. Single award, yeah maybe. Second award, I know a couple of those. Third award, no fucking way. HALO, nfw. Basic Airborne, I guess he didn’t have the balls to pin on Master Blaster wings. Then the Bullwinkle badge, again NFW. I can’t even tell what that last badge is, but it looks like he’s rubbed the matte off enough to make it look important like a mustard stain…again, which I’m glad he didn’t have the balls to pin on.
I don’t even know what the foreign jump wings are.
The closest I can find to the top right set of wings is the Navy/Marine Corps jump wings. And that can’t be right. Right?
The bottom…I’m still looking.
I looked at the stuff on the GoV site. This fuckwagon was in the WAARNG at the same time I was, on the other side of the state.
I very much would like to tapdance on his empty, lying skull.
Correction: Naval Parachutist
I got seasick trying to read his press release.
Whew. The top right are Iraqi jump wings. Not sure when anyone would have earned them. Has there been a joint service jump with the Iraqi Airborne? IS there an Iraqi Airborne?
@62 George, by golly I was thinkin’ the same thing. He couldn’t find a real deal star so he rubbed that badge to go for the “Mustard Stain” look. I think he is bullshit on anything Airborne anyway. Just doesn’t have the look or physique for of anybody Airborne I ever saw. Much less a combat jump. Only thing he ever “jumped” on was a couple of pork roasts…at once. For looks though, the dumbass does have that “stoopid, ‘tarded cock-eyed” look down pat.
No offense to anyone out there either, stoopid, cock-eye, ‘tarded or any combination thereof.
@65 Good find on the Naval Parachutist Wings my man! Iraqi Airborne…no that one has me laughing. At the Iraqis and this turd.
Did you see on his left shoulder the 3rd Ranger Battalion Tab?
Amazing. We have these POS in Canada also, both old and young. It makes one wonder what their COA is. Goatee and all this fella shakes me up. Ohhhhhh. A good piece of hickory and a wood shed could possibly assist!
Sorry found the 3rd Ranger Battalion tab on the Guardian Of Valor site close ups.
I will keep an eye out for this asshat, as I get to Spokane VAMC quite often. His blue GMC sticks out like a sore thumb with all the bullshit lights and the bug deflector. Hope I run into the fat-fuck!
Asked a friend of mine about the miniature row and the unidentified is the rigger badge.
‘Role me over’? WTF.
@74 Cacti35, Not asking where you live but what is your drive time, say on I-90 to Spokane? Gives me a rough idea anyway. I am in Tri-Cities.
@76 George…he’s been rolled over…several times it looks like. That’s what he truly needs is a good ass beatin’ then roll ’em over and beat the other side till it’s just as ugly!
@77……….Sparks, sounds like you want form up the”Poser Trail” I live in Vancouver Wa. Might as well include Helena Mt. And include Robert Danny Hay.
No. Shiteating. Motherfuckin’. Way.
That asswipe needs a good heavy duty ASSWHIPPING! I hope he gets pounded like Bernath and fat boy!!
@79 3/17 Air Cav. Glad you’re close. Relatively. You’re right about Danny boy Hay. He;s close enough to include. I like it over here in the east side. Before I retired from the phone company I had to go to the coast of WA, OR and Northern CA a lot for work. While I respect the hell out of you Air Cav, I’d rather have a scorching case of the clap than drive in the traffic over in your area! 😀 Actually…one of the few things that scares hell out of me! The folks over there are nuts on the road. Not like LA mind you but still…you’re a takin’ your life in your hands when you hit that on ramp from I-5 or I-90 to the 405. 😀
@81……Sparks, guess what? When your retired you don’t have to drive in that bull shit. I live just off of 84 on a bench looking out at the Columbia river. Eagles, osprey, geese ect. It’s a slice of heaven.
Meant just off of 14.
Cacti, wtf is that canister hanging off the left side of the luggage rack on his car? Nitrous oxide? O2? Some 007 shit?
@83 3/17 air cav that’s a pretty part of the state. Lot’s of wind surfers on the river down there. The wife and I use to go to a place in the Dalles called “The Columbia Gorge Hotel”. Had been around in the 20’s and was an exclusive Hollywood getaway then. They had the Rudolph Valentino Room. The Pizza Hut there had an all Tillamook cheese, Cheese Pizza. Man it was gooooooood!
Yea Highway 14 runs all the way from south of me at Plymouth over to where you are. I better get back on topic brother.
@85…… Sparks, I’m real familiar with that hotel. I drive by it 84 on the way to see my college baseball buddies at eastern oregon university in Lagrande oregon. As for tillamook cheese have some in my frig right now
Sparks agreed back to topic.
@87 air cav…did a lot of work in Lagrande and all the on the route north to Joseph with all the little towns in between.
@89 air cav…now ya tell me. 😀
Apologies to everyone. It was my fault, I started it all. It’s on me.
He earns an EIB, leaves the Guard as an E-6, WTF, WTF, WTF, WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe “Ass-Smith” can go the way of “Taint Boy” Matthew Beck and get that stuff tattooed on his body.
*removes glasses dramatically* My God…
*GAG!*. Jesus H. CHRIST on a bamboo raft!! What-da-? Is it me, or are the vast majority of these sooperdooperseekritsqwirrel billybobbadasswannabes sniveling, slovenly, flabby fatasses? I swear I could feel my IQ drop ten points while I read his “bio”, and my head still HURTS!
EIB …. we called it a “CIB With Blank Adapter”. Got mine on my first try in 1980. Never thought much of it … my Father and Grandfather both have the CIB — I spent 20 years and never saw a shot fired in anger (being targeted by Ma-Deuces on a live fire at Irwin is not the same … close, but not the same).
I caught a couple of his pin-on “i am a stud” shit but am having a hard time seeing the others. Some a few on here have id on but could someone locate and identify all of them for me?
I am pretty sure that the CIB was awarded for Grenada. I think it might be possible to serve in Grenada, Panama and Somalia/Iraq/Afghanistan and get the second star but I don’t recall reading of anyone that did.
Geez, fat and stupid is no way to go through life….I have 6th graders who are 50 times more literate when they write a story, and more accurate in their spelling.
The spelling of soldier as “soilder” is a nice Freudian nod to the fact this fat jagoff is soiling the truth everywhere he goes….
Why can’t these 4ssholes just say they served honorably and they were proud to be part of the military and leave it at that?
Lying, thieving, rat b4stards….
Jesus Mary mother of Christ… wtf? No one alive today rates the 3rd award of the CIB… and wtf is this, he has SF arrows upside down ABOVE the CIB… it’s hard to believe this guy actually has a DD-214.
If it works, here’s a link to the Army’s HR Command website that tells one all they need to know about the CIB (sorta).
You pretty much had to hit Grenada AND, Panama or Desert Storm or Somalia AND Iraq/Astan to get 3, or be very ancient.
nbcguy54: negative. That would qualify an individual for the CIB with 1 star.
The Vietnam CIB period ran from Mar 1961 to Mar 1995 – just over 44 years. Multiple combat tours any time during that period were no different than multiple tours in Vietnam in that they qualified for a SINGLE CIB.
The star would be for qualifying service as an Infantry soldier in combat during a second qualifying period (GWOT, 2001-present).
CIB with 2 stars requires service in THREE DIFFERENT CIB periods. That would be three of the following:
World War II CIB period, 1941-1945
Korea CIB period, 1950-1953
Vietnam CIB period, 1961-1995
GWOT CIB period, 2001-present
All known 2-star CIB recipients were WW2/Korea/Vietnam. And there are only a bit more than 300 of them that have been documented to date.