Michelle “Belladonna” Rodriguez; Charley Fox Phony
Scotty sends us a link to his latest work on this equal opportunity phony, Ms. Michelle “Belladonna” Rodriguez. Ain’t she purty in that uniform, guys? Seein’ the collar brass on the epaulettes just turned me off from bothering to check the rest of the stuff out. I don’t even know what nationality that uniform belongs to, but she wants you to think that she was in the 173rd with no jump wings;
Needless to say, the Army asks, “Bella-Who?”
I guess she’s shooting for the next tournament. Good luck, Michelle.
Category: Phony soldiers
Talk about a screwed up rack X 2 Hip shooters and .. Never mind..
She claims 42B as her MOS, which is AG, (Adjutant General Branch, clerical/administration) but she’s wearing Engineer insignia. Definitely 8TFU, she needs to find a new hobby, glue sniffing has made her as retarded as Phillip Dale Monkress and Paul Wickre (GOOGLE HIT!!).
Nicki-it is a lip ring… I bit the bullet and enlarged the pic, and confirmed it’s shiny metal
Do people who are posted on TAH know? I’d love to hear the response that she has to our postings. LOL! I am just amazed. This one is definitely a top 10 around here. LOL!
Hola mi nombre es Michelle. Me gusta el sexo con mi hermano y él disfruta del sexo con su madre. Me encanta vestirse como un soldado del ejército de Estados Unidos. Me gradué de West Point. Huffing cualquier compuesto químico con fuerza industrial es un pasatiempo favorito para mí y mi hermano-amante. Tener metales de guerra y los metales de haber sido herido en la cabeza. Me gustan los animales de granja como mascotas y amantes también.
DON’T MAKE ME CALL Paul K Wickre to rebut your statement in some broken-assed language.
@55 Sí estoy de acuerdo. Los animales de granja son divertidos para ella.
Chip…Paul can’t hardly speak, or write in English, much less Spanish.
I’m always happy to see my beloved Castles, but not this time.
@54, sometimes they do, just ask Monkress. other pop up and try to defend their lie or wave the big stick of a lawsuit. others just panic and try to delete their facebutt account and anything else.
Fuggin’ hipster maybe?
USMCE8Ret: at this point, I’m thinking military wanabee/groupie with a self-admitted substance abuse problem (alcohol) and maybe other issues as well.
@61, if she was a hipster the Duffel Blog already did it http://www.duffelblog.com/2013/03/hipster-joins-army-to-be-ironic/
@53 Ugh. Lip ring that looks like the herp. YUCK. Kudos to your strong stomach for blowing that up
Fuck me running…. Where do these turds come from?
Man we are getting some hardcore last minute ppl, so if I understand correctly none of the pictures are actually her? so she actually stole the picture of a phonie? that would rank her with Phillip Dale Monkress!! (GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGLE!)
Last FB update?
“Belladonna Rodriguez
Saturday via mobile
I am so mad right now I am afraid I will become violent I have already started kicking walls, punching cabinet doors, the couch is anyone who knows me very well knows that is not like me at all”
Oh oh … someone caught them PTSD! quick everyone hide! she might start looking for ice cream!! *sigh*
What a clown! I just sent her profile to my good buddy who is the female SSG in the dcus wearing the herd patch,,,,she’s about to go nuclear…lol this is gonna get interesting
Whoops don’t know why that came up anonymous…sorry..
Yeah, those collar chevrons pointing the wrong way on her camouflage really convince me… especially when she’s apparently a Major in the first picture. Dumbass.
Sorry, not Major. I looked at it quickly on the thumbnail and didn’t realize that was an Engineer insignia. Whoops!
Still, she’s a dumbass.
My roomate wears a 173d combat patch and he has no wings. He was assigned to the Brigade Fires & Effects cell.
@67/68 – I think we’d all be interested in what your buddy the REAL SSG has to say about this.
Paging Ronald Mailahn, do we have a girlfriend for you. You two are made for each other.
I wouldn’t hit that with…..
What a greasy hot mess! Now I know what 10 pounds of shyte stuffed into a five pound bag looks like. Absolutely no redeeming qualities. Some of the other badly done posers at least have a humor factor; this lady is just a fu@king hot mess!
I hope the real E-6 in the second photo pay this belladonna loon a personal visit and proceed to rip this poser a new ass-hole. What a scumbitch loser!
I hope the real female E-6 in the second photo pay this loon a personal visit and proceed to rip a new asshole in this poser bitch; what a dipshit loser!
#77 was from me as well; I thought it didn’t go through, so I typed it again…
Could she be Phillip Dale Monkress’s mistress? (GOOGLE HIT!!!)
Tie tabs? We don’t need no stink in’ tie tabs!
Wow this chick is mentally retarded.
Nobody on facebook wants to correct her or tell her just how fucked up she is. In one status message, she says she has a 76.70 for a semester or something like that. Then 20 days later she is claiming to have 4.0 GPA.
She claims to be an 8th grade dropout like someone else on here says. She brags about being out percocet (she spelled it like a 14 yr old of course.)
If nothing else, this broad should be able to claim a medal for being grossly stupid.
She’s fine as hell!
The female in the DCU’s is SSG Gina Gray…ME, and it was a photo taken in 2003 somewhere in Northern Iraq at a boys school that we were handing out school supplies from. We were lucky at that time to have body armor, let alone the right accoutrements for our uniforms. I’m not sure where she pulled this photo-it’s been years since I’ve seen it. Ms. Belladonna may be an idiot, but what she has done is also illegal: The Stolen Valor Act of 2005, signed into law by President George W. Bush on December 20, 2006,[1] was a U.S. law that broadened the provisions of previous U.S. law addressing the unauthorized wear, manufacture, or sale of any military decorations and medals. The law made it a federal misdemeanor to falsely represent oneself as having received any U.S. military decoration or medal. If convicted, defendants might have been imprisoned for up to six months, unless the decoration lied about is the Medal of Honor, in which case imprisonment could have been up to one year. H.R. 258 passed overwhelmingly in the House on Monday, June 3rd 2013 by a vote of 390-3. The Senate passed its companion, S. 210, last night by unanimous consent. Not every combat award is covered, but the ones most worn by wannabe heroes will be protected once the bill becomes law. Protected are the Medal of Honor, service crosses, Silver Star, Purple Heart, and combat badges such as the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, Combat Action Badge, Combat Medical Badge, Combat Action Ribbon and Combat Action Medal. The maximum punishment under the bill would be a $100,000 fine and up to one year in jail for each offense. If she is in Colorado, then I will be contacting the Attorney General’s office, because not only is she impersonating a (former) military member, she is also committing fraud. http://www.coloradoattorneygeneral.gov/initiatives/identity_theft/identity_theft_law (I’m also highly offended that she thinks she even comes close to resembling me. Even after not showering for days on end, being covered in dust 24/7, and stagnating in the hot desert sun, I’d like to think that… Read more »
BOOM…get her GG!!
Soup has a sister?
Can we call her Sista’ Soup?
Only at TAH can you get ‘nipples’ and ‘anchors’ in the same comment, and it makes sense. Because quality!
GG- I’ve seen this photo before, I know. I think we had a PAO type with you guys on that mission- I believe there were several others possibly published or used for a presser from that group?
Late 2003? I’m thinking late summer, but that just may have been when I ran across it…
OK, now I can die happy. A phony is rockin’ Engineer Branch insignia (can I get an Essayons?). As an Engineer in both Air Force and now in the Army National Guard, I can now say that there are Enginner phonies too! I got a real chuckle out of this since I am now in Day 2 of Engineer Basic Officer Leader’s Course at Fort Lost-in-the-Woods in the State of Misery (actually, I’m enjoying it here). Now us Engineers don’t feel left out of all of the fun!
Brain dead stupid bitch. 85….GET HER!
I think I’d go Apocalypse Now if some poser got a hold of one of my military photos and claimed it was them.
Surprised her account hasnt disappeared by now. 2001 to 2008 Army, but class of 2002 West point grad. Yeah…sure. She is probably in her 20s but looks 50 from all that meth too. She definitely isnt a photogenic one.
Has anyone commented on her Facebook yet? I was wondering if they have and she’s deleting the comments and just ignoring TAH. I was hoping the true owner of her picture #2 would comment to her.
Bwhahahah! GG I was up at Q-West at that time! Bwhahahah! Get her!
@85: Don’t worry; we all had figured out that the 2nd photo wasn’t her and she can’t hold a candle to you in looks or brains, and as you say; her best day doesn’t come close to comparing to you on your worst day.
Welcome to the website, btw. We hope your stay is enjoyable and that you come back and visit us often. 🙂
Thank you for your service, GG, and I hope you nail that poser bitch…
Combat Historian
OIF 06-07
Camp Victory
Maybe this airhead belongs with Mike Sendejas and in dire need of a FM 22-102 lesson.
Belladonna–fatal. Nuff said.
And seriously, get off the fact she has bruises on her tits. Just cause she keeps kicking them….
Who put the Sasquatch in a uniform???