Mike Wilson compounds the douche-baggery

| May 6, 2012

You might remember Mike Wilson from when we discussed him last month. He was a secret squirrel First Lieutenant who looks like he’s about twelve years old. Well, you guys have been picking on him and, gosh darn it, he’s not taking it anymore;

Yeah, the reason we can’t find him listed anywhere is because he’s such special secret killer. We’ve never heard that before, have we? Yeah, the Army changed my name after I was discharged, too, but only because some retarded clerk can’t spell.

Anyway, Sporkmaster found some conversations from when Wilson sought solace in the arms of Breanna Manning;

I hope you feel better, Mike, ya turd burglar, you. And before you ask, I don’t know if these conversations took place before or after Manning’s incarceration.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Hahahaha omg the conversation piece with that pos manning sent me over the top laughing


11M: Wilson has serious issues. He’s done time for felony assault with a deadly weapon and inflicting grievous bodily harm – he stabbed another teen over a Facebook argument.
