Jason Truitt; phony SEAL

| January 29, 2012

AverageNCO sent us a link to the Cortez Journal which tells the story of Jason Truitt who claims to be a Navy SEAL who had been a POW in Afghanistan and wounded countless times. All of which earned him a free hunting trip and a Weatherby rifle;

It was a harrowing seven tours. He was shot 11 times. He was declared missing in action, twice a prisoner of war. Once he was MIA for two months and 14 days.

He was tortured and disfigured. He was shot in the stomach, requiring several feet of his intestines to be removed. His tattooed skin is covered in scars. He has vision in only one eye.

But he never entered a combat situation that he didn’t want to.

“I’ve been through a lot, bro,” he said bluntly. “It’s kind of hard to talk about.”

According to our buddy, Captain Larry Bailey, who himself spent 27 years as a SEAL and now spends his time busting phoney SEALS, tells us that it’s even harder to talk about when you’re “100% fake”. What set off bells for me was that I went to the publicy available list of POWs and MIAs at DoD and he wasn’t listed – that’s the same thing that the author of the story could have done.

“What’s the hardest thing about being in the military, people ask me. I simply tell them, coming home. You go through all of these Christmas’s sitting in a foxhole and getting mortared, and people are back home eggnoggin’ by the fire,” he said. “I’ve come to hate the holidays. Every year I have some kind of breakdown around the holidays.”

Truitt said every time he returned, the homecoming celebrations would fade after a while, and that the aftermath of his experiences as a soldier would resurface.

“You’re a hero for the first two months and then your problems set in and all of the sudden you become a burden to your family, and they realize what actually happened to you over there. It’s things that people don’t talk about and they never will talk about,” he said.

The hardest part about coming home is seeing all of the phonies stealing your valor.

Captain Bailey writes to tell us that he’s offered to help the author of the story save himself from criticism by busting Truitt publicly for his bullshit stories of daring do, so there will probably be a follow-up to this story.

Category: Phony soldiers

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I never served in the military but am as patriotic and American loving as they come. This kind of thing infuriates me. If it is true he should be prosecuted. Is there any information that he ever served at all SEAL or not or is he just a total poser?


@51 DRS: The good folks at POW Network have already filed a FOIA request to answer your question. In addition to the editor’s note, the article has now been sanitized of any reference to Jason Truitt. The picture is gone, and he is no longer part of the story. I hope this is not their only answer…..to just act like it never happened.


As a recent Airborne Infantry Sergeant in the 82nd Airborne Division with a tour in Afghanistan, I’ve worked with other branches overseas, and they were authorized to wear our uniform when working with us. So the uniform isn’t the giveaway. Wearing it improperly at an event like that is. Well with the prison tats, he did some time in the pokey, so he’s an ex felon. Holding a hunting rifle. In violation of the stolen valor act. Looks like home slice is just asking for his anus to be serviced again.


@ #48- MCPO. Well done, Master Chief!


@ #53- ROFLMAO! Welcome home bro! I almost spat liquids!


Shouldn’t this clown be in trouble with a couple of federal agencies based on the answers he most likely placed on the forms he filled out when he received the free rifle?


I would think so, OWB.


Maybe he’s part of that whole fast and furious deal. Super secret agent, doncha know. Classified mission info encoded in the tats.


Chuck & Mary at Pow Network aren’t waiting for the FOIA on this A-Hole. Please follow the link so you can see Truitt’s criminal and civil court records. He was sentenced to 16 months in Wasco State Prison on a variety of charges. He was also sued for 180K for breach of contract. He lost that case by default. I guess he was too busy going on free hunting trips to show up for court. So he was a prisoner of California, not a prisoner of war! Tattoos to cover his battle scars my ASS!
Here is the link. Scroll down the page of phonies to see this jerk.


NCO–It’s a damned shame that the reporter and paper in question don’t come clean on this. Then again, it’s one way of enabling dirtbags to keep pulling shit like this.


u can just look at this moron and tell he was never sof

Yat Yas 1833

@#20 Joseph Brown, Sir glad to know there are guys who remember the P-38. I got mine as a squad leader in recruit training in 1975 at MCRD San Diego. I put it on the chain of my St Christopher medal mom gave me the day I left. Still have the medal and my P-38! I just used it with my granddaughter a couple of weeks ago and she was amazed!? Thanks for being an old vet! Simper Fi


@60 Sparky, after listening to Don Shipley relate his conversation with Brandon Mathis tonight on his UStream broadcast, I’m willing to cut the reporter some slack. Don said he was very apologetic, and took full responsibilty for the errors in the article. He said Mr. Mathis stated something didn’t “feel right” about Truitt’s claims and he is “kicking himself” for not checking what his gut was telling him. He is working with Don to set things straight. I think Mr. Mathis has been called out for his mistake, and it seems he is sqaurely taking a lot of the blame oh his shoulders. Ultimately, the blame and anger should be directed at Truitt.


It seems the folks that Jason Truitt scammed are not going to take his actions lying down


Oh, he’s so screwed.


Well. It appears that there are a few responsible, and responsive, journalists remaining?


Looks like he’s going to get what he deserves. He has NRA Lawyers on his ass now.


[…] Journal pulls Truit story January 31st, 2012 The other day, we wrote about Jason Truitt, the beached, tattooed Manatee who claimed to be a Navy SEAL and got a Weatherby rifle and a free […]


I look forward to the legal case where Jason sues for slander


Oh, do tell: Who would Jason sue?


Libelslander rears it’s ugly head.


@ #59- AverageNCO. So, I was on target after all! Thank ya, Sarge! garryowen


What losers the Cortez Journal are!

They can’t even get their story title correct!

“Man’s story appears to full of fabrications”



Why is everyone so mad it no big deal. Who cares? Helping vets should start with the ones on the street… its obviously none of you guys care about anything but your homosexual pride.


@74 One of Truitt’s friends trying to stick up for him? Hey Anonymous maybe you should read B.G. Burkett’s book “Stolen Valor”, you learn that many of those homeless vets on the street are about as legitmate as Truitt.

Joe Montana

@75 he makes very broad statements about a large amount of people the VA state that at any given time 67,000 vets are homeless

Crazier Sister

Y’know, I’ve got no military background, but I read. I’ve learned there ARE ways the average Joe Citizen can detect a y’bw’bv (yella-belly-wanna-be-vulture). 1) ask their class #, they’ll lie and say it’s classified. 2) they brag about what they’ve done (kills, “wounds”, etc.) 3) the best resource us Coronado Naval base (or any other Navy base). You CAN call and ask if anyone named Joe Smith ever graduated BUD/S. Yes, they’ll answer that. They can’t (and won’t) tell you if he’s active duty, but they’ll tell you if he graduated. 4) they tell you they have/had so much military experience they didn’t have to go thru BUD/S. Bull Twinkies! Basic research anyone can do. Good for Brandon for admitting his error. Now, write a story on how to spot phonies after admitting, publicly, he let himself be fooled.


@76 Okay Joe, I’ll try to be more specific. I will once again refer you to Mr. Burkett’s book “Stolen Valor” in which he does a masterful job at crunching the numbers, and provides documentation of different groups who prop up the “homeless vet” stereotype for multiple reasons. And if you want to use the VA as your source material please know they have a fine track record verifing someone’s legitamcy before they hand out benefits, as Jonn has documented. Did you know in 2009 the VA was paying POW compensation benefits to 226 Desert Storm Vets even though there were only 21 documented POW’s in that conflict? The same VA that was paying POW benefits to 996 Vietnam POW’s even though only 661 POW’s were verfied to return alive, and over 100 of them have since died? Are there homeless Vets? Of course there are! But the anonymous commenet that we should care about homeless vets more that phonies like Truitt is off point. Whether it’s a phony taking a spot from a Vet in a free hunt, or a phony homelss vet scrounging of the VA….it’s the same effect: Someone is stealing from a deserving veteran! It’s not about “homosexual pride”(whatever that means)…..it’s about ensuring these phonies are exposed so they cannont continue to rob deserving vets, even the genunine homeless ones, from the support they have earned.

Scott Cunningham

Assclown. One look at this tool and you can tell he is no more of a SEAL than Al Sharpton is. Wonder if he can be prosecuted for fraudulently getting charity stuff intended for those who actually went and fought for the country.

Doc Bailey

I am actually shocked and amazed that the NRA didn’t sniff this one out right away. I mean a lot of the people who are ardent supporters of the second amendment were in the armed forces.

That the Newspaper of record was so easily fooled, sadly does *not* surprise me.


Got a feeling that they are workin’ on it, Doc.


Three guesses where our little assclown in posts 74 and 76 is posting from.

Have fun back in prison, assclown.

Yat Yas 1833

@74 anonymous, are you really that pathetic? This Marine doesn’t have “homosexual pride” but I do have the pride of a ‘real’ veteran who really did serve. Uneventful though it was, I was there. HAD anything happened, guess who would have gone? This ass wipe didn’t go through boot camp, didn’t get shipped hundreds or thousands of miles from home to train day after day waiting for the ‘call’. He didn’t get sent 8,000 miles from home to lose a years worth of family events that can never be regained. Ya know, I think it’s YOU that has the homo thing going on!


YatYas–He does have the neck tats that make him look like a really bad version of Homo the Clown, and considering those DSL’s he’s sporting, that must’ve made him the darling of whatever Wasco cellblock he was getting ass-plowed in.

I look at this guy and the only word I can think of is “airtight”. Which is what he’ll be in prison.


Crazier Sister

Ahh, c’mon guys. You’re giving anonymous what it wants. Attention and the joy of having ticked you off. Ignore the troll. That’s what we here in Bakersfield do.

Frankly Opinionated

“Troll”: As I see it is defined as one who comments in a genre where he/she has no common ground.
#74 is a Troll.

Frankly Opinionated

@#77 Crazier Sister:
We should draft you to be offer tutorials to reporters who may one day find themselves writing an article on a military person/veteran. Even with no miiitary background, you “get it”. Thanks for your comment, and don’t be a stranger. We really are a pretty good bunch of guys n gals here.

Yat Yas 1833

Crazier Sister, sorry. It just chaps my shorts when some butt head talks crazy. And yes, “I’ve walked the streets of Bakerfield”!

Crazier Sister

@#88Frankly Opinionated, Dad raised his girls to appreciate our military and we do. Y’all step in the way of danger for us. Here’s a link to one of my blogs, maybe it’ll restore faith in the rest of us >.o
… or even this post;

Crazier Sister

@#89YatYas, I understand. Fries my marbles, too. Doesn’t phase them a’tall, tho’. Don’t let them get their jollies off you.

Doc Bailey

I would like to point out something. You eve notice whenever we point out guys like this, Snake Eyes, That Vlad dude, or any number of the really painfully obvious fakers, some idiot always comes on here threatening to sue for Slander (and in fact it would be libel). I swear if any of these yahoos ever actually tried to sue any of us I think I would laugh till I had a stroke (GOOD LUCK GETTING MONEY THEN)

Also have you noticed there’s always a comment about gays. That always seems to pop up. Seriously has anyone else noticed that?

Ne Desit Virtus

You got it wrong Doc, its LIBLE. God forbid they know how to spell the words they are throwing around


And of course the legal offices the notices come from are inside a Cambridge Tedeschi’s.

Look at what I found

Jason R Truitt
5001 Belcrest Ave
Bakersfield, CA 93309-4776
Age: 30-34
Associated: Kimberly A Truitt
Prior: Petaluma, CA (2007


The threats of lawsuits are the ultimate admission of guilt, right??

Keep ’em comin’, dudes. Always gives us a good excuse for a hearty belly laugh.

Yat Yas 1833

@91 Crazier Sister, thanks dear. As I’ve said before, my service was uneventful and pretty boring BUT I served. That these clowns claim service they never performed just really burns my buns. I served right after Viet Nam and suffered the stigma but didn’t sweat it because I knew what I was doing was right. These butt heads didn’t do anything but claim pride that isn’t theirs.


I grew up withjason truett and the facy that he lied does mot suprize me one bit his tattoos and “brain injjery are all from drug use drugs got him kicked outta church camp and outa the military


I went to school with Jason for years. I know him and can tell you for a fact this guy is full of shit.His lies go way back this don’t surprise any body who went to school with him. His lies have hurt people so I hope this blows up in his face.