Petraeus warns that Koran burning is bad for the troops

| September 7, 2010

General Petreaus warned yesterday that the planned Koran-burning in Florida by the Dove World Outreach Center endangers the troops as well as all Americans. I completely agree with his reasoning;

“Images of the burning of a Quran would undoubtedly be used by extremists in Afghanistan — and around the world — to inflame public opinion and incite violence,” Petraeus said in an e-mail to The Associated Press.

Obviously, if the people we were defending and the enemy we are fighting were a bit more rational about respecting others’ opinions, this wouldn’t be a problem. That’s not the case, though.

In any case, the numbnuts of the Dove World Outreach Center are just as irrational in their own way. At Blackfive, Jimbo writes that Terry Jones, the leader of this group has written a book “Islam is of the Devil“, a sentiment that I’m sure many agree with.

But, ya know a group that calls themselves “an outreach center” (it’s right there in the name) should know better than to reach out with a clenched fist to get it’s message across.

They’ve listed 10 Reasons to Burn a Koran and every reason mentions God or Christ. The God I know wouldn’t agree with any of their reasons as legitimate for the action they intend this weekend.

The Dove Center also claims it’s reason for burning the Koran is;

We love, as God loves, all the people in the world and we want them to come to a knowledge of the truth. To warn of danger and harm is a loving act. God is love and truth. If you know the truth it can set you free. The world is in bondage to the massive grip of the lies of Islam

Yeah, we all know that. All of us. Burning a Koran isn’t going to bring anyone to the Christian church, or any other church for that matter. The people you’re planning to free from Islam are going to be inflamed by your narrow-minded and short-sighted actions.

Actually, it sounds as childish as Bobby Whittenberg and Matthis burning a flag to be pirate-rebels. It pisses me off greatly that Islam is intolerant of human rights and dissenting opinions, but I’d rather kill them in large numbers for their actions on the battlefield than just piss them off.

In fact, Terry Jones can probably call it off right now and mention that he’s made his point since Muslims are already getting violent about it. But, he’s got the money rolling in from people across the country, He’s not going to turn that spigot off;

Responding to Petraeus’ comments, Dove World Outreach Center’s senior pastor Terry Jones acknowledged Petraeus’ concerns as legitimate.

“Still, we feel that it is time for America to quit apologizing for our actions and bowing to kings,” Jones said in a statement released by his church. “We must send a clear message to the radical element of Islam. We will no longer be controlled and dominated by their fears and threats. It is time for America to return to being America.”

Since Jones has heard from the top commander on the ground in Afghanistan and he’s been told that he’s endangering the troops with his completely selfish demonstration of the capacity of his brain, I guess we can call his actions anti-military and anti-US since he’s doing the exact same thing that IVAW and Code Pink have been doing for years. Hiding behind the Bible doesn’t change the effect it will have on the battlefield.

You don’t cure hatred with more hatred. Well, except in Bizarro World.

Category: General Whackos

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Nope, I’m not playing stupid. Your example fails to fulfill the parameters of the request as well. Did you bother to read what I was looking for? Let me spell it out again. Mike’s assertion is essentially that he’s tired of seeing the US bend over backwards for Muslims while keeping down Christianity and other religions. He has stated Islam gains it’s ends here in the US through violence and the threat of violence. It’s BS. Self censorship by private entities on the basis of their KNOWN liberal tendencies is not the same as a national bow to the threat of violence. Christians et al are NEVER going to get a fair shake out of this crowd, get over it. The example Trooper gave of the cabbies is an example of people using different aspects of our own laws, and an admittedly liberal leaning judicial system, to gain their ends, not violence. Christians et al do the same thing. And the story about his daughter serves no purpose here for many reasons, the two most important of which are, a. The school clothing issue has been successfully beaten on legal grounds in most cases where legal action is properly applied, meaning the Christians are indeed getting their way, and b. his daughter stood up for herself and apparently won since the matter wasn’t perused by the school. So where’s the issue, is the complaint just that she had to defend herself? Heaven forbid we should have to do that from time to time eh? Please. Then there are your examples. The liberal media giving massive amounts of coverage to the jackass in Florida? The liberal media gives massive amounts of coverage to every jackass, and jackass story in the country, there’s nothing special about the coverage on this particular story. A General who shouldn’t open his mouth says… While I agree the General shouldn’t open his mouth on such matters, at the same time I fail to see how his opening his mouth should in any way influence the jackass in Florida, what’s the General gonna do, invade the Dove… Read more »


#51 is essentially a reply to ROS, not to #49 or #50, though it covers some of it.


A.) You talk too much.

B.) You failed reading comprehension, didn’t you?


a.) A forum is for that purpose, and sometimes it takes a lot of raking to clean up another’s widely spread manure. If it’s too much to handle without making excuses, you’re free to skip my material.

b.)Nope, I’ll happily pit myself against you with any officially recognized comprehension benchmarking process you desire.



I apologize in advance for the length of this post, I know there is an aversion here toward this, but I couldn’t help myself. I throw myself on the mercy of the blogs brethren and hope you will show me mercy in this regard. I’ll try not to let it happen again. #50 OK Trooper, here we go……. About the GZM, I agree it shouldn’t be built because it’s location is in poor taste, very poor taste. However, there is no legal device under the current system that addresses ‘poor taste’, and until that is addressed there’s not much that can be done about it other than what is being done. It’s not about Islamic victory over a cowed city govt.. It’s not being allowed because the city fathers are afraid of anything, it’s being allowed because money talks. About the Greek Orthodox Church, I don’t know why they are having such difficulty in the rebuilding of it, and frankly, neither do you. Any suggestions other wise are simply uneducated guesses. God on the money is no skin off my nose until someone hypocritically attacks other religions for perceived violations of the church / state issue, then it becomes an issue of credibility and consistency. You either support our Constitution or you don’t, if we believe in the sanctity of the document and the vision of our Founding Fathers, then we enforce it, we don’t make it up as we go along, and we don’t make excuses for not always attempting to do right. You take great liberty in attacking what you assume my religion, or lack of, might be, this is a device used by those in a weak position to avoid having to give a measured verifiable answer on the actual issue. I could equally say the phrase should go away because ‘your’ God doesn’t require it and your faith should be strong enough to live through the day without having to see it there. Or do you require that bill to crawl out of your wallet in the dead of night and whisper scripture in your ear… Read more »


Madison wrote “ Strongly guarded as is the separation between religion and government in the Constitution of the United States.” (Monopolies Perpetuities Corporations
Ecclesiastical Endowments / and a letter to the Baptist Churches in 1811)

Or one of our favorite rebellious Fathers?

Jefferson made his interpretation as “a wall of separation between church and State.” (1802 letter to the Danbury Baptist Association)

We were founded as a Christian Nation? Really? Haven’t read ‘The Age of Reason’, or ‘Common Sense’ by Thomas Paine? (Another of our Founders) Haven’t read the writings of Thomas Jefferson or Ol Ben Franklin?
Have you read the contents of the Treaty of Tripoli, written under Washington’s administration, where we specifically deny it?

Our foundation as a nation of laws and opportunity has far more to do with the likes of Thomas Hobbes, David Hume and Immanuel Kant, the philosophical growth in political thought during the Scottish Enlightenment, and the political and moral philosophies of ancient Greece, than it does with Christianity. It stands to reason though that the church controlled schools of the first 1/3 of our nation’s history didn’t teach it that way, and in the process established a ‘traditional’ view of our founding that is largely smoke and mirrors.

And you’re right, this from your post, “there shouldn’t be special accommodations made for one specific religious group in a public setting; correct?” Including God on the money, or God in the Pledge of Allegiance. Who’s not playing by who’s rules?

By and by, this is what I was looking for from either of you, you finally provided it, “There are no examples to go by, for such outrage, so they stuff their answer with words like “might”, or “could happen”, because they, themselves are only guessing.”
Exactly, it’s a bunch of hand wringing.

And personally I could care less what comedy central or anything in pop culture does, but again I would bet that their true reasons for not airing something was likely dictated more by dollars than by fear, regardless of what was said publicly.


For your information all of you who say that the Muslims are over reacting A. What do you think would happen if it was a bible being burned and B. The Qur’an wasn’t just inspired by god like the bible Muslims believe it was written by Allah.

Terry Jones is an idiot who can’t even spell Qur’an (he spelt it K-O-R-A-N). He has done this to commemorate 9/11 but all he’s done is made it more likely, and as many others have said god is supposed to be all about love. He is like a child who doesn’t understand the meaning respect

In my eyes he is just like HITLER but with much less power and for Muslims not Jews (Though I’d agree that so are the type of Muslims that want Islam to be the only faith).
He is a small minded, uneducated, hick!

If you believe something that doesn’t give you the right to start prosecuting others, you should respect them and allow them to make their “mistakes” in peace. You’ll find out who’s right and who’s wrong all too soon.

Most Muslims condemn what happen with the twin towers. You shouldn’t judge an entire race on the acts of a few individuals. What if I were to decide that all Christians are small minded, uneducated hicks just because of him.
(sorry just had to let of some steam)


Um, Mikey, darling, it’s Qu’ran. Yeah.

And Jakey, baby, you’re still a long-winded dolt with either no grasp of understanding, or an inane desire to play devil’s advocate slash sanctimonious prig.

Please, do the lot of us a favor and re-read the entire thing before your next novella is submitted.


And “Muslim” isn’t a race, jackass.


Jacobite wrote, “Our foundation as a nation of laws and opportunity has far more to do with the likes of Thomas Hobbes, David Hume and Immanuel Kant, the philosophical growth in political thought during the Scottish Enlightenment, and the political and moral philosophies of ancient Greece, than it does with Christianity.”

While I don’t necessarily disagree with that statement, I think John Locke, particularly his Second Treatise on Civil Government, was singularly the most influential political philosopher with regard to the philosophical underpinnings of our nation.

Mikey, I don’t think it’s really incorrect to spell it K-O-R-A-N. It has always been my impression that it is commonly spelled in several different ways that are acceptable. While I haven’t reseearched it in depth, a quick Google search seems to lend credence to that view.

Old Tanker

but again I would bet that their true reasons for not airing something was likely dictated more by dollars than by fear, regardless of what was said publicly.

I’ll challenge that assertion….Did I miss something? Is South Park really big in Muslim communities and did they threaten “boycott” or “beheading”?

Old Tanker

Jacobite said:

“As for Muslim extremists getting their way by threatening violence, can you please give me one example, just one, where they have in fact achieved that here in this country? Just one please. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the last 9 years especially makes your assertion incorrect.”

Then later you said:

So again, what act of violence or published threat of violence did the muzzies commit or utter that has resulted in an official change in US law that cow-toes to Islam?

Are we changing the goalposts a bit here? The first assertion was that they get their way by threatening violence. Michael in MI and OldTrooper both gave examples where the threat of violence changed behavior. Later this wasn’t good enough and you claimed that they hadn’t provided an example of an actual act or published threat of violence that changed American Law (the assertion was NOT laws but getting their way, ie. censoring a show or even a book as in Michael’s example of the Satanic Verses)


ROS, hon, I read and re-read it more than once, not my fault if you need your media condensed to the level of a third grader in order to absorb it. Lot’s of lip from you but no material input, well done, great way to influence a debate, I’m sooo ready to join your ranks and take you seriously now. 🙂

OT, forgive me, I was looking for the political/policy angle to begin with, and had to clarify when I realized the topic of discussion was going to be primarily about the actions of the pop culture private sector. I simply see no threat to the coutry’s future based on a cable tv station’s decision to not run with unedited versions of a tv show. They are a private entity and their actions do not speak for the nation. The money comment I made had more to do with them reaping the benefits of a slew of publicity rather than losing money to bad press or boycott btw. Ya, I’m cynical enough to believe it was a publicity stunt that blew up in their face.
And speaking of the whole South Park flap, since Comedy Central made the decisions to alter the episodes, many newsies here in the US ran editorials about the whole thing, some of which included plenty of strong language against Islam and it’s so called ‘power to silence’.

NBC 4/2010
NY Times 4/2010
Fox 4/2010
Free Republic 4/2010
Et al……………….
There’s plenty of critical articles and statements out there.

If Islam’s power has become so great, why can I still buy Christopher Hitchens’ God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, or view Bill Maher’s film ‘Religiulous’? Both of which contain material offensive to Muslims?

In fact a simple search of Amazon for books critical of Islam produced over 100 results, wow, that there Islam is really scaring the hell out of us! Not. The Muslims may have been able to widely influence a good many European nations, but I still maintain that their influence here is no greater than Christianity’s.


“Lots” has no apostrophe.

How many words will that have you typing?


I don’t know, are we only counting when I point out ‘jusy’ in your #47 up above, or am I allowed to address all your make believe words as well?


You disappoint.

I already corrected my typo, effectively denying you the opportunity and negating your correction while giving myself a grammeurysm.



Peace. 🙂