VA rolling out program to help Veterans denied benefits due to discharge status

| October 4, 2024 | 35 Comments

The VA announced a plan involving grants to fund certain organizations that help veterans. These organizations assist veterans who are trying to obtain benefits despite their discharge status. The VA will establish a pilot program giving grants to organizations who provide legal assistance. Veterans looking to gain benefits such as college tuition, healthcare, and disability compensation, but whose discharge status is a potential block, can potentially benefit from this program.

From Stars & Stripes

Under a proposed rule to be published in the Federal Register on Wednesday, the VA would establish a pilot program to award grants to legal assistance clinics helping veterans gain benefits, including disability compensation, college tuition and health care.

Veterans are excluded from VA services and benefits if their discharge was not honorable.

“The primary purpose of the grant program is to provide certain legal assistance to former service members to assist them in gaining access to VA benefits,” according to the proposed rule. “Because a former service member’s discharge is often a barrier to VA benefits, VA believes the grant program would provide needed assistance with improving the character of discharge for those individuals whose current discharge status renders them ineligible.”

The announcement follows a rule change the VA made in April that enabled troops who left the service because of discrimination, military sexual trauma or mental health problems to reapply for benefits regardless of their discharge status, the agency said.

The rule “eliminated the regulatory bar for homosexual acts involving aggravating circumstances or other factors affecting the performance of duty,'” the VA said

The rule change also enabled veterans to provide “compelling circumstances” in cases where they were absent without leave for 180 days or more.

Additional Reading:

Hersey, L. F. (2024, October 1). VA to create program that offers legal help to veterans denied benefits because of discharge status. Stars & Stripes. Link.

Category: Veterans Issues, Veterans' Affairs Department

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