Paul Wickre: The internet is changing
Brought from this discussion.
Apparently, Mr. Wickre has a lot of time on his hands since he’s out of a job and he’s made it his life’s work to earn for Phillip Monkress his phony SEAL Trident. In fact, Wickre is “all in” in this endeavor. He’s been doing his homework and reading the incessant blather from Dallas Wittgenfeld, another internet bully who thought he could beat us and ended up losing everything that he cherished as well as his sanity. I think Paul is near that point, too;
The Internet is changing from the the past five years when you tried to build your Alexa rank from nothing to under 250,000. You may have had a bump up but you still only get a few thousand subscribers, that buy into your hate and vitriol, as to your issues.
What I have found as you saw with HoneyComb in MN, is that the ISPs, carriers or hosting community, really do not like controversy. This controversy is generally known as hate speech, pornographic/mature, libel/ defamation, threats, incite to violence, conspiracy, spamming, altering page rank data, manipulation of third party content, abuse, threats, intimidation and so on.
What governs the industry, now is pretty much universal terms of use or terms of service. Your content is offensive as to any sensibility. Thus wherever you land or try and spew your diatribes against the Military Vets, or me a contractor, or the people whom you have singled out, my lawyers and myself have developed a template, well recognized as to your speech. Your speech, from your content is violent, sexual, threatening and just over the top.
Therefore we will continue to file complaints, as to your filthy content and let the ISP or hosting company be the judge as to whether or not your promoted content deserves to be in public.
We have reached out to multiple companies and your back up cloud hosting in particular. Maybe you win, maybe I win, but in every case I get you kicked off, it goes into a ‘Blacklist Industry” file.
I am pretty sure, that I will win the argument, and over time, regardless of any opposition you make say as to my family,, or the VA Community, the DOD, DHS, the fact that you are kicked off for your mean speech and tactics, will pretty much win the day. Anyway, I am a sporting man, and the bet is, that your vitriol over Stolen Valor, is judged the smaller Sin, vs. your language, speech and tactics.
OK Pardners?
Lets let the court of public opinion decide if your issue on Stolen Valor, trumps the numerous abominations as to Speech, Speech, Speech. Lets give it a year, and see who wins.
Remember this is about legal means and Court venue. Lets play there and see who trumps. I think if you were realistic, you would stop about the “threats” as your 3000 entries have been catalogued into really heinous things, like murder, rape, maiming, torture, S&M, accusations into every deviancy, you espoused. That “black” speech really has nothing to do with the issues at all, as to how you perceive an email, a phone call or a VPN address, as crying “foul” or a threat from me. You are just wrong here. I have 600 entries of the worst visual imagery ever known to the common discourse, from you. That is the issue.
Ok Lets see how you do, vs. what I think is right.
Best Regards,
Paul Wickre
VP DHS Business DevelopmentFirstTech, Inc.
Yeah, the email contained some of Wittgenfeld’s famous collages of me & TSO. What Mr. WIckre is admitting is that TAH is too strong-willed for him to defeat, so he’s going to bully someone else. He has no legal case, Monkress’ lawyer admits as much, so he resorts to childish bullying. He impersonates government officials regularly in his bullying. Someone tried to hack in into my Google Ads account yesterday, I guess to hijack that big $100/month those ads generate, but Google stopped him. And, oh, Wickre’s sister works for Google, by the way.
As TSO told us the other day, Wickre’s wife is his biggest enabler. Do you want to see the invitation to his “getting out of jail” party she sent to everyone?
I know Wickre is just a distraction from the big issue here, though; Phillip Dale Monkress is still a phony SEAL. Now that Monkress has been exposed as a phony, he is trying to scrub the internet from his false claims. He’s scrubbed the All-Points Logistics website and that leaves TAH and somehow that justifies harassing my wife and daughter and their friends. People who have nothing to do with this. I’m not ruining Monkress’ life, Monkress did that himself with his lies. And the original discussion about Monkress had been closed for six months before Wickre and Monkress renewed interest in it.
Well, anyway, I’m taking my only Maryland-legal rifle to the range today so, you guys have fun today.
Category: General Whackos, Shitbags
Nik, the Kraken is a sour bunch to swollow. However the Captain Morgan 100 proof is the smoothest I have ever had of Rum. Seeing as how I have only had rum my entire life and only twelve bottles of that I am by no means an expert. However I totally recommend the Captain’s 100 proof!
And oh my GODS he DID IT. He totally came in and posted an address after the lawyer asked the people of the blog to stop!
Mwahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha,(lightning hitting a distant peak behind me) HUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH,(thunder rolling and wind whipping my multicam A2C2s around wildly), HUA HUA HUA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
OMG 816 where he gives an address and a phone number just makes me spew water out of my nose!!!
July 16, 2013 — Tuesday
I think the link below actually happened on Merritt Island, Florida, sometime earlier this year.
The “old ladies” were a bit upset about the accident but were most upset as they recognized the “man” as he had previously been identified by TAH as a “U.S. Navy SEAL Team 4” Imposter.
804 Dickwick says:
“…I do hold a very special hatred for the disgrunteld ex-employees of Phil, … and all the rest whom were fired.”
Ummmmmm, wasn’t Psul fired?
Paul K. Wickre, you are one pathetic excuse for a human being, period. Just stick to your little fantasy world with your Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars. As for me, I have a pickup truck and a 1947 Willys Jeep that I’m positive will outperform any vehicle you own, on or off road. You’re fuming, pouting, thinking of what you’ll do next to threaten or try and intimidate us here, you’ll fail time and time again, and we’ll laugh at you. I had the pleasure of meeting Valkyrie and Julie this weekend, they’re lovely ladies, you lied through your cheap booze-weakened teeth about them here. I got to meet Frank as well, he’s a self-made man who’s earned what he’s got. Paul K. Wickre, you’re as low as a street corner drug dealer!! You’ve been trying to play wolf, harassing us Sheepdogs, and it’s going to haunt you very badly real soon!
Try to sleep as best you can with that belly full of cheap booze (and God only knows what else!), I can’t wait for the next round of laughs you’ll be giving us!
Shhhhhh…you’re not supposed to know that.
Then again, if’n he weren’t fired by Phil Monkress (Google hit!) it’s not going to bode well for either of them.
Speaking of Phil, how’d that DUI case turn out for ya?
Ex-#849, wait what but but he is a bad mutt, I thought royal blue blood flowed thru his pretty little veins, what sad news is that, oh dear.
Psul(gh)another beautiful night of laughs, you entertain so well you dumb fuck. The more you sip the more stupid you get, and sound like the low life you are.
God morning to everyone else, since TAH is still up and running and thx for beating him yet again.
@BBNbill – that was funny!
Anyone have a guess as to the hourly rate that the lawyer charged Psul for a multi page cease and desist order and contacting the hosting service that was, at best, ineffective? I bet that we’ll be seeing yet another crappy Jag going up for sale in Bethesda to cover that one. Paul K. Wickre, while you claim to be well traveled and educated, your world is actually the size of a golf ball. You try to be what you think the locals are like, but you really have no idea. What you think are measures of success are only considered success in a very small and insignificant part of the word that is the DC suburbs. And, let’s face it, even in that constrained environment, you’re a failure. No true member of the DC society has the criminal record that you have amassed. None would flaunt their $900K house, because, honestly, a $900K house in Bethesda isn’t much of anything. None have been banned from local establishments. If an inquiry about them was made to the local police department, the officer answering the phone would have to wonder who was being asked about, not burst into laughter at the mention of their name. And a $65K car purchase is below average when most are driving something in the $70K range with another toy in the $50K to $100K range in the garage, plus a $25K Harley. So, really, even though you think that you know what being a success in DC is, you really have no idea what it is, and again, even by your stunted concepts, you are an abysmal failure. When I was younger, I used to spend a lot of time at baseball stadiums. One of my favorites was Kansas City, when the Yankees were playing. I’d dress in my Red Sox gear and head to the game (yes, another thing that I have which you don’t; I am from an old New England family, descended from English royalty, Mayflower, blah, blah, blah). When the local Yankees fans would badger me about the Red Sox gear,… Read more »
@# 861 BBNbill:
My dogs think that I am nutz! I laughed my ass off. Dude, where did you find that recording of Paul K. Wickre’s wreck? OMG!
He’s baaaack… wifey must have forgotten to throw the bolt after tossing in the Thunderbird and cheeseburgers.
Anybody have access to credit reports? I’m sure Paul K. Wickre (GH!) has an awesome one… to laugh at.
Gutenmorgen, meine Freunde. Wie gehts mit Ihnen diesen morgen? Heute morgen haben wir Sonnenschein und blaue Himmel.
Ja, est ist mir. Ich übe, Deutsch sprechend, um abzulenken der schlecthe Mann Paul K Wickre a/k/a der Wickre Mann, kann er brennt in der Hölle.
Maybe if the humidity goes down a bit, I’ll feel less — well, like stuffing cucumber down his piehole.
Wickre, you dimwitted, boring, ego-driven, weak-minded, drunken, slovenly drek pudding, you are so stupid, you don’t know even know you’re alive.
You can fix bad manners. You can repair bad relationships with your family, if you try. You can even stop drinking.
But you can’t fix being stupid.
You tried to invade and break up my picnic last night and didn’t succeed. Just another annoying, whiny bug on the outside wanting in, assafoetida. This isn’t your playground. It’s ours.
But you certainly wasting a lot of precious time trying to batter down the walls of this castle and you haven’t succeeded in even chipping the stone walls.
Even worse, you broke your own rules last night. What kind of utterly stupid jackass does that? Your rules apply to you, too, you used snot rag.
We will never go away. We are here for eternity.
We have a fellowship that you only wish you could get near.
You have nothing.
I thought royal blue blood flowed thru his pretty little veins
More like piss yellow with tinges of shit brown.
Honestly, if his behavior is any indication of life “at the top”, he can have it.
I can look myself in the mirror in the morning. I’ve done nothing to be ashamed of. I don’t lie, I don’t cheat, I don’t steal. I contribute to my community, I don’t take from it. I hold faith with my family, I don’t mistreat them. I don’t claim a false piety, I live by my faith.
If being a lying, cheating, thieving bastard like Wickre is what it takes to “succeed”; if being a selfish prick is what it takes to “succeed”; if being an apostate to my faith is what it takes to “succeed”; then I’ll just be happy being one of the little guys. I sincerely feel sorry for anyone who is willing to do the things he does for a buck or two. I’d rather produce something of value and make my own way rather than ride and cheat on technicalities to get ahead.
And the person I see in the mirror agrees.
Nik–amen, amen, AMEN! Would that more people held that view.
As one of my favorite saying (Teddy Roosevelt) goes, “Pray not for lighter loads, but for stronger backs.”
Hey Psul Dickbag
Listen up….
Pish…you don’t *KNOW* what ELITE is.
*I* have an E-Z Pass and *I* have the ability to drive on the Virginia HOT/Express Lanes AND the Maryland Inter-County Connector *ANY* time I choose.
/*waves extended pinky at Psul, dismissing him as droll. *
All the temper tantrums in the world will not gain entry into this fortress for psuliebot the pulltoy. Not if it’s raining. Not if there’s terrible flooding. Not if the snow is piled shoulder-deep and the temps drop below zero.
This is how I see things: I was thinning the radishes this morning to give them more room to grow and pulled out two as fat as my thumb. Mike likes the green parts, which he gets. I like the roots, which I get. It’s a simple thing to do, growing radishes, and yes, you can get them at the grocery store, but that isn’t quite the same as growing your own. You can see what you’ve done because it’s right in front of you. How cool is that?
Does our little fiend have anything like that?
No. He does not.
I see I’ve arrived too late again, as usual. I agree with Nik and hope the launch of your new program goes very well. As for this piece of garbage Paul K Wickre (GH), you remind of the coyotes back home in West Texas. Baying up at night, hanging around the edge of town but they are a lot smarter than you, knowing better than to enter city limits.
Ok, then in Bethesda liked I asked earlier.
Somewhere off Old 355. Your call.
I and a reporter want to speak with you in a safe, neutral environment based off of respect on your claims, Phil’s claims and your behavior.
Any issues?
Nik, Ex and all,
You get it. Psul never will. That is all.
Does anyone know to what extent, if any, Phil has apologized to his company, his employees, his clients/customers and his “MC” group concerning his false military, Native American and law enforcement claims?
I’d recken to say, none, zilch, nada, zero.
/probability 102%
@804 You know what? I think I’ll pass for a few days on you … shit could get very nasty if I start replying right now so I’ll just let better people than me just laugh at you. I’ve learned not to make any decisions while a bit angry, it could go very bad for you so I’ll be the better person and just laugh at you from the distance .. is that cool?
ok .. and for fuck sake stop drooling!!! or is that Phildo’s departing “gift”?
GT, I’m ready to bet a bottle of good Bourbon that Philip Dale Monkress(GH!) has apologized to no one! What’s the closest he’s come other the LAME excuse for one that Paul K. Wickre has proposed in this thread?
Monkress has his tale tucked between his legs, both over the SV stuff and because he’s such a wimp he let one of his own employees bully him before he got his nuts out of the bully’s pocket and fired his flabby ass.
(See post #22 above for reference.)
Sorry, did not proofread: “tale” should be “tail”, but you get the drift. My bad.
Jesus is he still at it? I figured since the site was still up and running after multiple declarations of the end is comming from him he would slink away like a thief in the night.
You know I think they ruined a perfectly good asshole when they put teeth in his mouth.
I think we should all pitch in and buy Psul a ticket to next year’s running of the bulls in Spain
I have it on good word that he did in fact apologize to his managment staff.
He is still a piece
By the way, didn’t he screech that TAH would be gone in 48 hours? That was what, almost 72 hours ago? He must have abandoned his effort for a heavy date with some Ripple and Thunderbird while toying around with his newest car on his living room floor. Hey Psul, did you get the Hot Wheels or Matchbox version, or did you get a bigger diecast model from the flea market or some Truck Stop?
Sorry, did not proofread: “tale” should be “tail”, but you get the drift. My bad.
“Tale” works too because we know he pulled his BUD/S certification out his ass.
Sorry. 888 was me.
I guess my biggest disappointment is the whole MC thing.
They should know better. I mean, look at Phil; real biker he is.
That’s what I want to do, join a Vet MC so I can ride with posers and losers down there amongst the palm trees and sand.
Yeah, that’s it.
@890 “That’s what I want to do, join a Vet MC so I can ride with posers and losers down there amongst the palm trees and sand.”
/someone had to. 😀
Isn’t today Day of Doom for TAH, according to Psul the Tool? The day we would all go away, but we’re all still here. Yeah, I thought we would be.
Ghey boy.
Ex-PH2, What did twatwaffle Wickre do to try and break up your picnic?
Nik, I did think of that, but decided to stick with my correction.
Yes, Old Sarge, Tuesday is nearly gone now. While pulltoy psuliebot did try to louse up and invade my picnic by the bonfire last night — to no avail, mind you — he finds himself in the awkward position of the Empty Threats Guy.
Shakes his little fist.
Stamps his pudgy feet.
Wishes he could be part of it all.
Will never know what it takes to be a real man instead of a simian proboscis or an assafoetida.
The noise from his corner will probably explode a couple more times, and then fade to… nothing.
Oh, Dewclaw, he barged in like the pinhead he is and DEMANDED, practically at gunpoint, mind you, that WE pay attention to HIM. He also broke his own rules (no names, phone numbers, no addresses, no dead relatives, etc.) and went into his bragaddocio “I spent all this money on” whatever slop he finds.
So we just reminded him that he is, always has been and always will be AN ASSHOLE WITH A BRAIN THE SIZE OF A PEA. On top of that, he got stinking drunk, as usual.
Then we went back to the bonfire, s’mores and singing Allan Sherman’s “Hello, Mudda, Hello, Fadda” (see above link).
Well, y’all are going to find out what happened yesterday in an hour or so. Our team of lawyers are reviewing the response. So keep checking the front page.
Got it. Just wanted to make sure his sorry ass didn’t show up in person or badgering you by phone. Having been a Sheriffs Deputy here in Colorado a few moons ago… I take that type of crap very seriously. Carry on, shipmate! 🙂
Dewclaw, I live about five minutes from the nearest police station. I also keep a cast iron skillet on the stovetop. And I don’t answer phone numbers I don’t recognize — too many telemarketers wasting my time, and I LOVE hanging up on them.
I am vedddy interested in what happens next. 🙂
I should explain that my ‘picnic’ was an electronic picnic. I never did get the bonfire link added. Forgot to do that. Next time.
Uh, hope some good stuff is coming Jonn, this ought to be fun.
When I called “Labor Day” in the thread (@755) as the time that ” …. before we have *public* (as in TV or Print media) information with the name “Paul K. Wicker of Bethesda Maryland” as the subject of said article or broadcast??”…I think that I may have been giving him TOO much rope.
/Jonn….we await your post.
I’m thinking that considering that Psul bragged on into the night about having TaH shut down on Tuesday and we are still “on the air” and going strong, Jonn’s post should be good. We’ll see…. *tick tock… tick tock* 😉
My name is Phil I have a friend, Paul, we were both Seals. It was hard. Remembering what mom and dad taught us was good for those days. There we were, laying in wait for our next victim, when…it’s hard to talk about…sorry. We were watching our prey closely, when out of nowhere, an ambush! These enemy forces came on us suddenly and violently with weapons we didn’t know they possessed. We used all our training, it was hand to hand. We moved and I mean as fast as we could. We smiled, laughed, we did everything in our arsenal to fight back but down, down came the clubs. That’s right, clubs. They were clubbing our friends left and right. We knew to look for Orcas, we knew to look for guns but these bastards walked right up on us all innocent like and…down came those damn clubs again. Paul took one or two in the head. i couldn’t help him. He’ll never be the same. I used my training…back to water, always, back to water. I made it. My God I made it. I took a look back at the carnage. Blood everywhere. My friends, oh my God, my friends were splayed out like fresh butchering. I heard a sound behind me. It was Paul, bleeding profusely from a two gash head wound. He didn’t know where he was, who he was or what to do. Poor bastard still doesn’t to this day. Let no one say it is not a hard thing to be…a Seal.
@903 Sparks….
@904 I LMAO twice at that.
@898 Ex-PH2 you know the saying:
“knock once .. double tap twice” or something like that … or was it “measure twice cut once”? or was it “measure psul twice laugh at this face”? .. I’m confused now
Jonn I can’t wait to see what Psul ended up ridiculously saying …
Well played.
Bravo Sparks, you made me laugh in the middle of a fairly bad day. Thanks!