Phillip Dale Monkress; The continuing saga
So if you missed the drama last night in the post about Phillip Dale Monkress, you didn’t miss much. A couple of us got phone calls last night threatening that we were about to be served with summons. Someone who got my wife’s phone records called one of her friends to ask about my guns, ostensibly to protect the process server. I was told that I should remove my guns from house in preparation for that visit, even though the caller was unable to determine if I owned guns, and then later posted in the comments of this blog that I don’t have a permit to own guns (even though no such permit is required, or available in West Virginia).
Well, why would someone run off the rails like that? I’m just a blogger who has never hid my location in the event that one of these phonies feels froggy and wants to leap. I post publicly available information about people who are deceiving the public, and I always do my best to eliminate Personally Identifiable Information, but all that numbnuts did last night was post PII about me and the others. If you want to know if I own guns, come to the house, chickenshit. You’re in Bethesda, MD and I’m a couple of miles away. Drive on up and find out for yourself.
As I mentioned before, Monkress’ lawyer tried to put pressure on us and some of our commenters, to no available, so they’re trying intimidation, poorly. I’ve done nothing illegal, so there’s no summons coming. His lawyer might be an idiot, but she doesn’t want to look like an idiot in a courtroom. So Monkress has hired a PI in Bethesda to harass and try to intimate us. What they don’t realize is that we have lawyers and PIs, too.
So why would he do all of that intimidation? Well, maybe because he’s feeling the heat beyond his phony veterans stories. For example, this is a cached copy of his company’s About page from last week;
And here’s what it looks like now;
They got millions of dollars in government contracts based on their status as a Native American-owned business. Now suddenly, they’re not Native Americans? While we’re looking at their website, how about the front page;
See that Department of Veterans’ Affairs seal? Well, that’s not legal to display there according to 18 U.S.C. §506;
(a) Whoever –
(1) falsely makes, forges, counterfeits, mutilates, or alters
the seal of any department or agency of the United States, or any
facsimile thereof;
(2) knowingly uses, affixes, or impresses any such fraudulently
made, forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered seal or
facsimile thereof to or upon any certificate, instrument,
commission, document, or paper of any description; or
(3) with fraudulent intent, possesses, sells, offers for sale,
furnishes, offers to furnish, gives away, offers to give away,
transports, offers to transport, imports, or offers to import any
such seal or facsimile thereof, knowing the same to have been so
falsely made, forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered,
shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than 5
years, or both.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) or any other provision of law,
if a forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered seal of a
department or agency of the United States, or any facsimile
thereof, is –
(1) so forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered;
(2) used, affixed, or impressed to or upon any certificate,
instrument, commission, document, or paper of any description; or
(3) with fraudulent intent, possessed, sold, offered for sale,
furnished, offered to furnish, given away, offered to give away,
transported, offered to transport, imported, or offered to
import, with the intent or effect of facilitating an alien’s application
for, or receipt of, a Federal benefit to which the alien is not
entitled, the penalties which may be imposed for each offense under
subsection (a) shall be two times the maximum fine, and 3 times the
maximum term of imprisonment, or both, that would otherwise be
imposed for an offense under subsection (a).
(c) For purposes of this section –
(1) the term “Federal benefit” means –
(A) the issuance of any grant, contract, loan, professional
license, or commercial license provided by any agency of the
United States or by appropriated funds of the United States;
(B) any retirement, welfare, Social Security, health
(including treatment of an emergency medical condition in
accordance with section 1903(v) of the Social Security Act (19
(!1) U.S.C. 1396b(v))), disability, veterans, public housing,
education, food stamps, or unemployment benefit, or any similar
benefit for which payments or assistance are provided by an
agency of the United States or by appropriated funds of the
United States; and
(2) each instance of forgery, counterfeiting, mutilation, or
alteration shall constitute a separate offense under this
Like I said the other day, we have someone wandering the halls of Congress trying to get various Congress people interested in Monkress and his company. I’ve also said in the past that I didn’t want to put innocent people out of work at All Points – but that stunt last night pushed me beyond that sentiment. Initially, we only wanted Monkress to admit that he had done all of us veterans wrong by pretending to be something he wasn’t, but he had to double down on the stupid.
He may have threatened my wife and family, but my resolve in this matter has dissipated their fears. So you cowards come out from behind your screens to face me and admit that you have been wrong all along and all of this will stop. By the way, I have more information if you want to keep up this silly game.
By the way, I didn’t post any links to All Points Logistics to protect you from any data they might gather from your visit.
Category: Phony soldiers
Only you are delaying a meeting.
Of course. He’s got some people’s PII already and hasn’t taken step one out of his little hovel. Wifey won’t give him his sack back, so…
My computer likes to go out for a “byte” every now and again also.
So your computer is byte-sexual?
Gee, and I left instructions on how and where to find me. I even said ‘let me know when you’re coming so I’m there waiting’.
Nothing. Just crickets and horny frogs.
It’s been 3 weeks since we had a decent rain, so I think I’ll conjure up some precip and do a ‘here, wicky, wicky, wicky’ while I’m at it.
GT, I like mine low-key with lots of onion and lime juice.
Tomatillos, a few green tomatoes to take up space, cumin, onion, cilantro, “heat” (Jalapeno and Serrano), salt, pepper, oregano, lime juice, touch of oil and vinegar, garlic and a dash of sugar.
Nik – You win! I’ve got nothing. Brain fart!
@708 GT, good recipe for pasta sauce, also can be used for pizza sauce. Tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, and basil. A smidge of salt, not too much. No sugar.
Comes from Gigio’s Pizza
They puree it, but you can always make it chunky.
My dill is finally beginning to grow. It loves the heat, I guess.
God, GT, that sounds good. There was a restaurant back in Chula Vista, down the street from the house where I grew up, that served salsa verde so good I would buy it by the pint container and take it home. I need to start making my own – I’ve got all the ingredients at my disposal.
Well you could mention how your computer likes lots of RAM and a big hard drive. This lets Psul out, as your computer won’t take a floppy.
I think his “floppy” is “fragmented” due to him having no “memory” of the “insertion point” and it caused him to have a “head crash”. Ha!
Valkyrie, I’ve got one in the works about a pedophile schoolteacher back in the 1950s who seduces the star jocks in every high where she teaches and has these weird canine teeth that look like fangs. 😉 And all those jocks (and other students, too) age faster than they should.
So, how much sex do you think I should put into it?
Nicely done!
I would hope that we are let in on who was responsible for the downtime last night. I tried to open TAH at 0400 central, and couldn’t. Communicated with two of the other commenters, (each much easier on the eye than me), and they too were aware of it.
Gee, Paul K. Wickre, sorry to mention that we have an actual circle of friends here, and quality people at that. So sorry that all you have is your chubby little hand, with the occasional visit from the round clown in the purple jumpsuit.
How easy would it be for you to picture people who are respectable, and respected, uniting online, even meeting in person for fellowship, comparing notes on the lowlifes that attempt, (futilely, I might add), to infest our lives? We do that, and with much laughter, and hugging and embracing all around.
Something that you and Phillip Dale Monkress and All Points Logistics are unable to comprehend.
So sorry that you are just a MEGA CLASS PATHETIC LOSER.
#712 Nik: Well done!
Well, I did say he’d launch another attack, and he’s so consistent about it
He did kind of leave a clue on Sunday night with this:
‘Money is power and buys good directed ends…You do not have a picture of me nor understand what is happening. NOr what is going to happen to you.’
Since most of his blather is hot air, it appears on the surface to be nothing more. I guess he found another proxy server use for his dirty work. Isn’t it a pity he can’t learn to piss off and go home.
Nik: I was thinking more along the lines of a “micro-SD” for Psulie-boi. But I guess a floppy is apropos, too.
@ 714 – A LOT!!
@716 if the blog is ever down for you drop me a call, ask Jonn for my info. From what I can regather this one is on me, server started the normal backup but TAH’s database is HUGE so server went unresponsive for some time while I was sleeping (sorry guys, but if it’s my bad well .. is my bad 🙁 ..)
I killed that process and setup the server in a faster way so we will be up and running. 🙁 again .. sorry 🙁
Oh! Wait! If you are writing about a “pedophile schoolteacher” then maybe there shouldn’t be any sex in the book. Unless the tough hardass police detective that is closing in fast, meets his undercover informant on a hot steamy night for a little “stake out”. And then…. Gotta go something just popped up!
Lost – That’s IT! 50 lashes with a wet noodle!
@#721 LOTI:
Thanks for the update. You may have blessed us with not having to read Paul K. Wickre’s drivel; but he is seldom conscious at that late hour. His tirade usually ends long before the time that the blog went down.
Lost: esas cosas pasan, amigo. No person/process/thing on earth is perfect.
Aaaah, 7:40 AM here in the Central, and time for me to do something that Paul K. Wickre just cannot do: I will walk my dog for 2 miles, not leaving the property, and not walking the same path twice. Try that on a city lot, Pauli Boi.
I have already walked the pup for nearly a mile, and when I get back from walking the big girl, I will send about 108 rounds down to my target on the 100 yard shooting range here. I have been thinking of making a target that looks like a dilapidated ol’ Jaguar.
Sheesh, he is such a MEGA CLASS PATHETIC LOSER.
I was thinking along the lines of something like this: ‘that teacher’s been in the district for decades and has never aged, but every high where she’s taught classes went from having a championship sports program to nothing, until she left. And all the jocks she ‘dated’ look like they’re 50 when they hit their 20s.’
But I hadn’t thought to include the hardass police detective, so I’ll have to go dig up Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer stuff and see if that fits in.
Thanks, Val!!!!
Lost, you were sleeping? So was it wickre, as I suspect or something else?
Ex-PH2 – You need someone to proof you let me know! I can’t spell worth a crap and have no clue about writing a book. The one time my brother and I tried it failed miserably. But I do love reading your stuff and sounds like you are writing something right up my alley!
I have it now: one of the jocks the pedo schoolteacher goes after is the hardass police detective’s kid.
See what you did there, Valkyrie? You opened a previously closed door.
I’m on it now.
@725 *Nod* thanks, still feels like “man did I forget to do something?”
@727 Ex-PH2 Yes I was, I’m on PST so by the time I wake up you guys are in full swing on the blog. This was all me as far as I can tell I’ve been stressing a bit because of some stuff in my personal life so I tend to have weird sleeping habits hopefully that’ll be solved this week so …
Don’t let LostOnThemInterwebs fool you guys, he’s a hero and a champ! I can call him late at night or early in the morning and he’s on the job. Best of all, he’s refused any sort of remuneration for his heroics. He’s the reason that TAH is running at all.
OK, everybody gets to pound on Lostontheminterwebs for actually having the nerve to take time out to sleep. (kidding)
I really thought wickre had pulled one on us. I truly did.
Oh, well.
Yo Phildo,
How is that security clearance issue working out?
I can only imagine the goggled your name.
I would ask you but you will not answer phone calls.
Actually, I do not blame you. I probably would not either considering the position you are in.
How does it feel?
Also, word has it ANOTHER senior employee jumped ship.
@731 Jonn, thanks for those kind words I love this blog, least I can do for you guys since you are my family (sorry you get stuck with me covering your 6, you get to decide if it’s good or not LoL)
@732 Well that occurred to me too I was like “The day I go to sleep early … really” checked all the logs and all and just saw it was that process and just well 😛 fixed it I don’t mind Psul getting some verbal abuse but I thought it would be kind of douche bag move to let him take the rip for this one … 😛
It’s OK, Lost. Even Data the android had his down times.
Lost – Don’t beat yourself up over it. You’re human and shit happens but the important thing is that you fixed it.
It also shows what a gentleman you are by admitting our “broken toy” didn’t cause it. 🙂
@735 Yeah 😛 that’s true
@736 Yeah I tend to try to figure out what stuff breaks (mostly to exploit it but not this time) I guess the analytical part of me gets me some times, thanks ..
BTW I did 4 posts without insulting Phil or Psul …
Yo Phildo! how’s that Navy SEAL Team 4 hard ass oh yeah Horrah thing going for ya? not good huh? I think someone should make a “Phony SEAL” pin and we should let the Team 4 REAL Navy SEALs bloody pin it on you, I’m sure as a SEAL you know what’s that right? and I’m SURE the guys at Team 4 would love to pin it to you … lying jackass
I noticed problems with TAH loading early this morning too and going to blame it on one of Wickres little friends. No biggy though, I knew it’d be up sooner or later…and now I know who to blame, LOST! lmao! Valkyrie, give that story writing another shot. Just because you’ve failed one time doesn’t mean you need to give it up, lol. “Can’t never tried” is what an English teacher told me in high school.
I have one (true story) I’ve been working on and off on for around five-six years now and have let others read the draft. It was a hard to read at first (way too much personal view of that period in time) then I refined it, I began to get favorable comments. 🙂
I’m also working on a crime fiction (I guess) based on events that but never made it any further than the local newspaper and is set in a rural area West Texas. By the way, FB gave me the 12hr probationary period this AM…f’ng pissants.
I’m in favor of a faux-SEAL pin, as long as it gets ‘pinned’ in precisely the right spot, so that the impression lasts forever.
I am a bit elated to learn that it was in fact, a problem at LOTIs end, and further reinforces my belief that Paul K. Wickre doesn’t have the knowledge to do a DoS attack. That he could hire someone to do it for him, (as he does with all aspects of his life, most likely even to bedroom obligations), would be in keeping with his small-minded “everything revolves around money” mentality.
Lost and Ex-PH2, how about this as a pin: How about Sealy from The Damned Few as he’s on top of the Indian princess screaming he’s a top secret navy seal? I mean, a cartoon character getting off on an imaginary conquest just seems so right for the faux-SEAL pin…
Just catching up after being away for a few, and this little nugget jumped out at me: @529: “Enemies that need to be taught 7×7 in the King James.” Now, I do realize that Wickre is completely insane, and fully ensconced on the evil side vs. good, but I still thought that was a right interesting statement to make, for a couple of reasons. First, I think he was trying to make reference to what Jesus was teaching in Matthew 18:21-22, but, as usual, both screwing up the actual reference and getting the real meaning absolutely the opposite of what was being said. It is about forgiveness, not harming an enemy: “Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy time seven.” Christ was making the point that, as a devout believer, one is commanded to forgive all, forgive everyone for any and all offenses, not just once, not just the Jewish tradition of seven times, but “70 x 7,” or in other words, every single time an offense occurs. Wickre, on the other hand, seems to think this is some sort of threat, which is right interesting for another reason – I think we have all noted the radical and surprisingly quick rise in acts and actions of evil going on lately, and it does seem like the gulf between good and evil are being more sharply divided, with fewer and fewer still remaining who have not chosen their side. Scripture also seems to have a more poignant and pointed affect on people lately, with those on the side of good appreciating the light and goodness of it, while those on the other side reacting with enhanced hatred and anger at the mention of it. Being the sort of person he is, Wickre reacts with typical negativity towards what is actually a lesson in kindness, love and (true) tolerance, and instead tries to use it as some sort… Read more »
@738 😛 well what can I say *hiddes in true ninja sniper fashion*
@741 LOL! that sounds awesome! but If we had to make one for each phony SEAL … we would have to do them by the hundreds and use classes: “Phony SEAL class of 2013! Secured!”
Currahee John, that is a very good take on wickre and how to respond to him.
I see no point in doing anything other responding calmly and maybe even being silly to the threats he makes, because that makes it easier to not take what he says as an attack, even if he addresses any of us personally. I tend to view him the way a dog views a caterpillar – it moves, but it doesn’t make any sense.
Besides, he goes so far ’round the bend sometimes that trying to make sense of what he’s cranking out is not easy. You have to spend time trying interpret his ramblings and then you realize that he’s taking up to an hour to create a post that means ‘I hate you and I’m going to take my ball and go home’, except that he never goes home.
He is, however, wearing down.
That wasn’t a sermon, John. Merely another and rock solid explanation of Wickre’s odd ball behavior every time he pays us a visit. *shrugs*
The easiest way to make Paul K Wickre’s eyes light up:
Shine a flashlight in his ear.
This little rant was very interesting in a “what the hell is wrong with him” kind of way. He seems to think that his family is high class, yet he only spoke of criminal behavior going back how many generations? I don’t quite think his family is the pillar of the Rockefeller types that he believes. More than likely, they were just poor rum-runners who consistently got caught and horse whipped because they were too retarded to actually drive sober while carrying their illegal hooch.
My family, since he believes that we are all lower-class since time began, actually has a rather distinguished history. The furthest back we can track is to Germany of about the 1300s. They were Knights who were eventually deposed (you shouldn’t marry the King’s daughter without his permission) and went to England. They rose to a Barony in England and were eventually sent over to America to put down the colonial uprising. They decided that they liked what the colonials were fighting for and threw their lot in with America.
Even today, we take our oaths of service to heart. If a family member doesn’t serve in Military, Police, or Fire Department by age 25, they aren’t invited to the family reunions anymore.
And, Paul, as for my PII, I do not make it a habit of doing what the DoD and VA do with releasing my personal information to every identity thief in the world. The fact that you are actually trolling for PII leads me to believe that you have a nefarious purpose in mind (though it is about as nefarious as a pissed off chipmunk).
Otherwise, all I have to say is that you should probably get back to the calls from the ACTUAL law enforcement personnel, lest they believe that you are actively avoiding them. That way they can lock you up faster so you can be ‘ravaged’ as much as your soon-to-be-wide butt-hole desires by your fellow inmates.
You guys really get deep.
I, on the other hand, keep it very simple.
Phildo, you suck ass!
I wonder if Phildo and Psulie-boi like listening to these guys’ music?
“Phil” MiGroin.
The saga of Phildo and the Paulsack continueth.
#743 Lost, we can get them made out of the cheap composite pot metal, and brittle as they will be I bet they last longer than either the pretender or their story. 🙂 Besides, most of those getting them probably would buy them if we pitched it right.
At the closing of #566, Paul K. Wickre asked you to provide your “vitals”.
I think he meant “victuals”, though. He didn’t get to be a fat slob by eating EKG readouts, you know. He wants food, and it seems he is willing to rape people to get it.
The blame for his malady can be placed squarely on Ex and Green Thumb. With all your incessant recipe sharing, you’re driving the poor fatty hunger crazy.
@teddy, neither GT nor I will cease and desist from sharing recipes, food ideas, etc., etc., etc.
We will not be undone by a glutton for punishment.