Phillip Dale Monkress; phony SEAL in FL

| May 9, 2013

The discussion on Monkress has moved here.

Editor’s Note: Monkress needed a bump up to the top. His lawyer is sending threatening letters to our friends and I guess she decided after a phone call with me, that her threats would only be a day’s welcomed distraction. Someone is walking the halls of Congress with Monkress’ DD214 today asking questions. I’ve added some more evidence that Monkress called himself a Navy SEAL, which seems to be their defense these days, that he never said he was a SEAL. So Lori Benton of Ford & Harrison, Attorneys at Law, you know our number.

Someone sent us some information on Phillip Dale Monkress who was outed late last year by POW Network as a phony SEAL, but he’s still rockin’ the lie, so it’s time to call out the pitchfork brigade. Here’s picture of him in his motorcycle club, the US Military Veterans’ Motorcycle Club;

Notice the Trident peaking out from his vest? Well, here are his records;

Aside from the fact that Captain Larry Bailey, a real SEAL, says there’s no record of Monkress in the system, his records don’t mention BUD/S, well, unless a Computer System Maintenance Technician is the same as a SEAL in Navy talk. Here are his assignments;

He’s the CEO and president of “All-Points Logistics” in Titusville, FL, and according to the screenshots at POW Network, he works with US government contracts and claims he’s a Native-American. I wonder if that is even true, as well, since clearly, he wasn’t a SEAL. Someone at the DVA OIG ought to check on his claims of being a 100% disabled veteran, too.

ADDED: It seems the lawyers are trying to make the point that Monkress never called himself a SEAL, but here’s a page from the Brevard Business News which reprints a slide presentation in their publication;

Monkress APL ad
And an alert reader found a Florida Today article behind a pay wall. Scroll down and you’ll see where the article calls Monkress a Navy SEAL. Where’d the reporter get that idea?

Florida Today Monkress article
Here’s an ad that BBN ran in their publication about a business conference. But Monkress never claimed to be a SEAL, right?


Category: Phony soldiers

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Job, writes, “Yea , the light of the wicked is put out, and the flame of his fire does not shine. The light is dark in his tent and the lamp above him is put out. His strong steps are shortened and his own schemes throw him down, and he walks on a pitfall. A trap siezes him by the heel, a snare lays hold of him. A rope is laid in his path on the ground. terrors frighten him on every side and chase him at his heels…. By disease his skin is consumed, he is torn from the tent, and is brought to the King of terrors. Job 18: How long will you hunt? You can find my name, well known, What you all should fear, is the blue blood in my veins, Barely Americanized, I am called on in multiple venues to quiet things down. “of the Bay By the sea” Karmoy, West of Stavanger. I call a small island home, and with it my enduring sense of Justice. This time Boys you picked on the wrong Guy. What frightens DHS more than anything is ideaology from Saudi Arabia in the Islamic Code. They blow themselves up and bring down planes. What should frighten you is I am the same but larger, bolder and hired specifically to find you and bring you down in the Court System. My toolkits are Lawyers, my words my weapon. I work for wealthy interests, and you are not the only pests, here, in Europe or elsewhere. ich denke nicht ( im Schlaft) daran. ich will dich ganz wenn ich du/Sie ware, an deiner/iher Stelle was ist los?– es light an dir/euch/ihnen willst du jezt wohl ruhig seinl, bist du or sei jext endlich ruhigl. ihr alle/Sie alle/ ich will dich ganz, es ist nicht gut Julie Wier, wenn ihr so weitermacht, veriezt sich betimmt noch jemand Lilyea, Seavey. die von diser Malsname am starksten Betroffen das tut wehl!! nicht schmerzt mehr or tut mehr weh als die Wahrheit bis bald! wir weden ja bald sehen, wer Recht hat. ich sehe es… Read more »



Zu Folgen



@655 BeetleJuice

I love that song!!

?? Sitting on the dock of the bay. Watching the tide roll away ??

Can you do the whistling part? I can’t do that do well. What’s your favorite song?


@656, et al. – 22/7 is inaccurate, as are you.

Strange how you would fixate on that number, as it is an inaccurate attempt to rationalize the irrational (in mathematical terms, to express “pi” as a fraction).

In much the same way, you are attempting (and failing) to rationalize Monkeyass’s irrational belief that he is/was a US Navy SEAL. He’s a fake and a coward. You are a pretty sad attempt at defending a fraud. By what – intimidation? *yawn*

You are dismissed.


Seavey in Indiana, Lilyea in West Virginia

Beelzeboub, from Hebrew Ba?al z?bh?bh

In the old low German

wss Sie machten, jezt ernten Sie

Sie sind fur thre Sunden trauig, und Ihre Freunde leiden. zum Beispel, Julie Weir, Bill Roth and ihr Rechtsanwalt, Mark Seavey, eine schwere Gebuhr wird auf Sie fur Ihre Woreter Aktionen gesetzt.

Es ist ich, Derrickkran, der Sie, den falligen Weschle zahlen lasst und geschuldet.

Undt jezt fir den Rest Ihnen, “aint Scared”, Icutthere, Hondo, Fjrdeson, EdUsmcleg, Omni, TSO, Lilyea, ” jedes von Ihren gemacht um Ohren Weschel einzulosen.

Als amattures, die, Fsachlrute beschaftigen, Sie am Sclag auf Ihrer Tur und Haus uberrascht und damn an Ihre Delikte erinnern.

Erinnern Sie sich an wo ich von, in Stavanger bin und vom nordischen Blut und unnachgiebig , nie, zu, ermunden bin oder meinen Auftrag verfeheln. Sie ./n/nFrurcht ist jezt ihr zweiter VoRName.


Beelzeboob suffers from Guanopsychosis.

Bat. Shit. Crazy.

Du bist wie ein kleines Kind, weinen, wenn du nachweislich falsch. Gehen jetzt, und kommt nicht zuruck, “Boob.”


Ich, fuge Sie gerade der Liste, kostenlos hinzu. Sie werden leicht gefunden und gejagt, Virtual, MrGame, Valkyrie, Gravel, EdUsMCleg.

Jedes von Ihnen fugen der Liste hinzu, und Sie sind begrenzt. Jedes IP Address wird gefunden und lokalisiert. Jedes Ihnen zahlt einen Preis fur Ihre Schlagfertigkeit. Jedes IP wird an Ihren Standort und eine Beanstandung, die der Karte hinzugefugt wird fur Wesdein Ihrer Zunge werden Sie Verfolgung hinzugefugt.

Aber ich werde auf Sie Jonn Lilyea spezialisieren und Ihren jungen Rechtsnealt, in West Virgiania, und in Indiana. Ich broushe nicht zahte, jezt es bin Sport


Was die bumsen????

Schwartz ist!!! Sehest du die leben? Was mache Ich hier mit diesen fiesen hirnlosen Fettsack?????

Hey, bizzzlebub, du Arschloch, your phony German stinks worse than your breath. Pas auf, dass du Jonn nicht sauer machst.

He, ist Klugscheisser, alte Knacker, und Mann Brustwarzen, und Idiot, dieser Gottsprechen. Schweigen sie, Schwetzer. Nehmen Sie anderswo Ihre Drohungen und Morgenlatte.

Does anyone want a translation of that?


Jedes von Ihnen hat zu wissen gefallen in ein Spiel, das Sie nicht dir leisten konnen,/n/n/Jedes von Ihnen bekannt. Jedes von Ihnen von bekannt. Jedes von Ihnen isst Ihre Worter hinsichtlich Ihrer schmutzigen Sprache, Ihre Verleumdungen, Ihre Fuhrung./n/nWahrend Sie dacten, war dieses ein Spiel, SIe tragt den hohen Preis, den ich berechne.


OMG!! OMG!! Oh my God!! He said my name!! I seen it, he did it!!! Does this mean we’re going steady!?!? Can I have your letter men’s jacket? I’m just so excited wait until I tell Mitzy!! She’s going to be sooo jealous!! Pick me up at 8? Bye, Snoockums!! Miss you already!

(I figured if he’s going to continue to act like a child….. When in Rome or Germany I guess)


Denkste, Fettsack!!!! Verpiss Dich! Du kannst mich mal am Arsch lecken!!! 😛 😛 😛


Valkyrie, insulting this clown is too much fun. Should I switch to Latin?

From Sicily

Ora Che avete fatto, avete preso il West Virginia, Blog gloable, e on ci place.
Cosi come la TV guarda e ridere con la vostra commedia, e dimenticare to scope ma sono complici


He, homosexueller Junge! Schwulmann!! Verpiss Dich!!!


Seriamente, se si ha intenzione di utilizzare un traduttore online, scegliere un servizio migliore.

And in the meantime, futue te ipsum, homine gordus.


Stew, got anything?

From France/ then Belarus

Nous avons regu l’appel et maintenant alertons Russia. Nous faisons des choses differtes ici en doors de des Etats-Unis./n/nLes attaques viendront du Belarus et vous ne les oublierez pas. Puis nos camradere en China/n/nDe petits hommes, nous vous attqquerons dans des vos telesieuress.

From Sweden

Den IP-samataler vil komme fra Russland. De dustete kamaeratene nonse vil slas av. Alle IP-addresser vil bil funnet og geo-logger. Du crickets vil bil stum. Lilyea, Weir og Roth vil bil saksokt. Dette spilet er mer enn du, lille menn


Ex- Well if you’re taking request…. I think he likes the goldie oldies. Latin should work.


Well, that is probably the worst, god-awful effort at pretending to speak or write French that I’ve seen since high school when the “C-” students asked me to tutor them.

Cependant, je chois être la femme supèrieure. Vous êtes un voyou, un pilleur et un pillager. Vous manquez de caractère, de l’honneur, et du valeur. Allez-vous d’ici, connard, et ne retournez jamais.


Wait! You mean he wasn’t asking me to go steady!?!?

That’s IT!! Take your musty old jacket back, the letter was taped on anyway!! And I want my CD’s back!


Yes, he seems to be using a really bad pocket translator.

He’s mostly trying to makethreats that are actually nothing more than gobbledygook, as usual. It’s pretty lame. When he couldn’t get past me in bad German, he went to seriously bad Italian, then to even worse French and now he’s trying Swedish? That’s an insult to the Swedes.

Well, here goes. Monkress, ?? ?? ??????? ??????. 😛 😛 😛


I was afraid of that. It won’t take foreign characters.

Hmm. What to do. Oh, yeah: Monkress, esti un imbecil. Esti prost, esti slab ?i f?r? valoare, ?i v? miros ca gunoaie vechi trei zile.


Back to basics: Monkress, suge meum aquaductum. Lege labris volumen inguinale mihi. Te oportet futuere tete.


It almost seems like he might only post late a night to (Gasp) avoid everyone. Nah! That couldn’t be it could it? I mean a fine up standing citizen as his self who knows he is defending the righteous wouldn’t purposely avoid those he sees as his inferior adversaries. Making him look like a coward to those he knows are his “social betters”. Couldn’t be it, could it?


Valkyrie, you’re making me laugh loud enough to wake the cats!

It’s a shame this setup won’t take foreign characters. The Romanian line says “Monkress, you’re an asshole, you’re weak and lame, and you smell like three-day-old garbage.”


@PH2, I really couldn’t have said it better.

What a fucktard we have here. It’s speaking in tongues now? Google translate much? Please post something in Russian, homey. You’ll make my day!

I guess when you approach 700 posts, you can expect to drift off topic a bit, but I’d like to know what any of these “threats” have to do with the truth, or with our fake SEAL, Monkeyass.

I hope the International Sock Puppet Coalition of Beelzeboob can provide a lucid answer (in English) as to how this relates to the “SEAL” in question.

If not, kindly SHUT THE FUCK UP!


Du är dum, du är svaga och värdelösa, och du luktar som sopor tre dagar gamla.


Stew – Now don’t confuse it. He practiced in front of the mirror and his mom all day, getting ready for his BIG moment to shine. He’s got his little “Foreign big Words For Dummies” copy 1983 and his big boy sippy cup and his Mommie promised to let him watch a PG-13 movie if he ate all his veggies. Don’t go asking him any logical questions. He’s only in the G’s of his word a day calendar.


Stew, I tried Russian. The WordPress server won’t accept foreign characters. But I did manage to tell him in Romanian and Swedish that he’s stupid, he’s weak and worthless, and he smells like 3-day-old garbage. Slang doesn’t always translate well.

The uh, ‘threats’ were about taking it to Russia and we’ll be attacked from Russia and then Belarus, so I responded in Italian and he switched to pocket-translator French. Oh, come on! I majored in modern languages, FFS! Give me a break! Hell, I learned most of my Spanish on the bus to and from work escuchen a las mamis hablan a sus niñitas.

I still haven’t hit Japanese, but I did tell him to go fuck himself and give me a blowjob in Latin. Scias te fortasse Romanum esse si saepe quid haberas in animo dicere priusquum ad verbum pervenias, obliviscaris. (You know you’re a Roman when you forget what you were going to say before you get to the verb.) Non dormir pudeo, et carpo noctem. (I can’t sleep, so I’m up.) Animal convivialissimum aribtreris esse caprum. (His idea of a party animal is a goat.)


I don’t speak any other language then English and broken hick, but I can pick out enough words from you to kinda know what you’re saying. I wonder if he’s having as much fun as we are. I’m laughing loud enough my neighbor came and asked if I was OK, or ok for me anyway. Haha!


Contiburnium habeo quae Monkress cognossire volen.

(Really bad, but roughly I have eight men in a tent who would like to meet Monkress.)


Valkyrie, he may be stunned into temporary silence.


I think our Global Alliance of Assclownery has gone to sleep. Mom must’ve come up and regulated, then tucked him back in for the night.

Entertaining diversion for a while, but I must get back to work.

A domani…


Dang, I was so hoping he’d ask me to prom.


Maybe next year, he will. But is putting up with his breath really worth it?

I’m going back to my SEAL team, about to fend off the villainous pirates who will steal the shoes off your feet if they think they can sell them. Bonne nuit!

From Hell

IN any language, not interested in you crickets, you are nothing to any cause. Outspent, outtalked, out manuevered, you can ramble on all night. You will never find me. But I have you by clever means, those that we want. Outspent, outfoxed, really stupid in your opposition, you are nothing. Lilyea we want and Lilyea we will get. “Stew got anything”. ? UP against the best and brightest you military losers will get nowhere. You are nothing and we are not interested in you. We are interested in the perps and that is what we shall have. Lilyea, Seavey, Roth and Weir. Indicted and behind bars. The rest of you military types go about your business, Your not even a target, you idiots. You do not understand relentless effort. Not interested in you unless you irritate me. There is the fake IP world you traffic in, and then there is the real world of States Attorneys, Courtrooms and prosecution, with real time jail, probation agents and fines. Don’t really care about your IP ramblings, you idiots, not interested in you. Sniperscope ready, we want Lilyea and accomplices to teach a lesson to you morons. Stupid beyond belief, you pick battles where you are not even on the list. No one cares you imbeciles, Your little Minister in WVA is what we want for being wrong for 5 years and that is what we will get. Congressman, FBI agents? News papers? Your screen names your typing, who cares?? It is your high priest that we desire. Cut of the head of the fish and the rest smells. Ed? in NJ, Some idiot on a Yahoo account in NY, who csres?? You are nothing to me. You dont make the list and I do not care about your ribbons Pins , lost valor, stolen hats or anything else that motivates you. We want you for class warfare, as attacking an equity owner. You are on the most wanted list for disturbing money. You rabble, you poor cheap uneducated lower class, You made it my businsess to push you back into your lower… Read more »


Well, it looks like someone found the URL for Bing Translator.


^ Right. Thanks, bud. That just cleared everything up.

Good luck with the class warfare and restoring order, and all that.

You must be a real world-class “lawer” to so graciously take time out of your brief-preparing and extensive legal research to engage in this debate with us low-lifes defending our tin badges. Sounds like you’ve got some work to do. Your extensive training at “Stanford, Yale or Princeton” must’ve made you something to be able to multitask so well.

Although, I don’t think Judges take kindly to open-mike night in the courtroom, so you may want to get your shit together. My advice – pick a language (I suggest English) and learn it. You failed at every language you tried tonight.

Or you can just keep arguing with the rest of the pond scum here at the bottom of the blog – that’s actually free, and shouldn’t piss the judges off.

You’re rather entertaining, we’d hate to see you go. You’re one of us now. Or, including your sock puppet friends, you’re like four or five of us.


Give it up, Derrick. You’re functionally illiterate. Using big words you looked up in a dictionary does not make you smarter. It just makes you look silly and very, very stupid. Everything you’ve posted here has been out of context verbal diarrhea, sound and fury signifying nothing. The bath mat in my bathroom is smarter than you are. Puto te tuber in cebrere alere.

And for pete’s sake, if you’re going to try to insult people, learn how to do it. You’re repetitive and not very bright. And you’re incredibly boring. If you piss Jonn off enough, he’ll ban you, which is his choice.

Hi, Stew. Still awake, I see. Did you see the full moon tonight? Absolutely awesome brilliance. I did actually read a newspaper by that light.


PH, it’s broad daylight over here. Taliban amateur hour has led to a relatively slow Saturday that has me happily perusing my favorite SV site keeping up with the ramblings of the deluded, and witty retorts of the talented few who stand against “teh stupid.”

I hope my boredom continues til DEROS. The job gets deadly when it gets exciting.

I wonder if the retards always flourish like this on a full moon?


Stew, keep your eyes and ears open. Come back alive.


Mark and Engels? Is that a new boy band? Derrick, did your mother tell you that your name is the technical term for a construction crane?

Most guys named Derek spell it D-E-R-E-K. But your mom…, well, your mom had to be different and name you for piece of construction equipment, something that manly men use to haul junk around.

Old Trooper

Ok, I have kept away from commenting on this thread, because my betters have already done a fine job of it, but I will make a comment involving one sentence in post #691:

“You do not understand relentless effort.”

Boy; do you have any idea how stupid just that one sentence makes you sound? Obviously you have never been in the military. You call us idiots while uttering that? You wouldn’t have the intestinal fortitude to make it through basic training, let alone serving a tour in a combat zone. And who’s this “we” you keep talking about? Do you have a frog in your pocket?


OT, it’s probably him and his closest friend Richard.


So much for a slow weekend.

Frankly Opinionated

I go to bed and get up to find drool all over the post. What kind of wacko phony asshole has dopes like this lamely attempting to “make us go away”? His rants above make this comment of mine, just one more indelible, permanently marked strike against the NON SEAL Phillip Dale Monkress, in the Google world book. Keep up the Monkeyass support turd, and anyone wanting to take a look at his past will get plenty to see.

Frankly Opinionated

Phillip Dale Monkress’ and friends, parents didn’t heed:


“You are on the most wanted list for disturbing money.”

Oooh, ooh, ooooooh! How do you get on THAT list???


Define ‘disturbing money’.


Lol… Monkress got a retarded parody of Joe Lefors to harass TAH?

Providing us entertainment like this for free… the guy can’t be all that bad.

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