Dallas Wittgenfeld

| April 23, 2012

This guy’s records are a big question mark. He’s wearing a CIB, but according to his records, he was a commo guy in Vietnam, so there is no way he’s authorized to wear a CIB. He’s also wearing infantry brass with the blue background and a blue rope which he’s also not authorized to wear. But his FOIA says he was awarded a CIB;

But then I’ve never seen a FOIA that listed Letters of Commendation and Certificates of Achievement, either. So all of that makes me suspicious. Here’s his record of assignments from his Form 2-1;

The dates of his assignments coincide to the history of his two Ranger units, according to the 75th Ranger Regiment Association. But like I said, if he altered his military records to add the CIB, there’s no reason to believe he didn’t alter his assignments, too. The fact that he’s listed as a 05B20 while he was in Advanced Individual training is suspicious, too. I’m sure he wasn’t a Sergeant E-5 after four months of service.

And here’s a picture of him wearing a green beret at the Wall, and that’s a Purple Heart and Ranger scroll on his chest;

According to the Special Forces Association membership rules, he’s not eligible to be a member based on his assignments to Ranger units, so the green beret thing is right out.

You and I both know from looking at these records that he’s not authorized all of the infantry stuff, but how that CIB got in his records, I’ll never know, well, unless he gives up the ghost and tells us the truth. Not holding my breath.

Thanks to the folks at Scotty’s Hideaway, for the stuff.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Hello DullAss Widgetfield,

I am your alter ego. You are a moron of epic capabilities and I salute your ability to prove to the entire military community that you are a complete and utter crank jacket!



Incenduaries? That isn’t even a word? Is that a new made-up word for blowhard?

If that’s meant for a firebomb, it’s spelled INCENDIARIES and finale is spelled FINALE.

Scottys Hideaway

Yea, What’s up with that Dallas ? Why aren’t you using the SFA as part of your proof anymore ? Could it be that the SFA called your bluff old man?
Now stick one finger in one ear & close one eye so that none of what I type escapes your brainless housing group. I DARE YOU to come at me with anything boy. Put up or shut up fool.


Wittgenfeld: I still think you’re a poser. No, scratch that – I KNOW you’re a poser. You’ve previously claimed decorations you never earned (think BSM w/V device – and please spare us the bullshit denials; 14 or so reporters don’t independently make the same exact error unless they’re being fed bad info). Your CIB is suspect as hell and may not be legit. You’re an all-time jerk. And you’ve made a highly-suspect career out of being a Ramboesque military “hero”, when the facts appear to be decidedly otherwise. Half the claims you make don’t check out. And you lie about piddling stuff that doesn’t matter – like your state of residence.

In fact, you’re the worst kind of poser. You served honorably, as an Airborne-qualified member of a Ranger unit in Vietnam. That’s probably the 3rd hardest job in Vietnam (I’d rate SF and the original LRP/LRRPs higher, the latter only because they had to figure it out on the fly; by the time you got there, the TTPs for Ranger recon patrolling in Vietnam were well-established). Yet that wasn’t enough for you, not “heroic” enough. So you had to claim – falsely – the other two (LRP/LRRP and SF) as well. Plus awards you never earned, and deeds I’m relatively sure you never did (I want to see independent proof of that “skydiving for the orphans in Vietnam” claim before I’ll believe it).

The truth may not be what you want, Wittggenfeld, and may hurt. But it’s still the truth. Lying about it doesn’t change reality.

Here’s the reality: you served honorably, in one hellaciously tough job. But ever since, you’ve been trading on the valor and accomplishments of others, lying and embellishing, to make yourself look like the Great American Hero you never were. And that’s disgusting, especially in light of your own honorable service.

Not everyone can be Audie Murphy, Bull Simons, Charlie Beckwith, or David Hackworth. But everyone can be honorable and truthful. You ought to quit acting like a jerk and give the latter a try for a change.

2-17 AirCav

How many people here can name at least one guy who would stand up for him if you were the “victim” here? I mean, if you were in a very special outfit where the guys were so tight you couldn’t put a gnat’s ass between any two of them when the shit got deep, wouldn’t you–without prompting–come to his aid if you were the “victim” here?

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Well, Well, well..? I just landed a ramair parachutea high-performance canopy in the center of the target area standing up… meanwhile you Leggs are still here squirting on me while I am Rangering…. how funny is that. I had a couple scotch on the rocks when a little redhead honey took me to my “Love Machine” van and sucked the life out of me for free.

You people are pathetic and anyone (normal) would agree with me. My goal is 600 or more comments by you jack-offs.

Since when did you guys start the spelling bee on here. None of you stupid fuckers can spell my name right… how stupid is that. Now you all are copy catting me… CoooooL…! I win again…

And it is very obvious to a normal person that you guys are jealous as hell of me. Toooo Bad live with that..

Remember..? The entire military is NOT watching you or me…. Kiss my ass…

What was the names of those news reporters articles… you need to help me prosecute them too. Go find a picture or a quote from me…. Otherwise you and the reporters that you can’t find are the cause and effect here with bogus information, or bailout dipshits..

And, Hey Hondo, I like the way you are starting to sound…. If you could have been more knowledgeable a year ago…I wouldn’t be here. That’s where the lies began, remember Face Book and your bullshit there… I got the screen captures… Ha Ha Ha Ha…

You have but to look at my uniform…. there are my medals… always has been.. Combat Infantry Airborne Ranger LRRP Drill Sergeant. Decorated for Valor in Combat with two Purple Hearts and an Air Medal representing more than 25 combat Infaantry air assaults…

NONE of you weenies have 25 combat Infantry air assaults.. Get down and give Drill Sergeant Wittgenfeld 20 pushups if your old asses can…. This disabled vet can do 50 pushups today. 🙂


Still waiting for those orders, DullASS.

Try looking in one of those 4-5 old cars you got up on blocks in the yard, you know–the ones where you turned the truck beds into chicken coops.


Hondo … no doubt he is a POSER. He wears uniform(s) of the Armed Forces of the United States that he IS NOT ENTITLED or AUTHORIZED to wear. There are very simple rules, regulations, and policies regarding the wearing of the uniform after you have been discharged and/or retired. DullAss Widgetfield has written his own books of regs and wears variants of uniforms at the circus, NASCAR races, the library, shopping mall, parachute parties, poorly organized rallies, swap meets, NAMBLA meetings, where ever he can attract a crowd of like minded goons. Quite frankly he is NOT AUTHORIZED to wear much of what he wears … and if he ever showed up at the largest Veteran’s Day Parade in our great Nation dressed as he does … he would be singled out in a NY minute and he would be on the 6 and 11 o’clock news: “MILITARY FAKE BUSTED DURING NYC VETERAN’S DAY PARADE”.

He still has never responded to any of posts!

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Wha, wha, wha…. You are NOT the uniform police. Get a life dipshit… I can wear what ever I want… remember..? So can you. I fought for your rights .. now you think you can muzzle me or direct my color of uniforms or my tee-shirts or jumpsuits. If you touch any part of my uniform dasterdly things could happen to you. Everything I wear is mine…. look AGAIN…

ShOrT RaNgE PaTrOL 42

The only one whining is you, Dullass.

It’s funny, now when one googles your name, this article is the first result.

So the whole interweb can see your douchebaggery.


Listen hear DullAss … Listen very closely … You just threatened me (not a smart move). Read what you wrote and I will restate what I wrote. You are a POSER elite … who is NOT authorized to wear the variants of uniforms that you wear. In fact the manner in which you wear the uniforms variants exceeds permissions granted to active and reserve duty and retirees (and it is simply embarrassing). So if you are seen by me (a former fed LEO who still works in the business) and my friends (many federal LEOs) I will do everything in my power as a citizen to expose you on the spot and move for a citizens arrest. BTW NYPD traditionally don’t like military posers like you … you see many of them are former military and or in the reserves. My guess is if a NYPD officers saw you and asked to see your ID card … and you did not produce an ID … well you might spend a night in the TOMBS … shit if it was a weekend perhaps 2 or 3 nights. NYC would be perfect …come on up and show us in NYC just how BAD ASS you are … so please come to the NYC Veteran ‘s Day Parade. You can not miss me … I will be marching with thousands of other Navy personnel and 10’s of thousands of other services. You see dumbass … it is illegal to wear any uniform of a uniformed service (includes NOAA, USMM, USPHS) … that includes US Army. Further it is illegal to wear badges, insignia, warfare designators, ribbons, medals, and other devices not awarded. You see dumb ass the Stolen Valor Act loss in the USSC was about free speech. Yes you can lie all day long about you bullshit expolits. But if I catch YOU in my town you will be be handled IAW the law.

You are a pussy …. your threats are more humorous to me than they are a concern.

Watch you mouth with me you disgraceful POS!


Wittgenfeld: I’ve never had a Facebook account, dipstick – or posted a comment on Facebook in my life. I don’t do Facebook.

The reason is probably beyond understanding for a narcissist like you. But some of us rather like our privacy, and are thus very discrete for both personal and professional reasons. Facebook isn’t the most discrete forum in the world.

You also might want to read some of the comments above and on the two other threads on this site about you. Frankly, I was one of the few defending you originally – until you showed up here acting like a world-class asshole as well as an ignorant blowhard and bully. That more than anything else convinced me that you were full of crap and that I should take a closer look at the facts. And the verifiable facts of your case – as opposed to the tales you try pass off as the truth – are disturbing as hell.

Oh, and MCPO is correct above. While mere lying about receiving decorations is protected speech absent intent to defraud, actually wearing decorations you never earned is a different thing entirely – even according to the 9th Circus.


So in the future, you really might want to think twice about wearing all those Army unit decorations you seem to love wearing. Per the official DA list of unit decorations, your units in Vietnam don’t seem to have been awarded those unit decorations for service in Vietnam. That means you were wearing them due to unit lineage vice personal entitlement. In plain language, that means you don’t rate them as permanent personal awards – and they come off your damn uniform when you leave the unit. And they’re also NOT on your DD214. Wear then again an you’ll be in violation of fully enforceable Federal law.

In short: once again, Wittgenfeld, you either don’t know what in the hell you’re talking about and/or are deliberately lying. In either case that’s nothing new.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

I like how you dingleberrys try to poooo poooo the VA Medical Chief’s legal advise. That is funny because who ever goes down on here will be doomed by her legitamate findings, legal report, and recommendations to the procecuter. Done deal. Yes your names and pictures identifying most of you are in her paper file too. She does have access to any VA Computer she wants… And she wants to see all of you in jail. Got that picture yet..? …… READ THIS AND UNDERSTAND IT….. this law is the demise of the “STOLEN VALOR MAFIA” The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) State Cyberstalking and Cyberharassment Laws Overview. Many states have enacted “cyberstalking” or “cyberharassment” laws or have laws that explicitly include electronic forms of communication within more traditional stalking or harassment laws. In addition, recent concerns about protecting minors from online bullying or harassment have led states to enact “cyberbullying” laws. This information identifies only state laws that include specific references to electronic communication. However, other state laws may still apply to those who harass, threaten or bully others online, although specific language may make the laws easier to enforce. This chart classifies the various state laws addressing these three different types of online behaviors, as described hereon. Cyberstalking. Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet, email or other electronic communications to stalk, and generally refers to a pattern of threatening or malicious behaviors. Cyberstalking may be considered the most dangerous of the three types of Internet harassment, based on a posing credible threat of harm. Sanctions range from misdemeanors to felonies. Cyberharassment. Cyberharassment differs from cyberstalking in that it is generally defined as not involving a credible threat. Cyberharassment usually pertains to threatening or harassing email messages, instant messages, (or to blog entries or websites dedicated solely to tormenting an individual). Some states approach cyberharrassment by including language addressing electronic communications in general harassment statutes, while others have created stand-alone cyberharassment statutes. Cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is the willful and repeated use of cell phones, computers, and other electronic communication devices to harass and threaten others. New-media and instant… Read more »

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

In the real world… you weenies don’t get to say shit about what I wear or don’t wear. None item to EVERYBODY ELSE.

See how stupid you people are.

Even the Veteran teenagers can wear all your shit and you can’t say shit… how funny is that. More proof to the judge and jury for me…

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

I feel like jumping out of an airplane this morning…. any of you punks want to go with me…? Oh yah… I forgot you assholes are not qualified…. just me…. Ha ha ha ha ha….


Hey Dumbass, if you didnt come here and comment with your dumbassery this page would have been buried just like all the rest of the poser elites pages. Instead, you choose to come back here and make a complete jackass of yourself. I doubt that you have told your “legal team” that you instigate the behavior that youre trying to have prosecuted. Not sure how it works in Florida but most every other place that I have been you cant just keep coming back and egging “harassment” on and expect the law to do something about it. And the making of threats over the internet (such as the ones in your comments that are too numerous to count)is also a crime fuckwit. So keep making those threats, Im sure someone is documenting them somewhere.

ShOrT RaNgE PaTrOL 42

Like I said, Dullass, when a google search of your name is performed, this page pops up number one, right on top.

Your douchebaggery is for all to see, with a simple search of your name.

Congrats, you should be proud.


@571 – Sure…you’re the only qualified skydiver here, right?

Statements like these, and your penchant for clown suits and intellectual kabuki dances…lead me to believe that your relationship with your ‘VA Medical Chief’…is another figment of your imagination. Otherwise it wouldn’t be so apparent that you’re off of whatever medications have – or should have been prescribed to you.

BTW, I don’t live far from Jonn, so please add me as a target on your mission profile…..pretty please?

Scottys Hideaway

He said his goal is to have 600 comments on this blog Jonn. I vote that you shut the blog down before it reaches that number just to piss little RTO boy off. We can always continue on the recap blog of his. Don’t give the embellishing ass-clown the satisfaction of having the blog with the most comments.BTW dilly Dallas. I’m looking for shit birds today. Are you by chance jumping anywhere in WV ?

2-17 AirCav

I hear that the public defender from “My Cousin Vinny” is now in private practice and available.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the ju-ju-ju-ju-ju-ju-ju-REE!”


@569 Hey, Dullass…all that crap you copied and pasted has absolutely no applicability to this blog and the comments that people make on it. Obviously you didn’t read AND comprehend it, or you would have realized that.

Where’d you get your GED certificate, out of a Crackerjack box?


So… here we go again. The funny thing about this entire sage with Thunderingflatulence is that he brought it all on himself, by associating with known phony heroes who were themselves stalking and harrassing Veterans who had exposed them and their lies.
Dillweed when informed of the fact he was associating with known posers reaction was to turn on the Poser….. ummm no, actually his reaction was to attack the messengers.
Why in the world would he do such a thing? Why would a Decorated Veteran of the Vietnam War side with a bunch of fakes and embellishers?
I think we have all seen the size of Wittlessones ego, the absolute love affair he carries on with himself. I mean, that ego has even caused him to be “asked” to step down from his position in a National Military Organisation, as they felt he was placing his ego ahead of the org… I know, hard to believe.
So Dilly went carrying on with his new found friends South, Meyers, Fox North Star, and others… vilifying real Veterans, many of them Combat or Disabled Veterans themselves. He has attempted to harass them at work, through their chain of command in one case, and even with the VA (that was a good laugh though). He has done all this for his good friends the Posers, because they boost his incredible ego. Then we have his own embellishments…. the claims of being a Green Beret even wearing a Green Beret on several occasions. I do not care how old the claims were, they were made, along with those of a Bronze Star w/V…Oh and the clown costume he wears that he calls a Uniform, even Privates look more squared away on their first day.


Wittgenfeld: you really might want to think twice about getting law enforcement involved here, fella. Because it appears to me that you’re the one who’s on thin ice here, legally speaking. First: as far as I know, no one here has been “cyberstalking” or “harassing” you. Rather, you’ve been the one coming here – voluntarily, and repeatedly – and making all manner of claims and insults. Claims that you’ve yet to back up in many cases. The commentary here by others is all based on (1) publicly available information, (2) information you’ve willingly provided to 3rd parties, or (3) information previously published about you. So there wouldn’t seem to be any aspect of “stalking” or invasion of privacy going on. And the fact that you keep coming here voluntarily and “stirring the pot” undercuts any case you might have for stalking. It’s hard to stalk someone when they keep seeking you out voluntarily. On the other hand, you have reportedly tried to get others here in trouble with their employers, searched out where they work, and made veiled (and perhaps not so veiled) threats against others of taking legal action. And you have posted childish, in some cases borderline-pornographic altered photos depicting others here with whom you disagree on websites you maintain. So I do think a good case can be made that if anyone here is doing “cyberstalking”, it’s you. However, you’ve also done worse than that. Let me quote from what you’ve posted in comment 569 above: Harassment through written threats; harassment through written threats include any kind of (written communication that threatens harm or death of a person or a member of the person’s family). This is referred by those in the legal industry as Florida’s harassment law. Florida criminal statutes state that this is a second degree felony punishable by up to 30 years in prison and fines up to $10,000. You’ve made comments above and elsewhere that can easily be taken as threats against others, Wittgenfeld. As one example, let me quote from your comment 554 above, where you remind everyone of the following: “Did… Read more »

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Well GooooD.. We will all go to jail…. are you ready…?

I have proof that you idiots right here came onto my facebook and stole this picture hereon from my wife… A year ago Scooty and his gang via Lilyea and Seavey and off to POWnetwork…. Links up pretty good, I think.

I have been coersed into the American Legion Burn Pit then banned, This Ain’t Hell here, and the PoWnetwork…. part of your guys mission…

By the way…. I didn’t mention targets or missions hereon….. only you guys… I am the only “poser nominee” reak deal LRRP Ranger with enough balls to stand here and hold your asses to account.

Please do not associate me with anybody else from your bone yard of poser nominees. I have orders… That’s where you guys are screwed.. Tomorrow the “Stolen Valor Mafia” ears should be a burning… The process begins.

When I found out who and where you people operated from… I contacted your employers where you cast your cyber/harassment ploys onto honorable dicharged combat disabled Vietnam War Veterans of the elite Airborne Rangers.

Now young Seavey at the National American Legion..? He is VERY vulnerable… I told him so… Still he chooses Mil/Kooking… now the burn pit will take a whole NEW direction… I promise that.

I got Schantags Address and phone number and links

I got Lilyeas supposed address and supposed phone number and links

And I got the dddress of the American Legion National Headquarters andn ew-media perpetrator Seavey phone numbers and links.

And I have plenty of witnesses… I am set pretty good. We will see tomorrow.

Now lets hurry up and get over 600 posts in this shit-hole here so I can get some sort of real recognition for the “normal people” to peruse. hereon.. 🙂

I am banking on the real people going crazy on you idiots as the VA will sink your activities hereon pronto. Promise.


Um, DullASS? Ever heard of “Fair Use”?

And where’s your orders for your CIB, fucktard?


Hondo… here is a lengthy analysis of your question from another post where Dallas W. seems to be trying to align himself with more liars and frauds. The response comment is more appropriate here… It’s a longer comment, that likely is a bit disjointed (holiday and all, just finished a workout, etc), so take it for whatever it’s worth. Hondo… I don’t believe it’s against the law to conspire to file a frivolous lawsuit, but I suppose it is a novel concept. Dallas W. often gets confused between civil lawsuits and criminal ones, but that’s a post for another time… In order to have a conspiracy, Dallas would have to have some sort of “meeting of the minds” with his co-conspirators. That is problematic because I’m not sure Dallas W. has a mind left based on his incessant and incognizant rantings. But in all seriousness, he would have to come to an agreement with someone else, in this case being other frauds. Maybe he’s bantering this type of stuff around with Michael Yon or some of the other oddballs out there who you know Dallas is lighting it up through email. Keep in mind for what it’s worth that Dallas is trying to make himself into a public figure, which completely tanks any shred of civil lawsuit he ever could have dreamed up (although he’d lose no matter what). But… If Dallas W. and someone like Yon or even Subway Sandwich boy is conspiring together to directly ruin the reputation of TSO, Jonn, Mary, etc, and you can prove malice (which Dallas is making easier to prove by the day), then there is a lawsuit to file against the conspirators. Furthermore, if Dallas W. did cobble together some sort of frivolous lawsuit, I foresee a nice counterclaim against Dallas and his co-conspirators. Initially, the co-conspirators would likely be John Does, but discovery would open up all his emails, etc, which would identify who Dallas has been communicating with. Of course, in the end, how much can Dallas be worth, but in my experience, the louder and crazier one hems and… Read more »


Awww, so cute- he turned “milkook” into a verb. The Yawn is strong in you.

Tell me, WGF, is it true what they say about small hands? We all know Mikey has small hands and, well, you’re so close to him now, you can share with us. We’re veritable friends, right?


Thinking about it a bit more… I can see some sort of criminal conspiracy, depending on the jurisdictions involved. This would have to be very extreme. Assuming the motive for Dallas et al is to deflect from protected speech re: commentary on their military service, which make no mistake that what Jonn/Mary/TSO are doing is all protected. Dallas et al would have to engage in a really significant plan of harassment and coercion in their efforts to stop the commentary. Basically, Dallas et al would agree that they would levy all sorts of actions to coerce the victims into ceasing their rights to free speech. Such actions could include frequent calls to employers/home/friends/associates, letters, threats of all kinds, and even frivolous lawsuits. Much of this apparently is happening right now through Dallas’s actions. If he conspired with someone else to carry out a malicious plan of coercion and harassment, then conceivable Dallas and his co-conspirators could be investigated and possible charged criminally. Again, this would likely need to be very extreme for any law enforcement agency to investigate. But throwing it out there for what it’s worth.

2-17 AirCav

Those who can and are willing, do. Those who can’t or are unwilling, threaten.


I still think he’s just pissed he lost to Dildo.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 31

Waaaaaah everybody is calling me out on my bullshit…poor widdle me!


Scottys Hideaway

For once he got it right. We may just be making progress here..
Thank you & welcome home ” RTO ” boy Dallas Wittgenfeld !

Scottys Hideaway

Oh shit. I didn’t see the 31 instead of the 41. Dang troll accounts ..lol


JAGC, I have the documentation to prove the conspiracy. He had others send emails to work, associates of mine, friends, family members and even other folks engaged in other non-profilts. One of his emailers was his friend Arthur South, himself a phony SEAL, who identified himself as Wittgenfeld’s “uncompensated veterans advocate” who attempted to interfere with my work. He’s been throwing these comments and emails far and wide, which is why I am actually hoping for a law suit.

You need to hurry up though Dallas, I leave for Africa for a few weeks later this week, so if you want to do this anytime soon, you better move on it. You have to serve papers on me, and I doubt you have anyone in Dakar that can do that.


Clearly this “Dallas” guy has some serious mental issues. I’ll be nice because I was taught to be nice to special needs individuals. Perhaps he needs some mental counselling?


To let you folks know…Dallas was recently kicked out of The Special Forces Assoc. for the very reasons this thread contains…The letter Dallas received is now posted in many places. Maybe Dallas would like to post the letter himself…or I can do it for him…heh heh heh

Tough shit for you, Dallas…

Legit Ranger


No need, RagnarKane75. Jonn already did that as yesterday’s Public Service Announcement:



Just OUTDAMNSTANDING. Sure got awful damn quiet…………


No, he popped up elsewhere…unfortunately.


Oh DullAss … where are you?


Where could he be? Perhaps he ended it all. A malfunctioned main and no reserve. It would be quite tragic.



The previous message was satirical in nature. It was not intended to harrass, bully, make fun of, or offend anyone.


These posts can not be used in the kort of law.


It is so quiet in here, you could hear a gnat fart!

599 … Who wants to break the 600 mark?

Tim Ramey

Hondo, Scotty & a few others continually ask Dallas for records – I understand that, that’s a reasonable request. I do know for a fact that Dallas has been on the horn to NPRC to do just that – and, from personal experience I can tell you St Louis ain’t the fastest people on earth-just saying. My question to all of you is very simple yet very powerful. And I’ve asked Scott this question before and like Dallas sometimes, he refuses to answer. I’m hoping since I have never been uncivil maybe some others will attempt to answer my question. Here goes: EVERY single RTO who served in a Vietnam LRP/LRRP/RANGER team was awarded a CIB. Let me repeat that. EVERY single one. Every enlisted LRRP/LRP/RANGER was awarded the MOS 11F2P/11F3P/11F4P regardless of any other MOS’ previously awarded. This is common knowledge in the Vietnam LRP/LRRP/RANGER community. Why is it then, given these facts, have you only asked Dallas Wittgenfeld to produce his orders? Why does Scotty and some others constantly make reference to being an RTO? I once explained that in a LRP/Ranger unit being an RTO was a position within the team. It’s not like in a 6 man LRP team you had 5 grunts and…. the…radio operator. Jesus Christ guys….Use your heads here. Any chance you hate the guy so much that common sense went out the window? Another thing…During Vietnam, very few enlisted men serving in Vietnam Ranger units actually attended the Army Ranger School at Ft. Benning. The reason for this was quite simple and Hondo provided at some length the process of assignments for individual replacements during Vietnam. There simply wasn’t time nor an existing ranger replacement training process stateside at that time. Ranger replacements/trainees were required to complete an in-country training program that were organized and run by each individual Vietnam Ranger company. Yet, some of you have very incorrectly stated that if these men didn’t have a tab then they are not REAL Rangers. Well, the 75th Ranger Regiment Association disagrees you who feel that way quite passionately. Regular membership is afforded… Read more »


I can tell you St Louis ain’t the fastest people on earth-just saying.

Why would he have to go through St. Louis if he has his orders? I’m gonna go out on a limb here and state for the record that pretty much EVERYBODY who gave a shit about their service kept copies (or the originals) of the “data dump” that we got when we got out. I know I did. Hell, I still medical records from my nuke physical and dental records from boot camp, not to mention my personal awards/LOC’s and “orders” (actually a certificate but still goes into service record) of my “Qualified in Submarines.” We’re talking nearly three decades ago in these cases.

They did not contain UNIT orders for CIB’s. They were all individual orders for individual awards.

So again, going through St. Louis is a non-issue.

Tim Ramey

“So again, going through St. Louis is a non-issue.”

St. Louis contains unit records, unit orders, unit rosters and morning reports. NARA II at College Park, MD, only had individual orders.

If I wanted to get a hold of unit orders for CIB’s, NPRC would have them for D/151.

Oh, and I guess I’m one of those guys who didn’t give a shit cause all I have is my DD-214.

Life does go on after the service, guys. Though I was proud to serve and I’m still proud I served, I have to admit the Army was the most demeaning thing I ever experienced.

Nothing quite like being told what to do by a guy who can’t speak English and wasn’t 1/32nd as intelligent as me. Wave your flag to someone who cares…

2-17 AirCav

It sounds like Wittenwhatever now has a literate advocate who is trying a new approach to the vexing issue of assholishness.

Green Thumb


That is one of the longest posts I have seen.


Here’s what I know…trail assassin RTOs can kill you with a flick of the long whip antenna. I don’t doubt that Mr. Wittgenfeld is a Ranger in association qualifying criteria or that he earned a CIB. I know far too many fellows in this go round that got their CIBs for riding around in air conditioned Strykers and accidentally shooting a road sign or two. The distinction is in whether they are nincompoops or not. An austere service record is no insulation against becoming a feminine hygiene product.

2-17 AirCav

@600 and 602.

The problem for me is the personality change that seeps through your comments. The first of your comments displays a thoughtful, deliberate, detached, almost studious approach. Then there’s feedback and voila!, a strikingly different picture emerges. For me, your guy is oddly clownish, something of a cross between Bozo and Liberace. I couldn’t care less about his bona fides at this point. Good luck.

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