Wanted; Dennis Chevalier

| March 14, 2014

Dennis Chevalier pretended to be an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who flew C130s in missions over Iraq. He also pretended to be a Stolen Valor hunter who never busted a poser. He’s actually a corporal in the Texas State Guard (not to be confused with the Texas national Guard).


Category: Phony soldiers

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OIF '06-'07-'08

Ok, who shit in Cheeseflake’s Cheerio’s this morning????????

Currahee John

He did so himself, of course, and now is blaming the shaking bushes for the dingleberries in his Captain Crunch,


Have “Hollywood” and Bernasty entered a tag team agreement? It seems one bat shit loon will post one day and then the other bat shit loon will post the net.

Dennis: you wearing the Lab Coat and Helmet today?

dennis chevalier

(said humorously) why yes would you like to borrow them?

BTW the labcoat photo was an ID photo taken when I did my externship.
Oh wait I was supposed to have PAID for a diploma Mill degree…oh sorry to bust your ass on that one too

Hack Stone

Maybe he is wearing that white coat because he is in training to be a meat cutter?


Wow. So the real doctors in the asylum let you wear a lab coat once.

dennis chevalier

You don’t get it do you?
You have made CRIMINAL acts against me, made FALSE claims to officials in the Texas military and Texas police agencies you ARE going down and it will be by the very agencies you have claimed to have contacted!

OIF '06-'07-'08

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 Okay cheeseflake!!!!!

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Cool story, bro.


Care to itemize those criminal acts which have been committed against you by the folks here? While you’re at it, how’s about telling us which officials in the Texas military and Police agencies are doing this bringing us down thing. And who exactly claimed to have contacted them? On the other hand, if you have claimed acts here which are criminal in nature, wouldn’t it be our duty to report them? Oh, that’s right. You have no idea about simple concepts like “duty,” so forget that last question.

OIF '06-'07-'08

IS, is, is, cheeseflake going full Wickretard on us today?

dennis chevalier

who is Wick?


What, Cheeze-boy – are you an idiot?

1. (noun) a bundle of fibers or a loosely twisted, braided, or woven cord, tape, or tube usually of soft spun cotton threads that by capillary attraction draws up to be burned a steady supply of the oil in lamps or the melted tallow or wax in candles

2. (verb, transitive)
to cause (fluid or moisture) to be pulled away from a surface (such as your skin)

I would think even a professional “investigator” with a “PhD” (even from an institution of questionable academic standing) would know that much.


He doesn’t know about pickwickre peckerwood yet?
The most famousest clowndog of all time. The bastion of squirrelly stunts. The standard by which we view all other looneytunes and crazyclunks who pop up like whack-a-moles?

What a shame! I thought he was maybe a demented offshoot of psulie-o the uncoolie-o’s M17 haploid group.


Originally posted by Ex-PH2:

He doesn’t know about pickwickre peckerwood yet?

I threw the, “you’re a Paul K. Wickre” reference at him in some of my direct and indirect replies to him.

The problem is that when Dennis Howard Chevalier sees that he had failed to control us, he busts a few blood vessels getting mad, his eyes get bloodshot red, and he starts seeing what he wants to see.

It doesn’t help that he screams at his computer either:

He would scream and yell at the TV the computer, me, the dogs or innate objects. One time he was so mad at me. That he actually broke my butcher knife. It was the blade portion, he stabbed it into the counter so hard the blade broke in 2. Normally a knife will break at the handle, not this one. The blade broke. He would pick stuff up and hurl it across the room. – Dora Lee

With that kind of anger in him, Dennis Howard Chevalier overlooks the Paul K. Wickre references. But, if he paid attention to what he reads, he’d know the Paul K. Wickre references. 😀

He’s on his way to becoming the first member of the Texas State Guard to out wickre Paul K. Wickre. 😀


He is probably angry now, trashing his hotel room and passed out from such exertion.

Dennis, stick to the King Cobra and Gouda cheese, my friend. You are a fine Connoisseur of the bubbly and liquid gold.


C2 – I thought that OE 800 and fumunda would appeal to his palate.


LOL As hobos like to call it 8 Ball (OE 800) and fumunda probably sends him into an euphoric ecstacy.

OIF '06-'07-'08

If you don’t know who Paul K Wickre is, then you have absolutely no idea what you are doing with you’re false claims of sicking the law on us. Yet, he was the one led off in handcuffs instead of John. IDIOT.


Yeah, we do seem to get a lot of ID10T errors due to PEBKAC from Cheeseslayer here.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Damn Hondo, I have not seen PEBKAC since the old AOL days.

dennis chevalier

and who is PEBKAC?

OIF '06-'07-'08

OH GAWD DAMN CheeseFlake, you are as stupid as a football bat.

dennis chevalier


A Proud Infidel ®™

Damn, ‘ol “Blobfish” Chevalier is going off like Wickre on a bender, ain’t he? Next, he’ll be curled up in a corner wearing soiled spandex!!


“Kettle, this is pot, over.”


I’m thinking he meant “pogue” but misspelled it, Jonn. He misspells quite a few words when he comments here.

Of course, he represents “pogue” pretty well too.

Oh, and by the way, Cheese-boi: please feel free to póg mo thóin.


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Says the never served asshole!!! You aren’t even a POG, shithead. You’re a neverwas.

Just an Old Dog

Cheese-dick, do you realize that even your fake MOS ( pilot), and your TSG MOS ( civil affairs) are POGs?
Grunts use that term. Never on your best day, even in your prime would you ammount to a pimple on a grunt’s ass you pathetic piece of shit.


Yep, that is pretty funny. He couldn’t even manage to become a POG. There’s something Freudian in his calling others what he cannot manage to himself be. It certainly isn’t rational.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Ever hear of google, dumbass? While you look up PEBKAC, you should look up your own name. No, not cheesevacuum, your given name of Dennis Howard Chevalier. Making yourself quite (in)famous.


(chuckling) Um, Denny-boi . . . you might want to look up the acronym PEBKAC.

In this case, the PEBKAC would be you.

Are you so clueless – or so stupid – that you also need someone to explain “ID10T error”?

dennis chevalier

there are no false claims of criminal charges …I provided the actual case numbers CALL YOU IDIOTS!

Currahee John

Cheesedick – I made the fort to do that, not only were these (big surprise!) completely made up “case numbers,” both of the folks whom I spoke to burst out laughing at the mention of your name.

Watch whom you are calling an idiot, idiot.

OIF '06-'07-'08

That is not how it works dipshit, and you know it. There are no criminal actions committed by anyone here. and if there was, then John WOULD receive a warrant/subpoena from the respective law enforcement offices for all related IP adresses.

By the way Cheese dick Mr. Wickre tried that also, he still was the one led off in handcuffs, not John.

Just give it up Dennis-Boi.


If there were criminal activity here Jonn or TSO would be the first to call us on them plus issue a spanking! I know of this first hand.


Ohhh, you had a spanking from Jonn/TSO? Hmmm I flash back to your comment on playing with the kitty.

More serious…u make great posts. Glad you are here to help PH2 keep us Neanderthals in place.


It is my pleasure! Mine and my kitty’s. Heh!

Doc Savage

Cheddar has a PhD?

I “wander” how he managed that with his less than stellar forgery skills?

OIF '06-'07-'08

An actual diploma mil in Tennessee or Kentucky that went under a few years ago.


Doc Savage, it’s P.H.D. = Post hole digger.

There are two kinds of post hole diggers: the pincher/scissors scoop kind and the augur kind.

I prefer the augur type, myself, because you can do so MUCH more with it, as long as you’re willing to keep turning the augur so that it screws itself into the ground.

A Proud Infidel ®™

I thought it stood for “Piled Higher & Deeper” myself, it describes Dennis Chevalier the Human Blobfish to a “T”! I think “Blobfish” is the perfect nickname for him, he’s not only as fat, pasty, and ugly-looking as one, but the Blobfish’s skin is just slightly lighter than water, thus it only needs a minimum of work for it to hover or swim just above the Ocean floor waiting for its next meal to fall from above, much like Dennis “Blobfish” Chevalier did through ALL SIX of his marriages, taking and eating whatever any of his wives brought home.

Delilah T.

‘No more threat bitches’ – Oh. My. God.

He finally found out about my cat!

dennis chevalier

YOU seem to think this is some kind of sick joke…you are going to have to answer for what you have done to me and mine. but you will be heard whimpering and saying “…I thought he was kidding”

OIF '06-'07-'08


Currahee John

I think *you* are a sick joke, but heh, just my opinion from watching your insane antics here, boy.


What CJ said… He nailed you, Cheeseboy


A Proud Infidel ®™

Yeah, Bring it on, BLOBFISH!

Just an Old Dog

“you are going to have to answer for what you have done to me and mine.”

Me and Mine?.. you have a mouse in your pocket? You have no one but yourself… no wife, your kids hate you and you arent allowed pets in your flop house hotel.

Open Channel D

I doubt if the ChefLiar is looking at a HIPAA (not HIPPA) violation. He’s not a real doc, or Phd, wasn’t a real cop, and surely has never been in a position of direct patient care (I can only hope, so it’s unlikely that he was a covered entity or the employee of a covered entity. However (and please note the glee with which I say “however”), the Pile of Festering Frommage has possibly opened himself up to an awesomely easy-to-prove violation of a general Invasion of Privacy tort (specifically, Publication of Private Facts). Now, I’m not a lawyer and don’t give legal advice, but my recommendation to Dora is to find someone who is. Here Denny, let me drop a little knowledge on ya: Unlike lawsuits for defamation, the truthfulness of the facts disclosed is not a defense in an invasion of privacy case. And also unlike defamation, the plaintiff does not have to prove special damages, meaning no actual harm must be proven in order to prevail. Unlike defamation, where compensation is confined to actual injury, for invasion of privacy, damages are extended to presumed or punitive damages. Invasion of Privacy is a willful tort which constitutes a legal injury, and damages for mental suffering are recoverable without the necessity of showing actual physical injury. A plaintiff must establish four elements to hold someone liable for publication of private facts: 1. Public Disclosure: The disclosure of facts must be public. Another way of saying this is that the defendant must “give publicity” to the fact or facts in question. 2. Private Fact: The fact or facts disclosed must be private, and not generally known. 3. Offensive to a Reasonable Person: Publication of the private facts in question must be offensive to a reasonable person of ordinary sensibilities. 4. Not Newsworthy: The facts disclosed must not be newsworthy. Stated differently, the facts disclosed must not be a matter of legitimate public concern. Congrats Denny, you just hit for the cycle. That makes you a winner! Well, actually, Dora’s gonna be the winner, but you did all the right things… Read more »

dennis chevalier

Fuck you . You are a moron of immense size

Currahee John

Heh. You seemed to have hit a nerve, OCD. Someone does seem to be off their meds this morning.


Yeah, CJ… Cheesedick does seem to be a sensitive gay.

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

The only thing here of “immense size” are your ears Cheeze Flake.


Dennis: those two sentences are pithy, intelligent, well-reasoned, thoroughly logical and highly erudite comments. They are incontrovertible evidence that you are exceptionally wise and perceptive.

Now…how ’bout using all that brainpower to ‘splain why you lied about your military service, to include your nonexistent, Walter Mitty-like fantasies about being a C-130 pilot?

By the way, in case you miss the tone and tenor of my first paragraph, it was pure sarcasm. Google is your friend in case you don’t know what any of those words mean.


OCD, you’re right on the HIPAA thing, but I get the impression that chevy chevette scooter was looking at something more along the lines of a HIPPO violation.

Obviously, the HIPPO did not want to be his best Christmas present – EVER.


Originally posted by Open Channel:

I doubt if the ChefLiar is looking at a HIPAA (not HIPPA) violation. He’s not a real doc, or Phd, wasn’t a real cop, and surely has never been in a position of direct patient care (I can only hope, so it’s unlikely that he was a covered entity or the employee of a covered entity.

The act also impacts each of us, not just those in the health care industry.

One of the law’s intent is to protect people’s medical information from those who don’t have a need to know… and to prohibit the release of medical information in a way that it identifies a specific person’s medical status.

For obvious reasons, this protects people from the adverse impacts that this knowledge could have on them if others were allowed access to this information.

One of the message boards that I posted on threatened members with banning if they posted medical information on one of the other posters partly for this reason. The board administrators rightfully covered their azzes in this case:


“SEC. 1177. (a) OFFENSE.–A person who knowingly and in violation of this part–

“(1) uses or causes to be used a unique health identifier;

“(2) obtains individually identifiable health information relating to an individual; or

“(3) discloses individually identifiable health information to another person,

shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).

“(b) PENALTIES.–A person described in subsection (a) shall–

“(1) be fined not more than $50,000, imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both;

“(2) if the offense is committed under false pretenses, be fined not more than $100,000, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both; and

“(3) if the offense is committed with intent to sell, transfer, or use individually identifiable health information for commercial advantage, personal gain, or malicious harm, be fined not more than $250,000, imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.


The other violation that you brought up brings up a second angle of attack on Dennis Howard Chevalier.

A prosecutor would probably go the “invasion of privacy” route, to avoid Daniel Allan Bernath’s attempts to argue that Dennis Chevalier isn’t a doctor in any capacity.

dennis chevalier

You and everyone here; I use to think had some intelligence but after seeing facts displayed before your eyes and your outright refusal to accept the very things demanded …well

Shakespeare said it will….

:…(you) struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

Good night fools. Your day is coming

dennis chevalier

Gee when I grow up can I copy and paste just like you??

Fucking moron, he was describing the human condition and you fit it to a T

the Al

Funny, I was thinking it more applied to you, what with you making empty threats again

Just An Old Dog

Typical of Denny, trying to make people believe he is of higher intelligence by quoting Shakespeare,,,, the he misspells “well”


Apparently, Dennis thinks he is a Bethlehem from that movie “The Postman” with Kevin Costner.


Cheesedick – Grow up? You? Make me laugh, Gayboy!



Some news items, chevette:

A – It’s daytime where you are.

B – Altering ‘evidence’ every time you change your mind (with the weather report, FWIW) proves nothing other than you have NO evidence, except that which you have manufactured.

C – There are SO many cheesy ways to address you, a new record may be in the making. We should notify Guinness. That’s not the world records group, sport. It’s the stout brewer. Guinness Stout.

Just An Old Dog


You have to forgive Denny’s problem with time. He’s working the night shift security at some site, and it is his nighttime now.
Being the narcissistic twat-waffle he is he tries to bend everyone elses sense of time into what he experiences.
He’s probably in a deep sleep now, he has to make up for al those cat-naps he doesnt get on the job.
I’m sure him getting fired for sleeping on the job in the Wilmer PD makes it harder for him to doze off in the security co car.


A Proud Infidel ®™

I thought ‘ol “Blobfish” Chevalier did night watch at the cheap fleabag motel he currently calls home, and the room is one of his bennies!

Currahee John

Shakespeare said it will….what?

I have to point out, Cheesedick, that YOU are the one withe the “tale
told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

My day is already here, and has been for some time. It does appear, however, that things are beginning to catch up with you in a big sort of way. A terrible way to end what could have been a promising life and career. Have you given any real thought to stopping to evaluate where all of this will inevitably end, check six, admit your failures, take your licks, and then try to start over again, this time with honor and honesty?

This is the only good way this all ends. I do encourage you to find the rational voice inside your head and do what you really do need to do. On the other hand, none of us will be affected in the slightest either way, you will just have to live with that.


“Better a witty fool, than a foolish wit.”
― William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


“You and everyone here; I used to think I had some intelligence but after seeing my lies displayed before your eyes and your outright refusal to accept the very things demanded…well.”

There, fixed it for you Cheesedick.


“Good Night”? At 1118? Ohhhh, I bet cheesy is a a secret unknown location in a far far away time zone doing secret stuff. Maybe flying his C130. BTW Cheese…you’ve had a lot of TIG as an O5…should you be a Col by now…or a Sgt in the State Guard?

Open Channel D

He probably pulled an all-nighter working security at the Burlington Coat Factory and Golfers Warehouse and has a “Low Cheese” warning light blinking in his head.

Here’s another tidbit about Invasion of Privacy torts suits. If a guy/gal was to get successfully sued for that, that’s gonna have a real nasty impact on his/her ability to get jobs that deal with confidential information in the future. Real. Nasty. Some states, oh, I don’t know, like Texas for example, will pull your card over a conviction like that. I’m sure the Feds wouldn’t be happy that an FFL is disclosing private information in a public forum.

I sure hope Dora or one of the other like-wise affected ex-wives is reading this. I suspect, given the ample evidence that all four elements of the tort have been met with gusto (courtesy Dennis), any competent attorney could have this in front of a judge rikki-tik.

Fascinating new twist on your little adventure into fantasy Dennis, fascinating!

dennis chevalier

You are the worst kind of idiot. Enticing others to act on your bullshit statements that cost them moneys they cannot afford. When they fail you take NO responsibility in it.

You are the setup king of assholes the world can do without

Open Channel D

Gee, Dennis, that stings. 🙁

Scroll back up a few inches and take a look at those four elements of the Invasion of Privacy tort (Publication of Private Information). Read each one real slow, and if you have some trouble with the big words or the legal terms, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Then, in that special, super-scientific Phd-level way you have of offering a shattering rebuttal to any untruth, let us know how it is that you DIDN’T comport yourself in such a manner.

I say one thing for you Dennis, what you lack in integrity you make up for in your staggering commitment to incompetence.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Here’s a question for you, Dennis Howard Chevalier the lying valor thief: have you ever heard the expression that it is better to remain silent and appear to be a a fool than to speak and remove all doubt? Your best two options are to A: Shut up and disappear. B: Come clean and apologize.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Dora’s bases are covered, she will also no longer post here because of the situation in general.


I just searched the website of the Texas Association of Licensed Investigators and Chevalier is not a member. I’m wondering since everything else about him appears to be phony if he is a licensed investigator.

Perhaps someone should direct an inquiry to the Texas Department of Public Safety, the licensing authority for private investigators in that state, and find out if Dennis is practicing without a license. Of course the claim of being an investigator may be just as bogus as those silver oak leaves he’s wearing in that pic.

With a PhD, Dennis should be sharp enough to realize that the juxtaposition of those two photos are prima facie evidence of his fraudulent activities. Why is it that some people are just too stupid to stop even when they’re caught red-handed?

dennis chevalier

Do you even READ this site fucker?
Here is the Goddamn link


the Al

I thought you were done posting here for today- gee, one would think you couldn’t be trusted to keep your word

OIF '06-'07-'08

means nothing cheeseflake!!!!!!!

dennis chevalier

Of course. Why acknowledge facts when you can argue bullshit claims by psychotics when it makes you look better…Jesus!

OIF '06-'07-'08

I mean is means nothing to me if you are or are not a P.I. I could give a damn about that. What I find ironic is that you are directing us to an actual .gov site to verify your PI license, yet you have yet to direct us to the NPRC to verify your claims of being a LTC. and a pilot in the USAF.

dennis chevalier

There is at least 17 statements by me that say this you FUCKING IDIOT


Then why did you repeatedly claim – both on the Internet and in person – to have been (1) a USAF LTC, (2) a C-130 pilot, and (3) to have served in Iraq?

And please spare us the BS claims that “I never said that!”. I have screen caps, a-hole.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

All the screencaps say you DID claim that, multiple times in multiple places. Liar, but you already know you are.

the Al

Not a one of which we take at face value, since the claim of “I was hacked” only “explains” the online claims, not the claims to people’s faces


Dennis…you have no facts. Your “facts” change to suit your whims. Your evidence page is a ludicrous hodgepodge of bullshit. Why don’t you be a man, for once, and tell the truth about the false claims you have made. Admit your lies, ask for forgiveness and make amends to the true veterans it is owed to. Otherwise this will just get deeper and wider in notoriety and you will only look the worse for it. If the Texas State Guard knows of your doings and keep you as a member, then they are very hard up for members and I have lost all of my respect for them.


You really are something, Dennis, sending a busted link to defend your phony persona. I refer you back to my previous reference about stupidity.

A word of advice, Dennis: you may be a wide load but you’re still fighting above your weight intellectually and experientially on this site. Folks here at TAH have seen and heard it all from military poseurs, some, quite clearly a lot brighter than you; so every specious argument you come back with is laughably familiar to them and just serves to prove your phoniness.


Cheesedick: Got another site?

There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.
We apologize for any inconvenience
We are currently working on this issue.
Please check back with us later.

TxDPS Main Page


We have asked him several times to tell us what professional orgs consider him a member, but so far he has declined to answer. You’d think there would be some group that would want to claim him, him being this hot shot investigator and all. All that training stuff, teaching SWAT and all, and the lengthy list of his accomplishments. Not quite good enough to make the cut, eh, Denny Penny?

dennis chevalier

copy and paste the link. Jonn crappy blog will not allow the full link in the posting

the Al

And yet, despite it being a “crappy” blog you’re still here


I know I have not paid a lot of attention to holey cheeseworthy dicksnot here, but I do have an excuse in the form of the birdbrain messedhisDependsman arena.

We almost have the Four Birdbrains of the Epoxyclipse here. There must be some way they can be used for the greater good.

I will say, however, that thanks to chevy schitforbrains, I will very likely not look at a pizza quite the same way again, for some time to come.


You do have a way with words, my Goddess! Hehe!


Not sure what you looking for….. he was doing a lot of Serious flirting with me about a year and a half ago.. then when I called him out about his Wife….. things got ugly….. he has had 6 wives and cheated on all of them.. he has 2 sons who want nothing to do with him.. he held one wife and his younger son at gun point…. that PhD…. according to the 6th wife Dora.. is from some small school that somehow no longer exist….. He claims he was shot in the line of Duty with the Police….. twice ….once in the hand at a traffic stop..and then in the body serving a warrant…. but there are no News articles about either incident….. Dora told me he does have scars but they are from a Gastric Bypass….. Alma…. not sure what wife # she was.2 or 3… sent me a letter about him.. which I shared with Glen Sanders..& Linda Tollis … who was talking to Dennis she sent letter back to him and he took it out on Dora….. He just sent me an email last week … It said “I think you have a computer Virus” with links…. I did not open the link just sent back a ” FUCK OFF” and blocked his emails. He is a Horrible man….. who uses women…. he wipes out their bank accounts… they support him until he finds his next victim. He prowls the Military sites looking for females…. he is a Manipulator…. he knows just what to say… However I do not trust men in General after being abused for 9 years… and kept asking questions. looking thru his photos…. and I found Dora…. in the Comments….. he had removed all Photos of her… when I asked him about her…. he asked me where I found her….. he told me a line about she was a common law wife who took his name ( who does that?)….. that he had caught her with another guy…. and she was gone…. when In fact she was living with him and supporting… Read more »

dennis chevalier


the Al

They say vulgarity is the sign of both a weak mind and a losing argument…….

dennis chevalier

“THEY” haven’t had to endure your BULLSHIT for 4 months either

the Al

And I seem to recall your blog saying that vulgar language wasn’t allowed- why, it’s almost like you’re a hypocrite about that


A hypocrite, you say?

Why, I’m sure Cheese-boi here would never be one of those! I mean, he’s so upfront, honest, truthful . . . .

(For your benefit, CheddarSlayer: the above is called “sarcasm”.)


Cheese Flake, I personally kicked you out of a Stolen Valor group on F/B because all you did was womanize our female members.
This Marine sister has no reason to lie about your actions either. We’ve already established your pattern and approach.


Just how many restraining orders do females have on you anyway cheese flake ?


THAT, Mr. BLOBFISH Chevalier, is the sign of one who is guilty and doesn’t want to admit it, call the accuser a liar as fast and loud as you can, I’ve seen it time and time again, and yes, you lose. Your track record betrays you, blobfish!

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

You know, if your fingers weren’t so fat, just like the rest of you, the caps lock key would not get stuck so much.

dennis chevalier


the Al

And you STILL haven’t posted any proof of that

dennis chevalier

yes I have dipshit haven’t you ever been to my blog site?



Tell us all Denny po. How much time behind bars did I receive for those two misdemeanor tickets?


Post it HERE or don’t expect any of us to see it, fool! Or, just give us an incident number and a police agency and we will check it out ourselves.

It’s easy: Anything which cannot be verified by independent sources does not exist.

You really must be dumber than a rock or continue to want to believe that we are – you have been told the same thing dozens of times.

the Al

You mean the “evidence” that you say you don’t know for sure is true?


Yea. Haven’t seen any police reports where I held a weapon to any female or child’s head either cheese Flake. Unlike you CRIMINAL !!

dennis chevalier

You are a goddamn liar AGAIN mother fucker!


Mercy, Such Language. Coming from a professor with a PhD too.


Manufactured evidence from you? Oh, please!!! Even my cat wouldn’t sit on that pile of hogwash!

chevy cheesey dicksnot, you really need to quit now. You’re displaying serious symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder, by saying you’re done and not coming back, and then coming right back here.

Make up your teensy weensy mind, shremmentalski!

A Proud Infidel®™

*YAAAWWN* C’mon, fatboy MacBlobfish, you’re following the exact same MO as a guilty criminal, and it’s identical to other proven liars outed here on TAH. Badger, bluster, bully threaten to sue, call us liars,… Like I said earlier, it’s identical to a freshly-arrested criminal that knows he or she is guilty and wants to divert attention, you lose yet again, BLOBFISH!!

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

The only real evidence on that blog is that you are a total mental case and a dirtbag liar. Seek professional help, stat.

A Proud Infidel®™

OOOHH, speeding tickets? OOOOohh, MOOOMMMYYYY!!
Wassa madda didums? is your belly hurting from another cheese binge?


To the tune of Sublime’s “I smoke two joints” song

I eat cheese in the morning
I eat cheese at night
I eat cheese in the afternoon
It makes me feel all right

I eat cheese in time of peace
And two in time of war
I eat cheese before I eat cheese,
And then I eat cheese more

dennis chevalier

PLEASE do something that resemble an adult action and not something from the 2nd grade

A Proud Infidel®™

Ever hear the expression “HONEY BADGER DON’T GIVE A F**K!”? Well, WE ARE Honey Badgers, and we’ll shred you accordingly every time you come here with a dirty diaper, BLOBFISH!!


Six failed marriages Denny Boi. I think its time you turned GAY , LOSER !!


The short version of the story is quite simple:

Dennis is still a lying piece of pond scum. Evidently he has been a compulsive liar for a very long time.

All we asked him to do was to quit lying about having served in the military. Apparently he has done that. (Well, mostly. He is still apparently representing himself to be a member of “the Guard.”) So, most of us were quite happy to simple get on down the road.

Instead, Dennis himself brought all sorts of additional lies to us, outrageous claims well beyond anything that interested any of us, and has now made those claims public, garnering the interest of an assortment of local, state and federal agencies.

Well, done, Dennis! You long ago sort of complied with our request, and have needlessly brought yourself into the investigative spotlight of a plethora of real law enforcement officials. Way to give yourself a world of hurt.

dennis chevalier

Was daddy really that hard on you as a child that you attack that which you do not understand?

Green Thumb

How is that All-Points logistics training seminar working out there for you, Chevy?


Uhm, no, not gonna happen, you slithering excuse for something resembling a human turd. You see, since I served a career in the actual United States Air Force, I have one of those ID cards that says that I am retired United States Air Force, something you will never have or can pretend to understand. You see, as if that is not good enough, every month a bank statement shows that the United States Air Force deposits a nice sum of US dollars into an account and becomes available for me to spend.

So asserting that I do not understand the United States Air Force or what it takes to be a retiree from anything is rather silly of you. But, of course, denigrating that which you covet is your usual MO.

By the way, it is not I who attacked the United States Air Force. By fraudulently claiming that you were a part of it was a direct attack upon we who actually were members of the United States Air Force.

You we understand entirely too well. You are like a 5-year old who demands to suckle at his mother’s breast. He is told repeatedly that it is not going to happen and that child somehow thinks that by throwing tantrums and attempting to divert attention that no one will notice that he is still grabbing for his mother. Stupid, Dennis. Really, really stupid.

dennis chevalier

The only interest the others have is how any real VET can be so fucking stupid


All of us REAL Veterans are wondering how a NON Veteran like you can be so dumb ? Were you born this way ? Or did you spend a lifetime achieving this objective ? LOSER !!

A Proud Infidel®™

WOW, Blobfish, YOU have ONE VERY DIRTY DIAPER today, don’t you, Didums McBlobfish?

Toasty Coastie

Oh dear, poor Sparkle Pony, Cheeze Whiz Phony Wanna-Be USAF LTC Dennis Howard Chevelier/LIAR~

What happy darlin? Did you run out of cheese again?

You have been proven beyond all doubt that you are a liar of the first order.

Your bombastic affirmation of all your faerie tales do nothing too give crediblity to them or you.

You were never a PhD, a Swat Lt, a USAF LTC…You’re not even a Licensed Private Investigator.

The only thing you are at this point is a shameful, lying, woman and child abuser.

You have lost this battle Sparkle Pony. There is no longer a chance for you to redeem yourself. All your lies will now live on in infamy.

All your crystalline, nuclear rage and fury is never going to change these FACTS. Trying to cast aspersions on the folks here who have decimated your fantasy life is not going to change one iota of the fact that everything you have claimed are lies and fiction and are only real in your head.

So go couch surfing to find some change, go to the local grocery if you have not been barred from it and get some more cheese.

Your hallucinations are getting worse and we would hate that you may find yourself contemplating self-harm.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey TC, google “blobfish”, look at a few pictures of them, and tell me they DON’T look like Cheesy Didums LeDirty Diaper!!

Toasty Coastie

@ A proud Infidel~

Dammit! Spew alert next time please…..lol 😀

A Proud Infidel®™

That’s why I call him “Blobfish, He DOES look like one, don’t he? Look up “hagfish” it’s a saltwater critter that’s almost as slimy as either Blobfish or Bernutless!!



Your a fucking disgrace to Father Austin.

Your antics, shenanigans and woe me am a too stupid to pull my head from my 4th point of contact attitude.

You come here to the brotherhood with this weak ass bullshit. Come on dude- you should have seen this coming. Your enlistment is short of fraudulent anyways.

You have no right to claim that which is ours. I cannot abide by useless people who play serial victims. Yeah I can read the DPS page- but isn’t the point. I’ve made inquires to Maxwell to 2B your ass. Kids don’t need your ilk and fake ass shit to muddle their lives.

Be man, cowboy the fuck up and do what’s right.

dennis chevalier

My enlistment was perfect. nothing submitted that wasn’t true. My service above reproach and well above the call of duty.
As I said numerous times before, my PhD studies was for me alone to keep my mind active during extreme duress of cancer treatments.
You fuckers try to make a claim I defrauding people.
I did not such god damn thing you stupid fucklers


What amazing sentence structure, spelling and grammar. I’ve known several PhD’s. They could write.

PS: thought you weren’t coming back?


Were it true that you simply enrolled in the program as a way to expand your limited knowledge of, well, anything, that would be an admirable thing to do. Except that you didn’t. You actually are so stupid that you claim a PhD, just one of many criminal acts you continue to commit.


Well slappy,

they don’t show you the front door for a “PERFECT ENLISTMENT”

Your a “Gypsy Cop/ PI/ Security” departments/ employers don’t can you if you are of any use. that alone speaks volumes. (no offense to any actual gypsies. The one I meet were cool and beautiful)

English is not my first language but I seem to keep up why folk here are mad at you. I can read and understand this very well. What’s your Excuse.

You brought this on your head. YOU spread these lies. YOU wont accept Dennis’s mistakes.

Beside your proof why some people should have just been a blow job Dude


This I believe was “Poser” Phil Habberman’s jedi master


Oh no, his enlistment WAS perfect – Perfectly imaginary.

Dennis Chevalier, you are not now, nor were you ever in the US Military in any capacity. You are a LIAR and a FAKE.

And you are currently a member of the Texas State Guard, an organization with no formal affiliation with the Texas National Guard. By referring to the TSG simply as “the Guard,” you want others to infer that you are a member of the TXARNG, which is patently false. You couldn’t make it through Drill long enough for the unit to send you through BCT/AIT or OSUT.

So in addition to LIAR and FAKE, let’s also add QUITTER to that list.


What’s a fuckler?

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

Mr. Bill~
It goes with Fuck-A-Doodle-Do. 😀

A Proud Infidel®™

Dennis Chevalier, you’re a perennial failure as well as attractive as a Blobfish. You’ve never accomplished anything in this life, so you made a bunch of shit up, and you’re screaming and cussing those who outed you like your situation in life is their fault. You’re a miserable excuse of a man, and when your time comes, there won’t be anyone there to mourn you, your legacy in life will be one of failure, and no one will even visit your grave, you have earned nobody’s respect in this life, thus nobody will have any to pay to you.
You lose again, Blobfish!!


“My enlistment was perfect.” Yeah, perfectly missing. Twenty days does not an enlistment make, Cheesedick.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Something has definitely gone down regarding CheeseFlake, he has never come here with the hatred and intensity that he has shown this morning. What has happened is no concern of mine. He can come her with his baseless threats and verbal diarrhea, but my attitude is the same laid back attitude that I woke up with on this beautiful Saturday morning.

As I have stated earlier, “Someone has definitely shit in CheesFlakes Cheerio’s this morning”.


Bet you that someone in law enforcement has had an initial meeting with him…

Open Channel D

I think we are witness to The Unraveling.

dennis chevalier

Nope. You are witnessing a man fed up with your school yard BULLSHIT


“Man”. Nah.


A man? IMO, not hardly. Not even close.

A man owns up to his mistakes and treats women decently, Cheese-boi. You’re more like a spoiled brat who’s throwing a temper tantrum because daddy caught him lying – again.

A man? No freaking way. Nor woman, either. Try immature child in a man’s physical body.

Frankly, I’m guessing the LBGT community wants nothing to do you, either.

A Proud Infidel®™

The Human Blobfish is rejected yet AGAIN, wotta surprise!!

OIF '06-'07-'08

Your the one coming back here stiring up the pot dick head


Damn, OIF – I thought “dickhead” was one word.

OIF '06-'07-'08

I stand corrected, I put a 16 hour shift in last night and I have another 16 hour shift coming up.

Okay CheesFlake “DICKHEAD”


Even Round Ranger figured this out. He went silent and has been no fun.

I think Headcheese here saw Bernasty getting all the attention and wanted to maintain his Tournament top tier ranking.


Another fraudulent claim. At least this one, given the pc world in which we live, is not a criminal offense. It is, however, an offense against humanity for you to claim anything approximating manhood, given your childish propensity to act like you are barely beyond toddlerhood.

It matters not where we counter your fraudulent claims, the truth is still the truth. You seem to be quite confused about the differenc3e between lies and the truth, so it surprises no one around here that you call the truth BULLSHIT.

As to your claim that you have admitted not being a retired USAF LtCol 17 times – not quite. The only question that remains for me is why, since you did what was initially asked of you, are you still here? What can you gain by continuing to stir up crap.


Why is he still here? Because we’re the only ones who’ll pay attention to him. Since no one will acknowledge him in real life, this is the only arena where people will communicate with him.

In addition to being a liar and a fake, he’s also an attention whore.


Well, there is that, of course. 🙂

A Proud Infidel®™

So THIS is the noise a BLOBFISH makes when it’s angry!!


Hey, Denny-boi – the program was NEVER accredited and they closed their doors March 31, 2009


For someone that posts under the name “prof”, I’d think you would have done some “research” before shooting off your mouth.

Here’s the state of TX info on using a degree from a non accredited school and a listing of schools:


“Consonant with its responsibilities under Chapter 61 of the Texas Education Code and rules promulgated pursuant thereto, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board annually reviews the institutions included on this list.

“Fraudulent or substandard degree” means a degree conferred in Texas in violation of the Texas Education Code; conferred in another state in violation of that state’s laws; conferred in another state by an institution that was not accredited by an accreditor recognized by the Coordinating Board and that has not been approved by the Coordinating Board for its degrees to be used in Texas; or conferred outside the United States by an institution that the Coordinating Board determines is not the equivalent of an accredited or authorized degree. (Texas Educational Code, Chapter 61, Section 61.302)

The Texas Penal Code (Section 32.52) prohibits the use of fraudulent or substandard degrees “in a written or oral advertisement or other promotion of a business; or with the intent to: obtain employment; obtain a license or certificate to practice a trade, profession, or occupation; obtain a promotion, a compensation or other benefit, or an increase in compensation or other benefit, in employment or in the practice of a trade, profession, or occupation; obtain admission to an educational program in this state; or gain a position in government with authority over another person, regardless of whether the actor receives compensation for the position.” Violation of this law is a Class B misdemeanor.”

Your alma mater is on the list ChevyChevette. How many times have you used your non-accredited pee H dee to gain employment? Some local DA or state investigator will probably be interested in talking to you about it…

Mr. Blue

Typical tatic of the caught dead to rights pathalogical liar- get angry. Or, in the words of the old legal advice, if neither facts nor law are on your side, pound the table.

Thus, Dennis, true to form, tries bluster and fury to extract himself from yet another hole his lies have dug.

But take a look at where his is. A poor little nothing. A person with the background Dennis is claiming could CURRENTLY be a number of things. An airline pilot, a senior officer in a large PD, a proper FBI agent, a tenured professor… you get the idea. And each of these things is easily and independantly proved.

Dennis needs the fake claims and artificial trinkets of imaginary past to avoid the hard truth, one he is too much of a coward to face.


I looked at the recommendation letters that Dennis Howard Chevalier posted on his blog. A bunch of “ho hum” Linkedin recommendations followed by the recommendation letters.

Mr. Blobfish is too stupid to see the letters for what they are. One of the letter writers said something like Dennis Chevalier being recommended for promotion once he gets experience.

This is a nice way of saying, “I don’t recommend Dennis Chevalier for a promotion at this time.”

Many of those letters has Dennis Howard Chevalier as a “pack runner,” slightly behind the core of the pack. Those letters basically highlight what he has done. Unfortunately, there are very few mentions of the impact of his “above and beyond” claims.

Also, on the letters that looked “legit,” I noticed that there was no mention of his getting valor awards.

If he received a purple heart (police) and other police valor awards, that would’ve been mentioned. Instead, his basic qualifications are mentioned. His “SWAT Team” reference letter is definitely forged.

A common theme among these letters is his relatively short stints at each department.

A couple of those letters show obvious signs of being forged. For example, it shows consistent “new” text that looks recently generated. On these same letters, the text doesn’t show being impacted by the folds in the letter.

In other words, the letters on the fold are consistent with the letters not on the fold. On another letter, it shows the text being impacted by the fold in the paper.

On those two letters, it appears that Dennis Chevalier photo-shopped the text to the paper, then forged the signature.

Overall, those recommendations show us an average worker who operates just below the mean. He does what’s expected. The areas he needs work outnumber the areas he’s “above and beyond”.

Those recommendations don’t give a human resources manager the incentive to hire Dennis Chevalier. They also indicate that there’s a risk to hiring Dennis Howard Chevalier… a risk that they won’t have him for long.

These letters don’t indicate whether Dennis Chevalier made phony veteran statements or not.


Question is: Are anything of these people who signed the letter, are they legit?

I brought it up in this mountain of comments when he first posted them. If any of these people are real. I know one of his friends on FB page are legit TX Guard. Beyond that, one of his recent letters he got makes me wonder if that person was real.


What a career day for Dennis H. Chevaliar.

21 blow ups in a 2 hour period.

At least 10 uses of profanity

5-6 post of capped out rage?!?!?!

5 post of false threats to TAH?

This man is going off on a field day.

After a week or so of being dormant. Dennis is back on the binge. Never seen someone lie and act out so heated.

Dennis is put himself back in for Top 4 ranking, #2 on the Shitbag Power rankings.


Originally posted by C2Show:

After a week or so of being dormant. Dennis is back on the binge. Never seen someone lie and act out so heated.

This isn’t the first time that Dennis Howard Chevalier blew a gasket on these threads. He has done it before, this is a cycle that he goes through.

He’ll go dormant again, then blow a gasket in the future when he sees that we won’t give him a break. He wants us to let this go, and to let his threads go into obscurity.

This cycle is also reflective of that of a serial wife beater. This substantiates the claims by Dennis Howard Chevalier’s ex-wives of his repeatedly assaulting/battering them.

I won’t be surprised if his Texas State Guard drills become more “uneasy” on him with each drill he goes to. 😀


All was quiet in Dennis-land a few days ago.

You are right, he blows up every 2 weeks or so. Angry that this blog is still up and running.

I wonder if he is even showing up to drill.

OIF '06-'07-'08

The first sentence is your quote Besig.

OIF '06-'07-'08

This cycle is also reflective of that of a serial wife beater. This substantiates the claims by Dennis Howard Chevalier’s ex-wives of his repeatedly assaulting/battering them.

Exactly, and most of the time when these individual go off is because of something negative that happened to them that day. They go home and take their frustrations out on the significant other.

As I have stated earlier, something has gone down with CheeseFlake to cause him to really go off the deep end today.

Toasty Coastie

I agree with you OIF ’06-’07-’08

I would lay odds a reprimand from “work” or dismissal or has to find a new place to live. Perhaps an IP check should be in order next time he arrives.


Originally posted by OIF ’06-’07-’08: Originally posteed by thebesig: This cycle is also reflective of that of a serial wife beater. This substantiates the claims by Dennis Howard Chevalier’s ex-wives of his repeatedly assaulting/battering them. Exactly, and most of the time when these individual go off is because of something negative that happened to them that day. They go home and take their frustrations out on the significant other. As I have stated earlier, something has gone down with CheeseFlake to cause him to really go off the deep end today. Early in this thread, or the other one, I pointed out that Dennis Howard Chevalier had issues. He had anger issues, control issues, eating issues, low self esteem issues, and other issues. Along with this, he has stress management issues. A lot of this is about control. The event that you mention is a stress event, we know that Dennis Howard Chevalier can’t handle stress. His inability to handle stress ties in to his anger management issues. His inability to control his ex-wives, us, and other events, fuels his anger management issues… possibly also his eating issues. His actions have one main drive… to get his way. He can’t get his way unless he “controls” the situation. We’re proving that he doesn’t have that control. That frustrates him, which jacks up his stress management and anger issues. He’d like for us to dismiss what his ex-wives say. He’d like for us to turn against Scotty. He’d like for us to simply let this thread move on into the abyss, to be forgotten like the other thread, and to ignore the blobfish. The ultimate aim, for this, is for him to get back what he lost because of our actions… a world where he could dazzle women with his heroic deeds as a USAF LTC flying C130s during the Gulf War. He wants to have the tools he needs to manipulate women. These threads make that all but impossible now. When women do research on his name, they’ll run across this and the other thread. Everything that he might tell… Read more »


Dennis thought he was smart and planned this out accordingly.

I guess he thought his wives would not respond or notice or fight back with his lies. He was wrong. That was the smoking gun to end him.

dennis chevalier

thebesig you’re wrong. you ARE the enemy!
You and your group of fiction writing thugs that go from target to target, spewing your intimidation, hatred, retaliation and destruction from town to town like a gang of robber-barons. If you don’t get what you want you burn the fucking village down!


No, I find Besig’s analyses about Dennis Chevalier to be spot on.

Dennis Chevalier is a LIAR, FAKE, QUITTER, and ABUSER.

A Proud Infidel®™

And he looks like a BLOBFISH!!


Very interesting quote here, Denny Penny. Perhaps even the most insightful of all of your quotes:

“thebesig you’re wrong. you ARE the enemy!”

He is stating in clear English that we who served to preserve his freedom to act stupid in public are his enemy simply because we demand that he tell the truth about his lack of military service.

That is one very sick individual there. (That’s the street meaning of “sick,” not to be confused with any legal definitions of the term.) You just can’t turn your wanting to belong in a group so badly that you lie about being in that group, then hate that group for declining you membership and call yourself normal or a mentally healthy individual.

For what it’s worth, I have no expectation that Denny Penny will ever understand why this is important. He will never “get it.” I do expect that he learn to curb his selfish, self-centered behavior enough to NOT claim honors he has not earned, and comply with the law.


Originally posted by dennis chevalier: thebesig you’re wrong. you ARE the enemy! You and your group of fiction writing thugs that go from target to target, spewing your intimidation, hatred, retaliation and destruction from town to town like a gang of robber-barons. If you don’t get what you want you burn the fucking village down! You see Dennis Howard Chevalier, if you’ve ever served, in any real capacity, in the military, you wouldn’t think that. You’d see that we’re trying to help you out. Those of us that post here are singing to the same tune. We’re giving you a hard time, because you claimed that you were one of us. When you got called out for it, you denied your actions, shifted the blame elsewhere, and continued to argue this point with us. What we’re expecting from you is rather simple. We’re expecting you to come clean and accept the fact that you claimed that you had military experiences that you never had. It starts with you answering questions that we’ve asked you, truthfully and factually. The next step is for you to declare that you never were in the USAF, that you never flew C130s, and that you never combat deployed to Saudi Arabia/Iraq during the Gulf War. After you make that declaration, you need to apologize for making those claims. What you’ve done was deny that you ever made such claims, and insist that you made alternate claims instead. That’s not the same thing that we’re asking you to do. You also need to apologize to the people that you shifted blame to, as well as to those in law enforcement whose experiences you’ve claimed you also had. After that, we expect you to no longer claim to be one of us. We also expect you to get help for the issues that you have that we pointed out. We see you as someone with narcissistic issues, anger management issues, stress management issues, self-esteem issues, eating issues, and other issues. These are the undercurrents of your claims of being one of us. These are the same undercurrents… Read more »


Amazingly put as always. You are firm but compassionate, and offer advice not just to get off our grid, but for a better life.

When I finally go over to the crazy train (let’s face it, it’s bound to happen. Hehe!), will you promise to talk me off the ledge.

(All said in joking manner. I am no crazier then the rest of you guys. That’s not saying much though.) 😉


Originally posted by Valkyrie:

Amazingly put as always. You are firm but compassionate, and offer advice not just to get off our grid, but for a better life.

When I finally go over to the crazy train (let’s face it, it’s bound to happen. Hehe!), will you promise to talk me off the ledge.

(All said in joking manner. I am no crazier then the rest of you guys. That’s not saying much though.) 😉

Dennis Howard Chevalier is on a path that’s not going to end well for him. He at least needs to see, in advance, that he has control of his destiny… and that his bettering his situation starts now.

If he pulls an Ike Densmore, or inflicts the kind of harm on someone that lands him in jail, he can’t blame us for it. He was warned, he was advised, and he was given a recommendation.

He’ll only have himself to blame.

You don’t come across as someone that’ll come off the crazy train. You’re confident with what you’ve done in the past. You’re not trying to preserve a phony persona.

Are you the same Valkyrie that was stationed in Langley AFB in SE Virginia? 😀

If you want to get in touch with me by email, just add “at yahoo dot com” to my username here. 😀

A Proud Infidel®™

I never knew a Blobfish could get that angry until today!!


I hope for Dennis H. Chevaliar sake that the Texas State Guard is seeing just how unprofessional he is on his blog, insulting women and how he treats them.

Noted, this blog entry is over 2,000 post.

dennis chevalier

go FUCK yourself Frank if that really is your name.
Bastard cowards all of you!

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

Dennis H. Chevalier/LIAR

You really should take your meds. I know you are sad that you lost all of your cheese, but having a tantrum here isn’t going to bring it back.


Don’t know how many times I have to tell you, Dennis. My name is Jay. I work in Massachusetts for the Air Force Reserves. Jay Brown as you seen on your blog.

TSO can tell you, I am not Frank.


Maybe we’ll get lucky and he’ll blow a gasket for good this time, or develop a mysterious case of something similar to mechanical lockjaw, something that impedeshis two-fingered typing ability.

Or he’ll just go cheese-hunting and get lost in the cheese case at wallyworld.

A Proud Infidel ®™

Maybe he’s NOT paranoid, and there’s a boobytrapped box of cheese somewhere out there with ‘ol Blobfish’s name on it?

Just an Old Dog

The more this hog-faced piece of shit posts the more he proves that the statements of his ex-wives are true.
He doesn’t have the ability to physically assault any of us because we aren’t in the same room. Chances are he would never try anything with any of the men here because he would end up getting a severe beating and locked up in the local jail. He physically attacks women or his own kids, because he is a fat punk.
His other MO is to constantly lie over and over again, forge documents, manipulate people and intimidate them into stop questioning him.
That doesnt work here. Better rest up before tonights shift Denny. You probably are already on the skyline. They are probably looking for an excuse to fire you. Donr get caught sleeping on the job like you did in thew Wilmer PD, which led to your getting fired.


Thats how he got fired?

Just an Old Dog

His wife with him at the time said that he was canned for being caught sleeping. He was supposedly a LT, a SWAT team honcho and had multiple decorations ( medal of valor and purple heart from other PDs).
Police Departments generally hold on to officers who are as competent, trained and decorated as cheeselicker claims to be. If Cops do leave a PD with those qualifications, its generally because they are seeking, or have been offered a better position in another department.
Fuckface hasnt held another legitimate LEO position since. He has failed at being a PI, teacher and firearms instructor. He “rose” to Lt Col in CAP, which is in many cases ( like his) a fucking joke. He couldnt make 20 days in the NG, so he conned is way into the TSG, which probably doesnt know what a doucebag he is.
Now he is a rent a cop living in a hovel.


Oh the Texas State Guard probably has a good idea of what kind of monster they have in their ranks.

Yeah if he was fired for sleeping, they must have knew how much of a shitbag he was. Usually people get reprimanded and suspended for that alone. He must have been a repeat offender or they were waiting to terminate him knowing he was a fraud.

Like Besig said, someone must have questioned him today…Texas State Guard or levied a decision down on him. Which is why he snapped today.

A Phd I guess gets a job as Security guard at the fun zone.

In a way, I feel sorry for Dennis.

Pineywoods NCO

Why feel sorry??

Shit usually floats….however in his case, shit sank to the bottom feeding scum like Bernath, Wickre and Wittgenfield.


They are all just sick, lonely old men who never had friends in their lives. Just alienated anyone they come in contact with.

These old looney liars just belong in a mental institution.

A Proud Infidel®™

Meh, he just scavenges along the bottom waiting for something to fall his way, LIKE A BLOBFISH!!

dennis chevalier

oops your wrong again ( I know its tough being wrong about one man so often huh) It might be because you have no clue of what you are talking about.
I own my own PI, training, Firearms company and it keeps me busy and the bills paid


Originally posted by dennis chevalier:

oops your wrong again ( I know its tough being wrong about one man so often huh) It might be because you have no clue of what you are talking about.

I own my own PI, training, Firearms company and it keeps me busy and the bills paid

Actually, we’ve been dead accurate in our descriptions of who you are, Dennis Howard Chevalier. Dora Lee came here and substantiated our suspicions of you using her own first hand experiences. So far, you’re tracking on the exact path we expected you to track. The reason for this is that we’ve figured you out the moment you tried fighting us on this blog.

Also, from someone that has observed you during similar situations as today:

“Regards to his business chevalier and associates, I wanna know who the associates are because the entire time I was with him there was no one but him. To fill in the gaps of his unemployment he uses he worked for himself. He wasn’t working. He was sitting at home in front of the computer doing god knows what.” – Dora Lee

People here understand that there’s a good chance that you’re working as a security guard during the night shifts:

“He was working for a security company doing night shift and had had several “arrests” and altercations with bad guys before Christmas, all while still in the TSG. Not sure if he is still in Irving or with the security company.” – Horseshoesandhandgrenades

Your posting patterns on this blog suggests that you’re working as a security guard during the night shift. Make sure your supervisors give you the night off before you have your Texas State Guard drill.

As for your claims as working as a private investigator, that’s in doubt. You didn’t know things here that you would’ve known if you did a simple search. You’re more than likely identifying yourself with the crime fiction shows that you’ve seen on television.

dennis chevalier

bullshit lie never happened. I can’t sleep without my Bi-pap for sleep apnea

Just an Old Dog

You had a Bi-pap Machine in the early 1990s? That would have been pretty cutting edge, since they were invented around 1989 in another country.

dennis chevalier

more bullshit from the king of crapping

dennis chevalier

Just ANOTHER fucking lie from you low-life bastards that have no concept of HONOR.
I never beat any woman or child and to even suggest that crap here shows you to to be the POS I have said you ALL are

The Al

Again, for someone who says he’s done here, you’re posting a fair bit

Toasty Coastie

Really Cheveliar?

Several of your Ex’s have stated that you did. Your own son has said that you did, and all their credibility goes a whole lot further than yours.

So if its not true, prove it with verifiable proof, here on this blog. Not that crap you keep spouting off about.

Oh and the only POS here is YOU.

So put up or shut up Cheeze Whiz.

Oh and for the love of cheese, go change your diaper. Its starting to smell like 30 year old Velveeta.


Originally posted by Toasty Coastie

Originally posted by Dennis Howard Chevalier:

I never beat any woman or child and to even suggest that crap here shows you to to be the POS I have said you ALL are

Several of your Ex’s have stated that you did. Your own son has said that you did, and all their credibility goes a whole lot further than yours.

Yup, just like this:

“I went right to pictures and he ripped the phone out of my hand and we went to fighting, remember ive got serious back issues. He grabbed me from behalf put his knee on my lower back and had his arm around my neck in a choke hold. Im 5’4 he is 6’1 and outweigh me by 300lbs. He slammed me into the wall and I wasn’t thinking of my back injury I was so pissed off.. no man will ever hit me! I kicked him in his groin he let me go, I called the cops! He sweet talked himself from getting arrested that night!” – Dora Lee

And this, which still counts as spousal assault:

“He would get up in my face or back me up to a wall and try to intimidate me a few times. he knew the consequences of hitting me.” – Yet another one of blobfish’s ex-wives

dennis chevalier

still waiting on a police report or SOMETHING that proves that bullshit lie of yours….


Originally posted by dennis chevalier:

still waiting on a police report or SOMETHING that proves that bullshit lie of yours….

Look at the document that you doctored, then posted on your site as “proof” that there was “no” report of domestic assault. The narrative section contained the proof, and you edited it out. You’ve seen the proof. I’m still waiting on you to quit acting like a narcissist.

Does the Texas State Guard know that you’re doctoring documents, then demanding that others see those documents as the “original” deal?

dennis chevalier

the only ex wife to be here was Dora


Good attention to detail, Dennis…right.


Dennis, I asked you a question on your blog in the Marriage issue section. Answer it.

dennis chevalier

you have yet to ask me anything on that page recently


Define “recently”, CheeseEater. If you’re capable of defining the word, that is.


You continue to lie. I have posted at least 20 messages that have not been posted. Pathetic, Dennis.


“Just ANOTHER fucking lie from you low-life bastards that have no concept of HONOR.” – Dennis Chevelier

I just caught this little literary gem. We no concept of honor? Quite the contrary, most of us here have an over-developed sense of honor. Which is why people like you, people who have no sense of honor, who don’t know what the true meaning of honor is, upset us so much.

To you, honor is merely another word in the dictionary. To us, honor is a way of life. It informs everything we do and say.

If you actually had military or LEO experience, you might have an inkling to what I just wrote about. But you don’t. I’m certain you TALK a good game around people dumb enough to buy into your bullshit. But that’s all you are – TALK.

Men and women of honor talk the talk and walk the walk. You look like you’ve got a severe limp.

Dennis Chevelier, you are a LIAR, A FAKE, A QUITTER, and an ABUSER OF WOMEN.


Dennis, threatening to show your ex wifes files of an alleged “stay” in a mental hospital when she was a child? How would one gain access to that? YOu called up saying you were a police officer?

See Dennis, you have no ethics or morals.

Toasty Coastie

Hmm Wouldn’t that be illegal if he did that C2?


Why, that would be exactly the sort of thing it is illegal for him to possess, TC. Posting it for public viewing? Even worse. Now, if he posted parts which are true and altered other parts to make them look worse, that is some additional criminal activity.


He claims to have access and knowledge of this, too. Only question is how did he get this information and was he holding onto this for blackmail?


Well according to Dennis, nothing he does is illegal.

Open Channel D

I’d love to be in the courtroom when he tries to convince a Texas judge and jury of that.

I predict he’ll be sitting on the wrong side of the aisle. That’s where the bailiff sits, so he won’t be all alone.


Originally posted by Open Channel D:

I’d love to be in the courtroom when he tries to convince a Texas judge and jury of that.

I predict he’ll be sitting on the wrong side of the aisle. That’s where the bailiff sits, so he won’t be all alone.

During his divorce with Dora Lee, Dennis Howard Chevalier got real hostile. They had to dedicate three bailiffs to overlook him. I’d imagine that’ll be the case here. I’d also imagine that like Paul K. Wickre, it’ll be Dennis Howard Chevalier that’ll be lead away in handcuffs.

I wonder what the Texas State Guard would do if Dennis Howard Chevalier didn’t show up to drill because of that.

Open Channel D

I’d love to be in the courtroom when he tries to convince a Texas judge and jury of that.

I predict he’ll be sitting on the wrong side of the aisle. That’s where the bailiff sits, so he won’t be all alone.


And he will keep on believing himself, even when a judge is announcing a guilty verdict on him for something that “isn’t his fault”.

Pineywoods NCO

So, Dennis…I have to ask this seeing as you chose to ignore my questions from before….

You claim that you have made trips to Jefferson. First of all, do you try to bullshit the fine people of that historic town like you have attempted to bullshit all of us here?

I will give you some insight. I am along your way to Jefferson, that is if you do know where Jefferson is…and I would strongly advise you not to come through and try to bullshit people along the way. You see, we are just as intolerant to bullshit in person as we are on here. And frankly, here, we’re growing tired of your bullshit. I have shared the insights of what you think you are here with many friends, all veterans or families of veterans or just good old honest, hard-working people.

All of them are like us, none of them tolerate bullshit. Come visit, try to serve us a round of your bullshit and you might end up being served. No one in the Pineywoods tolerates liars, hypocrites, fakes and cheese-eating dipshits. So not so kindly, we ask this of you.


dennis chevalier

I wish to thank all of you for the display of absurdity, stalking, harassment, cruelness, lies, manipulation and deceit you have displayed for the last 3 months concerning me and my life Some were on the fence with your creditability but not anymore. I have never committed any illegal acts toward my ex-wives, children, work, hobbies, education and well everything else. You ask and then answer your own questions then proceed as if they came from me, making more accusations, demanding proof that you refuse to accept, then call and lie to officials in police departments, the USAF personnel office and the state guard. Without realizing it you have so far broke 7 misdemeanor laws in Texas and 2 federal ones. As they prepare John Doe warrants to be served at Lilyea and Hughes’ home/computers to force the identification of the list members, I hope you remember one thing. You did this to yourselves. Did you really think the JAG would sit still for calling the entire command of the guard fakes? Reference Frank and SJ on FB and here) Did you really think the Chief of police of Wilmer would smile kindly on you for lying about what he said about me? (Reference Toasty Coasty and the others) Or that the FBI would allow hacking of of my son’s email or ANYONE’S email and then re post it? WOW that was a stellar moment for you GDC. You unzipped your fly in front of the FBI. The best part was the extortion acts you demonstrated here in 4 places that in exchange for my confession to every bullshit claim you made up here, that you would stop making more and that you would only stop if that happened. Never mind it was an outright lie on your part as the stories here were fiction generated by you and your cadre. Yes that one really amazed the investigators. “Yup, occurred across state lines, on communication lines regulated by the FCC for the purpose of extortion to force actions and conduct designed to humiliate, control, and malign a person without their… Read more »

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Is this really the best you can come up with? It’s like you aren’t even trying. I’m sure you’ve already patted yourself on your fat head for your copied from other posers drivel and posted it here move. And especially since you posted this at such an unholy hour of the morning when you KNOW that no one is on to respond to your BS. I think the only time you could possibly blow more hot air is when you fart after binging on a seven pound block of cheese.
Time for you to fess up to all your lies (that may take a while) and apologize. (Not gonna happen because you are too invested in your lies, you might actually believe them.)

dennis chevalier

your name here says it all

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Oh, the irony of a compulsive liar and fat ass poser calling me out because of my obviously satirical nickname! My handle here is meant solely to mock idiotic, posing, fake, lobotomy worthy morons like your ugly, stupid, fat self. Dennis Chevalier, you are a liar, poser, faker, jackass, cum dumpster, and failed reverse mental abortion. You will never amount to anything, no matter how hard you might want to, nor how many lies you tell. Keep dreaming, sweetheart.

dennis chevalier

well the only thing worse would to be your children wouldn’t?

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

I’m sorry, I don’t speak idiot. Or liar. Or cheeseslayer. Speaking of children, how many do you have, and out of those, how many want anything at all to do with you?? Any???


Dennis H. Chevalier, you were caught lying. Your wives delivered the dirt on you to people here. Your kid wrote a letter about you in a negative light.

Why do you continue to keep lying.

Texas State Guard is going to have a field day with that shitty blog of yours. All the lies you told and all the altered documents. CAP clearly wants nothing to do with you.

Funny how your fake, made up friends are no longer in existence. DB Cooper and Linda just vanished…gave up that dream of having people back you up, huh?

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

He gave up his sock puppets as the lost cause that they were. Only smart thing he has done so far.

dennis chevalier

Jay the more you push that bullshit line of “altered documents” and the Lies from the 1 ex, the more you look like an idiot and can be led around by the nose because a female said so.

The people that I am concerned with (that matter to me) HAVE the documents in question from the source, so give it up asshole you lost and now are facing criminal charges unless Jonn destroys his computers and data as to whom you folks really are.
either way suits me just fine because it will show the world what you truly are…

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

If the “source” of the documents is you, then no one here except you has reason to worry.
Ok, humor me, which criminal charges, and what is the name of the prosecutor that has been assigned to pursue them?


Fuck off, woman beater.

You just keep pressing that dipshit RICO idea of yours. Discovery will be fun. Where did you put those medals? Where is your documentation of all your gunshot wounds and compass call flights, “Hollywood”?

You just keep pretending that your diploma mill gave you something more than printed toilet paper. Maybe you can convince another woman with your old game; that you’re really a super genius who has just the worst luck in the world. Maybe you can lull the next one into a marriage out of pity before slapping her around a bit. Maybe you can catch one before she types your name into a search engine and finds out what a piece of shit you really are.

Then again, maybe not. You’re pretty famous now, aren’t you? And the best part is, you keep bumping your name to the top of the list, you bald bag of dicks. This is all your fault, and the more tantrums you throw, the more posts appear. Funny, right?

dennis chevalier

you’re a piece of shit teddy boi

NO ONE can produce ANY record of that EVER happening. If they could they would have done so.

fucking idiot!


Six broken marriages, none of them your fault.

Booted out of a Facebook group for incessant womanizing and harassing of female members.

Your treatment towards your ex here.

Your treatment towards female posters here.

All of this adds up, dick breath.

You’re just misunderstood, right? A poor, broke down hero withering away from cancer that he contracted while fighting in Iraq. But you fought through that cancer like it was your wife or son, and you beat it back enough to win some non existent medals for valor while serving on a SWAT unit that never existed. Shortly before you were fired, of course.

Hey, maybe your buddy who is totally not you, DB Cooper, can shed some light on this. Or maybe Linda, the only woman that you have not mentally and physically abused because she is totally not you can swing by to say what a nice and totally non chauvanistic guy you are.

Or maybe you can type something up that says that you won awards for treating women right on your evidence blog, along with the rest of your deflecting bullshit, so we can laugh at that as well.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Ok, ok. I’ll make it even easier for you. What is the name and badge number of the officer or detective who took the report from you?

dennis chevalier

You don’t read so good do you?

It was posted 8 or so days ago right here AND on my site.

See that proves what I have said all along.

You just speak out the smelly end of your ass!

Well, Cheese-boi, if it’s posted on your “evidence” blog, then you’ll have no problem in posting a link to it – right?

Post the link, a-hole. Or shut the hell up.


Originally posted by dennis chevalier: Jay the more you push that bullshit line of “altered documents” and the Lies from the 1 ex, the more you look like an idiot and can be led around by the nose because a female said so. Many of your documents look altered. I could bring two examples. The one document where you circled your statement, then said, “Game Over.” I replied that the writing inside the circle looked different from the rest, and appeared recent. You denied it, but Jim Parker jumped in and said that the original document didn’t have the circled comment. The other one, regarding the police report of your pointing a gun at your ex-wife and a son. That too looked altered, with the typeface looking different from the typeface in the rest of the document. Also, your altered document didn’t look like an actual report, which is supposed to contain facts and events. Your altered document tried to present an argument favorable to you. There are other altered documents on your site as well. The only person that looks more like an idiot here is you. We don’t believe your lies, we could see right through your tactics for what they are… lies and deception. Originally posted by dennis chevalier: The people that I am concerned with (that matter to me) HAVE the documents in question from the source, so give it up asshole you lost and now are facing criminal charges unless Jonn destroys his computers and data as to whom you folks really are. either way suits me just fine because it will show the world what you truly are… COWARDS AND FOOLS The original documents don’t tell the same story that your altered ones have. So, if you submitted your altered documents to the prosecutors, then you’re facing the same fate that Paul K. Wickre faced. If they have access to the original, unaltered documents, then we have nothing to fear, but something to smile about. They’d laugh at you. If what you’re saying is true, then you’re looking at embarrassing the Texas State Guard… Read more »


What the fuck is with the RICO charge. You clearly do not study law, dipshit. So stop pretending to be smart here.

You also have no idea what extortion means. You can keep blowing smoke up their skirts. You are not going to do shit. They are not taking this blog down either.

No matter how desperate you get, you are still a piece of shit, phony and a liar.

Your wives delivered the goods on you…nasty as it was with your pathetic behavior.

If I were you Dennis, I would worry about finding a decent woman that does not check the internet.

By the way, why did you attempt to blackmail your ex wife with that psych ward threat? You know, claiming she went to a mental hospital as a kid. How would you know that information or obtain it? You did it illegally.

You have no morals, Elmer.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

When Dennis Chevalier picks a lost cause he TOTALLY commits himself to it. He *should* be committed to the local psych ward.

dennis chevalier

The ADA’s know the law and are pushing the case through.
As for knowing about Barbara’s mental visit, she told me asshole and pointed out the hospital when we drove by it.

the ONE, 1, O-N-E you fucking illiterate bitch that came here lied and grandized everything out of her mouth because she is in her mania phase.

The police reports I posted show this AND no one will accept your god damn bullshit excuse that everything is altered by me anymore because you and now my world knows it isn’t!

THEY got the documents you were to fucking lazy to get.

So KISS MY ASS and start packing

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Your world is smaller, MUCH smaller than I had originally thought. Your “world” is also completely delusional and filled with lies and cheese.


Originally posted by dennis chevalier: The ADA’s know the law and are pushing the case through. Based on the hard core facts, the assistant district attorney’s wouldn’t push your case through. As with the Jim Parker case, you don’t have a case that’s winnable in court. Originally posted by dennis chevalier: As for knowing about Barbara’s mental visit, she told me asshole and pointed out the hospital when we drove by it. Assuming this was the case, she intended for you to be the only audience for that. If this is what happened, you were expected to keep that information to yourself. But, you didn’t, and you disclosed that to us without her authority. Now, the more probable case is that you obtained that information while abusing a privilege that you may have had. Again, you lose. Originally posted by dennis chevalier: the ONE, 1, O-N-E you fucking illiterate bitch that came here lied and grandized everything out of her mouth because she is in her mania phase. No, she didn’t lie. She gave a firsthand account of who you were. This account matched what we’ve observed of you on these threads. Her accounts were also verified by others that came here, that also knew you. Does “Horse shoes and hand grenades” and “fly on the wall” ring a bell? They came here to talk about you, so there’s definitely more than one that came here to provide a firsthand account of your playground games. Originally posted by dennis chevalier: The police reports I posted show this AND no one will accept your god damn bullshit excuse that everything is altered by me anymore because you and now my world knows it isn’t! You posted doctored police reports. Another ex-wife has seen your posts, and explained them as being doctored. The one on your pulling a gun on your ex-wife, that you have posted on your blog… that has been doctored. Many of your documents look doctored by someone that did a poor job at doctoring documents. Most people looking at these documents would see some of your documents are… Read more »


Dennis, that still does not explain how you would have the records to her “Hospital stay” as a kid.

dennis chevalier

on the contrary Jay, I tell everyone everything upfront.
Just like my son, I said if you want to hear my side, ok but go and verify everything for yourself without anyone else’s bullshit in your ears and THEN come ask me questions.

He did and most of the damage that Dora did to him was fixed concerning me.

I say the same thing to everybody, get the facts yourself not BULLSHIT COMMENTARY FROM FOOLS!

Well your bunch here are fucking idiots that do not care about accuracy, facts, and following up on the claimed sources of such stories.

You have no business on the internet vetting people. You would listen to a turd speak if it said what you wanted it to say.


Fixing your son damage? Like he was some kind of toy you just had to repair?


Originally posted by dennis chevalier: on the contrary Jay, I tell everyone everything upfront. Just like my son, I said if you want to hear my side, ok but go and verify everything for yourself without anyone else’s bullshit in your ears and THEN come ask me questions. He did and most of the damage that Dora did to him was fixed concerning me. I say the same thing to everybody, get the facts yourself not BULLSHIT COMMENTARY FROM FOOLS! This isn’t what you do in practice. “Flyonthewall” said that you always had an “explanation” for things that didn’t favor your narcissistic view of yourself. “Horseshoeandhandgrenades” said that you presented her with your resume. This sounds like you’re working hard to convince these women that your narcissistic view of yourself is the “real deal.” You don’t care about any information about you that hurts your phony image of yourself. If it were up to you, they wouldn’t have access to contradictory information. If you had Paul K. Wickre’s ability, you’d try to knock this blog down and take it out of commission. As for your son’s view of you. Why would he take Dora Lee’s word over yours, especially if he’s your blood son? That doesn’t make sense… unless he had already came to the conclusion, based on his own experiences, that you are the very person we’re describing here. Your self-aggrandizing comments about your phony personality are precisely that, bullshit. Originally posted by dennis chevalier: Well your bunch here are fucking idiots that do not care about accuracy, facts, and following up on the claimed sources of such stories. No instead you go…” OH GOODY MORE CRAP TO SPREAD ,,,WHO CARES IF ITS TRUE OR NOT” You have no business on the internet vetting people. You would listen to a turd speak if it said what you wanted it to say. I’m sorry, but it’s our push for the accuracy and facts that’s aggravating you. You want us to believe your doctored documents and phony stories about who you are, and what happened in the past. We follow up… Read more »


That is the biggest issue I have with Dennis here, with his talks on the blogs to me and people here. He seems to think we were born yesterday.

Doctored documents, altered lies to fit his needs. He even goes so far as to lie about who can post on his blog and who can’t for control purposes.

Texas State Guard should remove Chevy permanently. If I read correctly, only reason why Dennis H. Chevalier was in the Texas State Guard was because of letter like Shipley sent.


dennis chevalier = Dallas Wittgendeld WITH TEETH.

the Al

Remind me- what gave you the right to post your ex-wife’s medical history on your blog? Oh, that’s right- you violated a federal privacy act to do that.

Toasty Coastie

Awww, Sparkle Pony, Phony Wanna-Be USAF LTC Blobfish Dennis H. Chevelier/LIAR~ Did you lose your cheese again? Truth hurts doesn’t it? Don’t you find it rather odd that NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON has come here to verify your claims? Only your make believe Puppets. I know I do. If I were you in this situation, I would be bringing in everyone I know and providing all that was asked of me to stop this from happening. You haven’t. Says a lot doesn’t it? The only people who have come here in reference to you were women that you have hurt on multiple levels. Do you feel like a “man” when you hit a woman smaller than you? Or any woman? How about terrorizing children? That must really make you feel really big and strong. You see Dennis, all your stomping of feet and holding your breath is not going to change any of the FACTS that have been proven here time and time again. Your foolish threats of legal proceedings against any of us here are about as real as your made up Military career, PhD and SWAT claims. Not ever going to happen. So please, just stop. The correct answer to lies are truths, and that is what we have used here. The truth via fact finding and research. All your claims have been debunked many times over. We have tried to give you chance after chance to apologize and make amends for your lies, yet you keep digging that hole. You will cling to these lies until the day you die. Unfortunately for you, the more you lie, the more we will continue to prove your lies. You claim there were “people” on the fence about us here. That in and of itself is is a load of bull puckey. The only people looking at your site is us. And then only because we get a mighty good laugh at your ridiculousness. When you can provide third party verifiable proof of your claims, then and then will this stop. But you can’t. Why? because you are a liar.… Read more »

Hack Stone

These responses from Dennis Chevalier bear an uncanny resemblance to the Paul Wickre saga; empty threats of imminent arrests and lawsuits; posting incoherent and profanity laced comments in the dead of night; and of course, the requisite statements of how he is intellectually superior to the TAH commentators. I wonder if his mailbox is missing its door.

dennis chevalier

I gave you case numbers and agencies.
If you are to stupid to call that’s on you.

I work most night on cases.

and who are we pretending to be today HACK STONE? first time I have seen that name here must be another sock-puppet of Franks or is it Jay, or C2?

Who care what you think!


Ah, the “investigative genius” demonstrates his skills once again. Or lack of same, more precisely.

If you were worth a damn as an “investigator”, CheddarSlayer, you’d know that Hack Stone is a regular commenter.

dennis chevalier

NOT HERE asshole

Hack Stone

Dennis, I apologize for coming late to the dance and not commenting on your predicament earlier. If you would exercise some of those mad investigative skills that you possess, and look on the recent comments section, you would notice that I usually comment several times a day, mostly early in the morning or early evening. Now that I have your attention, will you be directing any of your hatred towards me?


Actually, dipstick . . . yes, here regularly – if possibly not on articles about you. A competent investigator could have determined that in less than 2 minutes using any one of a number of Internet search tools.

TAH is about far more than your pathetic ass, Cheese-boi. You’re but a minor bit-player and diversion – just another loser who lies about their military record to make themselves look good. We see hundreds like you.

You just happen to be vocal, entertaining – and too freaking stupid to know when to shut up.

IMO, of course.

Melvin P. Cowznofsky

HEY BLOBFISH, have you ever succeeded even the slightest at anything in this life?

Hack Stone

Lighten up, Francis. I mean Dennis. Pretty quick with profanities. That is an indicator of someone with anger issues. I can assure you, and all of the regulars on this blog, that I am not Franks, Jay and/or C2. I am the self appointed Humor NCO for TAH. Check out some of my work on the Paul Wickre threads. I recommend that you pay attention to my tips to Paul on enhancing his résumé and job interview skills. Something tells me that you may be needing to look for employment in your immediate future.


You can go to bed now Cheese Flake.

The Mall will be safe until your shift begins again tonight.

Don’t forget to say your prayer’s and have your cheese snack.


Originally posted by dennis chevalier: GO FUCK YOURSELF! I gave you case numbers and agencies. If you are to stupid to call that’s on you. I work most night on cases. First, some of your case numbers turned as dead ends. In fact, the caller received laughter when he mentioned your name. Second, you know that we wouldn’t go to the courthouse, because of where we live, to demand those documents. This is what I call “a bluff.” You know that if many of us were to take your word on it, or even spend our own money to get these documents, these documents would sing a different tune than the one that you’re singing. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, and say that you are working at nights… as a security guard. I doubt that you’re working on cases. You’ve shown a poor ability to do research… asking people questions you could easily answer with a simple internet search. Based on your skills here, excuse us for doubting your claims of being an “investigator”. Originally posted by dennis chevalier: and who are we pretending to be today HACK STONE? first time I have seen that name here must be another sock-puppet of Franks or is it Jay, or C2? You do realize that there are many threads on this blog, do you? We don’t all post on every thread here. I’ve seen Hack Stone here on numerous occasions. I’ve seen his posts before you got exposed as a phony USAF retired LTC, as a phony C130 pilot, and as a phony Gulf War Veteran. There’s enough of us to where some of us could focus exclusively on one or two phonies who insist on fighting their exposed phony claims. Originally posted by dennis chevalier: Who care what you think! Why, that’d be us. 😀 You don’t care about what he thinks, because his argument hurts yours. Also, is that what you’d tell a civil administrator during a time of state emergency, when you’re activated with the Texas State Guard? Yup, I suspect that you’d try to bully… Read more »


“Did you really think the JAG would sit still for calling the entire command of the guard fakes? Reference Frank and SJ on FB and here)”

Oh no! I’m in deep shit I guess since I supposedly pissed of the “Teas STATE-NOT-NATIONAL Guard” JAG. Oh woe is me. I did say that it didn’t look like there was much time on the training schedule for PT. And I did say that I had experienced a similar organization in VA that was full of wannabee’s and pretenders. And wasn’t there some discussion ages ago about one of his STATE-NOT-NATIONAL Guard idol that seemed to have more stars on a CIB than would be possible…it was early on in Cheese’s appearance here?

Wonder what the charges will be? Woe is me.


I find it so very entertaining that someone who claims to be an investigator and super duper smart, continues to claim that their son’s email was hacked and posted online, but fails repeatedly to notice the date of said email’s posting.

Now dammit Jonn said no more time travel after the fiasco of 1827! GDC turn in your keys to the time machine! You’re grounded in this century until you prove you can handle things. We’ll pick you up in 2114.

dennis chevalier

Valkyrie, Bryan, my son said he was hacked

the Al

Kind of like how you were “hacked”?


Valkyrie, Bryan, my son said he was hacked

. . . says the man who has previously offered “being hacked” as an excuse for his own false claims of being a retired USAF LTC who flew C-130s in Iraq.

We didn’t buy the claim you were hacked when you made it, dipstick. And your proffered “proof” turned out to be questionable as hell – and quite likely an outright fabrication.

What makes you think anyone will buy this latest claim, CheeseSlayer?


More often than not criminals accuse others of doing what they themselves are doing. Any bets if indeed his son was hacked it was by Denny or someone he knows? Maybe having those skills is just another exaggeration on his part, though.

Who knows. Who cares. We know it’s a lie if he says it.


Like father, like son? Real good impression you’ve made on your children, Cheesdick. He was “hacked” much like you were.


I don’t know what to make of such a polite response during all these shout-y words.

It’s cause I talk about playing with my kitty, isn’t it?


I would think that a person of such “stature” in your community would have some connections with a person or compnay with a computer forensics background, had the computers/e-mail accounts investigated and reported them to state and/or Federal LEO’s for further investigation and /or prosecution. Or, at least, had a firewall on the computer to prevent outsiders from hacking…


I never knew that someone could live his entire life as a lie. Until I found out about Dennis Chevalier. The more I read about you, both here and on your “blog,” the more you remind me of Ignatius J. Reilly. Do you have issues with your pyloric valve?

dennis chevalier

Nothing in my life, as I have lived it, is a lie.
You think you know me; you THINK you have the inside track on me, but know absolutely nothing about me.

Here is just one for 100’s of examples…

Do you know what it was that I did as an occupation with the PD’s I was at? What I was PAID for?

I was a training coordinator. I did and taught most if not ALL the courses for academy recertification, upgrade training, and so on.

To do this in the 80’s and 90’s you had to be sworn at that agency. So I went, got sworn in, taught and when their training agreement was up, I went on to the next agency to train their officers and so on.

Formal training and certification classes are very expensive. Small departments simply cannot afford those and the officers can’t either so I found a way for them to be legal, certified, and competent at the same time that I got more field experience.

While at those agencies I also did patrol, SWAT, warrant roundups and so on but that is what I did for a living.

After the later 90’s I was running my own academy and PI Company.

Does this example help you a bit? Everything you see by conjecture is from assholes that don’t know me, liars and braggarts that have an axe to grind (usually into the back of my head) and the rest just make shit up to make a better story.

You and the rest of retards here know NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY KNOWING ABOUT ME except the bullshit Dora spewed out while not on her medications and the creative story-telling by your own members.


Sure you did, Dennis, sure you did.

You did nothing of the sort. You weren’t SWAT, you were never injured in the line of duty (unless you got a stiff neck while sleeping on duty), and you were never in the military.

As for this “training coordinator” BS you’re trying to run at me, if “Formal training and certification classes are very expensive. Small departments simply cannot afford those and the officers can’t either…” how were these small departments able to afford a “Training Coordinator?” If a slot like this WAS created for you, it tells me one thing – You weren’t deemed competent to be on patrol. And incompetence seems to be a hallmark with you.

What police academy did you go to? What were your dates of attendance and graduation date?

dennis chevalier

You are a fucking lost cause

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Blobfish, IF you were ever a LEO, could you even write a Parking ticket without “screwing the pooch”, let alone not getting cheese puff crmbs and residue all over the ticket?


Nahhhhh. He was too busy sleeping while on shift to actually write a citation for anything.


I kinda doubt he realized that previously, NHSparky. Being perceptive and quick to “get” things isn’t exactly Denni-boi’s long suit. See the discussions concerning “wick” and “PEBKAC” above. (smile)

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

The only lost cause here is you, Dennis Howard Chevalier the valor-stealing liar, poser, wife beater and child abuser.


Get any of these jobs citing your “PhD” as education?


Maybe that was one of the factors that led to him being “dismissed” from all of those jobs.

I wonder how many investigations he has done for private parties where he has cited his pee H dee? Or the professional organizations that he is a member of?


“Training Coordinator?” Sounds more like a gofer job to me. You were the person who helped set up the training so the true professionals, the real trainers, could come in and do the job you claim to have done. Want to prove me wrong? Post a formal definition from the state of Texas that says a “Training Coordinator” is what you say it is.


While I’m thinking about it, what department were you a SWAT member for? Where do you get your SWAT training? And please don’t post that silly news article again. Anyone with a smidgeon of experience knows there’s a huge difference between a short tactical course, one that almost any civilian can pay to attend, and a true SWAT program.


Watching every episode of A&E’s “Dallas SWAT” = SWAT certification.


And he really thinks that continuing to inject the names of other people will distract us from the only thing we initially asked him to do?

Denny Penny, you are not now nor have you ever been a member of the United States Air Force therefore you are not nor will you ever be retired from same. Say it will us slowly. Repeat it as often as is necessary to remind yourself the actual topic here.

Talking about any of your ex-wives, their friends, your friends, your wannabe associates, et al changes nothing.

But, please, do keep doing what you seem to only be capable of doing. Perhaps one day you will understand that lawful behavior is an easy way to get through life. It sure beats the alternatives.


His whole miserable existence is based on lies and obfuscation. Anybody of any substance writes him off immediately.

The reason he does all this is because we’re the only ones who give him any sort of attention. If he were to comply with our requests to come clean, he would fall back into the abyss of anonymity and obscurity he hates. Which is why he concocted all these outlandish claims about himself over the years.

His lies are all he has left. Most of us have “I love me” walls or scrapbooks where we keep pictures and mementos of significant events in our lives, both military and civilian. Dennis Chevalier has only a solitary scrap of paper from a defunct diploma mill to show for his efforts.

Dennis Chevalier is a LIAR, a FAKE, and an ABUSER

dennis chevalier

my God man how do you function in your make believe world LebbenB?


Here’s a few things that aren’t make believe:

Dennis Chavalier is a LIAR

Dennis Chevalier is a FAKE

Dennis Chevalier is a QUITTER

Dennis Chevalier is an ABUSER OF WOMEN

Sorry I didn’t respond sooner. I had to run up to Post and grab a few things at the PX, you know how it is. On second thought, you don’t know how it is because you don’t have a CAC card or a military ID.


Originally posted by LebbenB:

I had to run up to Post and grab a few things at the PX, you know how it is. On second thought, you don’t know how it is because you don’t have a CAC card or a military ID.

I know how it is, and so do many here. 😀 I made a commissary run last night to replenish a few items. They scan our CAC cards at the scanner before scanning our purchases. They’ll scan military ID cards as well.

If Dennis Howard Chevalier were a retired USAF LTC for real, they’d scan his military (retired) card before running the river of cheese blocks over the scanner. He’d probably need more than one bagger to pack his cheese purchases, then push it to his vehicle.

It’s a good thing that Dennis Howard Chevalier was never in the Air Force, and that he’s not retired military in any capacity. Military families can actually enjoy their commissary purchased cheese as a result. 😀


Provided for side-by-side comparison:

Might want to cut back on the cheese consumption a bit and get some more exercise, CheddarSlayer. Or that could well become something resembling “before and after” portraits.

Hack Stone

Thanks for the photos, Hondo, but you neglected to tag the photos so that we know which one is Dennis Chevalier.


Dude! Dude. Totally crushing on you, Hondo!

dennis chevalier

that was actually pretty funny.
Thanks for the laugh

A Proud Infidel®™

YEP, Just what I was saying, thanks, Hondo!! I read a little bit about the ocean-dwelling Bloblish, and it said that the blobfish has little muscle, its flesh is very gelatinous and slightly less dense that water, thus it uses only minimal muscular energy slowly swimming barely above the ocean floor waiting for its next meal to fall from above. Kinda like “Blobfish” Chevalier, ain’t it? In each of his marriages(ALL SIX) I’m sure he waited for his unfortunate then-spouse to come home with groceries, which he scarfed as quickly as he could. As a “rent-a-fuzz”, he usually either sits behind a desk or slowly prowls around the shopping mall, pouncing on the doughnut shop the moment the “day-olds” go on sale for half price, or talking the fast food franchises out of their food they’re about to toss for being under the heat lamp too long!

I ask the fine Ladies of TAH, which blobfish looks cuter to y’all, the one on the left or the right

Toasty Coastie

I’m going with the right side lol…It kind of looks like Jimmy Durante hehee..

The left side one, well…that’s the stuff that turns tuna sour.

A Proud Infidel®™

Indeed, TC! The one on the right was born that way, but the one on the left made itself into that by choice!!


Originally posted by Hondo:

Provided for side-by-side comparison:

How do you get pictures to show within the post like that?


Hey “Hollywood”: Please confirm your current status re the TXSG. Are you still a member? If so, what unit and what “rank”?

I plan to call the CG/JAG tomorrow and see what things they have planned for me since you say that they are pissed. I.e., “Did you really think the JAG would sit still for calling the entire command of the guard fakes? Reference Frank and SJ on FB and here)”

I want to properly cite who your are (as if they didn’t know).

dennis chevalier

I finally figured out what this blog reminds me of.
It’s Peewee’s playhouse!

OIF '06-'07-'08

Well, I just did two 16 hour shifts in a very hectic ER. I spent a couple of hours at an antique shop, come home and I see that CheeseFlake is still coming strong with the legal threats. Like he cannot realize that this same damned song and dance has played here before, but it is fun to jerk on his chain and watch him throw his little boy tantrums, and even though I am physically exhausted, I am emotionally charged.

So CheeseFlake, how much verbal loose stools do you have to sling today CheeseFlake?


Looks like he’s testing the tensile strength of ACU cloth.

dennis chevalier

another good one Jonn


Flaunting the phony pee H dee again… a big no-no in Texas (since your “school” was never accredited).

A Proud Infidel®™

I SWEAR he looks like he’s on the prowl in his lab coat, he looks like he’s ready to put on some rubber gloves while saying “Truust me, I really am a Proctologist!”


Oh look, the other narcissist was feeling left out and unloved lately. So once again he shows up to promote his own discussion. I guess any attention, is good attention for some.


This just in! Heavy Chevy at work!


I was thinking more along the lines of Barney Fife:


Johannes Hans Fallada: Well ladies, if you’re reading this, it’s because someone responded to your personal advertisement. This someone goes by the name of Dennis Howard Chevalier. He told you that he flew C130s in Iraq while in the USAF during the Gulf War. He told you that he’s a retired USAF LTC. Since you want do good research on him, you did an internet search and landed here. You’re in luck. In this interview, you’ll get the basic information you need to decide whether you want to pursue going out with Dennis Chevalier… or move on to the next guy. With me are the women from Dennis Chevalier’s past. We have his most recent ex-wife, Dora Lee. We have “Gulf War ex Wife” with us, along with “horseshoesandhandgrenades.” The later was in the beginning stages of dating him, but listened to her gut instincts and left. We also have “flyonthewall,” who has met both Dennis Chevalier and Dora Lee. We have “thebesig” here to address Dennis Chevalier’s military claims. We also have “Jim Parker” here to address Dennis Chevalier’s main defense against the “This Aint Hell” debate team. We’ve sent invitations out to Chevalier and Associates. Dennis Chevalier, Robert Quentin, David Cooper, and Linda Day. They’re here with us today. With that being said, welcome everybody to the program. thebesig: Thanks, we’re glad to be here. Dennis Chevalier and Associates: … Johannes Hans Fallada: Thebesig, could you give us a summary of what’s going on? thebesig: Sure! 😀 This started when someone got wind that Dennis Howard Chevalier was going around claiming to be a retired USAF LTC, that he flew C130s in Iraq during the Gulf War, that he got injured in a police mission that resulted in him getting awarded police level valor awards. One of the things that got the spotlight focused on Dennis Chevalier was his obsession with Don Shipley, and his pirating of Scotty Hughes artwork for a copycat site. Johannes Hans Fallada: Dennis, is that what happened? Dennis Chevalier: A hacker did it. Only a fool keeps trying to push that crappy position… Read more »

Open Channel D


Pineywoods NCO

I am impressed how you completely skirted by my questions in the past. Rather than calling people that might know you, I have done independent tests to confirm or deny your statements (ie the flooding of your apartment, which do not get me wrong, I am not denying it may or may not happened, but rather how paper reacts to such conditions and the results of drying said paper out afterwards). None of our independent tests supported your arguments.

Then in a stroke of pure irony, running into a representative of the Texas State Guard, who shared what little he could with me. He never mentioned a name, but we can deduce with some degree of accuracy of who it might had referring to.

And then finally, your statements, your comments, your remarks on both here and on your “site.” You completely misunderstood one of my earlier statements as meaning I was asking for something I wasn’t. When I asked questions in a calm and professional manner, you told me off.

You have demonstrated a complete lack of professionalism that would be expected for somebody of your supposed caliber either as a scholar or an active service member.

By the way, I should mention something else. I am originally from the DFW area. And trust me, I never heard a single peep of your accomplishments there. I had friends who were and some still are in law enforcement and when I ask them about you, I heard proverbial crickets.

I do look at what you have posted, trying to give the benefit of the doubt. I am not convinced of anything there except you are an rather determined individual to try to convince others you have done nothing wrong or you are more honorable than what your commentary, insults, and threats on here suggest.

Summary, good job, Dennis. You have convinced me, like many others here, of nothing.

Thank you and good day.


All that keyboard shouting by chevy glitterdeertick cheesedicksnot, all that bluster and foot stomping — all to no avail.

His lies compound eaach other. Once he’s caught, he pulls a bernutsky** and blames someone else for the things that don’t add up: somebody else did it.

**Pulling a bernutsky = Not Me did it

Well, who DID do it, chevy scooter shremmentalsky? Was it Bigfoot hacked your kid’s account? Was it a Yeti that fabricated your phony history about military service you never had? Was it a chupcabra that said you were a cop/USAF/etc., when you never were?

Since you don’t actually look any further than then end of your fat nose, I don’t really expect lucid answers from you, but you should try to do something about your breath.

And don’t talk with food in your mouth. It’s bad enough when people can hear, but if they have read lips, it’s disgusting.

A Proud Infidel®™

I don’t think he can help himself, Ex-PH2, as soon as it falls in front of him, he eats it, JUST LIKE A BLOBFISH!!

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