Donald Kimball; phony Silver Star, Purple Heart hero

| March 22, 2018

The folks at Military Phonies send us their work on this fellow, Donnie Kimball, from Pensacola, Florida, who claims to be a Marine Corps Vietnam veteran with a Silver Star and a Purple Heart, and there are license plates and a motorcycle vest involved;

Well, he was a Marine and he did serve in Vietnam, as a clerk in the local Marine Corps exchange (BX) and as a supply clerk in a Headquarters and Service Company;

No Silver Star, no Purple Heart, not even a Combat Action Ribbon to indicate that Donnie heard any shots fired in anger.

But, he does get an award for most creative excuse for missing records;

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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I don’t know about ya’ll but I don’t get those that put military identifiers on their vehicles. I still see them at the base I work on; ranks and branches of service of those also retired. I know a lot of folks are proud of their service but I look at it as if you’re targeting yourself.

I used to have a base sticker on my car for North Island Naval Air Station because I worked a multitude of missions there and on the Amphib base on the strip. My TALCE unit worked the Special Warfare rotations. However, I received a call at my home from the OSI one night and was told to come to their office first thing in the morning.

On the way there I’m wondering which of my buddies has gotten into hot water; as we skirted the rules quite often in order to move the mission. Instead I was informed that my name turned up on a “terrorist hit-list” with no other information provided. You can be damn sure the first thing I did was scrape that sticker off of my windshield. I consider it part of my OPSEC training as well as personal security, however, posers certainly wouldn’t know any better or don’t care; especially those who claim unearned merit.


I have a retiree plate.

I’m not targeting myself as much as I’m challenging them. Fuggit


I have an American Flag and an ATKRON 105 Zapper on my rear window…waiting to get my NRA sticker.

Just because I am proud to be an American, a Gunslinger, and a member of the NRA.

There are very few people in the area that would know what ATKRON 105, Gunslinger meant. If my rig gets dicked with, it will be because of the flag or NRA sticker.



Wire Paladin
San Francisco


Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Paladin, Paladin where do you roam. Paladin Paladin far far from home.



They were going to try and name the squadron the Paladins, but couldn’t get permission from the producers. So Gunslinger it was…abd we stole the holster.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

My Florida car plate is a US Navy plate and the plate frame holder has Gator Navy on top and on the bottom of the frame it says USS OKINAWA LPH 3. Top drawer has all Fire Dept tee shirts and bottom drawer has all Navy tee’s. Drawer on right has fire, Military and National Hurricane golf and tee shirts. Had to cancel Hurricane conference up in Orlando this year due to the stomach problem I had but now is better even though I lost the fifty buck deposit fee when I cancelled last month.


I understand what you’re saying, however, my wife hid my guns on me a few years back when I was going to go across the street and plug all the druggies in the flop house who were breaking into houses to fund their habits. At that point I decided it wise to take other precautions.


Did she ever give your guns back?


No, and I haven’t asked for them. I used to get in tussles with gang members when I lived in Fontana. I’d return from one warzone OCONUS into one CONUS. My wife was certain I’d end up in jail or dead; which is why I moved to the mountains. But even there one has the B.S. of the druggies and I thought it best she keep them; though I have her agreement that when the zombies attack she’ll produce them again.


Or you can just move out of CA, and then nuke the site from orbit.

It’s the only way to be sure.


And to that I would say Look, man, I only need to know one thing: where they are.


I hope she doesn’t forget where she put them.


Yeah, me too. As my Marine daughter says “Zombies! Someday it WILL happen!”


Were you reallllllly going to shoot the dealers?


In my defense that was before the VA prescribed me some meds. I’m not so wound up and pissed off anymore. Plus, back then I had trouble sleeping so I’d been up a very long time.


Glad you got help. No shame in that.


It took me a great many years to admit it, Graybeard. My wife kept trying to get me to go but it wasn’t until my squadron was having a “hotwash” after a successful mission, drinking whiskey and all, and I told my D.O. that if he ever endangered my folks I’d kill him.

He didn’t speak to me for about a week. Then he came into my office and asked if I’d been seen for PTSD. I told him he was sounding like my wife. But he harangued me until I finally went to the V.A. I had never wanted to admit it. I thought I was normal.


And that is why it is so often difficult to seek help. You actually WERE normal – it was the situation which got you there that was not normal. Your response to it was. Not to be confused with being healthy. That is the state we often need assistance in acquiring.


Thanks for that, OWB, much appreciated. This is also something I can share with members of my VFW who’re having difficulties. We lost a member last year who was having trouble coping.


10-4 I understand. They wouldn’t be worth going to jail over. Now if they tried to harm you… different story.


What had happened was I went over there to let them know they were being watched and to knock their shit off. There were about eight of them and one of them threw a full beer at me from off to my side and broke my glasses. Having been in fights against multiple people before when I was living in gang-land and getting the crap beat out of me I went back to the house to fetch my 9MM but my wife saw the whole thing and immediately hid the weapons. All I could find was a 15 round magazine. I got irate with her but she wouldn’t relent. After a drinking binge for another 30 hours or more I woke up on the floor still clutching my magazine.

But you’re right; they aren’t worth going to jail for. Thinking back to many of the situations I’ve gotten myself into, it does scare me. The meds have really calmed me down and I probably should have sought more help after coming back from my third stint in the jungles of Colombia in the ‘90’s when I first started having nightmares and couldn’t sleep. The doc gave me Xanax but that stuff was so good I never refilled the bottle. It says right on the bottle “Alcohol intensifies effects”. They weren’t kidding. I didn’t actually get seen again until about four years.


We had some meth heads attempt to set up in a vacant house near my grandkids.

If they hadn’t run off (we did report them to the local Sherriff), I would have considered them an immanent threat to my children and grandchildren, and taken permanent preventative measures.

And there are a lot of wild hogs around.


Those hogs will eat anything. 🙂


That would give a whole new meaning to the phrase “high on the hog.”


I have a bunch of SF and 75th Ranger Regt. stickers and decals, but haven’t put them on a vehicle. Only one displayed is a CIB badge with “Vietnam” below the plate on one of my motorcycles. It really takes some chutzpah to wear a cap like the one this dud is sporting, when his major Viet of the Nam accomplishment in the corps is working at “Division Clubs.” A few years later and he could have served me a beer at the Division O-club in Da Nang.

Perry Gaskill

It’s not just the loud-ass Silver Star ball cap. It’s also the Bermuda shorts.

Any guy who would wear plaid Bermuda shorts would kiss Nancy Pelosi on the lips…


I bet you can’t find one silver star recipient that owns yet alone wears that stupid ball cap??
What an IDIOT….


I knew a guy called “Gunns” (he carried the M-60 in his squadron) who had been awarded two Silver Stars. He rarely talked about it and took it nonchalantly when his wife absconded with his stuff to include his medals. I offered to replace them for him but he declined. It wasn’t something his existence hung on. Unfortunately he passed about a decade ago.


Very true Garold and sorry to hear. One of my best friends has a Silver Star and two bronze stars and i didn’t even know until years later because he doesn’t talk about it or wear ball caps. He’s still on active duty and loves this site for busting phonies.


Not even her grand-children or IDC SARC would kiss those lips.

(IDC SARC ‘might’ motor-boat the ta-taas however…)


Exactly..and screaming libs too


I loved NASNI when I went there for Helo training. California Bases were like a dream compared to those in Florida.

I had no idea USAF had detachments there(I had to look up TALCE).


Greetings Atkron, we didn’t have a detachment there but stayed in billeting instead. We were out of March ARB. We had probably four missions a year there. Sometimes they’d be a few days, a few weeks, or sometimes a couple of months.

A TALCE’s primary mission is to go into barebones airfields and set up air operations with a team of 16. However, in that we were subject experts on airlift, we’d also teach classes to all sister-services, the FBI, Borestar, CIA, FEMA, NASA, and just about anyone who goes by an abbreviation. I was the only non-load master allowed to teach the course in the Air Force but that was because I received a waiver due to my duties for my year in Afghanistan. I was responsible for all out-going pax and cargo on mil air.

The TALCE was the best job I’ve ever had and I still miss it. However, I got too old and was having some health issues that caused me to decide to retire.

Below is a link to a little of what TALCEs do;


Those occurrences are certainly sobering.

I think there is a level of risk for anyone who either is in the military, or related to those in the military. The terrorists would love to attack any of us.

OPSEC and constant situational awareness are called for.

I’m not sure I’d take the stickers about being an Army Dad/Mom off my car, though. In E. Texas it is a little like identifying to other members of the family that you’re a 2nd cousin once removed. There is a sense of a support network to it. But we are not working in some high-value target environment here, either.


Not to mention that at least in E. Texas there are many toll roads and one of the bennies of having one of the many tags is free tolls… another can be free hunting/fishing licenses. Very common to see service related tags here.


“in E. Texas there are many toll roads”?

Is there another E. Texas somewhere?

Houston has two or three that I know of. There is another cluster in Austin, but that is Central Texas by my reckoning. DFW area probably has some, but I only go to DFW to go through DFW on I35, and DFW doesn’t count as E. Texas. AFAIK, the toll-road tags (EZPass & whatever) may be discounted to military, but you still need them physically on the vehicle. Military-specific tags won’t get you out of a toll-road fee to my knowledge.

Everything else in E. Texas (Conroe, Huntsville, Madisonville, Crockett, Livingston, Cleveland, Lufkin….) is open highways and byways.

The TX hunting/fishing licenses for military don’t need anything on the car – you only show those to the Game Warden when he asks.

So I’m a mite confused by your assertion.


I use the Hardy north of Houston in “south Texas”. I recently retitled my car in Texas and got “US Navy Retired” plates…I was looking for something simple and less parochial like “Armed Forces Veteran” (as Virginia has) but I didn’t find it available. Later, I learned that if I had picked the “Disabled Vet US Navy” tags for which I qualify, most of the Texas toll lanes are free…tempting but I’m in pretty good physical shape and it seems a bit unseemly, particularly with a sports car…I don’t hunt or fish but did note that I qualify for that free license. Texas appears to be all in for vets…nice.


We even have our own state-funded Veteran’s assistance program for education. If you’ve been through handgun quals w/n a reasonable timeframe, the requirement for the range quals for the LTC are waived as well, and I think the fees are lowered.

I’d say Texas is pretty well all-in for vets.


I got a big balls license plate, to compensate for my small penis size.
And well, they are permanent plates.

A Proud Infidel®™

You don’t get laid at all, do you Yef?


Since they don’t have a Good Conduct Medal plate, I’ll settle for this on my POV 😀


No AAM license plate?

Actually, I’d love to have me a sweet AAM ballcap I could wear in parades, and a company letter of commendation license plate for my car.


I have a small decal for OEF, OIF, and an Anchor on my back windshield. I’m proud of my time in both theaters, and I earned that Anchor.

I get the OPSEC argument, but I figure that I’ve probably got a better chance at winning the lottery, than getting attacked by a terrorist.

LCpl Nelson

I have a Veterans plate that also designates the Branch (USMC) and it’s gotten me out of a few “jams” so to speak.
Other Jarheads let you in in traffic too haha.
This ahitbag?
He’s got huge balls or a tiny brain to walk around wearing a Silver Star hat when he don’t rate.
I’m going with the latter.


My lic plate says “Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition”!! lol


Garold, word to you about what you put here.
This is not a private website and we have many stalkers around here just looking for reasons to not only shut us up but shut us down and no doubt, lock us all up.
Please be careful what you say here as the walls have ears and with lurkers like lars and his cohorts around and their Snidely Whiplash mentality it wouldn’t surprise me to hear that someone had looked you up and started stalking you or will SWAT you like has happened here before.
I’m not saying anything bad at all about anything or anyone here, it’s the ones that monitor this site, and there are many I am certain, that worry me the most…


Nothing on my vehicles, and I was in line to purchase a small box of single sided razor blades the day they removed the requirement for base windshield stickers. I do sport a ring with gold Naval Aircrew wings, though. Exactly which finger I’ll leave to ya’ll’s imagination.


Donald Kimball has dishonored his own service with his lies.

He had nothing to be ashamed of, but now he is a shame to the Marines, and has betrayed them.

Donald Kimball has forgotten what “Semper Fi” means, and is no longer worthy of being called a United States Marine.


Someone apparently forgot to remind him it is “Fi” not “lie”.


It could be Semper Pie…”Always Pie” which appears to be a motto he approaches with gusto…surprised he didn’t blow the rear tires on that parade Mercedes


He is just another IDIOT that shyt on his own honorable service….NEVER UNDERSTOOD THAT?


So….we thinking he presented a forged 214 to get the Silver Star plates? Or maybe a DMV employee that had no clue? When I presented my 214 to get my CIB tags, the woman at the DMV office had no clue what she was looking at. Another woman had to step over and help her.


yep…it was a riot at the DMV here in VA…had the relevant info highlighted…couldn’t find the one yellow highlight on the document…but then, I don’t expect much from the zombies at the DMV…LOL

Green Thumb

A CIB tag?


Ohio has a plethora of veterans tags. I opted for the ones with a CIB. Combat Infantrymans Badge.

Green Thumb

Oh. OK.


Free plates and registration and probably other property tax breaks based on false claims of service.

Open and shut case, if any prosecutors have the balls to pursue it.



This one is a no branor!

Green Thumb

What a fucking schmuck!

And the fat ass fuck is in a parade!

I wonder if All-Points Logistics sponsored his entry?


Well they are down a member…


Dammit, I confused APL with the DRG, though they are essentially the same…


Both found in the Yellow Pages under, “Shitbags.”

Hack Stone

There is always room for one more.

IS2 (SW)

Not one person I’ve ever seen or met in my life that has legitimately earned these kinds of major awards has ever gone around flashing them around or bragging to people about it. Not. One.

Wtf is it with these little dick syndrome idiots? Earn your shit!


It is way, way easier to just wear it than actually earn it. All this douche-nozzle had to do was sent some outfit the money for the hat.


See, if they claimed to be ski instructors like me they would be easier to spot !!!
Ask them what a Silvretta cable binding did, if they don’t know, they’re screwed !!!!!
I still can’t believe that is what I did, but I did…
That’s my the claim to the TAH hall of fame and better than any NDSM in the US Military !!!
ROFL !!!!!
Watching George C Scott explain the role os Artillery throughout history.
It is nice to see an American movie star personality actually speak well of the American Military…


Silvretta cable bindings? I remember those. The term “spiral fracture” comes to mind!


Did they make the cable bindings on the old White Star skis the Army had leftover from WWII? They were what we were expected to learn to ski on in the 10th SFG(A). I tried using them once, then reverted to my civilian downhill and cross-country skis.


Holy crap, white rockets I remember them!! We had them in Alaska. I learned to ski on them at Black Rapids in ’82; still can’t believe I pulled TDY for a ‘ski vacation’, granted it was on the Army plan and the accomodations were quonset huts, still it was a break from the routine.


One year our ski training was at Norwich University in Vermont. We stayed in the student dorms and the ski slope/resort was across the road. The year before, we stayed in an NG Armory in Rumford, Maine and had to ski five or six miles cross country each day back from the ski resort.


Donald Kimball is a turd. He is even sporting a CAR patch on his shoulder of the leather jacket. Just full of combat derring do, bet the turd has some real good stories to tell.


One of the best burns I ever got in was in Nuclear Power School.

Between “A” school and NPS (this was 30 years ago), most individuals awaiting classup to NPS mowed lawns, worked in the barracks, other menial shit.

A few got to go to Charleston and work on converting a couple old boomers into prototype plants (last step before fleet).

One bright and sunny in class, one of the Charleston kids said, “Hey, I’ve got a sea story for all of ya!”

My immediate reply was, “Yeah? Whose?”

This guy is another one of those. Lots of sea stories, none of them his.


Nothing says ‘legit’ like a gi-normous Silver Star ballcap. Asshole.


Moron. His mother must have dropped him on his head.


Midwife was called for a double dribble.


As an Air Force brat, that’s what I tell folks when they ask how I ended up in the Marine Corps.


My Marine daughter was an Air Force brat as well so you’re in good company. For her joining the Marines was a live-long goal, one I encouraged, and she got in right under the wire of age limitation. She turned 29 while in Basic at Parris Island.


This toad lives a few miles from me. His vehicle is hard to forget and I don’t recall seeing it round and about. I do think I’ve seen him at the local VA, sans cover. Looks to be one of those ‘all buckle, no horse’ type of guy’ who hasn’t been there and hasn’t done that. I’ll keep a lookout for him. He would be hard to miss, especially if he were to wear that ‘look at me, I’m a hero’ cover. Lots (most) of the guys at the local VA wear some type of identifier cover, usually benign such as USMC, NAVY, etc. Guys like this swing for the fences with SS, BS(V), PH, etc., and I usually discount the validity of what they are selling. This guy looks to be in shape, though, if round is a shape.

Frankie Cee

HMC Ret; I have seen his car there, and will also be watching for Donald Kimball to show his fat ass.


Roger that, Frankie. I might slide in beside him while waiting for my appointment time. I’ll be civil, though. I think between the wife and I we are there at least ten times a year. I’ll bet, though, he ditches the car. I’ll bet dollars to donuts he ditches the cover after reading these posts.

Freaking lowlife posing toad.

Frankie Cee

I left him some love in a Facebook message, and I have seen that Mercedes in the parking lot at the JACC Pensacola:
You son of a bitch, you phony, lyin’ piece of shit. I know MEN who have been awarded the Silver Star Medal, and have been at their award ceremony, hearing what they did to earn that medal. Each of them also earned the Purple Heart Medal, Earned It, didn’t go online and order one like you phony bitches do. I have seen your car when I have been in Pensacola, and If I had known then, You would have known who I am. You slimy bastard, I will help those at the link below to make you Gooooooooooogle famous. Every time we comment on you at that link, a note will be made in Goooogle, and anyone that looks you up will know that you are one lyin’ asshole. Did you think that no one would ever use the Freedom if Information Act to check you out. Now that you have read this, be the coward and block me on Facebook. It won’t help your sorry ass but you won’t see me any more. You probably won’t go to this link and try to unfuck yourself, either:

Frankie Cee

Donald Kimball, NON-Silver Star Medal Recipient, I will cruise the JACC lot every time I go there looking for your car, and be watchful, while inside, hoping to be able to see your sorry ass.


I love it when they use their lies to get something tangible, like a SS license plate. it make the prosecution much easier.


Never go full retard.

A Proud Infidel®™

He done went past full retard and full potato, he’s solidly in full rutabaga right now, notice the meat gazer’s grin he’s sporting?

Combat Historian

This reminds me of a guy who was attached to our brigade TOC during an AT back in the ’80s. The guy had an Americal Division combat patch on his right sleeve, and I asked him what he did with the Americal. It turns out he spent his entire tour in the Viet of the Nam as the lifeguard for the Americal Division base swimming pool in Chu Lai because he was a Hawaiian and the higher-ups must have figured since he was a Hawaiian he must be a good swimmer and bango he was assigned as the base pool lifeguard. The big difference is that guy did not claim to be a Silver Star and Purple Heart awardee and lying bullshit embellisher like this POS…


Really, this dude must have been a cinch to bust…he dresses like a buffoon with all that “ain’t I wonderful” shit


Putting this bag of rags story next to the previous entry re: Ralph Johnson, a REAL Marine, induces an even greater need to bitchslap the pussy out of this ambulatory turd


The profile scrub has begun!


I don’t think that he’s going to be able to get rid of those license plates as quickly.


He can scrub all he wants… we got copies of his pics and the like. Donnie the Wannabe is going to be famous…


Perhaps they should name the sewage holding tank on the Johnson after this slob; both are full of shit…OOD orders, “we’re far enough off the coast; discharge the kimball”

Carlton G. Long

Those shorts…somewhere a 1974 Ford Pinto is missing seat covers.


It’s too late, the Pinto already burned.


So should those pants


With him wearing them?

A Proud Infidel®™

That or a 1975 AMC Pacer, he may have stolen them off of a dead Clown!


Well, Bozo IS dead…too soon?


His facebook page is blocked.. Donald Kimball turd burglar


I have a Silver Star….too bad it’s on my GCM…….


I got a Silver Star on a homework assignment once…


Lucky! All I ever got on those were red pen marks


I never did my homework


The dog ate the pot brownies and ate all the homework in the entire school…


Did we go to HS together? 😉


Donnie loves to talk crap too. Here’s an article that mentions him. Apparently, he got a raise since he left the Corps:

“Combat is something that only those who have survived can understand, said Marine Gunnery Sgt. Donald Kimball, a Pensacola Marine Corps League member and highly decorated Vietnam veteran.

“I can relate to other veterans because I have been there,” he said. “It’s like trying to explain the trauma of being in a bad car wreck to someone who hasn’t experienced that. You have to have been through it to understand it.”

Yeah, right. Why are these phony’s always a Gunny (or GUNNEY, as some idiots like to say)?


edit: Yup- this is him. if you go to the Pensacola MCL FB page, there’s a few pictures of him hanging with some real warriors. I sent them a polite message inquiring about his service.


The post in the MCL got shut down bwfire anyone could read them


I asked a POSER hobo hippie in NYC at the Vet Day Parade, “your name tag says GUNNY, what does that mean”?

He responded, “simple, you see dar is six letters in GUNNY, so I’m a E-6”.

I snapped his photo and thanked him for his service to comedy.


The was paper ertor. He only claim to be a SGT but his DD214 says CPL


What, no service dog? How about a ponytail as well.


A ponytail would look exceptionally incongruent coming out the back of that Silver Star cap like a chick would wear it…maybe even HE figured that out


Whiz Wheel says:

Donald Robert Kimball (31×7=217) who has been participating in Operation OVERSTUFFED PIEHOLE from 20 Sep 68 to present date in Nuoc Mam Province, Floriduh while OPCON to Fort Living Room (Rein) is hereby awarded the FRPR* Unit Citation.

* Full Retard Past Rutabaga (H/T to API)


MEAL Team SIX Class BA-1100-N, no doubt.

A Proud Infidel®™

A true blue Golden Corral Assault Commando.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I wonder if he is related to Dr. Kimball who was accused of killing his wife and went out looking for the one armed perp that killed his wife. I believe there was a story on TV about his search for the killer.


A one armed man could whoop this kimball too…just knock that hat off him and he’s down for the count

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

He’s from Florida, So what else is new beside New York and New Jersey.



Frankie Cee

WRONG! Donald Kimball is “Living” in Florida. He is not “from” Florida. Another of the dregs of life that slid down the funnel and ended up in Florida.


It has become America’s Kimball.

Tip of the hat to 1610desig.


My rear license plate frame says:

“Retired MCPO” … top of frame
“Keep Back 500 Yards” … bottom of frame

That is all.


Wonder what got him 2.9 proficiency marks at HH in mid 1967.

As for this guy taking a dump on his otherwise honorable service:


That’s my angry face as I give him both social fingers. . .


Sure does sound like he was bunk mates with this POS: Same job, same time frame, same area, same total bullshit. And both are from Florida, both have a motorcycle vest, and both got out as corporals. I am sure there are more similarities but, HOLY SHIT! Separated at birth!

Just An Old Dog

You have to be a fuck-up to get below a 4.0 in proficiency and conduct marks. He fucked up as a Guard and also in his short stint in a line company. He was sent to H&S and fapped out to Division Clubs. More than likely his having combat operations put in his record book was the result of admin just doing Mass Entries for everyone in the Battalion regardless if they were in the field or not.
No Combat awards at all, shit not even a good cookie. He made Corporal because so many actual 0311s were getting killed the cutting score was so low if you were breathing you picked up.
He just happened to be breathing handing out Piss warm beer in a tent in the rear.
Fuck that guy.

Guard Bum

I believe you have nailed it sir!

HT3 '83-'87

A compete contrast between the last stories: one is about a true Hero & Marine thru and thru…and one is about a phony, lying piece of shit who is standing on the shoulders of better and braver men then himself.

Donald Kimball, pfftttt!!! What a loser and a disgrace to the uniform!


The steel don’t fly without supply!
-Judas, betrayer of Christ

3/17 Air Cav

“Forgin Frank” would be so proud!

2/17 Air Cav

Cripes 3/17. It was lonely here w/o you.


Yes, it is lonely here without ya. Good to see ya back.

P.S. Comment #100

3/17 Air Cav

2/17 and Claw……..I’ve been around just not posting. Kind of “lurking behind the curtain”

I have not felt like I have had anything important to say. Sooo, I’ve kept my trap shut.

I did find some great 1971 3/17 Air Cav photos. I’ll tell more at open thread tomorrow!


Roger. ((Over))


Welcome back, Kotter.

Frankie Cee

I mentioned to the Pensacola Marine Corps League that there is a post on one of their members, saying:
Are you aware that one of your members falsely claims to have been awarded the Purple Heart Medal, as well as the Silver Star Medal. We who chase and expose these phonies have found that those who will lie about their military service will lie about anything. For more on this guy, Donald Kimball, check this link:

A Proud Infidel®™

*WHAP!*, oooh that’s gonna leave a mark!!! 😀


I could hear that smack all the way over in Austin !!!


Only in Florida


So Donald Kimball was with 3rd/26th Marines during Khe San. The regiment got a PUC cause of the heroism of the Marines he supported.

Nothing wrong with being in the rear with the gear. The liar Donald Kimball made it home when a lot of Marines didn’t. Donald Kimball could have honored their service by telling some of their stories and acknowledging his role in the war. Instead Donald Kimball shits all over his own service and steals the valor of men better than him.

Donald Kimball should be stripped of his EGA and be forever forbidden from saying “semper fi”, because he was not faithful. Donald Kimball is a valor thief of the worst kind.

Frankie Cee

Well, Donald Kimball, you’ve proven that we are right in our assessment of you. You have either blocked me at Facebook, like the coward that you are, or you closed your page there. Either way, it shows that you have nothing to argue the findings with. Your Marine Corps record is a pile of shit now. You just couldn’t run with what you had and be content, could you? How will you face the Marines at the Marine Corps League of Pensacola, now that they know what a shitbag you are? When you walk into the JACC for an appointment, will you wonder how many of the veterans there really know how you love to lie, and stand in the blood of better men than you claiming valor that you didn’t earn? When you go for a drive down Palafox, or up Blue Angel parkway, will you wonder who knows that your tags were gained by misrepresenting your service? It must really suck to be a phony. I will be watching you.


Donald Robert Kimball’s Facebook page is completely gone, just like a popcorn fart in the wind.

Combat Historian

If I were Donald Kimball, I would move out of town, probably even move out of state. With all that fake bling and poser car tags, Donald Kimball stands out like a sore thumb, and is now known to all as a lying poser. Time to move, Donald…


Venezuela is nice this time of year.


Pro Tip: Donald Kimball – Phony Silver Star, and Phony Purple Heart hero…

Frankie Cee does not f’ck around. You are in his AOR and on his radar. Sucks to be you. Nothing follows..

Dallas Wittgenfeld’s Bunghole

Yah!!!! I love an asshole that aspires to be larger than me!! Bring it!!!


I volunteer at the Pensacola JACC, driving a golf cart and, have seen this clown around. A few years ago he was at a nursing home on Veterans Day and was introduced as the most highly decorated veteran in Florida. A vendor sells these hats down at the JACC, and this pos is a perfect example why they should not sell valor decorations at va facilities. I have been volunteering since retirement 9 years ago and I believe that he is not the only one. At one time when I saw people wearing stuff like this I felt a certain amount of admiration, after reading this page almost daily I now regard just about everybody wearing military decorations as posers.

Frankie Cee

Golf Cart? Awww hell. I thought those were limos. You DAV guys sure do a good job at the P’cola JACC. I usually don’t ride with you, because I need the walk, but when that good looking blonde chick is driving I ride. Thanks for all you do for us out there.


Frankie, can’t this bastard get busted for those silver star plates? I would suspect he gets some discount on his fees for them. Or can any phony POSer fraudulently apply for and get them, with impunity?


Joseph: Roger that. The more bling, IMO, the bigger the poser. I wonder about the association between the VA and the sellers of that junk at the kiosk in the geedunk. The only thing that seems to be missing are Medal of Honor covers. It’s been my experience that those who actually have been there nd done that, don’t need to brag about it. The only think I have is a Navy cover. Been trying to get Mrs. HMC Ret wear an Army cover, but she won’t hear of it. I get her point. Don’t see many women wearing service covers. A few, yes; many, no.


Can anyone explain why the “Silver Star” medal is predominantly gold?

Frankie Cee

Easy one, Frank. The Silver Star Medal is Silver, and very small, set in a gold piece. If it were set in a silver piece, the actual Silver Star would be lost.
I had the same question a few years ago when I created some gear to offer at the first Silver Star Ceremony that I attended.


Well, man, you have a few options, none of which are very appealing. Personally, I would report the license plates stolen. Certainly ditch the cover. I saw your PNJ quotes. You are even a greater hero than I had thought. Thank you for explaining combat to me. Having never been in combat, I didn’t realize it took as great a toll as you relate. Your biggest problem, I think, is that probably 50 or more Pensacola VA Clinic patrons have seen you. Forget the cover. They don’t need a cover to identify you. Maybe consider relocating. Best bet, though, is when (not IF, but WHEN) you are called out, just admit the entire nasty affair, beg forgiveness and promise to not repeat. You certainly have created a mess for yourself. Gonna suck being you for the foreseeable future. Clean up your act, man.

Frankie Cee

That Donald Kimball chose to try to hide, (closing his facebook account), indicates that he is to damned coward to come forward and try to unfuck himself. Any REAL Marine, would stand and fight those who falsely accuse him, so we know that this turd is a phony. I will be dropping his name with the DAV guys there at JACC that I talk to when I attend. I don’t know if they will tolerate an asshole who will stand in the blood of better men than he to claim the valor that he didn’t earn.

2/17 Air Cav

It would strongly appear that Donald Kimball has run afoul of state and Federal law. He should be nervous, very, very nervous.

Hack Stone

Shane Ladner pulled the same shit, and the ensuing legal fees ended up costing an arm and a leg, but there was a special that week, so they only charged the leg.


Are there ever actual Silver Star recipients who wear those gaudy hats? I can’t imagine that there are. Those things just scream “PHONY!”


It looks like Donald Kimball, who does not have either a Silver Star or a Purple Heart, has shown the white feather.


Donald Kimball, the fake Silver Star Recipient, is a sorry excuse of a human.
Donald Kimball, the fake Purple Heart Recipient, is a sorry excuse of a human.
Donald Kimball is in violation of Florida statute 320-02 (6) ”Any person who registers his or her motor vehicle by means of false or fraudulent representations made in any application for registration is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. The department may demand the return of, and may cancel, any license plate issued based on false or fraudulent representations.”

Donald Kimball, fraudulent owner of Silver Star Florida license plates… Can you do the time?




That’s rich.


Oh. My. Goodness.

Overrun by the NBA. I guess he was with the Little Dribblers.

That is rich.


I would have thought that all of those tall guys would have been the easiest to shoot in the head.

I guess that the BN HQ’s clerk decided to load everyone’s personnel records in his ruck instead of ammo when he went to go fight the NBA. That would explain the tragic loss of his records. I can’t wait to see what this “new” DD-214 looks like.


Looking at the list of operations in which he was involved, there are three that were concurrent with the fall of Khe Sanh. None that are associated with Khe Sanh are in that list. In fact, none are in the same province as Khe Sanh.

At best, in July of 1968, he was involved in operations far away from Khe Sanh. Most likely, the operations were added to everyone assigned to the units involved in the fight, but he was in the rear with the gear.

A Marine

On 2 December 2015 The Dept. of Veterans Affairs Pensacola Vet Center issued a letter signed by Michael A. McGreevy which CERTIFIED that Kimball had been awarded the Silver Star and Purple Heart for service in Vietnam. The phone number of the office is 850-456-5886. Anyone who issues such a letter should be able to produce the proof that these awards are valid, especially if they are saying that the VA has CERTIFIED the awards.


You’re assuming that (1) the VA actually issued that letter, and (2) someone by the name of “Michael A. McGreevy” actually worked there on the date specified and signed it. Unfortunately, those assumptions may not be true.

As I recall, we’ve seen at least one case of faked VA letters (e.g., created by someone who had purloined or otherwise duplicated legit VA stationary). If I’m remembering the incident correctly, they also used the name of someone who actually worked at the VA in the signature block – but that individual did NOT sign the letter in question.

You’re also assuming that the VA would do proper due diligence before issuing a letter certifying something along those lines. Sadly, that’s all too often not the case either. See “Cryer, Joseph” for an example. Or over half of the “former POWs” the VA has provided benefits to from the Vietnam and Gulf wars.



You’re being very generous on this Friday.

😉 😀


Could be a sockpuppet, ChipNASA. Could also be someone who’s seen the letter and giving us a pointer to where it was allegedly issued.

If the comment is legit, looks to me like the VA’s Pensacola Vet Center (with apologies to the late Dezi Arnaz) “got some ‘splainin’ to do” – or that the FL DMV got sent some forged docs.

FWIW: in Florida, many military-related plates can be issued by the local DMV office. But the Silver Star plates (along with plates for the DFC, DSC/AFC/NC, MoH, and World War II Veteran plates) require documentation from the Federal government to be sent to the DMV office in Tallahassee.

Bottom line: if the letter used was issued in late 2015, I’d guess the plates were issued in 2016. That was only 2 years ago – so that means there may well still be a hardcopy paper trail on this guy in DMV’s files.

A Marine

I am not assuming anything. I am just telling you what happened.


There are two possibilities here: either you’re as claimed (e.g., someone commenting from the Milton, FL, area who is “just telling us what happened”), or you’re actually Kimball claiming to be someone “telling us what happened”. If you’re what you claim, you are incorrect. You stated that the Pensacola VA Vet Center provided that letter and that a particular individual signed it. You would have to have direct personal knowledge of that as fact – e.g., to have observed that happen yourself – in order to make that assertion. That in turn means you would have to be either Kimball, Michael A. McGreevy, or someone who personally witnessed McGreevy sign the letter. If you’ve only seen a copy of the letter, you are indeed assuming that (1) the VA provided the letter, and (2) McGreevy signed it. You also stated that the VA would not provide such a letter absent proof. Unless you saw Kimball provide the “proof” to McGreevy yourself, you are making the assumption he did that. Unfortunately, there are numerous instances that show the VA routinely issues “certification letters” that are total BS. As I noted above: over 1/2 of those receiving “ex-POW” bennies for Vietnam and the Gulf War were never POWs at all. So no – if you’re what you claim, unless you saw those actions transpire with your own eyes you are indeed making those assumptions. Before I’ll give you a pass on that, you’ll have to convince me that you saw McGreevy view some type of “proof” of Kimball’s Silver Star and personally sign the letter in question. So far you haven’t done that. That’s best case – e.g., the case that you’re who you claim you are. If you’re in fact Kimball, you would be in a position to know what really happened. And you’d also know if any docs you showed to the VA in that case were legit – e.g., whether or not you “conned” McGreevy into signing a bogus letter. Or whether the letter is otherwise a fake. You claim your records were destroyed in Vietnam. However, those records… Read more »


He is avoiding you, Hondo, and focused on insulting me.

so much fun!

2/17 Air Cav

“Anyone who issues such a letter should be able to produce the proof that these awards are valid, especially if they are saying that the VA has CERTIFIED the awards.”

And anyone who has the info that you do should be able to describe the action which resulted in a Silver Star and, if different, the action and wound that resulted in a Purple Heart.


What Marine is saying is the truth. McGreevy, I believed resigned after he was called out on this mess

2/17 Air Cav

Somebody needs to inform HR that McGreevy resigned. He is currently listed as an office manager at the Pensacola Vet Center.


Hey DONALD KIMBALL! is it true that your records were destroyed by the NBA when Khe Sanh was overrun?

Since you were a supply type, DONALD KIMBALL, didn’t you attend the helo door gunner course? I thought all Viet of the Nam Marine Supply MOS types did that stuff as a collateral duty?


Enjoy the Google fame, cocksucker!


Yeah, I’m wondering how being overrun by the NBA at “the battle of Khe Sahn” causes the stateside loss of the records of a Silver Star award.

The Stuuupid is strong with this one.

Just An Old Dog

Have you seen how long NBA players arms are,,,, they can reach from Viet of the Nam to St Louis…


Yep… I always thought that Kareem and Magic looked a little too “subversive” to me… must have been those secret lessons that they took at that Hanoi basketball camp they attended that was put on by Coach Minh.


Would this be the same VA that has paid out (and may still be paying out) disability benefits for over 25 years based on fraudulent Vietnam POW claims, despite the fact that there is a readily searchable computer record of every single POW of the Vietnam war? You sir, are either a sock-puppet, a moron, or both. Run your own FOIA request on this faker and then get back to us.


Oooooh, a sockpuppet? Really, so we have a sockpuppet to play with?

I’m just a smelly low-skill civilian, and I’m not convinced that the VA would be certifying awards like the Silver Star or the Purple Heart. The VA should certify that one is eligible for VA benefits (and often enough fail at that) so….

You a liar! – Prove me wrong. I double-dog dare you.

A Marine

Hey ass bag I am not saying he was awarded the Silver Star I am just telling you what happened. Get a life and make sure to take your meds.


So you are saying, A Marine Sockpuppet, that someone supposedly at the VA issued a letter that supposedly says the Donald Kimball has the Silver Star.

I asked for proof, and you don’t offer any, just an assertion.

Give reasonable answers to the following questions:

1) Why should a letter – if it exists – from the VA, even if legitimate, be taken as evidence that Donald Kimball does have a Silver Star? That is not the VAs function.

2) Why does a Silver Star recognition not show up on the FOIA paperwork received on Donald Kimball?

3) How would a clerk like Donald Kimball end up getting the Silver Star?

4) Where is this supposed letter from the VA? Submit that to Jonn for us all to review.

You a liar! – Prove me wrong. I double-dog dare you. And I make this iron-clad guarantee: if you prove me wrong, I will publicly admit that I am wrong and apologize to you Donald Kimball.

Or you can run and hide like the coward I suspect you are.

A Marine

Can you read? You are a POS who knows nothing. I just sent John the copy of the VA letter. It fooled a lot of people including the DMV Just like I said in my original post I am not defending anyone. I am just explaining what happened. How dare you call anyone a liar or coward. You pathetic little man.


Fine. If Jonn (not John, BTW – but you’re not the first to make that mistake – but it is funny when coupled with your “Can you read?” snip) shares that with us, and if it is the basis for the DMV’s issuance of a plate, I will apologize to you. I really don’t mind being proven wrong.

But you have yet to address Hondo’s or my questions about why such a letter should be accepted, nor acknowledging that if you do not somehow have first-hand knowledge of its origin, signing, and usage, you are assuming a lot.

Are you man enough to acknowledge that? Hmmm?

A Marine

I do not need to address anyone’s questions. If you want to know why the VA issued the letter call McGreevy yourself. The results of the investigation along with other information is now at HQMC. I and my fellow Marines have done more than just run our mouth about this matter. You should be ashamed of yourself. How dare you call me a puppet or cross out my hard earned tile of Marine. You POS.


Graybeard assumed you’re a sockpuppet because you are acting exactly like many sockpuppets we’ve seen here before. Specifically, you’re making unsupported assertions that seem to support an apparent fraud, then getting defensive as hell when people who don’t know you from Adam question those assertions. Further, your IP address appears to be in the same general location as that fraud. This would be far from the first time that we’d had a fraud featured here who’d tried commenting under an alias to vouch for himself. It happens periodically.

You also didn’t bother to disclose the fact that you’d been a party to investigating this “fine individual”. Had you bothered to mention that fact up front, or even in a subsequent comment, you’d almost certainly have gotten a far different reception.

Bottom line: you got treated the way you did because your comment’s content and your apparent attitude made you appear nothing more than yet another fraud’s sockpuppet. If that’s not the case, well, so be it; if you’re legit you’ll likely get multiple apologies when all is sorted out. But based on what we’ve seen in the past – and from you in your comments above – I’m not yet completely convinced you’re what you claim. So far I’m only part way there, maybe 60-70%.

Assuming you are in fact a Marine: just how would you and your unit have treated a FNG who showed up and told you all, crudely, that you didn’t know sh!t from Shinola – then refused to explain why all of you were AFU, instead simply demanding you accept his word as Gospel? I suspect you’d have treated him far worse than you got here. And that’s effectively what you did above.

A Marine


I am sure you and you little band of rabbi dogs congratulates itself everyday on the fine work you are doing. But as a professional investigator i think you are doing more harm than good. Perhaps shame is the only way to stop this but now that you have poisoned the well it’s is almost impossible to carry forward a prosecution forward. Nice works boys. Next time I suggest you document interview and forward findings to the proper authority. Well I know you won’t because it’s too much they way you are doing here right? For the record I never once defended this man but rather suggested how he was able to fool many people. Then the rabbi dogs jump to all sorts of conclusions and you defend there salacious attacks. Keep up the good work Jonn.


Rabbi dogs?

So now we only chase kosher squirrels and don’t fetch tennis balls on the Sabbath?

Who knew?


. . . but now that you have poisoned the well it’s is almost impossible to carry forward a prosecution forward.

You’re entitled to your opinion. But frankly, IMO that statement is laughable.

Per Florida Statute 320.0892, FL Silver Star plates receive a tax break. So meeting 18 USC 704(b)’s criteria of obtaining a “tangible benefit” would seem easy if a Federal prosecutor decides to go after the guy. Assuming the FOIA reply above is correct, proving he has no Silver Star would merely require getting a certified transcript of his USMC records on file at NPRC. (Proving he was issued the plate would merely require a statement from the FL DMV; proving he falsely claimed to have received a Silver Star will be addressed below.) All are eminently do-able, and are unaffected by any comments here.

Any possible prosecution under Florida law appears similarly unaffected by comments here. As Berliner noted above, Kimball does seem to have violated FS 320.02(6). However, any potential prosecution for that violation would at a minimum require producing the original application, or a copy that was otherwise legally-acceptable as evidence in court. (McGreevy’s testimony that the letter was faked would probably also suffice.) One of those forms of proof should be available. Silver Star plates are controlled by the FL DMV central office in Tallahassee and require documentation to be sent to that location. That implies a copy should be on file at the DMV Tallahassee office, or elsewhere within the DMV system. Between that and Kimball’s official military records on file at NPRC, it would seem that any competent prosecutor should have little difficulty in obtaining the proof required should he/she decide to prosecute.

I won’t address the multiple instances of improper or awkward English in your comment. Suffice it to say that using correct English makes it far more likely for one to be taken seriously – and proofreading is your friend.


That does raise the question of how you acquired a copy of the letter to send to Jonn if you’re not Kimball. And it also makes me wonder whether any workplace or organizational privacy rules/laws were broken in the process.

Nonetheless: yes, Graybeard can read – better, obviously, than you can. And you still apparently haven’t grasped the fact that unless you personally viewed the signing of the letter in question, you’re assuming that it was in fact generated by the VA and signed by the individual you stated signed it. And you also don’t seem to grasp the fact that if the VA was conned, it wasn’t the letter that fooled anyone; it was Kimball.

However, if you’re in fact Kimball, your making those errors would be natural. Dunno if that’s the case or not; but the choice of words in your most recent comment does make it seem a bit more likely.

A Marine

Brilliant. It’s pretty simple Hondo just call McGreevey and ask him yourself. Then you do not need to rely on anyone else’s opinion.

2/17 Air Cav

Or anyone’s recollection about how he was wounded or what he did to merit a Silver Star. Just ask McGreevey.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey A Marine, it’s time for you to switch drug dealers, you’ve been getting some really bad shit!!!

Joseph Williams

As a Marine, you should know that Khe Shan was never overrun or that the NVA never broke thru the wire.The S-1 bunker was never destroyed.A Marine, you should know this from Boot Camp. Joe PS my Helo squadron was supporting them.


Yeah, it’s a sock puppet.

All the standard stuff and then the blow-up, and the defensive response including a very, very lame attempt to insult someone — all of that is there.


I know, but they are so much fun to chew up and leave in little pieces all over the floor.

And every time they think they are being so creative and clever – it is pathetic, really.


Perhaps the VA based the certification on him standing there wearing the “official” hat.


This Michael A. McGreevy?

An office manager is “certifying” awards?


If I were trying to document my receipt of a Silver Star and Purple Hearts, I’d of course bypass HQMC and NPRC and go right to a VA center office manager. After all, a memo signed by a GS-11 with zero experience looking at Marine Corps personnel records is just as good as certificates signed by a Marine General, right?


Just like having your mechanic do brain surgery on you…


I’m not seeing Kimball’s name on this list;


::looking for my surprised face::

Perhaps the A MarineSockpuppet will have an explanation for us.

“When the NBA overran our position they bumped into the computer just as it was uploading my records to the webpage.”


Too bad he can’t show us the citation and orders for that SS, but I’ve heard they were stolen by the one-armed man right after he killed Kimball’s wife. Maybe he can contact the NBA and have them check their archives. They archived many captured personnel records when they over ran Khe Sahn.

2/17 Air Cav

I hear Dennis Rodman had the citation during one of his trips to Norkland. Dumb shit left it in the hotel room when he checked out.


Well, at least he didn’t “steal” a propaganda poster off the wall in the hall, otherwise the fat Dork from the Nork would have had him sent home in a brain dead state with his teeth broken off with pliers.

2/17 Air Cav

“A Marine” knows much about this Kimball situation. I’m sure “A Marine” can relate the factual basis for the Silver Star and how and when it was bestowed on Kimball. I am equally confident “A Marine” has knowledge of the circumstances and nature of the wound that generated Kimball’s Purple Heart. I’m looking forward to “A Marine’s” sharing that info to, if nothing else, establish how very wrong we all are to doubt Kimball’s claims.

A Marine

Did you actually read what I said?

2/17 Air Cav

I thought I might have missed something so I re-read your comments. No, I didn’t miss anything. So, whaddaya say? What was the factual basis for the Silver Star? What wound did Kimball incur under what circumstance?

Just An Old Dog

” A Marine”,
If you don’t mind, can you tell us about your time in the Corps? Units you were in, dates, Etc.
If you are going to bat for this guy it wouldn’t hurt to show you are credible as well.

Just An Old Dog

As I figured… Crickets’


Greetings, A MarineSockpuppet,
I returned to this thread with the great hope of getting to apologize to you.
I also returned to this thread with the expectation that you would have provided no proof, no evidence, would not have answered our questions, or done anything else an honorable person with knowledge of the facts would have done.

You are a LIAR and a sockpuppet – although I wish it were not so.

2/17 Air Cav

Motor vehicle plates or, if you prefer, tags have been the downfall of a few SV types featured here, as I recall. It’s all a lark until the sheriff comes a-knockin’ with the DMV application for plates in hand. then it’s “Oh shit!” time.