Adam Kokesh; not feeling the hope

| January 23, 2009

The other day, in DuPont Circle at the Shoe Bush protest, the day before the Inauguration, I saw Adam Kokesh, poster child for everything that’s wrong with IVAW, threaten that he was throwing a combat boot at the 30-foot blow-up doll of George Bush on that day, but that he was saving the other boot for Obama. The threat to Obama comes at the end of this six minute video;

Not waiting for Obama to screw up, Kokesh named Obama a potential war criminal on his website;

But the whole reason I video’d Kokesh was to catch him calling himself “Sergeant Kokesh”. To his credit, he has stopped that. Below is Kokesh’s DD214 which proves what I’ve been saying the last few years; he’s not a sergeant.


So that puts that issue to rest.

Along with his DD214, the Records Center sent the evidence against Kokesh that the Marine Corps used to downgrade his discharge at the hearing he was forced to attend when he was trolling the National Mall in his uniform pretending to be on patrol in Iraq (not that he ever went on patrol in Iraq). I found the evidence to be quite satisfying since it was an article in the Washington Post with pictures – the same article I used to prove his guilt.

I’m guessing the article is included with his records so that if he ever tries to upgrade his discharge, the evidence for the denial still exists.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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Elvis says he took all markings off the uniform. That’s a lie.

There a Globe & Anchor IN the fabric on a breast pocket. He left that visible.

IVAW is like a bunch of spoiled children. Childish excuses for even the most obvious transgressions.

That’s why you can’t take them seriously.

Paul Couturier - OIF Vet

Gee, why didn’t that gutless, hate-filled anti-military extremist talk about the occupying forces that his pot-smoking, draft-dodging, womanizing buddy cliton sent to places like Bosnia and Kosovo??????


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Holy shit, that’s a pretty sparse DD214 for as many embellished “war stories” as his. What. A. Punk.


GI Jane, I totally agree. Wonder if the Secret Service is interested in his declaration that he wants to “throw a boot” at teleprompter jesus?


Block 2 of the DD-214 says “USMCR-KM”. KM=???


Funny, he talks about all the “suffering” Iraquis like he’s the only one who has ever done anything for them and he’s the only one who cares. If he had been President during 9/11, Saddam would still be in power.

I have a precious nephew in the Army who is in Iraq now. When he was home on leave he told me that the troops are still finding mass graves – men, women, children. They found one a couple of days after he got there that contained about 80 people. Why didn’t anyone in the crowd point out that Saddam was dead and the Iraquis are free of his tyranny?

Adam Kooky needs to just shut up. He doesn’t speak for the Iraqui people or the majority of Americans. He has no idea what’s going on over there. I, for one, am against our government giving Adam and his cowardly ilk health care benefits or any other kind of benefits. He’s a lying sack of dung. He needs to go live with his buddy Fidel.


I have a nephew in Iraq too, who says that although the Iraqis are not all thrilled that we are there, they are still quite grateful for the American soldier, and the work being done to give them a life. What they had before, could hardly have been called living!
How a supposed soldier can stand there and be so obviously anti-American/anti armed forces, spouting his putrid words legally, and not recognize where those rights came from, is a mystery.


It is a shame you will miss Kokesh at CPAC.


LOL! I suppose it is a shame, however, it will save me from having to shower repeatedly!


Not a Sergeant? He was barely an E4 and not even eligible for E5 upon his ETS date. As per that DD214, he held the glorious grade of E4 for 28 days before discharge.

Curious thing is that it shows his last command as MNF-West but his sole medal is a Commendation medal. By 2006, the campaign medals and criteria were well established. Why doesn’t he have one? He can’t even join the VFW with that 214.

And how is it that there’s neither sea service nor foreign service listed?

More questions than answers I know, but can we even be certain that is a real 214?

Good Work Jonn!

Jonn wrote: For the record, he WAS a sergeant. He was busted for smuggling an Iraq pistol back to the world. That bust to corporal and the subsequent denial of his request to return to Iraq was what propelled him into the anti-war movement. I have two other of Kokesh’s DD214s which show more awards and service in Iraq.


If you notice in the 214 comments, it says “Good Conduct Medal period commences 20061102”.

That means he got into UCMJ trouble prior to that date and his GCM period resets to zero from that date. I assume it was when he received NJP or some other UCMJ action (possibly for the weapon smuggling).

Regardless, what a f*cking turd.

Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET

He was all those palces in eleven months? Wow! It took me twenty years to rack up numbers like that. Italy, Spain, France, England, Souda Bay/Irakleon Anchorge, Philippines, Tahiland, Hong Kong, Korea, Sri Lanka, Kenya and Pakistan. this was done on the Good Shhips Independence, Ranger and Kitty Hawk. If anyone wants, I will put up my DD-214’s for viewing. The Old Retired Petty Officer would be proud.


WOTN, even if he was eligible for VFW, I doubt any of the Posts in Northern Virginia or Maryland would have him. Around here, we actually care about Core Values, such as Integrity, Respect, Selfless Service and Honor. He exhibits NONE of those qualities. Maybe if he stopped drinking his own piss………………………………………


Forgot to put my name in the above post, my bad…


I have a really stupid question afer I listened to this video. His DD214 says he entered into the military 12/18/06. How was he in Falluja in Sept 2004? I listened to it several times to make sure I was hearing it correctly. Or am I missing something here?
Irregardless, people like this make me sick. I am so tired of hearing the things they spew and you have to hunt and search hard to find a story about the good that our boys do. I have three sons in the Army. One spent 15 months in Iraq, and the other two will be in Afghanistan this summer. The things they will see and have seen are not pretty, but hey, we’re at war. But they are not and you won’t see them acting a fool such as this. They have too much love and respect for themselves and their country for that. The rest of these guys (IVAW)have no right to the title of Veterans.



Good catch. Wonder what he did to screw the pooch enough tp roll back the GCM medal oddometer to zero?


DD-214s are notoriously incorrect… and they’re so difficult to have fixed that I don’t know of many people who want to go through the pain and trouble of trying to get errors fixed. I just wanted to throw that out there as doing some FOIA request and getting your hands on a copy of someone’s service record doesn’t necessarily prove anything.

Jonn wrote: Yeah, nice try. DD 214s are NOT notoriously incorrect. And it’s not hard to get them corrected – all you have to do is read the thing before you sign it. What is notoriously incorrect is the image that IVAW is trying to portray.


AJ–they’re only incorrect if YOU don’t take the time to review them. And they are easily enough correctable with a DD-215. I should know–I didn’t get my second Navy Achievement Medal until I was on terminal leave. A simple call up to PSD Port Hueneme, a fax from my old command, and viola! a DD-215 comes a month later.

That being said, what Kokesh is doing is using some questionable service to piss on the yeoman’s efforts of literally hundreds of thousands of his brothers-in-arms.


I can’t believe I’m defending Adam Kokesh… sheesh! Having some personal knowledge about Kokesh, let me say that he WAS a Sergeant, extensive travel is common in Civil Affairs, and reserve DD214s are VERY different than active duty (actually they are the same, we just get them more frequently… so this one reflects his most recent activation of greater than 30 days, NOT his whole ‘career’). Oh, and he definitely DID patrol in Fallujah. His post-deployment actions should not take anything away from his earlier activities. For all the grief I have with him, it’s all based on his violations of the UCMJ, attitude and behavior after returning, NOT with his first CA tour in Iraq.

All that being said, he is an opportunistic fellow that I would not be quick to trust as an elected official. We’ll never know for sure, I suppose, but I’ve always believed his anti-war stance was just box-checking to get his liberal creds established…

Steve Waterman

If this much time and energy had been spent vetting Obama, he would not be president today.

Justin Mckay

Thanks for posting Adam’s DD204. It says that he seperated from the Marines Nov 30, 2006. Isn’t it true that when you are no longer on active duty that you are no longer subject to UCMJ? It appears that he served honorably and was even awarded a Marine Corps Commendation Medal. Why do you insist on defaming my friend Adam? If we looked into your military background and history would it come out as honorable as Adam’s? Something tells me that it would not.

Old Tanker

What’s a DD204?


[…] I’m sure that anyone who would associate themselves with a group founded by Adam Kokesh is rational and interested in our national security. I guess the excitement of smuggling raw milk […]


[…] I don’t support the troops April 19th, 2012 In a video, sent to us by JP, Adam Kokesh titles “I don’t support the troops”, he admits to his own malfeasance deployed […]

Green Thumb

What a ballsack!


Another reason I hate this website. Adam Kokesh was a sgt he was given an article 15 for bringing a pistol back from Iraq and was awarded a Navy Commendation Medal and a CAR. John Lilyea is an idiot who acts like he knows everything about being in OEF and OIF you know because Desert Storm is the same thing as OEF and OIF. How is this stolen valor he was a sgt? John Lilyea has personal vendettas against individuals who share a different view than him. I have a personal vendetta against John Lilyea who cannot do proper research and is a moron.


AAAAAWWWWWW, Didums want some CHEESE to go with his WHIIIIINE?


If you’re gonna insult the man, you might start by spelling his name correctly.

2/17 Air Cav

“If we looked into your military background and history would it come out as honorable as Adam’s? Something tells me that it would not.” That something is called rock cocaine.

“Another reason I hate this website.” Yeah, makes sense to me. Most of us hate this website too but, like you, we keep visiting it and commenting. Gumba!


PN, I was referring to ‘lil Pookums’ comment, #28!

2/17 Air Cav

Not one of us, girlieman, needs TAH or its owner in order to despise and loathe your butt buddy, Adam Koquette. Jonn just gives us a common spot to gather.


Yeah ok considering this guy couldn’t even get Adam’s record right and accuses Adam of lying. John Lilyea is an idiot who did one deployment in Deseet Storm and on the bio he’s so proud of his CIB which is nothing to be that proud of. They hand out the CIB like candy in theater. For John to actually comment on any GWOT records I would have expected him to have served in OIF or OEF. The guy seems to ostracize everybody else but his own military record is mediocre at best. I’m not all that impressed and the guy collects as revenue and ostracizes individuals on their blog when he can’t even do proper research.


AAAAWWWW, Didums want some CHEESE to go wif’ his WHIIIIINE again? *BUUUUURP!*. I’m an OEF and OIF Vet, your bath house butt-pal has been outed for the flaming POSER that he is. Get used to it, Rudy-poo! OH, and your time in JROTC DOES NOT COUNT as prior service.


I was in GWOT… As an infantryman. Spent quite a bit of time in Iraq. Kokesh is an idiot and a discredit to the uniform I myself and other Marines proudly wear. Combat Action Ribbons are handed out like candy, as well. Judging by his DD214’s, he didn’t do much.

Irregardless, to try and pass himself off as anything but a disgruntled former Marine who couldn’t hack it. Fuck Kokesh. If he wasn’t such a fuckup, he wouldn’t need IVAW and all the other BS he is involved in to try and make himself feel better. Liberals love pussies like him, which means I can’t stand him.

Every time I have to admit that he was once a Marine (reservist, at that..), it sickens me. He will get his one day and I will personally invite Westboro Baptist Church to protest his funeral.

Green Thumb

What a loser.


@28 – Research? Really? Kokesh was given an administrative discharge and reduced to Cpl for bringing a weapon back from Iraq. He stepped in the impact area and got blasted, regarldess of his CAR or NC. Another point – he’s not a Sgt – but Adam likes to spin that he is because he thinks it gives him more credibility.

If you want to know who the moron is, try looking in the mirror.

Green Thumb


Ballsack you are.


That is besides the point he did get busted down but who cares thats not the point. The point is this website provides a crap DD214 and does not do full research or an FIOA. As a veteran Adam Kokesh can say what he wants. Ed you clearly are a guy who got out of the corps and did not attended college and yes some crap community college does not count. My issue is do your due dilligence and atleast provide all the facts. I do not support Kokesh or any of those other people going to malls acting like they are in Iraq because it makes them look stupid. Who cares if he told some major to fuck off he was in IRR and not under the UCMJ he was made an example out of.


Anonymous: looks like you’re the one who needs to do a bit of research, amigo. Last time I checked, IRR status = technically still in the Federal reserve components – and thus technically subject to the UCMJ. And also last time I checked, it ain’t a real good idea for someone who’s subject to the UCMJ to tell a field grade officer to “f*ck off” unless they’re at least the same rank themselves. Kokesh got way less than he deserved for that bit of stupidity.


Yeah ok considering this guy couldn’t even get Adam’s record right and accuses Adam of lying.

Here’s a bright idea for ya–don’t want to be accused of something? Not doing it goes a long way.

And as has been said here many, many times, a little lesson which you and Kokesh failed to learn which goes, “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”


IRR = federal service for the purpose of administration which includes compliance with UCMJ.

For the morons in the audience:

Active Duty + Reserve (Selected or IRR) = Upon DISCHARGE (total service).

No member is completed with their OBLIGATION or SERVICE until the IRR period is satisfied under HONORABLE conditions.

Everyone takes the same oath that caveats the UCMJ.

If anyone moron out there needs further clarification, I can do a simple crayon diagram on a piece of cardboard for you!


Master Chief, thank you for spelling it out for the militarily challenged out there. Oh and fuck Adam Kokesh and fuck his defenders too. Piece of shit brought dishonor on himself and his oath. Couldn’t play by the rules, got busted for it and now tries to deflect the blame elsewhere. Typical response of the spoiled fucking brat.


MCPO, methinks even that’s too complicated for an estupido like Anony-wuss to understand, I think his comprehension level is about that of a second grader, and I’m probably being generous when I say that!


Mcpo I saw your picture and it was not impressive. No campaign medal no CAR typical never went in country wow really impressive. Oh complicated I actually have a college degree from a real college not some bs I did it online from a crap university. Kokesh is not a liberal he’s a hardcore conservative.


IRR you do not recieve compensation. Adam Kokesh was used as an example and IRR you are not supposed to be subject. Master chief as a retired service member fuck you. You never served in country in Iraq or Afghanistan being off the coast doesn’t count.


You might want to do some legal research into IRR oh wait non of you are lawyers or even in law school and that university of pheonix degree makes master chief so intelligent. I bet he bragged to his junior sailors and marines that his bs degree will get him an awesome job goving hj on the street corner.


Anonymous: how about you come back when you can manage to put together a couple of coherent sentences. Have someone who actually is competent in written English help you if necessary.

And if you actually have a degree from any institution of higher learning that’s not a “diploma mill”, you really should ask for a refund. You got taken, amigo.