BOLO-Officer safety; Dennis Howard Chevalier

| August 9, 2014

I was perfectly happy to leave Dennis Chevalier alone if he’d just own up to his lies, but he won’t. He compounds his unrepentant behavior by making up lies about us. Unfortunately for him, we have a long reach and we don’t need lies;

Chevalier has joined forces with Wittgenfeld, Wickre and Bernath in some sort of perverse cabal of stolen valor thieves and brought people into the lawsuit out of revenge – people who have nothing to do with any of this. I’m pretty sure that it’s Chevalier’s shitty research that has “identified” at least three people as commenters here who have never even heard of TAH before they read about it in that joke of a lawsuit.

Editor’s Note: The police departments involved asked us to take down their fliers, and like the good law-abiding citizens that we are, we voluntarily complied to their requests for the safety of their officers.

Category: Phony soldiers

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The 17th will be the 6 month mensiversary for the internet beat down on this clown. :mrgreen:


I think Chevyliar just jumped back into 1st place in the Stolen Valor tournament. Looks like local PDs are now are of his general ashattery and are keeping an eye on him. It’s a bit scary knowing that unhinged clown is running around with a badge, gun, and car pretending to be a LEO. I think it’s only a matter of time before that nutjob hurts someone while he’s living out his fantasy of being a “hero cop.”


This is his mode of operation. He joined cap so that he could use their uniform to look like a real airman. he told tall tales about being in the Air Force, and being a USAF LTC.

He “retired” when the uniform policy clearly made the uniform look CAP.

Getting an estimate to get the police label removed my ass. He was milking the shit in order to make people think that he was a real police officer… just like he wanted people to think that he was a real airman.

OIF '06-'07-'08

I have been employed as a detailer to remove all decals from former police vehicles so they could be sold on the civilian market.

You use a simple cheap hair blower to get the decal’s adhesive glue soft enough to keep from pulling the paint off the vehicle. I could have a complete car stripped in two hours.

Now then, does the state of Texas require that all decals be removed from all former cruiser’s before they are sold on the civilian market?


Wow! This is top flight Tournament asshattery. None of this is on his “evidence” blog. Heh.

He was with Nora recently? I thought she left a long time ago. Or do I have the name mixed up?

Doc Savage

I think that was “Dora” who was another previous wife?


Originally posted by SJ:

Wow! This is top flight Tournament asshattery.

He’s not satisfied with just having a shot at the dookie duo, he’s trying to displace “He who never was a CPO in any capacity” for the title of “cropolite one.” :mrgreen:

Meanwhile, “He who never was a CPO in any capacity” (Daniel Bernath’s ancient Egyptian name) will soon be bragging about having the horse’s ass medal. 😈


Uh…..This is really starting to get scary. This dude is rolling in a former police car which was still partially marked 3 months after he bought it, he’s flashing an expired auxiliary cop badge to real cops, he’s telling them the same bullshit about being a SWAT Lieutenant, and of course he WOULD be one of those Open Carry dipshits. Why isn’t he in jail yet? There’s gotta be something they can hang on this guy before he goes full bore crazy.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Holy shiznit’s Batman, blobfish has went off the deep end.

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s eaten more than a few too many stale jellied doughnuts with mold on them!!


Oh also, did I read that right…..ANOTHER wife (soon to be ex apparently). Damn, a seven time loser! Henry VIII ain’t got nothing on Heavy Chevy. Seriously, where does he find these women and how do they fall for his bullshit? He drives a crap car, has a shit job, lacks social skills, and seems to be an all around jackass….yet he still manages to find someone else to sponge off of.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s apparent to me that there are some Women out there who are THAT lonely, I wonder how many more he’ll con into marriage, and how much will he leech from them?

Delilah T.

Whatever it is chevy chevette is building up to, his goose is beginning to cook now.

I want to be sure I’m understanding this: the cops have a BOLO out on chevy?

Well, then, why don’t they just arrest him for impersonating a police officer? It’s illegal in most states, isn’t it?

He needs to be taken off the streets so that dimwitted desperate women won’t run into him.


Not sure that would stick, DT. He was wearing a security guard unit at the time vice a police uniform, and as I read it he wasn’t observed in the act of attempting to do police “stuff” (e.g., pull anyone over, attempt an arrest). So making a case for impersonating an officer would likely be difficult.

It does appear that he may be in trouble on a weapons charge, though, if I’m reading the 4th page of that BOLO alert correctly. His current employer probably will just love to hear about that.

Powerpoint Ranger

The year on that charge was listed as 1982, which is completely unsurprising given what’s known about him.


Good catch, Powerpoint. I indeed missed that.


I do believe that Heavy Chevy here is trying to get the stolen valor tournament renamed after him with all the BS antics he is pulling.

I just hope this fuckstick does a very long time in prison where he can dazzle Thor and Bubba with his stories while he squeals like a stuck pig


Actually, I wonder if Blobfish squeal? We need someone on this stat!

A Proud Infidel®™

According to what I’ve read, Blobfish have very little muscle and their flesh is less dense than the seawater they live in. Blobfish typically swim barely above the ocean floor waiting for their next meal to sink down from above, they’re a bottom dweller and a scavenger, just like ‘ol “Blobfish” Chevalier!


What a ritard. And here I thought all this time that NRHPD was on his team, taking his claims seriously and investigating me. How does a clown like this keep a FFL license? Presenting false (constable) credentials? He hasn’t been employed as a constable since 2000 yet he still has a badge and thinks it’s appropriate to whip it out? Never seen that photo on the Grapevine BOLO before….looks like a mug shot. Now we know what his rant was about….getting pulled over on 121N at 2130 of July 23….. it was Grapevine PD!
Yeah Dennis, it does not appear that the officer is in huge trouble….surprise surprise.

Nice job vetting TSG. What a dipshit.


If you’re referring to the photo with the blue background in which he has some hair – that’s probably a driver’s license photo. Texas licenses have that type of background – plus, he looks a little too happy for that to be a mug shot.


Yeah I think you are right. I just looked at my TXDL lol. Same color background. Mine has more hair in it. 😉

WTF is that on his gun belt? Insulin pump? Nice to know we have Grapevine PD in “the cadre”. I’m in Grapevine about once a week. Next time they pull me over I am going to lead off with “man that Dennis Cheveliar is a real asshole, huh?”. See where that gets me lol.


Looking close at the pic, it strongly resembles a pic we’ve seen of him in his CAP uniform. It appears he’s wearing ribbons.


Wowzers!! Another bloated douche that makes my less-than-stellar career look positively heroic.

Just another gun show commando with a big watch and a needle dick.

A Proud Infidel®™

‘Ol “Blobfish” reminds me of the lard-bellied “Rambos” you see at gun shows and Pawn Shops wearing BDU trousers and talking like they’re the biggest badasses to ever walk the Earth!!

Mr. Blue

Biggest asses is a bit more accurate.

Cheese Eater McBlobfish

I can’t see my ass, I’ll have to take your word for it.

Dennis “The Blobfish” Chevalier


Just shaking my head at the level of stupidity this guy exhibits.

A Proud Infidel®™

“No matter what you try, YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID, stupid is forever!” – Ron White

Critters like “Blobfish” Chevalier and his cohorts are living, breathing proof that Ron White was RIGHT!


Well, it looks like Denny-boi has had access to a steady supply of cheese the past few months. The 4th page of that police BOLO flier says his weight’s up to 300lbs.

Maybe 7lbs a sitting isn’t enough to satisfy him any more. (smile)

Doc Savage

“Never go full retard”

Dude just blew the lid off doubling down on the stooped……


Wonder if Witless et al are wondering if Hollywood here is too nuts for even them?


Never have I ever seen the biggest nobody try to be the biggest somebody.

Cheese Flake is his own worst enemy. And when he starts drinking Wittgenfeld’s and the wanna be Honorary CPO’s kool-aid. It becomes better than the cartoon network.
Time to pop some more popcorn and watch these idiots bury themselves.

A Proud Infidel®™

I like the way you see this Scotty, I just hope ‘ol Blobfish doesn’t hurt somebody else on his way even further down. BTW, “Rent-a-fuzz” is a job I see a LOT of younger people sans any real job experience doing either to pay their bills while in school or looking for something better to do for a living. That still being Blobfish’s source of income says a lot about him to me!!


That’s my biggest fear, that Chevyliar is steadily going off the deep end and will hurt someone while he plays out his “hero cop” fantasy. I don’t think there’s any doubt now that the cheese slayer is more than a bit unhinged.

Cheese Eater McBlobfish

The deep end rejected me, I got too confrontational with the other blobfishes. I blame it on the lack of cheese. Say, where could you find those floating cheese fishes? I can’t find any under my bed.

Dennis “The Blobfish” Chevalier


Well, there is a certain entertainment factor for the rest of us.


The funny thing is, I think I might have seen his fake squad car. I know I saw a decaled “police car” somewhere that had no markings indicating what PD it belonged to. I think it was at Kellers Hamburgers NW Hwy and Abrams. I remember it had 2 guys in it wearing uniforms….at the time I thought maybe it was rent a cop. If I had known it was Lt. Cpl. Fromage Le Twat, I would have bought him a #5 special w/ extra cheese! Btw, Kellers is about 1/2 mile from top golf. I’ll put the BOLOs up at Kellers, anything to help out the real LEO community.

John "Faker 6" Giduck

I often give free passes to any of my seminars or tactical trainings for those that are phonies, cops, or dudes that look like muppets.

Dennis Howard Chevalier: come claim your prize for all three.


John “Faker 6” Giduck


The Lt. Cpl. does love him some certificates. Can you print them on Tyvek?

A Proud Infidel®™

Printed on Tyvek®? OH, you mean in case the cheap hotel room gets flooded again? Good call!!


The Grapevine BOLO states Chevyliar was confirmed to have worked for DFW Security for 4 months. Really? Says his hire date is 6/16/14. Poser math?
Denny’s PI license expires tomorrow….a sad day for the serial rapist profiler brotherhood.


Apparently the site’s software ends the link above at the vertical bar. But cutting/pasting the link above (from “https” through the end of text) into a new browser window seems to work correctly.


So … Let me net this out:

1. Couch.
2. Computer.
3. Police Crown Vic bought at police auction.
4. Officer Safety BOLO with Subjects Name and Game all over it.

So … The way this works is simple. The above LE Sensitive BOLO’s are circulated throught towns and cities in the region. State Fusion Centers share the info from state to state. Federal agencies who participate in Fusion Centers and regional task forces take notice. Investigations are commenced. Internet queries are conducted to determine who subject associates with online. Those known associates may be then investigated for unlawful activities within the region, state and or for any possible federal violations.

You see … A simple LE Sensitive Officer Safety BOLO is kinda like the “beginning of the end”.

I guess some people just don’t get it. They believe they are SMARTER, KNOW THE SYSTEM BETTER and or are TOUGHER. They are not.

For all those playing the home version of “TAH Monopoly” we now know how this is going to end.

LE has signalled they are preparing for a potentially dangerous encounter with the subject and are notifying all sworn officers and intelligence professionals of this potentiality.

Now doubt there are multiple inqueries going on with respects to his known associates and they should all be concerned.

Nah … They don’t care.

Ta Ta …

A Proud Infidel®™

BTW, a couple of “Blobfish” Chevalier’s cohorts continue to accuse THE WRONG MAN of being me despite my telling them just that via responses on another thread (Lars Larson’s). Yes, I’ve done it both times and reminded them of my opinion of them as well!


I am going to state what we all know. This guy is dangerous. The fact that he has teamed up with not a cpo and wiFfilBall only proves .

I swear I am going to write a screen play called apackoflies now starring the 3 of them


Enigma4you…I agree he is becoming more dangerous every day. His mindset along with the new divorce stress, plus this new info on the web and with local law enforcement, plus access to weapons is a bad cocktail. With the BOLO out on him, he is going to get pulled over again, this time with the LEO well aware of who he is confronting. If Dennis is stupid enough to come out with of a vehicle with BS and a weapon, even holstered, he is running the risk of a big time, on the ground spread eagle. Problem is, with his mental state of believing his own BS about himself and bravado, if he makes a wrong move he could get aerated in a hurry. I wish no ill will or harm to this duffus but he is making things worse for himself in a hurry. I just hope he is stable enough not to harm anyone else.


I wonder if his employer, DFW Security Services, know they have a nutjob on their hands?


Don’t forget, Psul is in the mix too! He and Commander Monkress deserve inclusion in your epic as well.

JarHead Pat

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, I have wondered at where he has been,he use to pop into our firearms group,talk shit then get hazed to death, hahahahahahah.I remember Scott busted him, didn’t he claim he was a LTC in the Army or the Air Guard? total dipshit.the kind of fucktard to go postal.

the Al

Air Force and CAP, as I recall

Climb to Glory

Chevy is a tub o’ shit, but lets not forget about the Spetsnaz/terrorism expert.


I don’t know if anyone else noticed it, but look closely at the Grapevine PD BOLO. The picture Chevyliar used for his “police” ID is of one in his CAP uniform. It would seem obvious that it’s a fake.


Are these images for ants?

You gotta make them larger so people can read them.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Chevalier and “the unnamed lawer” are the two that concern me the most. Both of them have access to firearms (and we know that “the unnamed lawer” has been admonished before for carrying a weapon with him into a courtroom before). I would be extremely hesitant to confront either one of them in person due to their history of being aggressive/violent towards others and the high possibility of having a firearm on them at any time.

Chevalier loves to be in uniform and in perceived “positions of authority”, such as CAP, TSG and law enforcement/security work. A traffic stop or other confrontation between him and a LEO or the general public would have the potential to escalate quickly if Chevalier were to be questioned about his background or any other information posted in the BOLO fliers above.

Just an Old Dog

Congratulations, Dennis you have now managed to get not one, not two, but three threads on you.
This site now appears to be the least of your worries. We are veterans who just happened to call you out for your fake claim to be an Air Force Desert Storm pilot.
The fake diplomas and LEO clais were just extra fruit that fell from the tree.
Now you have a REAL problem much closer to home.
Local and State LEO have you pegged as a potential problem.
You have tread a dangerous line with them. Your Security Guard uniform and job is the only thing that kept your ass from being tossed in the pokey.
You getting pulled over in June wasn’t because of the TAH “wanted” poster, it was because your fat ass was driving around a Police Car you didn’t fully pull the decals from. Strangely enough you did take the time to remove the department and city decals, yet left the huge “POLICE” letters on the side.
Nice bullshit story about “you hadn’t had time to remove the decals yet” and that you “were converting it over to security”.
I wonder if your current employer knows you are planning on using your personal vehicle to represent their property and company?
So you became hostile when you tried to get TAH contributers in trouble and the dectectives told you to pound sand? Smart, I mean MENSA quality brains demonstrated there Denny.
Oh and good move saying you were going to show up in your Crown Vic with “Police” decal on it to protect open carrt folks from the police.

Old Trooper

Wow. I take a few days off and the batshit crazies come out of the woodwork.

The problem, as I see it, is that heavy chevy, here, is not just batshit crazy, but has a huge inferiority complex and access to weaponry! Tat has bad mojo written all over it.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, just look at the photo of him outside his car in uniform, that’s one angry blobfish, and another look at the equipment inside his cruiser shows he’s still one very disturbed blobfish!!


Still shaking my head that soon-to-be-ex-wife #7(?) is named “Nora” and ex-wife #X is named “Dora”. Both uncommon names and they both ended up with Hollywood. Hope Nora will come here and tell-all as did Dora….wonder if Nora saw Hollywood’s AF flight helmet on the coffee table?

Just an Old Dog

Pretty sure its a typo… not sure what the exact dates are on his divorce from Dora, but its not too long ago.


Maybe, but the report calls her Nora D and says they have only been married for 3 months. Nora Lee was on here a long time ago telling on Chevy and she seemed scared of him…even a restraining order, I think. I don’t see her marrying him, again, in that state of mind. But, maybe.


I’m not so sure. Dora had dumped Blobfish’s cheesy ass several months ago and they had been married for at least a year IIRC. This Nora just put him out last month after only being married for three months.


I think this is probably wife number 7. I searched for marriage licenses involving Dennis Howard Chevalier on the Tarrant County Clerk’s website, and found five licenses dating all the way back to 1985. The latest one was with Dora, with the date of marriage being in late 2009. If Nora says they’ve only been married a few months, this does not square with what we know about Dora.


You could be right, Jonn. But if that’s true that means Chevette still had some of his stuff (including his computer still set up) at her place as of just over a month ago. I respect your caution on this but based on what I see, it doesn’t appear to be conclusive one way or the other.


A closer look at the NRH PD BOLO states that the ex=police cruiser is registered to “Dennis and Dora Chevalier.” So color me completely confused.


The uniform that he has on there is similar to the one shown here. Could this be the DFW security that they’re talking about?

OIF '06-'07-'08

It appears so, wonder if anyone has emailed this company and sent them copies of the above BOLO’s.

This is what is going to finally cook his goose as the saying goes.


Dr. Formage LeTwat is probably frantically deleting all or much of his online history as possible as we speak.

But as a mensa geaneeus, forensick investigator, doctor of long relationships, skilled LE SWAT certified man of the law … He should probably know it is game over!

Nah … Nevermind!


All ASIS International chapters in TX have been notified.

He is done.

There are NO security services firms in the country that carries a bond or insurance that can cover the above assertions.

Just sayin’ …

But what do I know …

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Three separate threads
5700+ posts
Six/seven marriages (I’ve lost count)
Countless jobs dismissed from
One non-accredited pee H dee

And Dennis Chevalier still hasn’t gotten the message… and probably never will.


WAAAAY OT but would one one of you anchor clankers enlighten me. Neighbor just went by on cloud 9 because his son just made “Chief” and he’s now being “initiated”. From Goggling, it seems that he made E7? Correct? If so, wow. He’s a young guy. On the Nimitz. Avionics specialty. I just want to create the illusion that I am informed.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

SJ, you are correct… but I beleive that the Navy did away with the initiation/”rites of passage”/season of pride as of this year.


As far as whether Blobfish is a danger to anyone, he has proven time and again that he is a danger to himself! He’s proven himself so incompetent, I have a hard time assessing him as much of a threat; however, I still say that it is VERY long odds that some nutty Asian kid picked Dennis’s ex-wife’s door at random and shot the person that opened that door (it was his son). I believe in randomness far more than coincidence, but you gotta agree with me that those were very long odds. I hope the Frisco PD did a thorough investigation and didn’t rely on any “expert” advice from a certain Lt. Cpl. PhD. Serial Rapist Profiler Deputy Constable.






Old MESNA boy the cheese gobbler isn’t nearly as smart as he thinks he is. Evidence of his stupidity is commonplace and he’s the one that put it all on the internet. Thanks Dennis, you shouldn’t have. HaHa.

OIF '06-'07-'08

It is coming to and end for Dennis. With everything that has happened to him since his outing as a poser six months ago, his life has been a slow motion train wreck.

With the above BOLO’s that have been circulated within the entire LE community in Texas, his days of being able to talk himself out of trouble are coming to and end. It will come to a point that he will piss off the wrong LEO and that individual will find a reason to throw his sorry ass in jail.

After his train wreck is said, done, and over with, he will not be able to recover financially. It would be almost impossible for someone his age. He maybe, and i am using that term very loosely, find employment flipping burgers in till he is old enough to draw Social Security. His only option for any kind employment will probably end up being a day laborer with the other drunks and loser’s of society.

As for your own personal safety, I hope you can take what ever measures you need to ensure your safety, and as for Dennis being able to “make you disappear” and not being able to pin it on him is stretching things. As stupid as he is, Dennis could not fix a damned straw if it was bent, let alone commit an unsolvable crime.

Also, have you checked your personal credit report? If I were you, I would keep an eye on it every few months.


You should be frightened. The subject IS dangerous. The Officer Safety BOLO WAS produced for a certain purpose. So, based on the information contained in the BOLO and what we KNOW about Dr. Formmage LeTwat this is what I recommend: 1. Notify local law enforcement of your concerns and fear. Put it on record. 2. Obtain proper training and permits for the purchase of an appropriate firearm. The purchase of a pistol Glock 26 or equal will satify this requirement. 3. Notify your local law enforcement of your training, permits and purchase referencing your concern about subject. 4. Now this part is important … As a former federal law enforcement officer who is still in the business, I have made some observations here worth noting: A. He acts like a sociopath. Only a real doctor can confirm this. However, BEHAVIOR is all we need to OBSERVE to satify our needs here. B. Many of his claims of proficiency are actually his documented life failures. C. He pretends to be a LEO and has all the tools and equipment to support such claims. D. He has a documented history of treating woman badly and or possibly a pattern of abusive behavior towards his spouse(s) … Insert # here! E. His physical pedigree is 6 foot + at 300 pounds + give or take 7 pounds. F. He is known to carry a bullet proof and or military style protective vest. This point is important as it will now direct how you will train and defend yourself if you encounter him and HE forces you to defend yourself. Any and all LE reading the BOLO took special notice of the vest. 5. Considering A through F, you need to learn “body armor and cover drill”. It is a drill taught to counter a subject who is wearing body armor. The drill and training will permit you to learn and be proficient in defeating body armor by firing “2 to the chest and 1 to the head”. Such training is designed to stop the attack and or defeat the body armor. Of course,… Read more »


Springfield Armory XDm. It holds anywhere from 19 (9mm) to 13 (.45acp) rounds.


I will kapitchulate to you Army guyz on pistol model selection.


EAA Witness or Glock 20 in 10mm. you don’t get up. even if you wear armor: you wont be happy.

The nail driver



I just reread this:

“9mm is for shooting Europeans”.

That is comedy gold


A guy named Harry says yer all wrong. (smile)


It doesn’t matter what caliber you use,as long as it begins with “4”.


There’s a lot to laugh at re Chevy (e.g. “…300 pounds + give or take 7 pounds”) but MCPO’s post is sobering. Wouldn’t surprise me if we read about Chevy in the headlines.

Weapon choice: he can talk to The Judge.



Just an Old Dog

I would call them and let them know. Im not for sure what the legal ramifications are for putting a person’s name on a car registration without their consent or knowledge is.
I would stay wary of Shithead McShitstain. But I would also add that he has incurred the wrath, and likewise is angry at the people who have exposed him.
I would say the list of people who butthurt him is long and distinguished, unlike his flacid penis.
He most recent ex, her daughter, plus the two officers that detained him the night they pulled him over are certainly high on his list.
He also seemed to be very angry at the detectives who told him to pound sand when he cried to them about TAH.
Then there is the TSG who booted his ass.
He knows you are no longer under his control or a “soft target” any more.
Dennis Howard Chevalier is above all a coward who relies on lying his way out of tight spots. You can tell by the photos the police took of him when they detained him after the traffic stop he is a twat waffle when he is faced with someone who isn’t isolated and weaker then he is.



Delilah T.

I’d be extremely careful, period. I think this individual has a ‘snapping’ point, meaning that at some point, he goes over the edge in an effort to get even with his perceived enemies.

Why else would he be driving around in a car marked with a phony ‘POLICE’ decal on it and weapons in plain sight on the front seat of the car?

I think he’s thisclose to it, in fact, so stay alert.


I agree. Nutjob Chevyliar does seem close to the snapping point.

Just an Old Dog

Though the ex-cop car with the ajority of the decals on it removed is a new twist, Flobbyliar has been treading the line of imitating an LZEO for years.
He is known for walking around in public with a holstered weapon, a badge on his belt and a walkie talkie.
All this would the average person to think he is an LEO.
He is savvy enough to not go into detail if a civilian questions him ( but really how many people Really want to know wha a fat guy with a badge, radio and gun is doing.)
If he is stopped by legit LEOs he quickly shows his carry permit. The security guard badge and radio are just props.
Perhaps the police will finally 5150 his ass and take his toys away.

A Proud Infidel®™

5150, is that The Baker Act?

Just an Old Dog

Proud, thata the California code for the equivalent of Florida’s Baker act.

Just an Old Dog

Texas has health codes 573 and 574 and criminal code 46B and 46C that cover involuntary commitment.
They sound pretty much the same as anywhere else the subject has to be considered a threat to himself or others

A Proud Infidel®™

With those BOLOs out on him, it looks like it’s only a matter of time now, I just hope & pray he doesn’t hurt himself or anyone else in the meantime.


Contact those that issued the above BOLO, and double check that part about your name being on the car that they pulled over. If you know for a fact that you didn’t cosign the car, let them know about it.

They’ll also have specific advice on what to do if it turns out that he did in fact forge your name. Perhaps a lawyer could give more detailed advice.


In Texas you can put your wife’s name in the registration without her signature. If you die, the vehicle passes to her without having to go through the process of a will etc. since it is jointly owned. If I were Dora, I would want to know if the vehicle was bought on credit. If so, she might be exposed. Also, if Blobfish has an accident in that car and is liable for damages that exceed his insurance coverage (if any), Dora might be exposed there as well since her name is on the title. First thing I would do is call the company that sold the car (it is mentioned in the BOLO) and ask about the terms of sale. Subsequently, I would talk to a lawyer. Do you wonder why he did not register it as being owned by Chevalier and Assoc.? It is because like I have said form several months, there is no legal business entity in then state of Texas named Chevalier and Assoc. That makes it tough.


Have you considered arming yourself and taking classes? With nutjobs like Chevyliar around it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea.


Dang, hope the Commissary opens soon. Gotta load up on popcorn and watch this play out. Maybe Chevy will appear on COPS. That might be bad though because he wouldn’t have a shirt on…that’s a pre-req to getting cuffed in the back seat.

Be careful. Take a copy of this thread to your local PD?


Go on vacation for a few days and I miss all this?

Oh, and to He-who-shall-not-be-named, rustle rustle, bitch. I never got shit from your “amended” suit until Friday, past the deadline to have served anyone. Hope you didn’t say everyone had been served, dipshit.


“He Who Was Never A CPO of Any Kind” was probably late with turning homework in when he was in school. :mrgreen:

A Proud Infidel®™

“ol whatshisface and his idiot cohort the skydiving clown have TWICE accused the wrong man of being me despite my telling them (look at my replies on Lars Larson’s thread).


I’m waiting for the CAP cadet to come in here and claim he was never part of us.


Master Chief: I found what his CPPP certification means. Get this: “Criminal and Psychological Personality Profiler”. According to Google, Dumbass is the only person in the world to have this certification. You can see his explanation of CPPP here (paragraph above his drone picture)

A Proud Infidel®™

GDC, you forgot to post a *SPEW ALERT*!!

HOLY SHEEP SHIT, ‘ol “Blobfish” just doesn’t know when to quit pouring it on!!


You now how you can tell Dennis is full of shit? His over use of silly acronyms.

A Proud Infidel®™

THE ONLY THING “‘ol Blobfish” and his stories will ever do:


So, he looks in the mirror and profiles himself?

Pineywoods NCO

I happen to click on this link provided and I hate to think that he is certified in anything computer related. A+ certification? Microsoft certification? I seriously doubt either is accurate.

Dumbass keeps adding to his BS.

Now about this BOLO….I’m afraid for family and friends in that area might get pulled over by this asshat of humanity.

Dennis, you need to get help for your addictions…both your lying and your cheese issues. Just do everyone a favor and get help for yourself.


At the bottom of that page I saw this:

“Coming soon – Armed patrol services in marked and unmarked units”

Oh. My. Goodness.

Hack Stone

And he is also an expert in military records. This clown couldn’t decipher an LES.


Looks like Chevy was an expert witness for the losing side in a fairly recent case.

Somehow this idiot pawned himself off as an electronic countermeasures expert. Some broad was suing her employer because they stop paying her disability benefits. They stopped paying because the bimbo’s ex boyfriend emailed them 600 some odd documents which seemed to be evidence of fraud. Enter expert witness Blobfish, who explains to the court that any beginner or novice can hack email. What an idiot. Electronic countermeasures expert… um, no.

Just an Old Dog

I saw that… I can imagine the smirk on the Judge’s face while cock-mole sit straight-faced on a witness stand and tried to convince the court that hundreds of emails set out over months from diferent computers all over the world were the results of one hacker who happened to be using the same ip addresses as the victim.


I wonder if he wore his lab coat?

Just an Old Dog

I wonder if he wears his lab coat with the fake flasher pants to the grocery store and looks at himself in the reflexcion of the dairy freezer door as he flashes it.

A Proud Infidel®™

Is this ‘ol Blobfish undercover in his “cruiser”?

A Proud Infidel®™

Ain’t I a DICK sometimes?


Ha!! Chevalier and Associates on the hunt!!


I hope chevy wasn’t looking for me via lawsuit, since he constantly got into with me on his evidence site.

Can’t believe how dangerous this escalated w Dennis. He really is a psycho after reading all these post.

Just an Old Dog

It looks like cock-mole’s record isnt as completely clean as he says it is. He had some issue in 1982 about having a “prohibited weapon”.
Whatever it was he was still able to get a CCL after it.
Could have been a sawed off shotgun or something modified, or maybe ninja throwing stars.
A bit more serious than a bounced check, but you would never hear cheese-weasel admit to it.


I am feeling neglected, I need to start commenting more so I can see my name on one of those pretty lawsuits. SOMEONE PAY ATTENTION TO ME!

Hack Stone

I have been trying to keep up on all of the comments on this guy, and quite often people commenting refer to his 7 pound block of cheese. I always thought that it was a play on his name, but in one of the comments made over the last few days from on of his (six or seven) ex-wives, she mentioned something about cheese. So, can someone fill in the holes of my cheese and give me the backstory on Chevy and his cheese?


It seems that one of his many wives had bought some groceries for herself, to make her lunch with. One of the items was cheese…a 7 pound block. Chevyliar ignored her pleas to leave her lunch alone (it seems he would eat anything and everything in sight and didn’t contribute. The next morning she awoke to found that fromage boy had eaten the entire seven pound block of cheese…in a single night.

Hack Stone

How the hell could one person consume seven pounds of cheese in one evening? When he finally passed those seven pounds of cheese through his digestive tract, the municipal sewage system must have collapsed . Maybe he should give up on looking for wife #8 and explore the competitive eating lifestyle.


What ArmyATC said. The wife was Dora Lee, wife number 6. What she said:

Originally posted by Dora Lee:

Rest of the time, he sat at home saying tbe economy was bad and could not find a job. I was working 12 hour days and he was so damn lazy he opened up a can leave it on the counter and couldn’t walk 2 feet to put it in the trash. Seriously guys. I was spending 500 to 600 in groceries a week and it was the 2 of us!!! I was never home to eat the shit. I bought a 7lb bag of cheese and grapes for my breakfast that should of lasted me 2 weeks, I said do not eat. . I get up the next morning gone!! 7 lbs of fucking cheese! !! Who the fuck eats 7 lbs of cheese over night and doesn’t remember?

Just an Old Dog

As I recall from that topic. Typical of Blobbliar he flat out lied and said he didn’t eat the cheese…Then his ex pulled the wrapper out of the trash can by his desk and he said “he didnt remember”.
He probably did a mini blog about that too.

Hack Stone

Thank you for the update. Fortunately, this event was captured on videotape.


Not sure if cue balls blog has been posted. Of course it is full of made up shit…

Just an Old Dog

Chevy lie? perish the thought,,, He is such an arrogant asshole he would even lie about what time of day it was… After one rant he said something about how it was night time and he was going to turn in… it was like 2 in the afternoon His time. Of course he tried to come back with an argument about what time zone he was in, which of course when figured out was 2 in the Afternoon…


He says, “the cost of being a good guy has its toll but as in anything …”.

Yeah, one toll is having a LE BOLO and Officer Safety Bulliten written about you and circulated nationwide!




Sorry if this has already been posted. Fat boy really has slipped a cog.


So I hear that Denni-Boi had a doctor’s appointment the other day. Seems that his “mini-me” had turned orange and he was a little concerned. The doctor had some tests run and couldn’t find anything wrong with him in regards to his current complaint. So the doc asks him a little about what has been happening in his life lately, trying to ascertain potential causes of his affliction. Denni-Boi replies that his latest wife has left him and then he just sits at home, watches porn and eat cheetos….

Can seem to stay away from cheesy things.


Denni-boi here is just one helluva cheesy guy . . .

D.C.'s Cheese Impacted Bowels

It was bad enough that the idiot had to go and eat an entire 5 pound block of Government cheese and completely clog things up, now he has gone and turned his nutsack orange from too many cheetos….
Actually I have to tell you, he really did not turn his balls orange. He doesn’t have any balls to speak of afterall.


Anyone else wonder where he got his “military bullet proof jacket”?

TSG, property audit on aisle three please.


Looks like someone might have failed to turn everything over to CIF that he was supposed to. 😯

On the other thread, he called us “POGS.” But, on his photos, where he’s at a shooting competition, he looks like the poster quality POG. :mrgreen: 😈 He was glaring “POG” like a neon sign. :mrgreen:


thebesig: in those last to sentences, shouldn’t those capital “Ps” be capital “Hs”? (smile)


For Dennis Howard Chevalier, that’d also be accurate. 😀 One of the characteristics of many of the POGs we saw in Iraq:

Army Strong. :mrgreen:


I have to admit, every time I see the word “Pogs” I think of these: And then I think of lazy fucking AAFES drones. And then I think of how expired easy cheese was always 50% off.


Don’t think the TSG has weapons. I could be wrong.


SJ – good call. No weapons and no uniforms even. If you are in TSG, you must buy your own uniform items.

I can find nothing about PPE though.

OIF '06-'07-'08

With blobfish’s meager income I bet you the vest he has is something like this,

I have seen a lot of airsofter’s buy this stupid stuff for thier games.

To buy the actual OTV and the insert plates requires proof of LE or Military service.


Not really. Here in Indiana one can go to any gun show and purchase OTV and SAPI off a number of tables. I suspect that’s what Chevyliar did.


Here is some other people he fooled with his BS claims

“Here’s the run down. He is a former Air Force pilot, peace officer, and does profiling for law enforcement. He holds classes 6 days a week at his house. Provides a small breakfast and a simple lunch and admits it is better on Saturday when his wife cooks it.”


Now where would they have gotten the idea he was a former Air Force pilot? Despite the fromage fuckers denials, his lies keep popping up to bite him in the ass.


I got nothing new. Just a shameless bump so new folks will discover “Hollywood” since “recent comments” fade away into oblivion in minutes. Hope we hear from Nora/Dora soon and hope that they are, and stay, OK.

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