Terrell Anquoe aka Paul Dean Fultz; phony Ranger

| July 21, 2014

Terrell Anquoe1

Someone sent us their work on Paul Dean Fultz who goes by the name Terrell Anquoe. Not to state the obvious, but he’s a Native-American dancer. You can read here at MyHometownNews about his dancing and how he’s a retired Ranger. Here’s a close up of the medals he wears on his costume;

Terrell Anquoe

Silver Star Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star and a Purple Heart along with some Desert Storm service medals.

And here’s a video about how much he respects veterans and how much of a veteran he is;

Well, his FOIA tells a different story;

Terrell Anquoe FOIA

Terrell Anquoe assignments

Terrell Anquoe Assignments2

Ten months in service in 1980 and they discharged him from Germany all the way back to the States. Got himself promoted all the way to E-1, oh, wait. I know TOW gunners think they’re just like Rangers, but no.

One last picture before we go;

Terrell Anquoe beret

Category: Phony soldiers

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I did not know they had P.Xs on the reservation.


Medals of America and Vanguard ship pretty much anywhere.


Not a Sniper? Pffft.


Wow. Just, wow. Not surprising, comments have been disabled for the video. Fucking ass clown.

Mark Lauer

I made a report to youtube.

Powwow chick22

I did too and I found an artist that did a picture of him. I explained what was found on her Native and she removed his picture.

Free spirit

Hmmmm! Wonder if his ex was there when he lied on YouTube!

Private Parts

Could be one of those fake natives you see pop up frequently on immigration posts, “I am 1/10000000000000th Cherokee, speak MY language”.

Christ though..

AW1 Tim

You mean like Senator Fauxcahontas from Massachusetts?

I keep trying to find out which Casino, er, I mean TRIBE she belongs to.

James in Gulf Breeze

Had she been a Republican – the media would have lambasted her… but all we hear about is high cheekbones…

Climb to Glory

I can’t stand that fucking David Spade doppelganger.


Don’t worry, we haven’t even begun to have fun with The Warrior Princess. Talk is she is thinking of a Presidential Run if Hillary does not run and Hillary will not.

As to this ass clown. The Code Talkers must be disgusted and ashamed. It is nice to see that POS’s are equal opportunity offenders across all ethnic and race lines

dances with eagles

this is not any proof at all no name on pages. get over it if it is real show whole document please

dances with eagles

this is not any proof at all no name on pages. get over it if it is real show whole document please


The name is on the first page where it shows the date in, date out and court martial (although court martial details are unavailable).


It’s right there in black and white, not sure how you are missing it.

Powwow chick22

Put some glasses on, his name is listed on the first line of the documents. POW has done their research and this ass wipe is a phoney. Seems to me that you might be a wanna be also and trying to defend Chief Full of Shit. Stand down Sir


No, not a pretendian. He is Kiowa per the BIA.


Link to verifiable source for the above info, please?


Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Powwow chick22

Again, it doesn’t matter if he’s a wanna be Kiowa or a wanna be Comanche, he’s a fucking disgrace to the Indian Nation for posing as a Ranger when he’s nothing at all but a poser. Wonder what Princess Paris Quick thinks of Chief Full of Shit now. He’s defiantly one to bring home to mom n dad…look mom, here’s my military imposter that I’m going to marry…lol. He’s such a fucking loser, I hope ppl “talk” with him at the powwows!

Green Thumb

I wonder if this clown gave Phil Monkress at All-Points Logistics any tips on claiming Native American status to illegally acquire set asides?


Terrell Anquoe speakum with forked tongue


He related to Liz Warren?

Brent Glines

A member of the POS tribe, no doubt.


Take it Back Jonn! 11B, not 11H. His Echo Co time was basic and AIT, not in a line unit.


I just listened to the video … he does not sound like any Ingen I ever heard on TV!

That is all I have!


He’s wearing a Desert Storm hat in some pix and an Army T. In a pix on fiancee’s site (Paris Quick (really)) his hat looks like it has a 173ed patch on it.

Combat Historian

Desert Storm? More like shit storm, like the one that’s about to break over his phony posering head…

Powwow chick22

I thought Paris Quick was his grand daughter or daughter…


Facebook page is down as of 3:09 pm.

Currahee John

It’s up now. Only post I see is him announcing his engagement to what looks like his granddaughter.


Top of his page he shows a 173rd patch. Pix on Click on Paris Quick and you get more of him in the Army hat and 173rd patches.

Powwow chick22

Guess he blew some good smoke up her a_ _!


Down as of 1726 CDT… maybe FB pulled his plug. Good on ’em.

Pinto Nag

Colorful. Phoney…but colorful.

Veritas Omnia Vincit


Looks like woman bought his line of bullshit as well….I like this line….

Half Kiowa and half Comanche, the 49-year-old’s last name is Kiowa for “Out Front,” which he took into battle as a mark of pride.

I do not think that word means what he thinks it means…unless by “out front” he meant out of the service before anyone else in his graduating class. In which case he’s clearly out front and center as a most useless liar and con-man.


Wait a minute…is that a different girl than “Paris Quick”, his fiancee? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=795558430477449&set=a.148031748563457.25843.100000698991951&type=1&theater


Never mind. Its the same woman. The names have me confused.


OH NO … if she married him for his VA and Exchange beenyfits … she is going to be disappointed here pretty soon!


Herrro GI! I think I rove you. You have ration book? I know I ruve you GI.


You souvenir me one time and we go land of big PX, OK?


Buy me Zippo!


Buy you Zippo,No Way!!! Scripto lighter with little dice? No,me want Zippo. You cheap Charlie, numba 10 GI.

Powwow chick22

She’s going to be supporting grandpas ass lol. And I’ve seen his pictures on fb and I couldn’t find this Paris girl because he’s with so many girls. Guess he’s “working” the circuit.


The girl in the wedding photos is not Paris Quick. Something tells me Ms. Quick needs a wakeup call.

Powwow chick

Lol! Maybe that’s his other daughter that he married! He sure goes after the babies.

Powwow chick22

What fast track did he take to make it out in 10.5 months as a retired Army Ranger? His actions are deplorable.

Hack Stone

He entered the Army under the AEP, Accelerated Enlistment Program. That allows you to complete an enlistment under 2.5 years, but are entitled to all awards, decorations and promotions for the remainder of your life. If you are real high speed/low drag, awards, decorations are issued after death.


New name for him: “Talking Bull”.

Climb to Glory

“Flaming Arrow” or “Smoking Pole”


Shitting Bull…

Powwow chick22

I love it


Or maybe “Speaking Bull”.


Looks like he’s wearing OEF and OIF ribbons as well. Even though those campaigns started about 20 years after he was seperated.


Yep. He’s sporting both the ACM and ICM – out of precedence order, of course (ACM is higher in precedence than the ICM).

Powwow chick22

That’s because he doesn’t know shit about ribbons because again, he’s a phony!


Powwow chick22. You sure have ALOT of comments about this. Are you obsessed? It looks like it…….Are you the one who posted this stuff about this guy? Are you a woman scorned and dumped? You sound like it.


Looks like he put a DFC instead of the Silver Star on the ribbon rack. Maybe he wants to pass himself off as a space shuttle door gunner.


We Space Shuttle Door Gunners (Super-Dooper Expert Rating) resent his false claims of valor.

Geez, even my less-than-stellar career looks heroic by comparison.


Hahaha Same here. I only spent four months deployed for OIF in ’03, ferrying gear and men around in Herks from Kuwait. Never heard or saw a shot fired in anger (I actually paid attention to the preflight threat briefs and planned routes accordingly) and I consider myself fortunate for that.

Powwow chick22


2/17 Air Cav

This guy’s clownhood has a subtle aspect to it. The linked article says that clowny is “a retired U.S. Army Ranger” who is half Kiowa and half Comanche and that the 49-year-old’s last name is Kiowa for “Out Front.”

“Out Front” is the motto of the 2nd Squadron, 17th Cavalry! If that’s not funny, I don’t know what is.

Powwow chick22

Sounds to me like he takes words out of context and makes it his own so he sounds good. I’m just shocked that people haven’t caught him sooner. I’ve seen articles dated back to 2008 on the wanna be.


As far as I know all infantry went through OSUT at Fort Benning starting in 1978 or 1979. So how did he go to Knox and then Benning? He’s also appears to be wearing a black beret with the new 75th flash (the black border instead of white).


I went through Ft. Polk in the last Infantry OSUT course there in 1976. They pretty much shut down North Fort Puke after that.

AW1 Tim

I’m thinking he also copied that black & white face paint scheme from the remake of “The Lone Ranger”. Tonto sports that same style in the film.



With that white line half way up his face, it looks like he is about half Fultz of something.

Just an Old Dog

Pretty disgusting. Native Americans generally hold veterans in high regard, whether they are Native-Americans or not. They are even very accepting of non-native dancers who respect the culture.
I have a Facebook Friend who is a retired Marine Major (JAG) and very History. He also attends native dances and does beadwork. He never claims to be Native and they fuly accept him as someone who respects them.
This guy here is a turd at many levels.


Old Dog, I lived close by reservations for almost three decades and in my professional life did business with them from Alaska to North Carolina. Trust me when I tell you they have their share of crooks and con artists who will skin you out of your last dollar if you don’t pay close attention.

Just an Old Dog

Understood, I know that the tribes have those who will rip you off, just like any other group. What I was saying is that you don’t have to “fake” being an Indian to be accepted as a dancer or attend cultural event.

Powwow chick22

But some fake it real good for the attention and money



“Terrell is an Army Ranger veteran of operations Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom.”

Him speakum with mouth full of buffalo dung…

Powwow chick22

And a bustle made of chicken feathers


Why does there seem to be a plethora of fakes and liars calling themselves “Native Americans” and among MCs? Anymore, when I hear or see someone claiming to be a combat veteran and of Native American heritage or belonging to a MC, I automatically think, “liar.”


You mean like Phildo Dildo Monkress??

Private Parts

I hate how they believe it will draw out a point or sympathy. I was born in 1989 so it does not.

As I was saying above, it pretty much means nothing and gets really annoying during chatter about sports teams or immigration.

Hopefully my name is not annoying but I usually lurk here.


Why does there seem to be a plethora of fakes and liars calling themselves “Native Americans”…

Because medals, ribbons, tattoos, and berets aren’t enough. When some people play “dress up”, they have to go all in. Plus, in an Indian get up, who’s going to notice “his cuff is too long” or “his pants aren’t even tailored” or “what kind of fucked up haircut is that?”. It’s a win win. Faker 6 Giduck wishes he’d thought of it…. but he will never admit it.

Delilah T.

Why? Because you’d have to do a DNA test to prove they aren’t and meantime, you’ll get the racist crap thrown at you.

Powwow chick22

True just like his daughters are doing. If you can’t stand up for yourself use the racial card. Wonder how long it will take for the remaining children to come out and defend this POS.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

We could ask Liz Warren the fake Native American, law professor woman of color from Massachusetts now seated in the Senate in spite of her lying sack of shit ways…my guess is the answer is because they can call themselves that because some of the tribes have been so genetically depleted a small percentile of DNA lends credence to your bullshit.


Obviously I’m missing something (nothing new) but where did the Paul Dean Fultz part of this come in?
I bumped into another website showing Anquoe reuniting with another old guy and they claim 173 & 82 service together. I’m agreeing that the Ranger part could be BS but the rest has me wondering…we got the right guy??


Right guy. Legal name is Paul Fultz. He “goes by” Terrell Anquoe even though that is no where close to his legal name.


Thank you Mr. Truth.

With that being the case – expend all rounds!


Truth … What else do you know about Tonto that will be helpful for us in exposing his disgrace of Native American Culture and his Valor theft?


He is most definitely a sunka. Probably eats them, too.

Powwow chick22

And on YouTube he’s under Terrell Aunquoe….wtf!


It wouldn’t be the first time two fakers get together to corroborate their respective bullshit.


I found some more photos of him with the black and white face paint and the tear drop thingy:



Valor stealing mime!! Goddammit, I hate a valor stealing mime!!!


Live action video of our new Native American War Phony Friend:


Blazing Saddles. The best movie ever. Over.


Non-stop “Did he just say that”? Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles. The updated version of Gone With The Wind and The Wizard Of Oz. Careers in 2 movies.


Sitting around the camp fire and thinking about “Dancing Silver Star”:


Bonus points if you can pull up his cameo scene in “Dances With Douchebags”.


That is funny!


Dances WITH Douchebags? Hell, I thought he WAS the . . . well, never mind.


Here ya go:


Watch out for that back draft!



“Excuse me while I whip this out” Best line in movie history


Where is the National Association of Native American Traditional Garments (NANATG) on this issue?

Looks like he is wearing a wee bit of Mohawk, a tad of Algonquin, a smiggen of Powhattan, a lot of Apache, way too much Cherokee and not enough Souix …

But what the hell do I know!

Just sayin’!

Powwow chick22

Kiowa’s believe if a Warrior loses his hair it’s a sign that he is a deceiptful person, so look close guys!

Joe Williams

Counting DFC’s for enlisted flight crew, Viet Nam forward. I can count them on one hand maybe 2 and have fingers left over. WW2 and Korea still had “flying Sargeants”. So if he had been awarded a DFC, he would will known in military aviation. Joe

John "Faker 6" Giduck

I’ve got the “Ranger” and “Cossack” angle covered. The ethnic Ranger faker space is getting a bit crowded these days.


John “Faker 6” Giduck


I know you are The E-Tool Sensei, but were you ever trained to operate a BUK Missile System? Just curious. You always amaze me.

John "Faker 6" Giduck

I’m too high speed for the BUK system and so have been training on the BUTFUK system lately. This high speed system doesn’t require the students to use their E-Tool because, by that point, I’ve usually been working on their D-tool and then rolling over to let them finish with a BUTFUK accuracy test.

It’s really the blatant lies in my book that amaze you.


John “Faker 6” Giduck


Well played sir. Can’t wait to read about it in your next book, although I am sure there is a lot of amazing shit you aren’t allowed to talk about. I wish we could put you in a ag sprayer and spray you all over the Taliban like a big ‘ol jar of whoopass.

John "Faker 6" Giduck

Thank you for your kind words.

There’s actually photographic evidence of me laying down the hate on the Taliban in my vest emblazoned with “POLICE” with the mountains of Afghanistan to my back


Please ignore any errant photoshop artifacts against the dark blue background.


John “Faker 6” Giduck


Yeah … Gidduck. You should have been in the Youcrane 2 weeks ago investigating how the Dutch shot down the jet!


The Dutch? Sorry Master Chief but I’m throwing the BS flag on that… unless Hussar can corroborate it. If Hussar says it happened, it must have happened. But what do I know?

John "Faker 6" Giduck

I tried. Really, I did. I even showed the Russians my mad “double dutch bus” skills. They weren’t impressed.

Did I tell you how I trained Spetnaz but couldn’t even graduate from US Army Basic Training? I’m like the Rocky of military fakers.


John “Faker 6” Giduck


“…I’m half Comanche and half Kiowa.”
But obviously full of shiite.

Phoney phuck hiding behind a probable phoney Native American claim.

Another truth molester busted.

Ira Hayes is probably rolling in his grave.

Just another average leg-tabless cunt phoney.


Beretverde: based on the fact that he served less than a year, I think calling him an “average” leg and tabless phoney (or an average anything) is giving the jackass credit he doesn’t deserve.

Combat Historian

Probably more like a malcontented shitbag…

Powwow chick22

Royal shitbagger! Who just likes to hear himself talk BS and if you say it long enough it becomes true….phoney ass wanna be’s!


E-1 11B with a Distinguished Flying Cross? Check.

“1st 75th Ranger Division”? Check.

Everything checks out, looks totally legit to me.

Nothing to see here folks, move along.


Sent an e-mail along outlining this clowns lies, with the link to this page to the “Honor Guard” for the Native American group he represents as one of their “Head Dancers”.
I sincerely hope that they have a nice sit down with him and he comes clean about his past. He owes them and all of us an apology.
I am not holding my breath on this though.

Powwow chick22

If he gets paid to perform as head man or head vet, isn’t that part of the Stolen Valor Act 2013?


Have to prove that he received a “tangible benefit” from wearing or claiming to earn some of his medals. In other words, someone has to say “yep, I hired him as an Indian dancer because he won the xxxx medal”.

May be hard to prove but a little shame goes a long way also.

“The Stolen Valor Act of 2013 amends the federal criminal code to rewrite provisions relating to fraudulent claims about military service to subject to a fine, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both an individual who, with intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit, fraudulently holds himself or herself out to be a recipient of:
• a Medal of Honor,
• a Distinguished Service Cross,
• a Navy Cross,
• an Air Force Cross,
• a Silver Star,
• a Purple Heart,
• a Combat Infantryman’s Badge,
• a Combat Action Badge,
• a Combat Medical Badge,
• a Combat Action Ribbon,
• a Combat Action Medal, or
• any replacement or duplicate medal for such medal as authorized by law.”

Powwow chick22

Where I come from a head vet has to provide kind of like a resume proving that he/she is qualified for the position and at that point the vet is paid sometimes up to $400 for being head vet, speaking to the crowd and wearing military ribbons etc. I know here there is a paper trail showing who and where our monies go.


Yes … all a prosecutor needs to do is articulate that because he was waering it, selling it as his own, using it to position himself in order to gain a tangible benefit … the crime has been comitted!

Remember tangible benefit is everything from a cup of joe to multi-million dollar government contracts and everything in between.

Powwow chick22

I totally agree a crime has been committed and something needs to be done about it

Green Thumb

I have been around IHS and several of their Veteran’s liaisons and they take this stuff seriously.

However, depending on an Elder or potential Elder’s status and age, there are certain cultural barriers that make “confrontation” difficult in tribal communities.

That being said, this guy is a clown.

Powwow chick22

But if you have enough proof then getting over the barriers should not be that difficult.

Green Thumb

I agree wholeheartedly.

Lets see if his Tribe takes action.

Powwow chick22

Which one
Or the Wanna Be’s!

Green Thumb

Good point.

Green Thumb

I can only assume that he has a tribal affiliation.

Powwow chick22

If he does it won’t take long to get back to them



Thanks for standing up.

Can you be our NA go to gal?



Green Thumb sez: I can only assume that he has a tribal affiliation.

If he does, he should be wearing eagle feathers instead of turkey. And his look like turkey — or he’s using the first primary feather exclusively. If I could get a close-up look at the quill underside, I could tell you if they are from a game bird or raptor.

Some turkey feathers (e.g., Royal Palm and Mottled Black), are close mimics to golden and bald eagles … but about only 1/2 the size.

If you want to make a fan with the primary feathers, you have to cut the quill and instert extentions (bamboo chop sticks work); then you cover over the extentions with other feathers.


He has tribal affiliation and the feathers are real.


the feathers are real.

I just looked at another photo that shows the reverse of feathers Terrell Anquoe is wearing — yes, these were golden eagle. The other photo I saw was either a different bustle, or the image was not as clear.

Still … “real eagle feathers” does not negate the fact that Terrell Anquoe / Paul Dean Fultz is lying about his military awards, decorations, and service.

He should not be allowed into the circle until after he has owned up to his fraud … and then, only IF the Head Man / Staff / Gourd Society believe his contrition and they place him on probation. AND refuse him permission to wear any/all feathers!!!!


He is registered with the Comanche Tribe in Oklahoma.

Karva " muthafukin" Fultz-Pegross

Hold up het the f**k off my dad that girl Paris his his girl he has 8 grandchildren &&7 children she looks like none off us the old lying wanch who started is mad cause my dad don’t want her she was 50 claiming to be pregnant. Lisa pasquis is this trifflin liar. My daddy is full blooded as well as generations before and generations after. Get off my dad and get over yourself.


You left out the part where you tell us your Dad is wonderful and amazing. Try again?

A Proud Infidel®™

Damn, she posts like she’s been sniffing glue with VWPissbucket!!


It’s apparent that you are a moron from your post, so I’ll try to take this slow and use small words. We could care less about your father’s personal relationships. Oops, sorry. That word is too big. We could care less about your father’s girlfriends/wives…He’s a piece of shit because he’s a lair and a fraud. He earned none of those medals he claims. He was never a Ranger or any of the other high speed things he claims. He was never in combat. To sum it up for your pea sized brain:
1. You’re daddy is a liar.
2. Your daddy is a phony.
3. Your daddy was never a Ranger or any other elite soldier or Special Forces type.
4. Your daddy didn’t earn any of those medals he wears.
5. Your daddy never served in combat.
6. Your daddy is a loser who served a whole ten months in the Army.
Now GFY and tell your lying POS daddy he can GF himself also.

Powwow chick22

I could not have said it any better if I tried. He’s a phony get over it. No body cares about his personal life just interested in his lies about the service.

Virtual Insanity

My God. I speak and read three languages passably and don’t recognize this one at all.

Not sure what you have to say about his female companion, but that has nothing to do with him lying about his service.

Powwow chick22

And the disrespect he has shown our service men and women. He disgusts me.


Looks like the disrespect apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

Powwow chick22

That things just as fucked up as Chief Buffalo Dung and is obviously uneducated. I guess she can’t accept her daddy is a total fuck up and a POS trying to be something he’s not. Stay on track little girl, we are here talking about your daddy’s trumped up military career, not his personal life and after knowing that you met him for the first time a year ago tells us a lot about your daddy….Daddy Douch Bag.

3/17 Air Cav

I suggest, if you post again, PROOF READ before posting. Also remember spellcheck is your friend!


Hmmm, vwp’s female mini me??


I should have said “vwps’ spell checker”?? I think this individuals douchebaggery goes a lot deeper than has been covered so far. But the only redeeming factor so far is that the outfit in Germany that canned his ass is the same outfit (1/48 INF,3rd AD, Coleman Barracks,Gelnhausen) my older brother (RIP) served his first tour of duty (62-65)with.


Tell daddy to come here and try and defend himself, and he best be bringing Orders for all those Awards and something showing he actually served beyond the 10 months that the military has him down for… He cannot do it though is my guess.


Oh my Sweet Baby Jesus, Saint Joseph and Holy Mother Mary …

What Tribe or Nation are you from DUMBUECKAUASSUES?

Got nothin’ else here on this post!


Dafuq I just read?


Authentic gibberish.

the Al

But is it authentic frontier gibberish?


IMO, no. Sounds to me more like the “modern uneducated fool” variant. It’s similar to Bidenese, except it has worse syntax and makes even less sense.


“My daddy is full blooded as well as generations before and generations after”.

What a moron.

A career as geneticist is not in the furure generation for her!

Just an Old Dog

“My daddy is full blooded as well as generations before and generations AFTER”

Gee I wish I could see the racial and ethnic make up of my decendants in future generations.
I would get a kick out of having a Great Great Grandson with an Afro.

Free Spirit

Still no word from the Power Ranger himself. Sad to see he has to hide behind his children. And to his children, please stop using the “Native Card” and realize that your daddy is a phony, liar and has not earned the right to call himself an Army Ranger. Your daddy is a disgrace to the Kiowa and Comanche Nations and his family name.


I’m not the best at spelling and grammar, but after reading your post I know that there is a third grade English teacher weeping.

Virtual Insanity

By the way, why do you assume he’s telling you the truth? You only met him for the first time last year, according to your facebook page.

3/17 Air Cav

I think, that’s called a “Gocha”

Great job!


I wasn’t going to go there, but no shit…

3/17 Air Cav

Meant gotcha


I challenge this POS to an Irish Shin Kicking match.

He can bring his best from his tribe and I will muster the best from my clan.

Google it! No schitzer!

I am the best and if the POS wants to … He is going down! A properly landed Irish Shin Kick friggin’ hurts!

Ta Ta


Is that the Irish version of a hearty handshake and a warm cup of soup?


It can be applied to a wide variety of situations!

Powwow chick22

We definitely need more like you that speaks their mind and not afraid to say it. What I’m laughing at is this chicken shit is hiding behind his kid and can’t defend himself, oh, but how can he, he’s a freaking liar!

I would like to thank each and every one of you that have served for my freedom. Welcome home


Thank you Sister.

I don’t know what to say, so I won’t offer you a feather or speak to the moon or anything like that. A hearty thank you is all I can do …. But I would like to introduce you to a Phil Monkress (google hit) perhaps you can help us explore his NA roots.

Good job POW, keep it up!

Powwow chick22

I will do so! And in return you can teach me the Irish Jig…I know the shin kicking oh too well..lol!


If you want the Single and Looking Version of Jig see Hondo and or his designee!

If you want the Married and Been There and Done That Version of Jig … That will be me!

3/17 Air Cav

MCPO……does this mean you get to wear Clogs and chief dirty butt of the never wipe tribe wears moccasins? In the shin kicking contest?


No. The Irish Shin Kicking uniform is normal trousers or shorts.

I am going under knife at 0900. If I survive the ordeal, I will check in later.


Vaya con Dios, amigo.

2/17 Air Cav

The guy makes me hungry. I want one of these every time I see him dressed for the Cookie Dance:


Powwow chick22

Job well done. Chief Full of Shit has taken down his Facebook page, guess he was caught with his chicken bustle down.


Very good. A blast from the past. Post the video. I can’t. Me have only one hand. They call me “Monkey Fist”.

Free Spirit

Looks like he might have opened up a new face book page under Redhorse Singers. Sure does look like him sporting his military hat with Paris Quick.

Powwow chick22

Been looking at his pictures on line and I noticed that his rack changes from two rows to four rows then to three. Make up your damn mind as to what the hell you are….you’re a douch bag


Above his CIB in the first two pics above, that looks like the Vietnam Service Medal colors.

Powwow chick22

It sure does. Wonder how Chief Full of Shit pulled that one off.


Yep,that one would be a toughie especially since on his Facebook page (before it disappeared)he wrote that he got his first kiss in 1972 and didn’t graduate from high school till 1979. Unless he was a time traveler like E-1 over 14 Briggs.


Maybe he’s one of those new NCO-Officers like they have in South Florida. Those guys do wear their rank on their berets. And their version of AR670-1 starts with the verse, “On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty, to serve my country….” They don’t have to do PT either.

Free Spirit

I’ve sat back and watched and I’ve done my own research on this fake. Did anyone research him in Oklahoma where he said he was from? Look up Oklahoma Department of Corrections under Paul Fultz. How can someone have a criminal record and be in the Army? Face it! He’s a liar and a phony Ranger. He’s nothing but a wanna be.


He’s got a new facebook page.


Free Spirit


Seems like you to lost sight of what this page is about. It’s about people falsifying their military career. Your daddy is a poser and it doesn’t matter that he’s Indian, what matters is that he has lied about being a retired Ranger and wearing ribbons he never earned. That just makes me want to puke. So get over the Indian thing and see what your daddy really is, a phony and a wanna be. Sad to see he can’t defend himself and has his kids fighting his battles, but then again, that’s what a true Ranger does…lol.

Toasty Coastie

@Free Spirit~
Its always hardest on the offspring of POSers to get slapped in the face with the truth. Their world just got turn upside down as all they were told and believed has been uncovered for the lies that they are. Hard to swallow.

Of course that doesn’t excuse her fould mouth up in the FB comments, but there it is. She will have to live with the knowledge that her daddy is a Lying Fake and Fraud.

Unfortunately, she will come on here and start spouting her nastiness here trying to defend the indefensible, then the threats of lawsuits etc.

Too bad for her that all she is doing and will do, is fan the flames of her daddy’s outing and make it worse for him.

Free Spirit

What astonishes me is that he has yet to defend himself because he can’t and he knows POW has revealed his true colors.

Just an Old Dog

What are the odds that a shitbag who lied about being a Ranger/Vietnam Vet would be a bit untruthful about their heritage.
You would think that with all the “Native Americans” in the US now their ancestors would gave kicked the Europeans back across the Ocean with Sheer numbers.

Free Spirit

Hi Kellie
Comanche Nation has been notified of this imposter and I guess Meagan is blowing the same smoke her daddy does.

Free Spirit

In fact, Comanche Nation stated that he might be looking at violation of the Stolen Valor Act…go look that one up and put it in your peace pipe.

Toasty Coastie

@Free Spirit~
Hondo and other would know better than I, but I believe he is indeed committing Stolen Valor if he is receiving money or other tangible benefits for lying about awards and medals. I hope CN files charges against this LSOS.

Free Spirit

People have been contacted and it’s all in order.

Toasty Coastie

@Free Spirit

Thank you 🙂

Michelle Bradt

Hi. I am Paul’s most recent ex-wife. First, I obviously am no fan of the man, so please keep that in mind when reading my comment. I have no reason to defend him. The racist comments about natives are disgusting. Take your bigotry somewhere else. Red Cloud, he is an Anquoe. I know not bc he told me (I don’t believe most of what he says) but bc I had to do the genealogy work myself in order to get our son on the Comanche roll. To whoever made that disparaging remark about his mother, fuck you. His legal name is Paul Fultz bc his biological parents (his mother was an Anquoe and kiowa) couldn’t take care of him and he was adopted by the Fultz family. As for his military service, he has as far as I know lied about the majority of it. However I’d like to add that some of the badges etc that he wears are not his but we’re his adopted father’s. And he would tell you that if you asked him. This man is many things, a liar, a cheater, a terrible father and an even worse husband, but that doesn’t give ANY of you the right to disparage his heritage by making racist remarks. I believe that is why Megan reacted so angrily. When you attack his native blood, you are attacking his children’s blood. And might I add, if ndns didn’t fight in every American conflict for the ground white ppl stole from them, none of you service men and women would have the opportunity to get righteous about it in the first place. Also, they’re not costumes, it’s called regalia. Ifyyou’re going to write disparaging articles or blogs, at least do your own damn research instead of repeating the allegations of some crazy ex lover.


No, his daughter was upset because it was pointed out that her father is a lying sack of shit. All the bling he wears he claimed as his own. The only disparaging remarks were about how he’s embarrassing his heritage and those who served honorably. So you might want to take your own advice and do a bit of fucking research before coming here and acting like a bitch.

G_ F_CK Y__RS_LF. Would you like to buy a vowel?

Free spirit

And I agree with you, he wears a costume and not regalia, because a true and honest Native would never act as he does. And she puts down his family, well little girl, you are just like them…

Free spirit

Lol! And if y’all read the news article that is mentioned on this site, his ex wife is mentioned, so she too knew all about it. But now she’s back paddling trying to look right. You are no better then your ex and his trailer trash kids.


Yeah, uh huh, because your such a good representative of the military elite? You kiss your mama and your babies with that mouth? Yeah, you do everyone proud don’t ya?

Green Thumb

Recent ex-wife, huh?

That explains a lot.

So why did you marry this clown? Did you know about his bullshit?

Free spirit

Obviously she did, because she knew all about it. And after reading her posts again I had to ask myself when does he take responsibility for being a phony ranger? He did the news article and they spoke with him about his military career and he stated HE was a retired ranger, NOT his adopted father! He’s a POS, douchbag, waiste of sperm and a disgrace to all true Natives. NOT to mention Chief Piece of Shit has disgraced every true vet out there. And this girl married him too!


Dear Most Recent Ex-Wife,

Ah …. sounds to me that YOU are the one with issues.

Read your own words!

Finally, you say, ” they’re not costumes, it’s called regalia”.

I say, “wrong answer Ex-Wife … when a fraud dresses up … that is called wearing a costume”.


Michelle Bradt…Please, just please, will ya’. HE attacked his own “native blood” and that of his children and his whole tribe when he lied like a dog about his military service. Worse, he also spit in the face and pissed on the graves of the very MANY Native American heroes who gave their lives for this country. I don’t care if he is red, white, black, or polka dotted, he’s a liar and a fraud and his tribe should pull his native status and call the authorities for his acts of Stolen Valor, for the dishonor he has brought upon them as well as his family and himself. So get off the high horse. Being Native American, Black, White or Klingon is not a pass to do as he pleases because of his “heritage”. In fact, if he had an ounce of integrity, which he does not, he would not have dishonored his “blood’s integrity” with his fraudulent charades. You, his daughter or anyone else that wants to cut him slack because of his ancestry, go ahead, you have live with it also. By the way, the “I’m wearing my father’s medals to honor him”, is an old, old, OLD song and dance we’ve heard here countless times. So no, that doesn’t fly either and no I wouldn’t bother asking him the time of day. If you want to help and you know him, then tell him to stop what he’s doing and make the needed apologies for his fraud and Stolen Valor. First to the dead Native Americans of all tribes who gave their ALL for our nation…and theirs. Then to every veteran he has dishonored by those lies. In closing, don’t come here and post “Take your bigotry somewhere else.” This is OUR house and blog. Take your opinions and tell them to Paul and his family and tribal elders. This blog is for and about honorable veterans, who defend the true valor of fellow veterans, alive and most of all, for those dead, who can no longer defend themselves. I must say you have a lot of… Read more »

Free spirit

Nope, this site is for showing off phonies like your ex you stupid ass.

Free spirit

To the ex-wife:
You are just as fucking low as he is because you knew that he was a pos pissing on vets yet you married him! That says millions about you and your character. If you have kids by him, are they going to be pos like him and his daughters?


I’m just glad we finally have a word for people who paint their face like a designer cookie and wear medals they did not earn. The word is REGALIA.

Free spirit

Wonder if he will ever show his Cookie Monster face at the powwows with his kids! And this ex of his, how fucking stupid and low can she be too! Knowing what he is and having kids with this POS! Bet she’s a wanna be too.


Isn’t that what rich people call sailboat races?

Or is the proper medical term for when you’re no longer constipated?

Free spirit

No, that’s whites wanna being Native.


I would equate Terrell Anquoe’s wearing unearned badges and medals the same as lying about counting coup. Ask any native American what warriors think of someone wearing an unauthorized eagle feather — such as wearing a red feather even though he was never wounded. I’ve read instances of older men (Lakota, I think) making a young man remove an eagle war bonnet (his fathers!) because everyone knew the young man never experienced combat. He was shamed.

I’ve read of another man (don’t recall the tribe, but it was in the Lakota/Nokota area of influnce) who was called out for wearing feathers he did not earn. They did not beat the man — but the public humiliation was severe. Sorry I can’t cite source, so treat my two examples as educational stories.

…A Lakota man could not wear his father or grandfathers wap’aha. He had to earn all the feathers of his own wap’aha. This also applied to the wapaha. The notion that a communal wapaha existed is erroneous. A wapaha had to be earned by the individual and also could not be passed on to a family member or a relative.

Earning a wap’aha brings a great honor to the family. Wearing an unearned wap’aha brings shame, ridicule and dishonor to the person wearing. Wearing a wap’aha or using a wapaha from a family member is like wearing their military uniform. Besides, there is a law about a person wearing a military uniform. Only those people who served in the military can wear their uniforms if they have an honorable discharge. …

Source, 2008: http://www.lakotacountrytimes.com/common/pastarchives/1237.html

This man, Terrell Anquoe, has done the same disgraceful disservice to all warrior-society members and/or Gourd Dance (Tia Piah Warrior Society) Society members. He should be barred from dancing at Powwows.

Powwow chick22

Should that too also apply to him and his drum, Red Horse Singers, from drumming at powwows? This whole thing just turns my stomach.


Powwow chick22:

Terrell Anquoe / Paul Dean Fultz is lying about his military awards, decorations, and service. Therefore,he should not be allowed into the circle until after he has owned up to his fraud … and then, only IF the Head Man / Staff / Gourd Society believe his contrition and they place him on probation. AND refuse him permission to wear any/all feathers!!!!

Not certain about his drum; I suppose that would be a staff decision. And I would suppose if any others were frauds/embellishers.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Native Americans are struggling to regain/maintain cultural identities. Languages are dying, “Pure Blood” is almost non existent.

I have nothing but respect for those that are trying to preserve their heritage. This guy is a fake first and foremost. His heritage has nothing to do with the decision he made to be a fraud.

Powwow chick22

True, but he’s making it look terrible for the true Natives and our real vets. I too believe as his ex stated that he should be removed from the Comanche roll. I will do some research on what needs to be done in that area.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Do his actions reflect on the Native American community, Yes

Do they reflect on that community more than any other heritage with a Fake Vet? No.

Stolen Valor and Race/Heritage have nothing to do with one another, however when any race that is not white has a person called out on a stolen Valor Issue race become part of the problem. It is almost never brought up by the stolen Valor Community but by those try to defend the actions of the valor thief.

In reading all of the post on the thread including the facebook post it was the person claiming to be his daughter who first made his heritage an issue. That other played into her tactic is sad.

This is a Stolen Valor issue. That his heritage had been tied to this issue is shameful but it is up to the Native American community to take action for the perceived loss of face.

Powwow chick22

There are too many wanna be’s that will let this stuff go because they need a Native no matter how much he shames the real vets. But then again, it’s he that has to live with the shame and wonder if people will confront him at the powwows in front of his children. And there again, he doesn’t think about the shame it will cause them too. Bottom line, he’s a phony and a stolen valor thief.