The William Derek Church apology

So we got an email last night from William Derek Church, also known as the Round Ranger. He sends this photo of his receipt where he allegedly turned over his uniform to Goodwill. It’s actually not proof of anything. It says “Clothes” so he might have given them his Scooby-Doo PJs, and even if he did turn over his uniform, that only means it’s available for another rotund phony to buy it.

But the photo comes with this email message;
Here is my proof where I took the uniform and gave it away. It is a photo attached.
Once again I’m sorry for the hurt, disrespect, and mess I have caused. I have openly admitted before that my actions were wrong and inexcusable. I guess I should thank you for giving me a chance to start over and be a better man. Now with the burden of the lies lifted I can be the MAN God would have me be. I have truly turned my life around and this has also shown me the commitment I have in many life. You may not choose too believe me but my wife didn’t know until the blog. This could have torn us apart but she chose to love me through it and help me see my errors and how to fix them. This has changed the way I view myself, I no longer need a lie to give me my self worth. So once again my formal apology for all threats, lies, hurt, and damage that have been caused. The uniform and medals were donated, what they have me as a receipt is attached. This is all I have.
You, other veterans, and service members have many up most repect.
William Derek Church
Well, he finally said that he’s sorry, even if he should have done it weeks ago. I’m just the messenger, but I’m done with him.
Well, except that this was spotted in the Lenoir Post Office and sent to us;

Category: Phony soldiers
We need to get boots on the ground at that Goodwill and secure that uniform and medals.
churchy’s wanted poster in the Lenoir Post Office…PRICELESS…
Love it!!!! A “WANTED poster in the wild” photo.
Would love to see more “in the wild” photos of these posters.
So he went to Goodwill on Presidents’ Day to donate his uniforms. That claim, along with a copy of the receipt, ought to be confirmable.
Now go forth and sin no more…cause if you do, we’ll find out about it, and then it’s Junior Rodeo on, motherfucker.
I’m suspending judgement here until we get confirmation that the uniforms were indeed donated to Goodwill.
I hope this ends up being one of the rare cases where a fraud cleans up his/her act. But given what we’ve seen in the past, I’m not quite ready to accept the claim at face value.
OK-I called the number from the receipt for Goodwill in Winston-Salem. That is the number for the office and they tried to connect me with the store, but no one answered. The issue for me is: is that the regional office for all Goodwill stores in Northwest NC or where he actually turned it in (Lenoir is about an hour and a half drive from Winston-Salem, but there are Goodwill stores all over NC)? I may try the Morganton and Lenoir Goodwill stores to see if they have a uniform jacket.
BTW-It’s still not what he said he did earlier, which was to sell or give it to a surplus store, but at least he has shown some contrition.
It hurt to read that apology, the grammar was so bad… no doubt it came from Waddlin Willie the Wotund Wanger.
I for one choose not to accept his apology as it came so damned late, and after so much garbage on his and his bridezillas part being directed at a great number of actual real Veterans.
He was supposed to hand that uniform off to his wifes cousin or that cousins wife… not just drop it off at some Goodwill location where verifying it will be next to impossible, as well as if he actually did drop it off this time that it is not found on some other posers fat ass again.
I believe nothing that fat ass has to say, and the damage is done. Maybe God will forgive him, but I am not ready to.
In post 1172 of this thread
William Derek Church stated that he donated the uniform on the 9th of February
No when you donate something you don’t have to get a receipt and I didn’t because I did not want to take it off on my taxes. My name is not anywhere, your free to call and check… I could careless. I folded it, bagged it, and donated it.
That receipt says 17 February, which was yesterday.
Above he states
I no longer need a lie to give me my self worth.
Either he is lying about turning in the uniform and medals or he lied about when he turned them in.
Also he said he donated them to a surplus store.
Also.. he has never admitted that he wasn’t a “SNIPER< RANGER< SSG RANK< DEPLOYED COMBAT VET< SHOT 7 TIMES"
I don't understand how you can apologize for lysing, but not state what you lied about
A wanted poster at a Post Office… fucking epic!
I wonder if he will write the uniform off as a tax deduction next year, assuming he did indeed donate it this time vice the “surplus store” non-donation from his last apology. Trivial question, I know…
Here’s the number for Lenoir Goodwill (828) 758-7715
I am getting a busy signal.
I have spoken to the goodwill in lenoir, they have my number. I explained what was going on and they are putting hands on it now and will call me back. I will make a substantial donation to them.
I will go pick it up and dispose of it properly.
Goodwill in Lenoir says they can’t confirm yet, they are looking and to give them about 30 minutes.
What we dont want to do is overwhelm goodwill with Calls.
We will know soon enough if this is real.I would like to take a wait and see stance until the turn is is confirmed or denied.
I called the Lenoir Goodwill Store #27. The gentleman confirmed that yesterday a class A Army uniform and medals were donated. He has had several calls and since someone else, I assume from here, gave him a call back number when it is found in storage and verified, I did not bug him anymore. So, perhaps it is true, we will see when the call back happens and the caller posts. The gentleman agreed the donation stood out like a sore thumb being what it was.
I am glad Church has done this…finally since he previously stated he had already, disposed of them. But it happened yesterday.
At any rate, when the uniform is found and verified I, like Jonn am pretty much done with William Derek Church.
I do hope when the uniform is found that someone in the area can retrieve it and make sure it finds a proper home.
@4: Fuckin’ A right, bubba!
Yep they have my call back number. When confirmed I will lay hands on it
@12: Thanks for taking point. I appreciate it.
@12 Enigma4you Thank you being heads up on this. If the Goodwill wants an arm and leg for it, let me know via an email through Jonn and I will be glad to help. Thanks again brother.
By the way, Enigma4you…if you turn out to be a woman and I got it wrong again then I will stop posting here! 😀 I am already two for two in that “bad call” department!
Sparks, Enigma served on USS CORAL SEA back in 1988, so I’m pretty sure you got it right this time…
Yep I pee standing.
Well done, gents.
Enigma4you – What Old Trooper said. Thank you and I also appreciate your diligence.
Awaiting confirmation. If verified, I’m done.
Here’s a clue for you, Church.
If you did turn in that uniform and the medals, that was the right thing to do. Don’t dress up like a soldier, Marine, sailor or USAF, or even a Coastie EVER AGAIN.
If you really want to play dress-up, which apparently turns on your beloved, then get yourself to a Star Trek convention or a Star Wars convention or something. Your signif other can dress up like Princess Leia in the gold bikini, if she wants to.
Here’s the info:
There’s something going on in April not too far away from you and you can literally be ANYONE YOU WANT TO BE, including a Klingon, and you can make up all the heroics you like. No one will question you. There are makeup artists at those cons who will turn you into a Klingon in less than an hour. Klingons are sexy as hell.
Enigma: if recovery turns out to be pricy, drop me a note and I’ll kick in to help.
— break —
Ex-PH2: well, at least you didn’t suggest they go to the next, nearest “Furry convention” . . . . (smile)
Well it sounds like Church finally figured it out. Of course he still couldnt follow instructions by turning it in at the American Legion or giving it to his Wifes cousin. So we are still doing all the work on verification. I can bet that he didnt turn in the OG Green Shirt, the Black and Tan Beret’s, all the pin on rank and all the ribbons and medals. He is probably still sporting the 82nd Ball Cap and I am sure there is more. To be truthful I hope I am wrong and it was all turned in. Now we just need to wait and see. I would have been happier if he outlined all his lies in the Apology, at least he made an attempt.
Still waiting on updates from the NCARNG in regards to an FOIA and also from the news media. But I will post it up when I hear.
I just spoke with Ron, who is the General Manager for Goodwill in Northwest NC.
There was a Uniform Turn in yesterday, No awards or medal were thought to have been on it. It was put on the floor and sold. They know the buyer and have left messages for her to call them back.
When Goodwill receives a uniform with Medals or any other type of award they are removed before the uniform is sold. They do not want them sold for security and sentimental reasons. Ron did say there is a small chance that that there were Awards on the uniform but its unlikely. It looks at this time like Church did turn in the Uniform but kept the awards.
WRT the cost, if it is high, come 1MAR2014, I can send a donation in to help, also.
Just let me know.
Also what was turned in was a uniform dress dacket, shirt and Trousers.
He should have dropped the uniform and medals off at an American Legion or VFW post if he wanted to “dispose” of them.
What a dirt bag…
Great work TAH staff and all the rest of you that went after this guy. I know there is still a lot of anger at the guy, the content of the apology and the manner of the uniform disposal, but don’t let the fact that you guys actually got this guy to apologize and turn his stuff in get lost in all that. Most of these guys are gonna go to the grave not admitting they did anything wrong. But you got this one and there is one less poser out there. Great work. E4U, I also will help pay for the stuff if you like, and thanks for stepping up to do that.
The whole outfit sold for 3.75 . Ron was confidant that they could get it back. I told him I would pay a substantial amount for it. Thanks for the offers to assist. I will let you know if its needed.
Starting to look like you may be right, MSGRetired.
churchy-boy, the only award you are entitled to is the National Defense Service Medal; you need to turn in all the other medals, ribbons, insignias, PRONTO!!!
So he lied on the 9th when he said he turned the uniforms into a surplus store?
Is this guy an adult?
No wonder he never rose beyond the rank of PFC!
I’m wondering where the medals are? The Tan Beret?
The Hat with SSG rank and 82nd Airborne patch?
Glad he dumped the uniform, though not how he was supposed to. His apology still rings hollow as it was so piss poorly written and did not even identify what he was apologizing for…
Sorry, just not feeling the love or like forgiving the bastard. Maybe it is because of all those I have seen with real wounds and injuries from the War. Hell I have my own damned set of baggage I lug around from my 12 years of duty that Waddlin Willie and those like him will never undertsnd.
He shits all over us and all those who have died, and expects to be forgiven for one half assed written apology?
Screw you Willie and that fat ass horse you rode in on. You are a scum bag and always will be. You will have to work real hard to make ammends for your fraud on the honor of real soldiers, real Rangers, and real Paratroopers who have earned the honors you so casually stole.
Yes Willie, get yourself some professional help but you can take your apology and shove it up your ass.
Enigm4you, Kudos on all you are doing to recover that Uniform. Wish we knew what he did with everything else he paraded around in. Especially the Medals.
Follow Me! Airbone! All the Way! Let’s go!
Ok I have to travel, will check in Mobil, If I hear anything else from Goodwill I will post it ASAP
He just doesn’t get it. The only option now if for him to turn in all the rest of the stuff with the ribbons, badges, and Medals to the local American Legion or his wife’s cousin. Period. I personally will not accept anything less. I am still having a hard time with the Apology as well. I want a detailed Apology outlining all of his Phony Claims anything less just wont do at this point. Its been a month and a half and he is still too stupid to figure it out.
I was privy to some info that the other day that his wife supposedly threw everything away and now low and behold he is turning in a uniform at Good Will, so just another friggin LIE.
So it was turned in and then bought almost immediately? Color me skeptical, but I wouldn’t be shocked if the buyer was Church’s wife.
Enigma-is it a regulation ASU jacket? If so, what size is it? I have been issued everything but the jacket and who knows when I am going to get that (my DA photo in the old greens is still good, but I will need a new one next year at least), so if you do get it and are willing to sell it, I might buy it if it is the right size.
I’m with you #38. Techincally he’s entitled to the uniform. It was all the patches, beret and most importantly the ribbons and medals that made him a phoney. Oh that, and the bullshit story he came on here and spouted. NUSS device installed. LOL! what a crock of shit. He wouldn’t know how to tell the truth if it punched him in the mouth.
Love the wanted poster!
Caught, busted, fanaggled, lied, delayed, turned in. Not pretty by any means. Guys like this usually resurface after a lay-low period. I hope not in his case.
@40 Actually he is not entitled to the Uniform, he never received a Discharge from the Army only the National Guard, and never spent enough time on Active Duty to get a DD214, so he is not entitled to anything.
Also if any of you care to post so the locals in Lenoir get to see whats going on here is the link.
Fuck this guy. I’m pretty sure he is sorry,,,, sorry he got caught. It is what is it though. He gave his word and turned in at least part of his uniform. He had his nuts dragged through the wringer and is on the skyline, There are enough people in his area, including relatives that are watching his ass. If he tries it again there is nothing saying we can’t shift attetion back to him, Hes a preregistered target. It woyuld be easy as hell to shift back and light his ass up again,
Im done with him.
I’m glad he apologized. Very few ever seem to, and once they do, I lose interest.
Dude had to look in the mirror both before and after he was exposed, and if he liked what he saw before, he wouldn’t have had to play dress up. Improbably, he’s fooled a woman into loving him, and he’s going to have to live with the scorn she’ll inevitably feel looking upon their wedding album. Given that most marriages end in divorce, he’ll probably spawn with her and end up in arrears forever on child support after she finally realizes that it’s hard to carry the load for one suboptimal human being, let alone a spouse.
Life is punishment enough for some. G-d bless, Mr. Church. Chin up, make something decent of yourself through all this.
@44 BK
That should read “chins”… 😀
Does good will accept uniforms? The place in my town (Fairbanks Alaska) has a sign at the donation area stating that hats and uniforms will not be accepted but boots and shoes are ok.
Next time churchy-boy shows up at the local Hooters, the Hooter Girls there will probably slap the shit out of him. Girls don’t like being lied to, especially young pretty ones who work for Hooters…
A “Churchborne” Ranger.
Also, I used to have one of those shirts but I cannot ever remember wearing it out of the house.
I’m very skeptical, and think this guy is a liar and he’ll always be one.
As for his apology, I don’t need Church’s respect.
Fuck that guy.
He’ll be back.