Anthony Goddard; phony gunny
![Anthony Goddard](
Scotty sends us his latest – Anthony Goddard who claims that he was a Marine for 20 years, that he retired after combat in Beirut and Desert Storm. Three Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star Medal with a Valor device. Scotty is still waiting for the FOIA from the Navy on his awards, but the NPRC sent his assignments and his dates of service Oct 1980 – June 1982;
![Anthony Goddard Assignments](
A year and eight months in service. He claims he was in Beirut in 1982, but the 32nd Marine Amphibious Unit (MAU) didn’t arrive in Beirut until Goddard had been out of the Marines for three months. And, of course, he was out eight years before the Marines arrived in Saudi Arabia in 1990. He spent a lot of money on the costumes and the forged certificates for his photo shoot, though.
Category: Phony soldiers
20 months, thats the same as 20 Years if your a Phony !
Suddenly posers are all over the place like cow shit in a cattle stockyard!!
I don’t like buying the shit I am authorized to wear. Much less spending money on shit I didn’t earn.
how much you want to bet he’s been faking since he got out, and as time goes buy he has been adding rank and awards to his (phony) service record each year?
If we could collect all the Phony shit these clowns wear we could stock a Surplus Store !
They say there is no such thing as an EX-Marine (unless your name is Lee Harvey Oswald) but this turd comes pretty close.
Love the UA time in there too.
This REALLY pisses me off, given that he served as a Marine.
Sent an email to the web site on Scotty’s page on this scum-sucking, low-life turd. Will be interesting to see if I get a response.
Notice the two AWOLs. The bastard is a coward! That’s what he is.
In addition to the obvious interesting items displayed by this wonderful speciment of fakery, did anyone else notice that in the background of one picture, his Bronze Star and Purple Heart certs have the Marine Corps emblems on them, but in another they have some other little mark instead (a star on one of them, something else on the other). Couldn’t zoom in close enough to read the citations but I’m sure it for something heroic like actually shaving! and the Purple Heart is for cutting himself while performing said heroic action.
I’m thinking someone out this asshole a while back, like the DI association or Parris Islans page, Probably has a lotto do with that photo-shopped image of him wearing all his DI finery in front of the Parris Island Sign.
holy crap. the pic of him standing in front of the gate at Paris Island, is that shooped? or did he really have the balls to stand out in front of there and take a pic? Also, gotta love the Purple Heart tattoo.
@9, yea, in one of the pics the Purple Heart on certificate on one pic looks kind of squashed down, the other looks like it is shaped correctly. At some point he went from having them in simple frames to having them matted(?) and framed.
Does he have the Purple Heart tattooed on his forearm????
Woe I wasn’t a Marine but this guy is rockin’ the full parade! Looking at the picture, I think he could stand a little closer to his razor.
To all you honorable Marines out there, is one Marine service stripe equal to four years?
Wow, this guy has OCD. All of his award certificates, shadowbox, clock, love-me photos, and Drill-Instructor Creed are perfectly balanced on his “love-me wall.” Also, the two bottom images of him have him wearing those wrist things that Lance Armstrong made popular some time back. Anthony Goddard is wearing two – one on each wrist and they are both the same color and symetrically worned. More proof of symmetry, he is wearing E-7 rank, Gunnery Sergeant stripes and rockers that total “five.” He is also wearing “five” servive stripes. Five and five. In the first TAH image, he is wearing twelve full-size medals and six unit citations. The twelve medals balance out with three rows of four each. The top row depict “personal” medals while the other eight are service and if you look closer- the bottom four are actual medals for service in “specified” foreign countries. His six service ribbons make two complete rows – nice and filled. His USMC pathces depic the numbers 1 & 2 and the third has that symbol with three points at the bottom of this set of three. I am unfammiliair with USMC patches. His two shooting badges are sharpshooter badges because they closer resemble each other to the human eye – as opposed to the expert badges of crossed rifles and pistols – or the pizza boxes. This last part is debabteable but his tattoos on his arms are also symmetrical. The tattoos are not identical but the shapes and placement of objects are almost dead on centered on both forearms! NOTE: If this guy come heres. We can rub salt into his world by telling him that his medals are cocked-eyed in his shadowbox – as seen on Scotty’s page. The ribbon on the Navy/Marine Achievement Medal is cut too short to hang with the other three. The National Defense and Armed Forces Expeditionary Medals, again, are too shot to hang with the Marine Good Cookie and Marine Expeditionary Medals. And his Southwest Asia medal dangles too short in relation to his MFO and the two Liberation of Kuwait medals. Scotty,… Read more »
Sparks: affirmative on the service stripes.
This is why I should always look at Scotty’s first before commenting.
@14 Brownwolf, he has OCD pouring out of his ass! Still most of his photos, the fatigue one especially, the guy REALLY needs to shave closer. I never saw a Marine Gunny that didn’t have a clean shave and I mean close and clean!
His soliloquy of nightmares and bad thoughts and all the usual “I got the PTSD” jargon, is touching…but as full of shit as the Christmas Turkey.
I just guess I’ll never understand this whole business.
@15 Marine_7002 Thank you sir.
@8 Bangle99 – good catch, I didn’t see that til you pointed it out.
Actually, he has one instance of UA (AWOL), the dates show when he went UA and when he returned.
He was gone for a whole month, so he flirted with being declared a deserter.
This fucker never got past PFC, if he even made it THAT far.
Dude looks diseased.
Marine__7002, I wondered if I read the UA dates correctly as “from” and “to”. Thanks for confirming that.
I can’t tell if that shot in front of the Parris Island entrance sign is shopped or not, because his feet are cutoff where they would touch the ground. It looks ‘almost’ real, and I’m not sure his photoshopping skills are all that good.
But yeah, the wannabe mixed in with the phoniness is painful to see. At least he isn’t pretending to be someone else, like Gunny Frank, who would fry his ass in lard and feed him to a pack of hungry coyotes.
The tat on his left bicep appears to end with “killer”. Can’t make out the rest of it. Do you guys know anybody who actually earned a Purple Heart that has a tattoo of it?
Goddard got the face of a person that shits all over himself the minute someone probably confronts him on his garbage.
Geez, I MUST NOT make entries when I’m thinking about squirrels and blizzards.
“At least he isn’t pretending to be someone else, like Gunny Frank, who would fry his ass in lard and feed him to a pack of hungry coyotes.” SHOULD BE AS FOLLOWS:
At least he isn’t pretending to be someone else like bernastypantsman is doing. I would like to turn someone real loose on this squmswizzler, like Gunny Frank who would fry his ass in lard and feed him to a pack of hungry coyotes.
I give up. My mind is fried by the blowing snow outside my windows.
@16 Sparks, Thanks for bringing up the lack of shaving and OCD. Males diagnosed with OCD tend to overs-have – thus butchering their face wide open – especially the corners of the mouth, directly under the nose, and their chin slit open and raw. I noticed that his cheeks are sunken-in and he does not smile in any of his images. His sunken cheeks are indicative that he has had more than the usual amount of molars removed from his mouth. If he does have OCD, then he is apprehensive of brushing his teeth with “dirty” toothbrushes. He buys a new brush, uses it once – it becomes dirty after one use, in his OCD mind – and it sits on the bathroom sink until he buys another. He probably does not smile because his teeth have mostly rotted out from his OCD fears of contaminating his mouth with a dirty brush. Interestingly, he picked “USMC drill instructor” as his choice of phony persona. Drill, precision, and order are the traits of some OCD patients. His preferred years of service, 1980-2000. “2000” what a nice whole and perfect number, sarcasm! At first look, I thought he had more than one shadow-box but it is the same one that is slowly evolving into something an OCD patient needs to perfect and master but will never satisfy him regardless of what-ever he does to it. The depot image of him, his hands look pink, raw, and chapped – perhaps from over-washing them. If you go back to Scotty’s place and scroll down to the image of him wearing a gray sleeveless “Marines” top – the window shades are covered in seran-wrap (spelling?) – thus keeping the bacteria, dirt, creatures, and debris put of his personal space. The depot image does look photoshopped. The shadows on his body do not line up with the background shadows. Maybe, he didn’t want to catch Marine coodies! For being a Marine phony, he sure is one of the sharpest uniform wearing ones (except for unshaven look in some images). I can keep writing but I need… Read more »
wow, an absolute phony who is actually wearing the uniform properly from what I can tell. At least he did his research. Too bad he didn’t do any research into this website otherwise he might have had second thoughts before he ever put it on
Got to love these phonies… they go out and spend all that dough on the uniforms, medals, fake documents and photos and they don’t have a lick of common sense to shave when putting on a uniform (and the uniform looks like it was ironed with a hot rock).
BTW – his service entailed basic training, School of Infantry (SOI), assignment to 1/3 in Hawaii, then transferred to Camp Pendleton for discharge. “Gunny” also went UA for a month during his time at SOI… probably was booted out of the Corps.
Hey “Gunny”, you had the balls to pose for a picture in front of the gate to Parris Island… what would you do if a bunch of Marines came out and knew that you were lying about your service? Bet you a real Gunny would have taken your sorry ass aside for some intense “bulkhead counseling”. I’ve got more time with the Corps that you do…
Question for you honorable Marines reading. What is the medal he wears which is dark red with dark blue stripe and 3 bronze stars? Not familiar withe Navy/Marine type decorations, sorry.
@26 – I think it is the Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal
@25 HMCS (FMF) What does the nomenclature of your screen name mean? If I may ask sir. I gather enough from reading posts you are Navy and I think a Medical career man. So I don’t get in trouble again…Lord help me, if you are a lady, please forgive the “sir”.
@27 Yep, That’s it! Thank you.
I agree. I was not USMC, but the uniform (wear) appears appropriate, I guess.
How did he get caught? Outrageous claims of heroism and derring-do?
Guys a shitstain,,, first off if he retired in 2000, none of those cammies he is sporting as a “Gunny” were even issued until well after he retired. The photoshopped Parris Island pic has the name of the CG that was there in 2010,,, lat but not least I get a kick out of how he was an instructor at Jungle “Warfair” school.
Well, I just went over to Scotty’s place and looked at what he has on this butt nugget. Just damn. Dude looks like a crack whore playing dress up. Yeah, I know, if ya got the tats, you’re obviously legit. Well, they should make this guy get another tat that says “fucking poser” and have it put on his forehead.
Hey Sparks, I’ll take a stab at it, He would be Corpsman, Senior Chief, with Fleet Marine Force (FMF) assignments (I hope) I’m really getting better at the whole Navy rank thingy since we have so many here at TAH. And the amount of time I spend on TAH…
Oh, the whole from to AWOL time of 30 days is pretty typical(of these types of asshats), just below the Deserter threshold, but maximizing the amout of ‘freedom’ before the Green Weenie gets inserted…
P.S. I should note the FMF part is kind of a BFD among Corpsman, especially if he rates the FMF warfare device as the requirements are quite rigorous…
Google is a wonderful thing. I found it
HMCS: Senior Chief Hospital Corpsman (E-8) Fleet Marine Force
Thank you “HMCS(FMF)” for your service!
@21 I have met a few guys who do have a Purple Heart tattoo. I have Purple Heart licence plates. I would not ever get a tattoo of it and I would not have licence plates if they did not allow for me to park at the airport for free and use tolls for free in Texas. Did not get them until 2012, which is 4 years after I retired.
Anyone know what that one nedal is between the Southwest Asia Service Medal and the Kuwait Libetation Medal is,,, the orande white and black one?
I think that’s the Multinational Force and Observer Medal, Just an Old Dog, the one for the Sinai.
Butt Nugget suffers from “night mares”? He sees horses in his sleep?
The SV Tourney is going to need quarterly eliminations if these turds keep squirming out of the sewers.
Correct, Jonn. The shadow box photo at Scotty’s site shows it very clearly.
You are right, I have never seen one of those issued to a single Marine. Not saying it didnt happen, but pretty sure they were issued only to individuas wo were assigned to a Nato observation unit, as an individual. Proves what a compltete dumb ass this guy is if he thought that Marines who went over as part of a MEU to Beruit got issued that.
I doubt if there was anyone below the rank of Capt ever assigned to that duty, and always as an individual.
Jesus, this guy is a beyond words. His I love my own shit so mush I sniff it wall is something.
No words, Fuck him and his imaginary world.
The criteria for the MFO Medal also excludes Lebanon.
Okay, I’m back and had time to read his written words – LOONEY TUNES!
I re-looked at his images and he has some sort of bubble wrap type stuff over his window and behind the blinds. I was looking at the images through a small handheld device earlier today. Anyway, whatever is really covering his window is separating him inside his bubble world and the outside. The outside world is scary for him to look at and hear!
His Photoshop skills are much better than Bernath – in the fact that he does not leave residue in the images. Moreover, he professionally removed the grassy background and only has a blank backdrop in his USMC promotional stuff.
His depot image definitely Photoshoped. The shadows do not line-up and those “welcome” signs to most military bases stand at 12 to 16 feet, standard – when they are brick walls. He would be approximately nine feet tall if the ratios were correct.
Another telling feature of Photoshoping at the depot – we cannot see the bottom of his feet on the actual ground because – more than likely – his Photoshop creation suffers from the “floating feet” effect from superimposed images that are not related.
Oops, I meant LOONEY TOONS! Darn auto-correct!
1 fraudulent Purple Heart = 1 minute in a soundproof room with 1 Veteran awarded the Purple Heart. All laws suspended for 60 seconds per, no lawsuits permitted relating to the outcome.
So that’s 3 minutes with 3 combat wounded Veterans in the soundproof ‘den of karmic justice’. Seems fair to me.
He does keep a clean house though…I’ll give him that
I think the SVT should have a “Best Dressed Phony” award…he’d be a shoe in
Mrs. Brownwolf took a look at one image – on Scotty’s page – and she thinks it is an image of a triple-scoop soft serve vanilla ice cream cone tattoo next to his unauthorized Purple Heart tattoo. Here is the image at Scotty’s:
Piece. Of. SHIT!!