Mark Hans Smith; Sockpuppet phony
This one is from our friends at Guardian of Valor and it’s about Mark Hans Smith, by his own accounts he’s one of the top snipers in the US military. What? You don’t believe it? Well, check out this barely literate story he sockpuppet-wrote about himself.
I guess he failed punctuation in grade school. But, GoV busted him getting free training for his dog, which he also decorated with stolen valor finery. Don’t blame the pup. But when GoV advised the dog trainers to challenge Smith for his DD214, Smith dissipated into thin air. Or fat air, whichever is more appropriate.
According to his 2-1, he served almost a year as an infantryman, then he went to be a supply sergeant/unit armorer.
Here, compare the FOIA to the picture at the top of this post;
Actually, I’m surprised that he’s not who he says he is. He was really good at pinning all of those badges on his jacket. Who wouldn’t believe him? Oh, yeah, GoV has pictures of his truck, too. Dude doesn’t know when to stop. Anyway, they say he’s out shopping for more free shit to steal from real combat veterans up there in Washington state. So be on the lookout.
Category: Phony soldiers
Sloppy Joe.
This fucktard earned the EIB, which is no easy feat; he should have stuck to the truth and kept his self-respect instead of descending into the SV shitpool and soiling himself with all the other posers and embellishers…
Wow, Soup Sandwich has a cousin.
Trying to steal from those doing good things for Vets=total assmonkey in need of a beat down.
WIth all the metal this assclown is wearing, you gotta know that he’s “high drag, low speed”.
“Shitty” Smitty… next time you sockpuppet yourself, mix in a spellcheck before you post.
Some grunts have told me that an EIB is damn hard to get…maybe harder than the CIB…but less hazardous to your health.
All I can think looking at that pic is, that poor Gortex! He pushed all those pin on badges through that jacket. Hope he likes feeling a little wet spot forming on his chest when the rain starts leaking in through those holes. Seeing as how he started out as Infantry you would think he would have a better grasp of what is and is not legit. SF tab on the right shoulder? sure. CIB 3rd award? why not? I’m sure there may have been a few crusty old bastards still in the Army back in 82 when he first got in that could still wear one of those.
I can’t believe it! He’s rockin’ a THIRD CIB award! How ‘tarded do you have to be to not know what wars and eras the CIB was authorized for?
It’s never enough for some people, is it?
Dude–stop. Free shit ain’t worth your soul, and you’re taking away from a person whose needs far outweigh yours, no pun intended.
Hell, I don’t even get the free lunch/whatever on Veteran’s Day. I know I served with honor, and I don’t need someone shoving a burger under my nose to remind me of that.
Would you younger vets help me out? If you saw combat in Iraq then did a combat tour later in Afghanistan would you have 2 CIBs?
Even if so, that would put this guys third award back to Vietnam I believe. I don’t remember if they were awarded for Grenada and Panama, Somalia and so forth. Thanks for the answer.
@9, Sparks, no, you would only have ONE award of the CIB. I served with several guys that one or more tours in both countries and they only had one award. same goes for CMB/CAB
As Hondo stated in an earlier post, CIB award is based on specific time periods specified by DOD. An 11-series grunt who served four deployments, two in Iraq and two in Afghan, would only qualify for award of ONE CIB. For a serving infantryman to get two CIB awards, he would have had to serve in Vietnam and ALSO the GWOT…
@11–not exactly. IIRC, the Vietnam-DS Era CIB award period was from 1961-1995, meaning someone in DS/DS or Somalia could have earned one as well.
But three? Hard enough to do WWII/Korea/Vietnam, where again, IIRC, barely 500 ever qualified to do so, meaning the YOUNGEST of those folks are in their late-80’s. Make it Korea/Vietnam/GWOT? Yeah, not exactly seeing it, and even then you’re theoretically talking early 80’s at best.
I saw one badge/ label that he completely rates,,, the A POS on his flap A Piece Of Shit,
SJ: The EIB is pretty difficult to get. I got mine on my fourth try and the year I got mine only five of us im my Battalion got it. The last task is a 12 mile road march followed by dissasembling and reassembling your rifle and doing a function check. If you failed to properly do the function check you had to do the 12 miler all over again the next day. I’ve seen quite a few guys get the 24 mile EIB.
If respect is what you want. One CIB is enough. Talk about over kill. This dumb ass, being former infantry, should know better. Sporting the three CIB’s he should know he’s going to get called out.
NHSparky, you’re correct, I was unsure off the top of my head when the Vietnam-era CIB cutoff date was…
@14, Twist I got some news that will make you puke. As of 2005 (the last time I tested) the PT test and road march for the EIB? They are now pre reqs, just like weapons qual. That means your unit certifies you meet all three of those events to EIB standards BEFORE test week.
I only had two shots at my EIB. I no-goed out both times with only 3-4 stations to go. I tested twice for my CIB and thankfully I didn’t no-go out.
The CIB thing pisses me off. I went through hell and earned mine. He is more than welcome to the pictures that I got put in my head while earning the CIB.
@17, Andy, I know, I last graded in 2007. I remember being a blade runner. The two stations a failed were challenge and password and grenade identification. Talk about brain farts.
@18…..the memory of earning that CIB never leaves. I too think about it all the time.
One of the posters there said it would be more convincing if he had on a PT belt. Heh! It does seem he has the Air Force gloves look on.
Its the Chins I tell ya the Chins What in the name of Krispy Kreme do these fuck sticks eat that make them tell all the Fantastic Stories ..
That third CIB award is for the Battle of the Bulge, the one around his fat ass.
So what all exactly is he sporting on that jacket?
The only award he’s wearing that he’s earned is located in the middle upper on his jacket. A POS, which stands for a piece of shit!
Reason #1 sentence structure and grammer.
Reason #2 use of MIL speak.
Reason #3 checking with VA!
Again LEGIT.
He’s mixing miniature awards with full-sized awards, which is always verboten on any uniform, whether field or dress.
Here is the URL for my own post about proper display of military awards and insignia:
He has an honorable, even enviable service record, for serving the same amount of time I did (i.e., nine years), he left with more rank than I had (I was only a corporal), AND he successfully earned an Expert Infantry Badge, something which I never qualified for.
I wonder if he left the service after suffering a head injury, or a mental problem?
Even if the Crossed Arrows were authorized, aren’t they being displayed upside down?
First Sergeant is a position, not a permanent rank.
When no longer serving as a company first shirt, if still on active duty, the rank reverts to Master Sergeant.
The pay grade is the same, it’s only the insignia that changes.
Worked on Benning for a spell. When TRADOC did EIB testing the post commander made it mandatory for EIB holders to wear the non-subdued on ACUs (it was what it was). It was affirming to walk around as a Sergeant-no-class and see CIB holding NCOs and Officers walking around sans-EIB. I have to admit I walked a little taller those days. Reminds me of a little saying, “stay in your lane”. Rang true then as well as today. And I KNOW this ass-clown has heard it, just wish he had applied it. Now you’re famous dude, congrats!
Going beyond all his self awarded finery, how did this semi-literate fuckstick make E-6? I’ve seen 2nd graders who can write better than this asshat.
As two others have already mentioned above the only part of his Gortex that is “uniform”, is the blood ID tag. In his case, self identifying. A POS = A Piece Of Shit.
I’ve read it 3 times now. WTF? That had to either have been written on a phone with auto completion/correct, or with really bad voice recognition software or by somebody drunk and on meth.
If the folks on GOV are up this freq: Bravo Zulu for doing such a complete job of researching this turd, and for helping the people he has ripped off and lied to.
@22, why you go and put that POS in my former service? Even us zoomies arent that brokedick.
Catm, at least he didnt steal your name.
I guess when he got out the military, he did not want it to end.
Or he was just a cheap freeloader even in the army.
Why do all these posers rock the same “boby by Budweiser” as John Giduck? All of them look like they haven’t been to a gym or had running shoes on since the 9th grade.
Giduck looks like he gets winded opening the fridge.
Dude gots more Tabs than a case of Pepsi.
If his “sharp shooting” skills were anything like his writing “skills,” I’d hate to be the guy standing behind him as he tries to shoot the target in front of him.
@35 Clairatt, That would have to be some bad voice recognition software.
My speech-to-text is very good at producing proper sentences, to include capitalizing the first letter, and not capitalizing others in the sentence unless I specify it. My worst results were better than what the azz clown posted above. His post was outright bad.
One possibility is that the retarded ghost that possesses him took over the writing when he made that post. Another possibility is that his one brain celled activity was too busy trying to take him over while he was typing… instead of doing its job.
As for Mark Hans Smith (google hit), BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
Are any of the people this fuckstick stole from going to turn him in? This guy deserves jail time.
This guy is an idiot it seems. The fake story. I can’t get to the phony blog because mil blocks certain blogs. Even scottys, which pisses me off.
This guy, I mean he is sitting here telling a ridiculous story about bases he was at in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thinking nobody will FOIA his ass? Guy left in 91..he could at least make up a story in 90s or 80s even.
Its like he decided to get on Netflix, watch all documentaries on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Probably have a notepad and started taking notes on what to use to make himself seem “legit”
Well asshole, only thing you got now is embarrassment and shame.
Okay, the “Stolen Valor” imposters are creeps or whatever you want to call them. They deserve whatever falls down around their head and world.
I kindly offer as a balance an article appeared in the FloridaToday paper on a local serviceman who is learning to walk again after a rocket explosion cut off both of his legs below the knees while in Afghanistan.
“Palm Bay” may have a familiar ring to you in that it was were another infamous person on this blog was stopped by the police for DUI. The Florida Today paper covers Brevard County, Florida and is home to another Stolen Valor idiot who has been written about extensively here on TAH.
The above article is touching, real and something that many vets are going through.
Sometimes I get sick of all the fakes and want to highlight the real deal.
Word has it from some of the boys (both sides; Officers and Enlisted) that the EIB has taken on a new level of precedence in that everyone has a CIB, but not an EIB.
Promotions, advancement, consideration and so forth.
This fool should be referred to as “Top Turd”.
My first thought was, “Who wears all the $hit on his Gortex parka?” Used to sew some of those merit badges on the Woodland camo field jacket, but we only put rank on the insignia loop on the front and maybe a mini-name tag on the sleeve with the pocket.
This guy is a fully qualified twatwaffle.
I know it’s the blood type, but isn’t it appropriate it is “A POS?” As in “a piece of shit.”