Anthony Magsam; Phony Gunnery Sergeant

| January 30, 2014

Magsam speed racer

This is Scotty’s work again on this fellow who used to be a cop in Philadelphia, until he stole some parts from some of the Philly PD’s fully automatic weapons, ostensibly to make his own weapons automatic. You know, because no one would ever notice that parts had been swapped out. You can read the story of the cover-up and the SWAT Team showing up at his front door at Scotty’s place.

Anyway, he liked to brag about his career as a Marine Corps gunnery sergeant. You can see at his Facebook page he calls himself Gunny Tony. The NPRC says “Who?”

Magsam FOIA1

I guess he was tossed from his Motorcycle Club, too, but I don’t know how he joined with that pocket racer he’s riding in the picture above. I noticed that the jacket in the picture has a CIB on it, nice trick for a Marine. He’s also wearing a “Bronze Star for Valor” patch on it. Probably to honor someone’s service (their main excuse). Anyway, you can read the whole story of his problems with the Philly PD at the links at Scotty’s page.

Category: Phony soldiers

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A Proud Infidel


Green Thumb

I know an MC down in Florida that would definitely admit him.


Nice work Scotty, another shitbag exposed !

Old Trooper

So, he was a loser as a cop? Then, he decides to play Marine? This punk couldn’t get hired as security at McDonalds.


Great job by Scotty as always. A few choice quotes from one of the linked articles:

“Magsam, 30, traveled a different path from most of his 25 former colleagues, who are mostly veteran cops who spent years toiling in districts before landing in the unit.

He joined the Police Department in 2003 and worked as a patrol cop in the 15th District. He transferred to the FIU on Feb. 20, 2008.

No one in the unit was surprised that he landed a plum assignment so early in his career.

“His mom was married to a big boss,” said one of the sources with knowledge of Magsam’s tenure in the FIU. “They pulled some strings.”

And of course he was qualified to be in that unit:
“But he noted that Magsam was an Army veteran and presumably had experience with firearms that would have served him well.”


@1: Did you ask Green Thumb if you could use that because copyright laws may apply?


Cried like a baby when he was finally caught. and given the option to resign instead of being fired. The thief should be crying that Bubba doesn’t make him his perm. bitch.

Old 1SG (retired)

He must be for real, he’s got a “chaplain” patch on his vest… A chaplain wouldn’t lie… would he?

What a dirt bag!


Jesus. What is with these people!!??

Just An Old Dog

Marine Gunny rocking a CIB vice a CAR,,, right,,,Pretty sure even if you were prior service Army and earned a CIB you don’t wear it as a Marine.
The point is moot. Guy never served.

Speaking of posers I may have to poke around the shipyard I used to work and check on two guys. One is a certified loon, so he is more funny than anything. The other one could be a problem. He is starting to get into higher management positions and doing social events such as “Toastmasters”. I knew him in the Corps. He was a Sergeant he was at his 8 year mark and had hit some bumps so he was getting forced out. I worked in the Yard with him for 7 years. After about 3 he started telling everyone he was selected for SSgt when he got out… The last year I was there we did a lunch for Marine Vets the day ofthe Ball and he was referring to himself as Gunny,,,

Pineywoods NCO

Geez…the stupid is strong in this one too.


You know, because no one would ever notice that parts had been swapped out.

You appear to be assuming that the Philadelphia PD runs its arms room the same way a military unit would. Last I heard, they’d lost track of at least one M16, and the only thing they were reasonably sure of was that nobody but a cop could have accessed the room it had been stored in. Considering they didn’t notice an entire select fire weapon vanished until they came up short on an audit, I wouldn’t be too confident that they’d notice a few missing pieces.

Roger in Republic

If you look carefully at the foto you will see that he is sitting on one of those kiddie toys that are found outside supermarkets. You know, the ones you put a quarter in that go up and down. This guy is a clown and he is shown here goof’n off. He may have a real bike at home, but he is still a fake.


Like someone noticed in another post about posers. You just can’t help but wonder what kind of other shady shit they’ve done (or are up to).


@ 1. That is harsh! I don’t even think that word with permission from Green Thumb!

About this moron: He is a phony biker too. Look at the toy he is sitting on!

HS Sophomore

@13-good point. Now THAT is pathetic.

Green Thumb


At least “they” are taking action and seem to be doing the right thing.


lol @ Army Gunny

Sounds like there is more posers around this guy simply because nobody called him out earlier.


Dimeler (Facebook commenter): actually, there have been Chaplains who were busted for stolen valor as well:

He became a chaplain in 2006. He was busted for stolen valor in 2010.


A new item added to my own personal Utopian Pipe Dream.

Anyone posing as a former Marine is drafted into the USMC, sent to a “special” bootcamp, then transferred to USMC Correctional Custody and re-motivation facility, then dishonorably discharged.

THEN, and only after all the above, the civvies get their hands on him for their weaker forms of punishment.

Just An Old Dog

@ Grimmy,
Do you remember the CCP (correctional Custody Platoon) in ?Boot camp? it was like boot camp within boot camp,,, they used to wear orange chrome domes. At the chow hall they couldnt go to the machines for milk or bug juice, they had pitchers at the table,



Yep. And damned if we all, each and every one of us, threatened, often and loudly, with the fate of joining their ranks.


were threatened. were.

After rereading @22, it sounded a bit like we, dumbass recruits, were threatening to join the ranks of the CCP douches.

Nope. No how, no way. Life had plenty nuff suckage in it in just plain old, normal, every day type recruit plt.

Crimean War Protestor, aka A Proud Infidel

@6, Naaw, I didn’t, SPANK ME, COACH!!

@13, Roger, that, or it’s one of those 49CC 4-stroke scooters with a manual transmission, like the ones they rent out on the beach near my neck of the woods! *OOP!* I looked at the pic before hitting “post”, yeah, it’s a 25 cent kiddie ride, VERY fitting for a POSer like that nutless wonder!

Green Thumb

That’s probably the bike he rides around playgrounds…..

Roger in Republic

We had a case out here in Washington where an ex-enlisted guy talked someone in the Mormon church to ordain him, he took that to the Army and joined the Chaplains Corp. He bought a Bronze Star/V ribbon and wore it around post. He claimed all sorts of things that he never earned. He was caught and kicked out of the Army. He later started a chain of driving schools without hiring certified instructors. At one point he had a virtual monopoly on these schools. It took several years to put him in jail. Whenever anyone in state government would question his practices, he would sue. Wearing a bogus ribbon was not the least of his crimes but it should have been a clue to the powers that be that he was a fraud.

A Proud Infidel

Damn, a chain of “CDL Mills”? Stolen Valor is almost always just a mere side effect of a much larger problem, ain’t it?


Who is the guy Scotty,and where did he serve?

Green Thumb

Turd bucket.


@28 Scottydoesntknow – he shines on a light on valor-stealing turds like Magsam, that’s who he is.

What’s your problem? What does where he serve have to do with the fact that Magsam is a fraud and a fake?

I’m guessing you have an axe to grind, based on your “name”.


I just asked a simple question, you guys seem awfully defensive for a bunch of guys who talked tough in earlier comments. It just seems like green thumb and Scotty are the same person. And I was curious as to how Scotty came across this info. I did a 5 minute Google search and it’s verified in the newspaper articles that this guy served, so where did the letter from the National Archives come from? So I started to suspect other info wrote on here.I started the search because I’m in a motorcycle club also and was curious who he rode with. And the name comes from a song by Lustra, featured in the movie Road Trip. So I state my simple question again, who is Scotty and what are his credentials?


@31 You are apparently new here. Green Thumb and Scotty ARE NOT the same person. So, I will say that Scotty, if you are referring to Scotty in the initial topic report who sent us the info, runs a similar web site and finds articles in papers or things people send him and then, like here, the information is verified through the National Personnel Records Center, via the Freedom Of Information Act. With a request and payment, providing the veteran’s or person’s information, the NPRC will verify their service or lack thereof. It can be done by military members or the general public who may be civilians. The veterans here are pretty serious about the subject of Stolen Valor. For instance in this case you have a man who claims to be a Marine but wears a badge called a CIB or Combat Infantryman Badge. CIBs are ONLY awarded in the Army to certain MOSs that served in combat. No one is trying to be rude but please understand, we have people come here, sometimes the poser themselves, with odd screen names and challenge the evidence. So feel free to read, browse and comment but whether or not Scotty served or did not is beside the point. And yes I am familiar with your screen name and your source for it having seen the movie.


@32 I am new here and a veteran myself, but maybe I’m just a bit more observant (or aware of my surroundings) then some guys on here. All I had to do is read the article that was posted by Scotty to see it was verified by the Philadelphia Daily News that this guy was indeed in the Army and was discharged Honorably. So exactly how does a letter with no name or social security number show proof of anything when it contradicts other evidence posted? I don’t know if this guy served overseas and I don’t know if the CIB was earned or not, and I have no idea of why he is called Gunny but if your gonna call someone else out than you better have your facts straight.


@ 31. You are a moron of biblical fame. Your inability to first understand before being understood, laughable attempt to question long time members and contributers here and your childish investigations tehniques leads me to retort two things:



Any questions?


@31 – I would believe the NPRC over whatever you may have found in a newspaper article. We have seen numerous examples of posers’ false service claims being repeated by newspaper reporters who didn’t bother to verify them.


@33 For the purpose of this post, PII is redacted. That is my understanding. I guess I should refer you to the Contact link at the top of the page. The administrator can explain things much better than I. Other than that I would please ask that you tone down your attitude a bit. I think people here are welcoming to new posters as am I but you sound rather accusatory in your post. Just saying, questions are welcome but please be polite. I think I have been in my posts to you. Again, for the details of the inner workings of this blog and how information is obtained and verified, the administrator is the man to ask.


By the way, Stolen Valor refers to someone in uniform, or a close facsimile there of, or someone trying to pass them self off as a service member for personal gain. I’m a biker myself and take my cut as serious as my uniform, but I know it’s not the same thing. Do you have any evidence or pics of this guy in a USMC uniform? What was he trying to gain?


@ 33 veteran of what. The French Foreign Legion.

The press get it wrong all the time.


If you are new here STFU first and listen second … You might learn something.

One other thing sweet cheeks … All of our creds are on file in the NPRC and TAH HQ.

Your creds are not … So again read my comments above!



The record request from the National Personnel Records Center indicates that Mr. Magsam never served in the US Army nor in the US Marine Corps. Furthermore, the images on this website and at Scotty’s blog show a Mr. Magsam wearing patches for the Combat Infantry Badge, Bronze Star with the words “for heroism,” and another patch with Operation Iraqi Freedom/Campaign. The patches have the likeness/representation of symbols for which real service members have sweated, bled, died for and/or lost friends.

Mr. Magsam, by fraudulently wearing these symbols, corrupts their meaning because he himself has never served a single day in his life to the Armed Forces of the United States in any capacity, as validated through official military and government channels. He by wearing and making claims to these symbols has stolen the valor from those who have sacrificed far much more than most of us. That is why he is on this website.




@ 37.

Stick # 39 (Jonn’s comment) in your pipe and smoke that.

the Al

@39- Boom! Headshot!


@43 the Al, I wasn’t expecting that. Now I have to clean coffee off my monitor. 😀 Thanks my friend.


# 39 was the head shot.

# 40 was the post head shot head stomp.

Any questions?


@45 MCPO,

You have the honor of pickling him with an ice-cold bayonet.


Let’s leave it for the scavengers.


I’m not in Gilbertsville PA, but yes, I did find this website through Google. I am not Magsam,but I was formerly in the military. Through a contact at the pentagon, I found there was an Anthony Magsam who served in the Army and was stationed at Fort Drum NY around 2000 until around 2003. I am keeping this vague just in case it isn’t the same Anthony Magsam, but I call BS on this one. You should do your own homework when posting things. So boom head shot to your letter, it’s a fake, just I suspect most other things are on this site.


“Scottydoesntknow” – or should I say Magsam?

Your first four comments above were made through an AT&T wireless POP that is indeed located in Gilbertsville, PA.

Your last comment above (the one at 1:37PM today) was made from a Comcast cable broadband connection in Philadelphia, PA. So while you’re technically telling the truth in that comment, you’re also being deceptive as hell. Earlier, you WERE INDEED commenting from Gilbertville.

Now, how about you quit playing juvenile games. Either (a) act like an adult, or (b) go play in traffic, child – but do so somewhere else.


Oh, so Orgasm shows up here to “defend his honor”… nothing honorable about lying about being a Marine/Soldier and stealing weapons parts, is there?

Quotes are from

“HE STARTED crying, just a little at first, but then he couldn’t stop, and the tears flowed like a waterfall.

Officer Anthony Magsam was in a world of trouble. It was August 2009, police sources said, and the young cop with high-ranking relatives in the Police Department had just tearfully confessed to stealing parts from two automatic weapons from the department’s Firearms Identification Unit.”

Orgasm, you and the other officers that covered for you should have gone strait to the “federal pound you in the ass” lockup for what you did. My guess is that Mommy and Daddy exerted some “influence” to help cover your stupidity

“Magsam – whose mother, longtime police Sgt. Barbara Feeney, is married to retired Chief Inspector Michael Feeney – was quietly transferred from the FIU to Northeast Philly’s 15th District.”

What happened to the missing guns, Orgasm? Sell them to a group of gang-bangers?

“The audit found that as many as 45 guns were missing. That number has since been whittled down to eight guns, including a Tec-9 semiautomatic, police officials said.”

There’s a place in Hell waiting for Orgasm for what he did…


Hey Dumbass … GFY!

Contact at the Pentagon … BS!

No one at the Pentagon concerns themselves with such issues or would dare to conduct an unlawful review of records.


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