Army SEAL LTC Sam Waters
These things just write themselves sometimes, not a smidgen of research, just some cut and paste;
The narration for this last picture reads;
You can look me in the face and see how angry I am. I’m in three story house enjoying my Christmas meal with my supermodel wife and start student kids and my sat phone rings. General Cornwallace is on the phone telling me that I need to deploy and save some sorry as marines that got caught in a Taliban ambush. I told the general that marines are the weakest branch and there expendable anyway but I made my way to the Tarmac to hitch a ride so I could save the sorry bastards, but not before I could snap a picture on my way out the door. Merry Christmas everyone. think about those of us like me who can’t spend the holidays with there family!
You know, because he can be flown from the arms of his supermodel wife to a Taliban ambush in time to rescue those “sorry as marines” who ruined his Christmas.
I’m thinking that he’s not a lieutenant colonel, his name is not Sam Waters and I’m not going to spend a minute on researching El Spazoid here. Just point and laugh. Here is his Instagram account.
Thanks to Mike for the link.
Category: Phony soldiers
Clearly a dude trolling. Did you see the picture of the Special Needs Ranger?
Nothing says Army SEAL as good as the Baby Hughie physique. He’s gotta be legit.
OK … I gave benefit of doubt and checked story:,_1st_Marquess_Cornwallis
It doesn’t look like you need to call someone, with access to the SEAL database, to know that this guy is a phony and a turd. I don’t know if this retard has experienced an international flight.
From another of his pictures, (dude is actually kinda funny):
Just left a meeting with British Prime Minister David Cameron at Mi6 headquarters in London. We were discussing some classified items and I gave him look at the new joint U.S. – U.K. Intelligence center located underground the MI6 building. After that I gave him a break down of why the 75th would bust the SAS’s ass and that he needed to get them some remedial training with @capt_sturge and his men. We then headed to the queens castles where I met that old ass lady and gave her a pat on the ass and told her that’s the way we knight people in America. she called me a “lively bugger” and gave me a crumpet.
General Cornwallace? Really? You made up this whole fkn story and you couldn’t make up a better name than a british general from the Revolution? And spell it wrong to boot?
Achievement Unlocked: Went Full Retard
“You can look me in the face and see how angry I am”.
I think he meant hungry.
This guys chickens have left the farm long ago.
Nothing says, ANGRY LTCOL SEAL like taking a selfee!
That is ANGRY off the charts … you know … when you have to resort to … ah … selfees!
Holy crap he’s wearing my Brigade patch!
That’s the 49th MP Brigade, CA ARNG.
This Nikko Lazado’s White cousin?
What a frecking load.
Why are all these guys gigantic FATASSES?!?!?
Is it just me or does that top picture look like George Zimmerman?
And a fat one at that.
I wonder if he can be flushed?
They’re gonna drop him from an X-15 to HALO in to help those ‘sorry as marines’. Only way he’ll get there in time.
This has got to be Duffel Blog territory; isn’t it?
No one over the age of 4 is this gaddam stupid.
I’ll take a little mental illness with a pitch of failed public schools for 800, Alex.
Holy Jumpin Shit Storm !! WTF 2014 Has a Bumper Crop of Douche Nozzles..
But, then again, we did catch out a phony SEAL in our own unit during the deployment to Iraq.
@18 MSG Ret…
The sad thing is that some of them just aren’t even trying any more.
Instagram page taken down in less than 24 secs. No shit! There I was on it then commented here and went back and Bam, gone!
Yo, “LTC Waters” . . . Hillary called. Her village wants its idiot back. Return to base ASAP.
It’s true, I swear. I was the door gunner on the Space Shuttle that flew him from BFE to Afghanistan, he was sharpening his eyebrows the whole flight, the one that lasted 27 minutes.
This guy is the epitome of low speed, high drag.
UpNorth: BFE – that would be the famous Egyptian town, right? (smile)
The “Obama4yoMamma” link leads to a class of 2005 from Columbia High School. Guess I was right on the failed public school part, they let this retard graduate with his spelling skills. (I know I shouldn’t judge I went to public school in Florida)
UpNorth is right on. HE used to be my squadleader back when I was a LTG in the Navy Rangers. But he switch branches.
Lololol-Achievement Unlocked is right.
This has got to be a purposefully fake troll right? Right?
@24, it was, it now refers to Dearbornistan. Same place, different coordinates.
Look at comment #17 here. Asstard stole the picture of another faker (or his name is Frank “Greg” Ford) and of course the story is from Florida. Dammit!!
I’ll bet there’a 100 lb. Army nurse out there that could grab this guy by the lapels and kick his ass!
This guy is a bit more then the usual annoying poser…..sometimes an ass-kicking is the only cure.
Stop picking on our boy Elroy, Mark! He gave his 214 to dude from FO, so he MUST be legit! I iz gonna sues ya!!!
Then again, SEAL doesn’t mean WALRUS. Either in capability or appearance.
Personally, I’d like for this fat fuck to get dropped into the middle of Pendleton and tell those Marines they’re the “weakest service.” Just for the lulz.
In case anyone is curious, there is no LTC Sam Waters in AKO. There are 16 LTC Waters’. All but 5 are retired. Of the 5, 1 is in the IRR in Alaska, the other is in the ARNG in Kansas. There is one active duty MP who has a passing resemblance to our LTC Waters, less about 40 pounds.
Sorry I didn’t fully read the story (in my excitement to prove my smarts, yeah fucked that up) The story is from a Tampa paper but the picture of the bald guy looking down is Frank Ford out of California. The earlier story (in the forum) is from a guy in the Florida Guard.
Lay off, this one’s totally legit. I don’t like talking about it, but about 10 years ago we were tasked with taking out a legion of enemy stormtroopers…on Hoth, during the clone wars… I was in the gunner seat when our snowspeeder got hit and went down. I was hurt bad, but unlike that skywalker pussy, LTC Waters jumped out and attacked an AT-AT before it crushed me. Since his lightsaber was damaged in the crash, he actually had to eat the thing. Most amazing thing I ever saw. The president of space gave him 3 MoH’s, but they’re triple classified.
Fucker saved Hoth, yo. Those tauntauns are now free.
Ok, just a couple things here: In the one thread exchange, he says he was “looking operator as fuck”, because he put on a tacticool vest he bought off the internet and then he claims that he wore it to a bar to troll for free drinks and all the ladies wanted him, because he was “looking operator as fuck”??? It doesn’t get much more fantasy than that. He probably woke up with the sheets bunched around his crotch and bite marks on his pillow.
@34 reaperman
You win for best comment. Why? Cause that ass-wipe, Waters probably believes you.
Trooper – The guy’s a few fries short of a happy meal. He stole the picture of “Frank Gregory Ford” the Fake SEAL/whistleblower, so of course the only way for him to “troll for free drinks and ladies” is for him to play dress up.
Damn is this the first case of a faker stealing the photos of another well known fake and using as his? This is some fake Inception shit right here!!
He’s got to be careful turning around in that battle rattle in his suburban abode. He might damage his mom’s Hummel collection.
@37 It was bound to happen eventually that one of the phonies would use another fakers pics.
Such an obvious troll account, but considering how VWP and other trolls masterfully rustle jimmies around here, success troll is successful.
The picture of the trident pinned on the ACUs in asshat’s pictures is cut from a photo of Douglas Sofranko, another ARNG fake SEAL, that appeared in the Army Times.
Someone seriously needs to pay this douchnozzle a visit, and real soon!
He just Twittered me to explain, “the selfee of myself is for my CIA identification card and garage pass.”
4 days ago he was on a Stolen Valor page admitting that he’s a fake (and likes to suck dick) that and other Stolen Valor pages is where he got most of his photos. He is a Troll but I bet if we find out his real name we might find out he’s had a beef with a Stolen Valor page in the past or someone he knows has been exposed. Ok, I’m done with him now.
You mean that Chief Shipley isn’t going to investigate this gent to see if he’s legit? /s
This shitbag is trolling a TRUE hero – SSG Dominic Annecchini:
Troll Link:
Real Hero Link:
Commence fire, gentleman and patriots. This guy needs to go down in flames.
One more then I’m done. He was exposed 7 days ago by “Instagrin”. But he’s real transexualseal and frogmanseal said so! haha! Now I’m done.
Dude where to start with this lump of splooge? So he is deploying from his moms house to save us Jarhead’s from the taliban filth,with 3 mags and glow sticks? HAHHAHAHAH.I like the military issue sharpies,just wow.
I don’t know why my link in #47 just takes you to the photo instead of their post about it. I’ll try again. His pic is about half way down the page.
HEY, I was a Space Shuttle Door Gunner on one of his Jungle Missions on Tattooine, you should have seen him in his disguise, he looked EXACTLY like a great big Ewok!!