An admin announcement thing
In case you missed the weekend post about our battle against spam, I was averaging more than 50,000 spam comments/day, and some of you were getting caught up in the spam filter and I got tired of reading all of the spam comments to find yours so I changed the settings on the blog to require that you use an email address when you make your comment – and you have to have a previously approved comment to make it to the forum. I also closed all posts over ten days old to comments. I hated to do that, but I’ll probably turn it all off after the holidays when the spam lightens up a bit.
If you’re having trouble getting the blog to accept your email address or sign in name, like MCPO and Pinto Nag, just email me the email address you’re trying to use and the screen name you want and I’ll set up a profile for you – that seems to cure the problem. But, you’ll still have to get your first comment approved. I’m sorry that we have to do this, but I was overwhelmed Friday and Saturday and had to do something drastic.
I hope you all understand.
Category: Administrative
You do what you have to do and carry on….we’ll pick up the slack and do what we need to do.
Someone has got to be buying what the spammers are selling or they’d stop. Question is, who buys from spammers?
Jonn, thanks for all your work keeping TAH on the air!
50,000 Spam a Day!
Try this out …
I was expecting the obligatory mention of the Monty Python skit.
Testing, testing
Ken Daigneau, brother of a Hormel executive, named the product in a 1937 contest and won a $100 prize. Hormel claims that the meaning of the name “is known by only a small circle of former Hormel Foods executives”, but popular beliefs are that the name is an abbreviation of “special processed american meat” or “shoulders of pork and ham”. But an obstinate retired Navy Master Chief living in NYC states the product was designed under a US Army contract and it stands for “Special Processed Army Meat”!
We Hawaiians LOOOVE spam, we usually eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner…
That’s a lot of spam!
A guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do. Carry on, Jonn.
Spam, bacon, eggs and spam:
Spam and fried egg sandwich!
Ya big whiner…
Hey, guess I’m good to go. Just a little test there…
SPAM Misubi!! yum!!
Spammers are another solid group of 4ssholes who deserve a regularly scheduled 4ss whipping to square them away…
We deal with constant horsesh1t from idiots at our point of entry for data as well….I am occasionally tempted to pursue it with my ISP and make a housecall to offer an in person counseling and tune up solution for their inability to find honest non-annoying bullsh1t work…
Well, lets see if I can still use TAH to take out my frustrations…:0
Spam hash is diced spam with diced onions and diced potatoes, a little salt and pepper, ketchup, and a good skillet. And radishes.
Carry on.
Last I looked, this was your site — people don’t like what you do, oh well!
gnitset. gnitset.
Is it a normal thing, a holiday thing, or it the shennanigans of a certain spandex wearing, chode yodeling ass-wart with the intitails of PKW?
Just a test.
Test, Test, Test.
I don’t comment often, but I like the crowd here and don’t want to be locked out.
Yeah, I’m not a terribly frequent poster either, but hope it can be smooth when the time comes! Thanks for everything, gents…
Ugh that is a lot of spam.
Grilled spam with a hit of barbecue sauce! Hey, it’s one of those things that tastes better as you get more drunk!!
Check Check 1,2 1,2 check. Nucs rule Psul drools.
Getting ready to experience some Gorebull warming here in the Pacnorwest, maybe I shouldn’t have taken the motorcycle to work, Naaw. Live to ride.
Only good spam is fried spam. I can’t handle that gelatinous stuff in uncooked spam.
So far so good. It’s your home, your front porch, as it were, so whatever you have to do to keep it clean, go for it. 🙂
Hey. Nucsnipe. You aint a snipe unless you lit off a boiler by hand. (Sarc)
Trust me I know.
Oh sh!t … All the Lurkers are coming out now.
Yayyyy more spam recipes. I had enough spam growing up, but I still love you people that aren’t part of the lucky sperm club (see what I did there).
Ok. Back to SPAM.
Little known fact. SPAM can be used for a variety things.
Example: Engine mounts. Open a can of SPAM. Leave it on driveway for a week. For you folks down south, a dirt road is fine or a gravel path between trailers.
Once SPAM has dried and hardened. Place old engine mount on SPAM block and trace mount outline.
Cut outline with hacksaw and smooth edges with bench grinder. Paint SPAM engine mount with Rustolium spray paint (dried and hardened SPAM will rust if re-moistened).
Spam, bacon and egg sandwich with cheese on biscuits.
Much better than fried baloney, eggs and gravy.
Just testing
@29 and @37 Thank you, thank you for those recipes. I love Spam and usually just fry it. Never tried hash or on biscuits. Again, loving the Spam!
@36 MCPO NYC, Spam can also be used as a wheel chock. But…it’s still better, fried with a fried egg and cheese on whole wheat toast. After you’re done fixing your car though.
Spam, cubed and stir-fried, and mixed in with garbage eggs. That’s a breakfast!
When I was growing up in Hawaii, if the folks were out and I was hungry, I would heat up a can of Hormel chili and throw a can of diced spam into it; spammed chili hit the spot…
HATE spam the ‘food’ but LOVE Monty Python… Was going to share the link to their skit about spam, but see someone else beat me to it.
As for the spam you are dealing with? Your site, your rules. Period.
Test me, test me.. Why won’t they arrest me – Psul da Tool.
And the news tonight is that Ditka’s number will be permanently retired.
Meanwhile, the snuggling industry is alive and well in Madison, WI, although it is under scrutiny.
Come on, folks, some people just need a hug.
I wonder if the pukey purple suited heavy drop is liking this?
Are you going to close down the Psul thread? If we can’t poke the monkey with a stick, what fun will there be here? 😛
ah, testing, testing, is this thing on????