(Phony) Veterans’ Day at Golden Corral

| November 13, 2013

Our friends at Grunt Style posted this picture yesterday, and I “shared” it on our Facebook page, but since most of you are sociopaths and don’t do Facebook, here it is for your enjoyment;

Hairnet Harry

So my buddy Brett saw this cool guy at Golden Corral.

Brett went up to him and thanked him for his service as dryly as possible, and then told Delta Ninja SF sniper that Brett wanted a picture with him.

After the pic, Brett said sarcastically that it was such an honor to meet a real life snake-eater.

Hi-speed replied, “Yeah, there are not many of us of left.”

Then Brett spat back, “There sure are on Veterans Day.”

Category: Phony soldiers

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That is just painful.


You have it all wrong, he is a Captain in the 444 Royal African Rifles, Army of Senegal.


This is why I refuse to partake in the Veteran’s Day freebies.

I’d either lose my lunch or go to jail for throat punching one of these fucktards.


@trapperfrank: No, no.

He’s the Brigade Commander of the Regimental Division of the Battalion of Snakeaters under the Command Structure of The Army of Dormantbrain the Small.

Oooooh, I’m getting warmed up here. We should get him and Major Disaster Uzomba together.


I LOVE the Chef Boy r dee looking beret on his head! How chic!


Why I will not go to any of those places offering “free” stuff on veterans day. It is like beggars night.


It’s Dallas Whittlesones Long Lost Patrol buddy, code named Wet Brain…

Bubbleheads Ray

The restaurant should hire a few burly 11 Bravos, PJs, Bosun Mates, and Gunnys to vet the Vets at the door and bounce the pretenders.

Combat Historian

Holy Macaroni…???…

2/17 Air Cav

Um, which one is Brett?


But what about Special Forces?


I share NHSparky’s sentiments. The only time I’ve gone for a free meal was in 2011, when I got to the restaurant as soon as they opened. First and only time I’ve gone to Chili’s (maybe I need to get out more) and it just didn’t feel right to me. So I drank a couple decent beers, ate quickly, left a large tip, and took off. No phonies there that morning, but I can only imagine how many came out that afternoon and evening.

2/17 Air Cav

I wonder how many actual Vets do take the free meal or whatever. I have never partaken, either. I’ll tell you what, though, back in the day, if someone had offered free beer, I would have been first in line.

OIF '06-'07-'08

@6, no shit!!!!!!!!!!

Green Thumb


I agree.

I have never really taken advantage of meals or beers unless I know the folks and I am usually at their house or such.

I do not have anything against it and I believe their are Vets and their families that could use them but not my style.

Crowds, posers and everyone else competing for handouts.

I went once years ago and was disappointed in the behavior of some Vets to include the fact that they did not tip and just their rude behavior.

People assign various monikers to Vets, I get this but some are just immature shitbags that barely cut the mustard. Similar to other folks in different walks of life.

Just saying.

Green Thumb

Oh yeah. Almost forgot.

This guy is a turd.

Do they not even check ID’s?


Don’t know what to say about this. So, I will just say, “dumbass.”

the Al

To those who are wondering, Brett is the guy not in uniform. Also, I know the Golden Corral in North Little Rock was checking IDs for their Veteran’s Day buffett

2/17 Air Cav

@18. Thanks, Al. I get it now.

That Guy

Worst. Poser. Ever.


Look goddammnit, his uniform had a Special Forces tape on it, he must be legit.

And anyway, what is a little free salad bar between friends…..


It’s sad, but any business that offers free anything anymore is just begging for the nightcrawlers to show up in force. We had a local buffet restaurant go out of business here; they started out as “all you can eat” and they got cleaned out a couple of times, and they stopped that. Then they caught people paying for one meal and loading up plates and trays for whole families; the nonsense continued no matter what they did, and they finally shut down. A sign of the times and the world we live in.

Mr Wolf

Easily a No. 2 seed for the tourney. Boys, we have a CONTENDER here…

I had a local establishment invite me for free dinner/booze on Monday. They were inviting specific people- and it was awesome. Here in FL, I avoid Golden Corral like they’re serving bubonic plague- having a free night when there are already a few million retired types around? Naw- I’ll pass.

2/17 Air Cav

I’m the white guy…

Old Trooper

@1: You said it.


Sorry I got confused on the format. 2/17 Air Cav, I’m the white guy.


I went get my free steak and chili at Texas Roadhouse. It was good, and the waitress was very friendly. Didn’t see any obvious posers, but wasn’t looking that hard. I must come to TAH too often, though, because I was suspicious of everyone there. And it was kind of embarrassing, I felt like I was some kind of freeloader. Don’t know that I’ll do it again next year.


@11 (B5): “You’ll fight tigers!”


“Then Brett spat back, “There sure are on Veterans Day.” ”

My sentiments, exactly. I don’t indulge myself, but have nothing against any who do.

Oh, yeah. That dingleberry is pathetic.

2/17 Air Cav

@24. Hey! Somebody took my tag and, worse, made it blue. I have a suspect list and I want you to know that as soon as I find it, I will hunt you down and put a hole in the toe of every sock you own.


My family and I ate at Chili’s this Veterans Day. I was in civilian clothes and didn’t even mention that I was a Vet. When we walked outside I noticed the Golden Corral accross the street parking lot was overflowing. I wondered what was up and my wife informed me that they were giving free meals to Vets. It’s sad that the first words out of my mouth was “I wonder how many of them are posers”.

HS Sophomore

Dear God, that is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen. I’ve encountered similar things, though. It seems every homeless guy looking for a handout in is some kind of green beret/ninja/marine SEAL who got screwed over by the big bad gummint. I particularly like the guy who was begging in Marine Corps dress blues with army staff sergeants stripes and a Blackhorse cavalry patch on his shoulder. Here’s a hint, all posers who may read this-if your regalia can’t fool a sophomore in HS, your odds of rolling someone who’s actually been in are slimmer still. Yours odds of avoiding a sound as slicking are slimmer still…


This poor guy has PMSTD, and sadly, everyone is ragging on him.

I bet if he showed all you haters his Special Services-Airborne tattoo, you would all shut the hell up.

That Guy

I’m the guy who feels bad when he goes to a local buffet and doesn’t eat everything on his plate. I can’t comprehend going out with 3 friends and only paying for one plate.
Although, on the other hand, if I come and pay 12 plus 2.95 for a soda to have a buffet, I don’t want to be harassed with ‘you’ve been here eating for an hour’


Twist, sad but sign of the times that anytime we read about or come across people claiming to be veterans, our initial instinct is to disbelieve first.

No such thing as ‘innocent until proven guilty.’

Old Trooper

@27: Yep that’s why I didn’t go this year. I have gone in the past, but these days I have the same feeling as you. I’m not saying others can’t enjoy it, but it’s not for me, anymore.

2/17 Air Cav

@26. Sorry, I missed your comment, Brett. And thanks for not making me go on the hunt. The list was wrong, anyway. You weren’t on it so your socks were safe. And, yes, I know which one is the clown and the subject of this thread. I was only kidding when I asked which one was Brett. Hell, come to think of it, I never even heard of a black guy named Brett.


@23–I avoid Golden Corral like they’re serving bubonic plague

You mean they don’t? At least intentionally?

I went to a Golden Corral once…ONCE!

John Robert Mallernee

I live in Gulfport, Mississippi, and in response to my extremely presumptuous telephoned request, the Golden Corral restaurant in Fayetteville, North Carolina, arranged to have their free Veterans Day dinner picked up and delivered to my stepmother, Alma Capps Mallernee, who resides in the Assisted Living facility at Heritage Place.

My stepmother, Alma Capps Mallernee, was the 104th woman to enlist when the United States Army began accepting female recruits during the Second World War.

Currently, she is ninety-six years old, with a LOT of health problems, and is nearly blind.


John Robert Mallernee

As for the poser wearing jump wings on his beret?

He reminds me of another guy, a real soldier, fresh out of Jump School.

This was in the Autumn of 1968, and I was at Fort Dix, New Jersey, fresh out of Signal School, enroute to Germany for my first assignment.

There was a whole group of paratroopers with us, all of whom had just graduated from Jump School at Fort Benning.

One guy, who was really little, so little and so young, you wondered how he got accepted into the Army?

Of all the paratroopers, he alone, wore a newly purchased black beret with jump wings fastened to it, highly unauthorized, but nobody cared.

He was sort of their mascot, as everybody laughed, joked, and swapped stories of their parachuting experience.

One of the guys said that during a jump, when everybody else was headed down, the wind was actually carrying the little guy UP!

Many, many years later, as a sergeant in the Scout Platoon of the 2/12 Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division at Fort Hood, Texas, a newly arrived Airborne Ranger was assigned to our unit.

We wore black berets, with the 2/12 unit crest on them, but the just arrived Airborne Ranger wore jump wings on his beret.

But, that only lasted for about a day or so, and then he switched to wearing the battalion crest.

Now that I think about it, I saw another Airborne Ranger wearing a black beret with jump wings on it.

I was on leave, aboard a bus traveling to Alabama to visit my grandparents.

The bus stopped at Fort Benning (or was it Columbus?), and waiting at the bus station was a black guy wearing olive drab fatigues, with a pistol belt and knife, and a black beret with jump wings pinned to it.

I don’t know what year that was, but it must have been in the ‘Sixties or ‘Seventies.


My family and I go to Applebee’s on Veterans Day as a tradition. I always buy a beer and set it in the middle of the table. We always find the oldest veteran we can who is not eating alone and anonymously pick up their check. I may get a free meal but usually end up paying some 50-70$ with tip so it hardly feels like I’m mooching. Every year though, it gets harder and harder to stay quiet and have a peaceful dinner with my family though. What really pisses me off is the restaurants with no spine that won’t ask for any sort of verification


The restaurants are in a hard spot re: ID; I think are more loath to get any bad publicity they might receive if they start asking for some sort of proof.

I’m sure they know they will have some percentage of scammers, and have made a business decision to do it anyway, for which I salute them.

(I’m another who won’t take advantage for any number of reasons.)

Common Sense

This was my son’s 2nd Veteran’s Day after join the military (Air National Guard). He’s started a tradition of wearing his dress blues and taking his girlfriend to The Olive Garden. The folks there treat the military like gold, they really enjoy the night as much as their guests do.

Since my daughter’s husband is at BCT, we took her to The Olive Garden as well. She looked great in her uniform and was honored when an anonymous person paid for her wine. There were lots of other vets there (I overheard when the hostess asked) but my daughter was the only one in uniform.

The Guard don’t get many chances to wear their blues and my kids feel that if a restaurant goes to the trouble and expense of giving them a free meal, they should honor that by looking nice.

Next year, when my son-in-law is with us, we are all going together. I am very proud of all of them!

I think most people want to honor the military and feel this is something they can do to say thank you. You all definitely deserve it!


I eat often at Golden Corral, but I avoid it on Veterans Day as there are more phonies in the line for the good deal than veterans. It was too painful to be polite and ignore them.

But I do appreciate Golden Corral offering what it does to Veterans.

John Robert Mallernee

On this past Veterans Day, I never left my room here at the Armed Forces Retirement Home.

I didn’t go to Golden Corral for two reasons.

First, there would be too many people, too large a crowd.

Second, because of my back injury, I couldn’t stand in line to get my chow.

A few years ago, a friend and I did go to Golden Corral, but it was a small, rural community in the mountains of Utah, so it was easy to get my chow and eat.

I wore my Sunday-go-to-meetin’ suit, with bloused jump boots, spurs, black beret, and my full sized medals on my suit coat, carefully arranged according to Army Regulation 670-1.

Golden Corral doesn’t ask for documented proof of service, but some other restaurants do, requesting either a military identification card, or a copy of a DD-214.

Here’s the photograph:


Since then, I’ve learned that I was incorrectly wearing the Republic of Viet Nam Cross of Gallantry with Palm and the Republic of Viet Nam Civic Action Honor Medal.

I had done it, because at the Viet Nam Memorial dedication in Salt Lake City, I saw another veteran doing it, so I figured it was authorized, especially since I’d seen a web site stating that it was proper.

That web site no longer exists, but another web site emphasizes that the medal is ONLY awarded to individuals, not the unit.

So, I should only wear the ribbon, and not the medal.


it’s an annual lunch for me…. I meet up with an old friend, give him crap about how slow he is to duck (three Hearts in Vietnam) and he reminds me of how many times his retired old butt plays golf instead of working. We go to a different restaurant every year and usually invite whoever is near us in line to join us. Nice change of pace. I’m sure there are posers around, but they have not been terribly obvious. Most volunteered proof of service – the girl up front asked all who didn’t.

A Proud Infidel

I saw at least one at the local Veterans Day parade & ceremony, I just didn’t think he was worth the effort!


The poser’s ACU top looks like those stretchable maternity versions for pregnant service members.


Did Kennedy Uzomba finally pick up Captain?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

It’s that chocolate fountain, it makes people crazy.