Steven James Doyle; phony SF

| October 25, 2013

Steve James Doyle hat

Scotty sends us his latest, one each Steven James Doyle who claims he was Special Forces with the 12th and 1st SFGs and was wounded near the Pakistan border with Afghanistan in 2007.

Steve James Doyle Pakistan 2007

Well he might have been, but he was discharged from active duty in 1992 according to the records center and then he did nine more years in the Guard and discharged in 2002, so he wasn’t injured while in the Army;

Steve James Doyle FOIA

So maybe he was assigned to an SF unit. Nope;

Steve James Doyle 2-1

Steve James Doyle awards

Category: Phony soldiers

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1. Totally Disabled = More than 30% but Less than 60%.
2. Fubared = 30% or so.
3. Severely Wounded = at least 40%.
4. 100 % DOUCHE BAG + or – 10%.


Do these guys not realize that everyone knows everyone in SF?


Is it possible he was in a support company of a NG SF Unit? I don’t know when the 12th SFG was deactivated, but it was some time after the first Gulf war. He certainly wouldn’t be the first Support Co. pogue to claim “SF.”

The record of assignments doesn’t seem to list his NG time, can you get your hands on those? I know in my case my NG records are completely separate from my AD records so if you just saw my AD records you would only think I was in for 10 years but I was actually in for 23 including 3 mobilizations.

The Chief

I’m never shocked anymore. BTW what happened to the TAH website? I can only see this on FB now.


9 years in the Nasty Guard and he gets out as a PFC. Someone fucked up.


“What color is the boathouse at Mott Lake?”

2/17 Air Cav

@4. Jonn is such a kidder. The website went secret squirrel. If you don’t have the decoder ring, you are restricted to FB. It’s kind of like the Twilight Zone but w/o Rod Serling.


Hey! I just looked at that snippet at the bottom of the entry. He went through DEH Repair Class (PRACTICALLY the same thing as 18C Q course…NOT), That means he was the unit R and U guy. I can’t speak for all units, but every R&U guy I ever met was pretty low speed…He was usually a guy that couldn’t hack it in a line platoon, but not bad enough to chapter. Other units handled it as an additional duty.


I’m trying to make heads-from-tails on this guy’s FOIA and the DD-214 snippets. The top DD214 list: ARCOM, AAM-2, GCM, NDSM, ASR, & OVSR; the FOIA, on the other hand, only list the ARCOM and the ASR. Can medals be revoked/removed by the U.S. Army Human Resources Command?


# 4. There is a great paper back book at Barnes and Noble.

It is called “Internet for Dummies”.

Note: Satirical quip.


@ 7. Haze Gray.


Whoops, didn’t finish my thought: Reason I thought maybe he was in an NG SF unit is that his record of training indicates he went through a Drop Zone Safety Team leader course in ’98. Now, when I went through JM school, DZSTL was part of the PoI for all USASOC JM courses, although we were told it was not part of the POI for the 82nd/XVIII Corps JM school.

For all that, I don’t see jump wings or JM school. Has anyone else ever seen DZSTL training as a separate component taken by NAPs (a/k/a legs?)


Addendum to the above: Just noticed the course taken in May 98 was “Drop Zone SUPPORT Team Leader” not “drop zone SAFETY.” See, this is why I’m thinking he was a leg commo guy assigned to the SigDet of the Support CO for a NG SF unit – the legs often provided DZ support for jumps. Being in an SF unit, even as a non-tabbed leg, would give him enough of the lingo to be able to pass as SF in a lot of Veterans groups.


Jonn, thank you! Interesting stuff.


That’s a mighty pretty ball tickler he’s sporting there.


I saw the DZST entry as well. He was on the ladder detail, no doubt

Mr Wolf

Team: The MOS 31K was renamed 31U and has evolved to the current 25U, Signal Support Systems Specialist. It is similar to the old 05B/C series (which I was when I first went enlisted in ’80).

This is normally not one that is supporting any unit attached to SF. There are only a few NG SF units. IIRC, only the 19th and 20th SF are NG. And they are spread over like 15 states or so.

So, he’s legit…


31K1O is either a Combat Signaller, or a Dog Handler, not Combat Engineer.

Doesn’t make sense for an engineer to be in FA and Signal units.


Martinjmpr, I think it boils down that this Douche Bag is Gay, can’t see any other logical explanation.


I’m just a cook. Just a lowly, lowly cook. But on a submarine, I can make your life a living hell. 🙂

Mark F


It’s always the cook!


Haven’t we seen the picture of that troop laying on his back somewhere else? It sure does look awful familiar…

Green Thumb



Mr. Wolf: He is not legit. He claimed that he is a “Green Beret”. That means only one thing and that is that he passed the Sepcial Forces Qualification Course (which there is NO evidence of), not that he read about it in a book or watched the John Wayne movie.


Too bad internet technology hasn’t advanced enough to punch somebody in the dick through it. This guy deserve it.

That hat makes me want to piss all over him like he’s some dead Taliban.


If this guy was solely Army National Guard (ARNG) and Regular Army (RA), he didn’t serve in the 12th SF. The 12th SF was never ARNG – it was RA (1961 to 1969) or USAR (1969-1995). It was deactivated in Sep 1995.

Any service he might have had with 1st SF should be on his FOIA. Since it’s first reactivation in 1960, that SF Group has been strictly RA. It was active from 1960-1974, deactivated, and reactivated again in 1984. It’s still active today.


So, Hondo, does this mean that he’s (gasp!) lying in his teeth?


@12. Nope


Ex-PH2: that would be my opinion, yeah. But I guess it’s possible I could be wrong.


no his MOS is Combat Dick Bandit! Great fit for this Administration to boot


The douchebag has a nice collection of hats to cover his chrome dome.



Hondo is correct. After I came back from RVN I joined the 12th It was USAR then. When I retired as SGM of B/3/12 we were USAR. It wasn’t until three years later the 12th was deactivated and the 19th picked up some of the units in Washington.

I know the players in A Co and B Co (having been there for 19 years) and nobody knows this guy.

I just had a few PMs with him and he’s got all of the “usual” poser replies like “I have TBI” and “I know who I am and where I’ve been”. BUT…no answer to any legitimate questions such as what SFQC (Special Forces Qualification Class) were you in. You don’t forget things like that or what ODA (Operational Detachment A) were you in.
He has all the earmarks.

The only part we didn’t get to was “my missions are classified and not all of my awards, decorations and other vital information is in my 201 file”.

How many times have we here heard that?

Well, as I told him, the internet spiders pick this stuff up pretty quick and it won’t be long before people can Google his name and voila! links to Stolen Valor and This Ain’t Hell But You Can See It From Here.

Have a nice day asshole (oh, wait, he signs off with God Bless).

Wonder what his friends think that I sent the links to?


It’s possible he was assigned to Support Co. for the 12th SFG Unit in Oregon but this would be the only thing that would make sense. Nothing in his records indicates he was assigned to them however. That being said he claims to have been an intel weenie and the gent he named as his CO when he was with the 12th was actually the S-2 OIC.

He’s not SF we’ve already determined this. It’s simply a matter of time till we find out the rest of his story and then his life will become a real living hell if he is getting disability that he shouldn’t be getting.

BTW in my first ARNG unit back in the late 1980’s 31K was a wiredog and I did plenty of wire retrieval LOL. The old 31 series MOS has since switched to the 25 series now and I believe the 31 Series is now MP/LE


UH Heads up Jonn or Hondo or whoever the other Admins are. That NPRC FOI you guys have posted is not our guy. The name listed says STEVEN L DAN not DOYLE


@ 34. With TIB and PSDT from DMZ down by the LZ in the PI with NVA while wearing NVG’s there is a lot of stuff you can forget!


@36 – good catch! Doyle’s FOIA is posted at Scotty’s place – it shows he was discharged as a SPC. Still nothing like he claims.


Masterbaiter Chief you nearly owed me a new monitor LMAO


I am here to serve!

Just An Old Dog

“My records are classified”
He must think we are stupid.

“I have TBI”
He must think we will fall for that lie and feel sorry for him.

“God Bless You”
He must think we will all the sudden be overcome with some Christian Spirit and feel bad about exposing him.

ummmm no. Fuck him, he’s just digging deeper. Ass-whistler.

A Proud Infidel

@37, MCPO, get those abbreviations down PDQ, or you’ll get put on KP until you’re declared MIA, then you’re an SOL SOB!
Well SHIT, that’s what my “favorite” Drill Sergeant always said!!

3/17 air cav

@34……. Bob thanks for your service. Also thanks for doing the ground work to help out this guy. My son is in the air force been deployed numerous times. Tells me he hears the phony stories all the time. I think many more to come. Stay thirsty my friends.

3/17 air cav

@41…….. Ya, he’s got tb, as in tired butt. Must be contagious , because he gives me a case of the ass.check out his Facebook pictures some photos look like some type of church retreat. Wait I know, him and Danny hay spent time at bible camp together.


This “soldier” was with the 28th Combat Support Hospital at Ft. Bragg. This unit is part of the 44th Medical Brigade. Therefore, while he was at Bragg, he became SF via osmosis or association by being co-located with SF on the same post. This is not uncommon. I’ve met many vets who went through this “Q Course.”

@7 the “boathouse” is camouflaged…but if you wear your ISSUED Gargoyle sunglasses, you can see it during the day and night.

BTW- Units are INACTIVATED, not Deactivated!


If he was injured on the border in 2007, depending on the month, it would have been 7th Group or 3rd Group. Not that it matters, since we already know he wasn’t.


@45, Gargoyles…Too funny! But without Gargoyles there could be no Oakleys.


@43–Air Cav, eh? 1/7th Cavalry, First Cavalry Division, RVN.


Oh, by the by, about his bible friends? I went through the list and perhaps five or six are actually friends of a friend of mine in Gresham, where he apparently hailed from at one time.

Of course I wouldn’t send the links to this page and Stolen Valor to them to ask if they can give me any insight .

I guess when people called me an asshole while I was a deputy it was probably true.

3/17 air cav

@48……. Bob, beat the bush with A co. 2/12 1st cav out of phuoc vinh . Before flying with hht 3/17 air cav. Found out early, going out beyond the wire for 7 to 10 days. Not fun. At least when flying as a door gunner had a bed to sleep in at night…….you take care steve