Ladner arrested

| June 12, 2013

Ladner Mug Shot

It seems that Shane Ladner’s lawyer was unable to to get records of his hospital stay in Panama, or those secret records being stored at Fort Benning of his daring deeds somewhere south of Texas. But we said that already. The Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office says that they’ve arrested Ladner;

The investigation revealed that Ladner was NOT a Purple Heart recipient as he has claimed for several years. He is charged with 4 counts of Theft by Deception, 1 count of False Swearing and 1 count of False Statement to a Police Officer. The Theft by Deception charges are from Ladner receiving a free Purple Heart License plate in 2009, 2010, 2011 and in 2012. When he originally applied for the license plate in 2009 he was required to swear that he was a Purple Heart recipient, hence the False Swearing charge. The False Statement charge is from lying to detectives during an interview.

The United States Army has no record of the 2004 DD214 that Ladner presented to obtain his Purple Heart Georgia License plate.

Now, if Ladner’s lawyer needs me to take a week or so at his expense to go to Panama and check around the hospital for him looking for his records, well, you know I’ll make that sacrifice. I mean as long as they want to pretend there are records down there, I’ll pretend I’m looking for them.

Category: Phony soldiers

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This Warms My Heart.


Stolen valor only counts if it’s the U.S. government that was the victim!


Also found, the Fountain of Youth and Shangri-La.

Green Thumb

This clown is making a push to be “turdified” in the Annals of TAH lore.


Well at least he should find solace in the fact that he is certain to make the Fecal 4 on TAH!!

Combat Historian

Wonder how his lawsuit against the railroad company’s going to go now that he is under arrest and exposed as a fraud?

Club Manager

Jonn, you think maybe he received his “combat wound” in that large bar on 4th of July, the one with the Columbian hostess? Not that you or I ever patronized the place, I just hear about it from the grunts.

2/17 Air Cav

I guess that before his wife lost a leg, before his name became properly dragged through the mud and dropped in the sewer, and before he was criminally charged with multiple crimes, the lie seemed pretty innocuous to him–just a ticket to a free hunting trip and accolades from a grateful community. Ding. Ding. Ding. Now serving….justice.

Virtual Insanity

Shane: meet Karma. Karma, Shane.

She’s a harsh mistress.

2/17 Air Cav

Congrats to the investigators(s) and prosecutor for pulling a case together. Now, let’s avoid a plea bargain. This guy took a wonderful community to the cleaners and his sentence should be meted out by a judge, preferably a Veteran with a son or daughter in the ME. Hey, here’s hoping. Cheers.


Awwwwwww. Too bad, so sad.

2/17 Air Cav: don’t forget the lies that got him 4 years of free license plates, amigo. That’s what he’s in “deep doo-doo” for right now.

Best I can tell, most governments – including the Federal government – kinda take exception when people lie to get out of paying their taxes.


Corrections Officer: Welcome to the Department of Corrections … OK Ladner, drop our drawers, spread your cheeks, and cough.

Bubba: Hello sweetness!

Corrections Officer: OK Ladner, put these orange coveralls on.

Bubba: Hey Ladner, yous’ gots a purdy mouth!

Corrections Officer: OK Ladner, meet your cellmate Bubba! Bubba is doing 25 to life for kidnap and rape.


I won’t get too excited until this turkey is convicted on those charges.
Enjoy that trip to Panama, Jonn.

Planet Ord

@8 2/17, it was innocuous. I still wonder who the anonymous whistle blower is. Nobody thought twice about him saying he’d received a Purple Heart. Of course, he said he got it in Iraq, not Panama. Panama only came out when he applied for the Texas hunt.

Looks like he just got hit by a train twice.

I hate it for Meg. This will be tough for her.

2/17 Air Cav

Here you go, Hondo. I amended it. “…just a ticket to a free PH license tag, a free hunting trip and accolades from a grateful community.”


Now for those he arrested and testified against while a police officer driving around town with his Purple Heart tag?


He is soooooo busted.


A Proud Infidel & Patriot

Bubba: “I need more smokes, you’re Thor’s bitchboy today”

Ladner: ” HUHHHH? Wha…”


Green Thumb

I’m sorta liking that 25K bail.


Planet Ord: “innocuous”? Really? You obviously have a different definition of “innocuous” than I do, fella.

Ladner screwed another deserving vet out of a benefit by lying through his teeth. (Granted, in this case the other unknown guy/gal he screwed turned out to have gotten the better end of the deal.) He also screwed the State of Georgia out of 4 years’ worth of ad valorem taxes on his vehicle – probably close to or over $1,000 if the vehicle’s a fairly new one – by lying through his teeth.

And, as beretverde noted above: there’s now a damn good chance any case in which he was the arresting officer or in which he gave testimony may now end up back in court, with his testimony challenged. That’s probably gonna cost the town/county/state big bucks, too. It may also put some guilty perps back on the street early.

I wouldn’t call that “innocuous” at all.

2/17 Air Cav

@21. I saw Planet Ord’s comment but didn’t anything of it. I just figured something was lost in translation. I don’t believe anyone would actually, seriously, say that what Ladner did was innocuous from the start.

Planet Ord

Hondo, I wasn’t clear. When I met him he said he had Purple Heart from Iraq. I took it face value. Later, before the accident, I discovered it was a lie, the only person deceived was me, at that point. I cut ties with him and shrugged. That was innocuous.

When I realized he screwed people over for the trip and got breaks on his taxes, it was no longer innocuous to me. I’ve had a case of the ass about it since. His lies make my job that much more difficult.

I’m well aware of the consequences of his lies and his cases. I’m a police officer too. I graduated from the academy with him. I’ve seen first hand the destruction of cases that dirty cops create. I made that point myself several times on his other posts.

Once he started taking consideration and tax breaks, and he deceived everyone, not just me, it was no longer innocuous. Hopefully that is clear enough, buddy.


Bail Equation:

Value and Equity Presented to Court

Double Wide: 7,000.00
Old Pick Up Truck: 5,000.00
Elvis Collectable Plates: 2,000.00
Shotgun and Rusty Pistol 50.00
Extra Wheels for Pick Up Truck: 50.00
Beer Can and Bottle Collection: 8,900.00
Total 23,000.00

Bail set at: 23,100.00


I feel some real sympathy for his wife, never mind the rest of his crap.

Because of his useless need to inflate himself with an ego trip, she was badly hurt and has to live with what happened to her for the rest of her life.

He’s one of those people who gets to find out about that ‘special place’ some day.


Planet Ord: fair enough – I did indeed miss your intent. I now see we’re on the same page.

The claim of a PH from Iraq would be on-its-face plausible. You’d have no real reason to doubt that one. Refusing to deal further with someone I discovered to have lied to me might be what I’d have done if I thought that was the end of it, too.

I sometimes tend to take things entirely too literally. My apologies for doing that here, and for missing your previous comments taking him to task.

Green Thumb


I have sympathy for her too, but I still cannot figure out how she did not know afeter all of those years.

Or even if she stayed quiet. Unless she met him after the fact.


Bubba: Come over here sweetness!

Ladner: Arg, uh, argggle, uuhhh, aaarrgggleee.

Bubba: You so nice sweetness!


I’m down to look in Panama too! I’ll only charge half-time for travel, require $100 per diem and $110/hr while on the job and expect all travel and lodging to be reimbursed. See you down there!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

His wife paid the karma bill for this j3rkoff’s lies and thefts. I sincerely hope at some point he has to pony up and pay the karma bill for her injuries….

This is a very, very bad man.

Not only stealing the valor of actual wounded veterans, but LEOs are supposed to be held to a higher standard. This 4ssclown besmirches every LEO he served with. The rest of his life should be an uncomfortable daily struggle with prison life as penance.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@29 you might want to require a retainer or advance stipend, rather than reimbursement. I’m pretty sure this fellow is a bad bet and probably won’t pay out…


Needed some good news today… And I got it! Sucks to be you, Ladner.

B Woodman

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer dipwad asshole jerkoff.

Just An Old Dog

I foresee a hefty fine and probation for ass-whistler, and an end to whatever LE career he thinks he had. I also see them getting a HUGE settlement from the railroad for his wife’s injury.
If there is a God she will dump his ass and get every penny for herself. He shouldn’t be able to sit on his ass because of a payoff his wife got because he was a douche.

Frankly Opinionated

Planet Ord:
Knowing how slow and how poorly the legal system works, it would serve him well if one or more of those who know him see this post and the other ones on his dumbassery, just so they can let him know that they know.
Any help with that? Like dropping the link on your Facebook page, showing the link to your fellow LEO friends, etc.
Of course there is always the Gooooooooooglefu method of listing his full name with each comment, to help those who might Gooogle him up after seeing him on the local news.
Shane Ladner, you threw a rock at our veterans, and now we veterans will throw a mountain at you. It must suck to be you right now.


I translated the abysmal grammar and spelling of a certain Robert Nagy, who commented via Facebook. Can someone explain to me how this…interesting…diatribe is relevant to the post above it? My head hurts.

“Try and find the records for that SP that was killed at the back gate of Howard AFB in 1977- I can, “T” and I were there and I SAW HIM WITH A .45 Cal. HOLE IN HIS HEAD AND EXPLAIN WHY WE WERE TOLD TO STAND DOWN WHEN THAT JUNGLE WAS OUR A.O. AND WE WERE JUNGLE EXPERTS AND LESS THAN A CLICK AWAY AND REQUESTED AN AMMO DROP AND OUR COL. [does anyone remember his name] said it was an A.F. problem, let them handle it [cover-up] and yes I know they’re listening.”


@ Old Dog. Not so fast. If not for his illegal deeds, he would not have been on the float. If I was representing the parade organizers and or railroad, I would make a motion to exclude Ladner and his wife from the proceedings.

But I am not lawyer … Just a Old Sea Dog.

Retired Master

I really hope his wife knew nothing of his shenanigans, and can use that lack of knowledge for her benefit. I sometimes think it shouldn’t make any difference as far as the railroad is concerned. There were people hurt, regardless of why they were there.
I see Ladner getting fined out the wazoo, but I doubt he will end up with Bubba, which would be too bad.

2/17 Air Cav

Ladner, first and foremost, is a valor thief. He parlayed his theft into tangible benefits; to wit, a gratis license tag and a free hunting trip. He also exacerbated his thievery by accepting the appreciation and generosity of a community for sacrifices he did not make. And because of this, his wife was severely injured by being somewhere she would not have been but for her husband’s lies. And now he pays.



Just An Old Dog

@34, It doesn’t matter how or why his wife got to the position he was hit by the train, if the accident was due to railway negligence She’s getting paid.
Sorta a second hand story, but a friend of mine in the Corps had a friend back home in Oklahoma who was drunk driving and wrapped his car around a pole. He was paralyzed from mid-chest and ended up getting PAID. His lawyers successfully sued because the power line poles were 2 feet closer to the highway then they were supposed to be.

Planet Ord

@35, Frankly Opinionated. There’s no need to push it out through Facebook. Googling his name brings up TAH and any news articles. Three of the four local news affiliates carried this as the first story tonight. Usually something like “former Holly Springs police officer arrested for lying about Purple Heart and theft….” The fourth might have carried it, but I couldn’t watch them all. Every cop I know in the metro area is familiar with his situation. Dirty cops make the rounds fast.

For many reasons, I’m not posting the story on my fb page. Take my word for it, people know. His reputation irreparably damaged in this area.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Well now, this is nice. Now for our Phillip Dale Monkress and his little bat boi Paul K. Wickre(Google Hit), your turn is coming.

Planet Ord

@26, Hondo, no sweat. I reread my original post and saw that it was misleading. My bad! We’ve been on the same page with this since the story broke.


1 shitbag down, still far too many to go.

A Proud Infidel & Patriot



Just An Old Dog: I wouldn’t be too sure he’ll escape jail altogether – though I think any time he gets behind bars will be fairly short. At least two of the crimes of which he’s accused are felonies in GA. Depending on the amount of the tax evaded each year on his auto tags, the other 4 might be as well.

You could well end up being right, but I wouldn’t be too surprised to see him do a short-ish (30 days or so) stint in jail.

Joe Williams

Most of the Courts would rather have the money(court costs and fines) than pay for 3 hots and a cot. Joe

Green Thumb

Looking at one of the videos, this clown lives in a mid-size apartment. (cookie cutter)

Plus, I would imagine he and his wife are not working. Probably banking on her “payday” if and when.

She bailed him out, so she is in it.

This, plus unemployment, various attorneys fees, fines, bills, not being able to work in GA again w/ his rep etc., are going to send them to the poor house.