Michelle “Belladonna” Rodriguez; Charley Fox Phony
Scotty sends us a link to his latest work on this equal opportunity phony, Ms. Michelle “Belladonna” Rodriguez. Ain’t she purty in that uniform, guys? Seein’ the collar brass on the epaulettes just turned me off from bothering to check the rest of the stuff out. I don’t even know what nationality that uniform belongs to, but she wants you to think that she was in the 173rd with no jump wings;
Needless to say, the Army asks, “Bella-Who?”
I guess she’s shooting for the next tournament. Good luck, Michelle.
Category: Phony soldiers
Bag of ass.
Unless that’s taken with a mirror – her flag is on the wrong side… (though may be correct placement depending on the supposed age of photo.
The Army rainbow ribbon outranks what looks like agood conduct and GWOT. Crap. And I’ve not a bigger chest than her with that bunchy wrinkly assed shirt.
What a pig.
I think her ribbons are upside down. If she flipped them, they would be in the right order… I think. Pretty sure the oak leaf clusters are upside down too.
I love how her pants are pulled up to cover FUPA, no belt of course. Too much to mention… Any leads on this bag of ass?
What is her f@cking problem? Can these folks not google the regs on proper uniform wear. I mean if you are going to be a poser at least try to do it right. She might fool McDonalds out of a cup of coffee and some uninformed civilians but PLEEEASE. And I have a bigger chest than that. So…fugly on top of it all.
give it a little time and i’m sure y’all will find the first stolen valor dog! lol there must be a secret squirrel factory out there that mass produce these posers!
isn’t she a little young to be a Vietnam vet? Check out the right-side ribbons.
Dear Jesus, that’s freakin’ awful.
@ 2, The photo of the female E-6 in DCU’s is likely ripped from the web. Someone bearing a passing resemblance. When I was stationed in Italy we wore a full color Flag Patch on the left sleeve. Of course that was back in the 80’s when no one else in the Army wore them….predating the 173rds re-activation there as well. Still, betting that photo was ripped from the web.
Seen that done more than once or twice by posers, stealing photos off the web claiming it is them.
@9 Just saw it. RVN Cross of Gallantry w/ Palm (If I am not mistaken). She’s a good looking 60 something year old, I’ll give her that.
With the drifting right eye in that picture I wouldn’t be surprised to find this girl isn’t quite right on a number of levels….
It looks like she is in Colorado, based on the Facebook stuff. She also is claiming to be a 42B. Someone must have whispered an MOS into her ear. Probably the only thing that has been whispered in her ear for a long time.
Belladonna Rodriguez, on Facebook says West Point, NY Class of 2002!
Looks like someone got into daddy’s and grandpa’s ribbons and and is playing “dress up” in a borrowed JROTC uniform.
BohicaTwentyTwo: yep. Left-side ribbons appear to be upside down. They’d be in correct order of precedence if they were inverted. Can’t see the clusters/knots well enough to tell for sure, though.
Good eye, El Marco. Regardless of the age thing, it’s kinda hard to come up with two RVN unit awards without also rating the VSM – which toolette here isn’t wearing.
As fake as you can get. Another one too lazy to even be good at faking it. That uniform is one fucked up gaggle of shit. If I saw her in public like that, I would be laughing too hard to bust her, immediately, but once i recovered, i would make her cry right there and then, in front of everyone. I might go on her fb page and give her a dressing down, later when I get home. Fucking snot nozzle bitch.
When I rip off other people’s military photos, I at least look for some resemblance. But, on the other hand I don’t need to, I have plenty of my own.
I cap top that….. In basic we see these DI running up to a kid in his AF Blues and just practically start ripping his clothes off.
Apparently he was a TRUE PX Hero and had bought some of them there colorful ribbons and just put them on his u-nee-form for flash.
Our Di was laughing his ass off when he told us NOT to be like this dumbass and told us what he was wearing…..
“ANTARCTICA SERVICE MEDAL with a Wintering Over disc device.”
THAT my friends is *pretty* ballsy.
Sparks: correct, the unit award version. That’s the center unit award on her right side bottom row. She’s also wearing the Vietnamese Civil Actions Unit Award immediately inboard of that on the same row.
In that second picture, there’s what appears to be a sergeant’s chevrons with a rocker on her collar. Is that correct?
OK, I know this girl looks like baloney personified, but could she at least get the right damn size when she shops at the surplus store?
From her FB page
” My boyfriend and I agreed 3 weeks ago that we would not have anything stronger than beer in the house because I have a drinking problem. His mom knows this she came over today and picked up my bf from work. Then she took him to buy beer but she got rum and he let her not only buy it he let her bring it into the house now her disrespecting me I kinda expected but him letting her is the biggest slap in the face so I fliped and cryied and got mad and so upset and hurt and all he said is “what’s wrong with you today” My question to you is: who’s right and who;s wrong”
THAT explains it….
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) DURRRRRRRRRRRR
Ex-PH2: yes, that would be correct placement for the BDU, which is the uniform in the second picture. Enlisted rank was worn on both sides of the collar. Officer rank was worn on the wearer’s right side of the BDU collar, with branch or Warrant insignia on the other.
@22, lets have the link! 🙂
I haven’t read all the comments, but she appears to have the breasts of a 96 year old woman. Dude, did you drag anchors from your nipples for a few months or what?
@23 Gunner
United States Army
42b · Colorado Springs, Colorado · Jun 2001 to Feb 2008
west point, new yo
Class of 2002
The photos I see here are not there that I can find but yeah, it’s the same person, I believe.
@11 A tineye search came up with one result, from this page http://www.173rdairborne.com/iraq60.htm . Photo 1354, a SSG Brown. So yeah, she did just pull it from the web.
@24 https://www.facebook.com/belladonna.rodriguez?fref=ts
…oops, looking at it again it might be that SSG Brown is the photographer. Either way, I highly doubt that it’s her.
She also seems to have a lot of Army Facebook friends in Colorado Springs.
“91% in my criminal justice class and 83% in my comp 2 class…….not bad for an 8th grade drop out huh”
Yeah, that’s West Point material right there.
It looks like someone threw up a soup sandwich.
Depends on which West Point, BohicaTwentyTwo. There are West Point High Schools in AL, GA, MS, NE, and VA. Maybe she went back to school in one of them at some point after dropping out and graduated in 2002. (smile)
TSO, was about to ask if bras are still required but was trying to figure out a somewhat graceful way of doing so. Since there isn’t one will just ask – HEY! Bras have long been required equipment for women. This is why. Eeeeeeewww.
(Will admit to having dressed at 0 dark thirty one morning and adding shoulder boards to a shirt which already had chevrons on the sleeve. That was a easy fix. This abomination? There IS no solution to this one.)
@34 OWB
Bra, Why?
She apparently tucked them in her waistband. Tah DAH.
(Warning – link NSF anything….http://media.peopleofwalmart.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/1848CA.jpg)
“I am having a good day besides the back pain and i’m out of my perkaset” Good God.
Holy fuckupery! I couldn’t get past the collar brass on the shoulders. Seriously!
Cunt Punt!
@22 posted (from her FB page, she posted her friend asked)
“What’s wrong with you today?”
That’s what we’d ALL like to know.
In any case, it seems we’re seeing some new contenders for the next SV tourney.
Geezus; the more I see of that jacked up uniform she’s wearing, the more pissed off I get. Where’s her rank on that lime green blouse? I see lapel insignia where there should be shoulder boards, if we are to believe she’s an NCO (and by looking at all the knots on that GCM, it would seem she’s supposed to be), and then there’s the question of her blouse………did she lose about 60lbs. and couldn’t afford to get a blouse that fits?? Granted, Soupy set the bar very high when it comes to jacked up uniforms, but she’s at least gonna give it a go.
Per Hondo, in the second photo everything seems to be correct and in place. The gear also fits properly.
Doesn’t explain the first photo, in which nothing fits and everything is out of place and upside down. If she IS the person in the second photo, she should know better.
So I would say that she probably is NOT the person in the second photo and that she kipped it from the 2012 photo data base.
She’s wearing US Army Engineer Insignia, something I earned via three months of blood, sweat, tears, and misery, so this slovenly sow strikes an extra-sour chord with me!! I wonder which office she showed up in with her con game? She’s also just as 8TFU as the other posers!
TAH going to call her out? I want to see how that conversation goes? And what does a West Point graduate need with an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice!?
Are you SURE it’s not too late to enter “this” into this year’s SVT??
Is that the herp on her lip in one of the Facebook photos???
@44- it’s either that or a lip ring, not 100% sure
@40: Yeah, the 2nd photo is legit, but it isn’t her. She’s not the 1st person to try that shit and probably won’t be the last.
Good grief. That’s the kind of girl I’d buy a drink for in my club days as long as she promised to stay the hell away from me.
@45 – that doesn’t look like a lip ring to me, but I seriously don’t want to take a closer look. She is shave your dog’s ass and teach him to walk backwards ugly!!