Lieutenant Frederick Georges; TAH phony infiltration

| April 29, 2013

Frederick Georges

Last month, we were having a discussion about Republican Mayor John Spodofora, who pretended to be a Medal of Honor recipient. During the discussion, a fellow by the name of Lieutenant Frederick Georges interrupted with a bunch of words which, although spelled correctly, were pretty much jibber-jabber and an incorrect recitation of history.

He signed his post with this;

GEORGES,F. B170696 W-1 United States NAVY
SPECOPS/EOM-NSA IV CORPS Vietnam Support unit-Thailand

So, someone got suspicious and got his FOIA;

Frederick Georges FOIA

Since he was nice enough to use his serial number, getting the FOIA was made that much easier, thanks Frederick. So he spent a whole thirteen months in the Navy. He was assigned to the USS Fulton, AS-11, a submarine tender. According to the history of the boat, ship, floater, during the time Georges was assigned to it;

The years between 1959 and 1971 were spent tending units of SubRon 10 from the state pier at New London, CT., with an occasional break for minor overhauls and R&R trips. In 1970 the USS Fulton sailed to Bermuda for a R&R trip and in 1971 she sailed to Charlestown South Carolina for a drydock yard overhaul. During this time units of Submarine
Squadron Ten were the USS Fulton, AS-11; USS Skylark, ASR-20; USS Gato; USS Nautilus; USS Greenling; USS Pollack; and USS Sturgeon.

That’s some “special” operations right there. According to the Navy, FN is the rate for a fireman.

I’m beginning to wonder WTF is in the water in this country? How much ‘tard does it take to infiltrate a blog which is fairly famous for busting phonies and pretending to be a phony? he’s probably not the first, nor will he be the last, but that’s some shit for a psychiatric eval right there.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Combat Historian

Guess he was providing all that TS SCI secret squirrel SEAL support to “SPECOPS/EOM-NSA IV CORPS Vietnam Support unit-Thailand” while he was tending fires on the FULTON docked in New London, Connecticut. Another Vietnam combat vet wannabee…pathetic…


In the immortal words of Robert Downy Jr., “You went full retard, man. Never go full retard.”


Doesn’t everyone like to go to webites that bust phonies and pretend to be an Airforce SEAL Gunnery Sergeant?


No that’s funny! What a douche…


He looks like a fireman.


I guess they believe that they’re just so much smarter than us poor ol’ dumb grunts, gun-bunnies, zoomies, squids, etc. After all, if we were so smart, we wouldn’t have been tricked by our Recruiters.


(Sigh) I was just a lowly photographer’s mate. I was at NPC. I printed black & white prints. I monitored color chemistry. I cut film in the MOPIC editorial division. Sometimes I answered phones. I did other things, too, like sitting on the quarter deck at NPC and listening to sea stories once every six days and putting up with a junk on the bunk inspection of my Navy stuff once a year at my apartment.

It was a humble job. It was not heroic, except for having to listen to sailors run their silly mouths all day long. Putting up with that nonsense is pretty heroic. I think I deserve a medal and an extra line ‘beyond the call’ on my FOIA form.

Someone please tell me just what in the blue-eyed world is so unimportant about simply doing your cotton pickin’ job?


One of my uncles was a fireman in the Navy back in the early 60’s. When I asked him how many times the ship caught fire, he laughed and explained that he fired and maintained the engines in the FDR (That was his ship.) If this guy was actually a fireman in the Navy, maybe he did the same thing.


That . . . mustache. I . . . what . . . duuuuuuude. That facial hair is screaming “fail” I bet if some real Marine confronted this fool, that mustache would drop off and run to hide in the closest flowerbed.


All I have to do is look at the molestache to know he is a fake. I bet this is his vehicle.


Come on, Jonn! This is just his “cover” service record. The REAL one which details the incident where he singlehandedly infiltrated the jungles of Bangladesh and saved some CIA operatives who were captured by man-eating Pygmies, is classified SUPERSECRET//DOUBLECLASSIFIED//NOFORN


I figured it out. His post-Navy career includes his super-secret gig as a member of a fireman’s barbership quartet.

He goes by the name ‘Old Hooky’, which he stole from Wellington back in the Regency period during his super-secret time-traveling bender in the Peninsular Wars (Iberian Penins.), and now drinks Old Hooky Beer to prove his connection.

Stay crazy, you old goatsbeard.


Hey, bubba!! The leather freak in the Village People wants his moustache back!

Old Trooper

I don’t know; looking at the picture up top, he looks legit to me.


Well, I guess we now know what happened to that biker dude from the Village People after the group broke up. Or maybe the hard-hat guy – could be either one.

Looking at his FOIA report, he was assigned to his ship for just short of 8 mo; was then transferred to the St Albans Naval Hospital for a bit over 2 mo; then was discharged. He doesn’t appear to have been physically messed up, since he claims to have worked as a fireman for years on the civilian side after his time in the Navy (though that could well be a bogus claim too).

From this monumental stupidity, plus his obviously out-of-touch-with-reality writing style, perhaps he was at St Albans in their equivalent of “13th floor at DDEAMC” territory. For those without an Army background, think “cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs” and/or “thorazine shuffle”.

Maybe he banged his head one too many times going through the hatches on his ship or the subs they supported.


That stache is super top secret squirel regs! all super top secret squirel clearance guys MUST wear their stache like the. this guy is so secret, even the pentagon couldnt get a FOIA on him. he personally stashed the burned remains of his records at the bottom of the mariana trench. His super top secret squirel training taught him how to survive at the bottom of the mariana trench and hold his breath long enough to swim down and back 3 times with out stopping for air. dont question the stache!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

His first reply (the one in the link) cries out “nuttier than a fruitcake”….

@15 on the civilian side my wife works in a local hospital with a mental health wing…it’s called the “lithium lilt”…it’s a distinctively slow ambling walk that hardly fits the definition of a lilt which I guess is why they use it sarcastically, I suspect in the same fashion as a “thorazine strut”…

None of these anti-depressants seem to actually lift the spirit or body, more they sedate the brain into an awake semi-comatose state of consciousness…with a little extra serotonin uptake in the brain….poor b4stards…I don’t even like aspirins…can’t imagine heavy metal salts as a constant routine…


VOV: I used the wrong term working from memory (corrected above). The old phrase for the slow, shuffling gait of patients heavily medicated with thorazine was the “thorazine shuffle”.

I’m seriously thinking this guy is a head case. (yeah, if his discharge was honorable he technically qualifies for membership) (The comments here originally had a claim by Georges of being WO-1 and having served in the Navy in the “Vietnam Campaign”. As I suspected he might, Georges is apparently trying to cover his tracks and has edited the original comment. However, before he did that I saved his original comment – complete with his bogus claim of being a WO1 and serving in the “Vietnam Campaign” – to PDF. You can see his original bogus claim here; look for the comment made on Feb 4 2013 at 1:23PM at the bottom of page 19 in the attached PDF.) (also saved to PDF in case it “disappears”)

Crotchity Old Bubblehead

Anyone else notice the guy looks like Cheece, the 60s/70s variant.

As far as being a ‘Fireman’ on the Fulton, he would have been nothing more than the Engineering department’s bitch boy and would have done all of the crap jobs. He would have been cranking on the mess decks which is an afloat version of Kitchen Patrol, cleaning the berthing areas and heads, the one person who had to support every stores load where he would have stood in a line with 100 other knuckleheads and passed boxes of food from one to the next. All in all, with no schools and not completing a full first tour, a crappy life.

With ~2yrs and 21 days of service, he had to have had some issue that kept him in the extra 21 days or drove him out almost 11 months early. Either way, he was not a keeper for the Navy.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This is from one of his posts….

“I am a coward so I speak from a cowards point of view when I state that I was terrified when I met my first “firefight”. Other people trying to kill me! I was extremely grateful for my training and for my fellow Servicemen who had my back. ”

I think you are correct Hondo, being from Connecticut prior to enlisting I was completely unaware of how many firefights took place on the state pier in New London during the late 60s and early 70s when my dad and uncle took us there to look at the Navy ships…who knew we were in imminent danger if not for the fearless efforts of USS Fulton’s boiler techs…I knew the Navy was not just a job but an adventure, I just never knew the adventure included firefights in Connecticut that apparently resulted in injuries severe enough to leave this fellow unable to continue after just thirteen months…

Green Thumb

I would like two tickets, pleae.

The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round; the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round.



Ya know, I’m willing to give the guy sort of a break. Looking at the pictures on his Fireman’s blog page, especially the last picture on the last page, either those Canadians (Ottowas? Ottowanians?) are all really short, or our man is somwhere about 6’10” more or less in height. Now, having been a former Snipe myself (MM) and 6’1″ (at the time, gravity takes its’ toll), I was always banging my head on overhead pipes and hatchways down in the hole or on my way to my GQ station. So maybe we can just say that on the part of FN Fritz, it’s all due to an undocumented service-related disability (in this case, CTE)? Just ruminating out loud.

Crotchity Old Bubblehead

19 should have been 1 yr vice 2.

Combat Historian

Maybe this loon and Richard Blumenthal were serving on the same fire team in “Vietnam” in 1969…


bobble: I’ve read something he’s posted on the Internet where he claims to be big – somewhere around 6’8″ or 6’9″, if I recall correctly. And yeah, repetitive head trauma could be part of this guy’s issues.

But I’m guessing that wasn’t his only “headspace and timing” problem.

Mr Wolf, non-Esq

Tonite on DEATH MATCH 2013:

LT ”Stache” Georges takes on TS ‘The Bearded Bard” Ortner

Should be a route in 2 rounds.

Loser to take on ‘The Hair’…


Whatever is going on with this dude, his rambling message on the previous post (see above link) is mind babble, incoherent and incomprehensible, although not nearly as bad as our former nemesis the archslayer warrior of God, Dullass Whipitnflogit himself. Both of them can function in a very basic way.

Let’s just hope they don’t find each other.

Just think of your face exploding at the speed of light, should that happen.


Ex-PH2: those two getting together would IMO produce a veritable “supernova of stoopid”.

In both cases the lights are on, but it’s questionable as to whether anyone is home that can still answer the doorbell.


Hondon, there is the possibility that they would create such a disturbance in the Force that they would neutralize each other, and maybe even take others with them.

Not only that, it might create another Big Bang and a new universe, and we could all move there and get our peace of mind back.


@28 A “Stupornova,” so to speak.


I just want to know what the fuck he is wearing in that photo?

Combat Historian

#31: looks to be the formal class-A fireman’s uniform for some municipality’s fire department. Firefighters usually wears thos things to ceremonial balls and funerals…


One word:


Real Deal –> Records sealed by POTUS!

Combat Historian

“Real Deal –> Records sealed by POTUS!”

#34: I bet if ‘ole lieutenant fred comes back on here, that’s exactly what he’ll claim…


The FN (“Fireman”) is an E-3 in the Navy who will be going into an engineering rating (Electrician’s Mate (EM), Machinist’s Mate (MM), etc.). On ships, the personnel who act as firefighters are usually Damage Controlmen (DC rating), although everyone is trained in firefighting because you don’t know where the fire will start. On Submarines, everyone is trained as a firefighter and in damage control (no DC ratings on Subs).


I thought Jerry Colonna was dead?

(‘way before most of y’all’s time)


Is it just me, or does anyone else think Georges’ photo in the above article was meant to have the caption, “Who farted?” (smile)


Cheech Marin really let himself go.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

If you read the stuff on his blog, it’s clear the man has some serious issues. I would not be surprised to find out he’s had a long history of mental illness and his life story reads like a sad paperback….

He claims to have become a firemen to atone for all those who died at his hands during his military service….unless he killed somebody through incompetence at the State Pier in CT….

He certainly seems like he’s not wrapped too tightly…he was able to be a firefighter for a number of years, but he could be a high functioning mentally unstable individual….his world view as illuminated through his own words is very unique.


@35- exactly right. FN means E-3, for you non-navy types. It just means that he was an E-3 who worked in an engineering rate. SN (seaman) would be E-3 for a bosun or something, and AN (airman) wouldbe an E-3 in a flight deck rating.

But… was the guy who showed up here really him, or an imposter trying to make him look like a fucking idiot? I just can not believe anyone would be so stupid as to fake it here using their real info.

Pineywoods NCO

All right, this has my dander up because of this fuckstick’s assignment on the USS Fulton, a ship my grandfather-in-law proudly served on in World War II.

Directed to the fuckstick:

Grow some nuts. Accept who you were. Take responsibility for your errors in judgment. Be proud. Don’t steal valor.


Oh the shear fail of it all. I have seen smadges of the sf type and foreign soldiers with stashes that gnarly though…

2/17 Air Cav

teddy996: see comment 25 18 above. Based on the fact that the guy has gone back and tried to remove evidence of false claims he’s made elsewhere after Jonn posted this article, yeah – I think it’s pretty clear it was really him.


@43-AirCav, that link led to a picture of Clark Gable in an Army Air Corps uniform. You are da bomb!


Please come defend yourself here, please come defend yourself here, I need a good laugh today.

Virtual Insanity


“Hey, I know, I’ll go on a website that specializes in outing phonies and make shit up about my military service. Then I’ll complain when they call me on it using salty language!”

Who thinks that’s fun?



This dolt looks like some cheesy silent movie villian with that stache.


One thing I have learned in 24 years of leading Soldiers and 42 years of life so far…

Never say you have seen everything…the minute you do…look who walks in


I guess we wont be seeing him come back here to defend himself. I am really hoping he does.