William Blake; the foot-fetish phony Marine

| March 18, 2013

We’ve done a couple of posts in regards to William Blake, who claimed that he invaded Grenada and then went to Beirut when he got done kicking the Cubans’ asses. Those posts were here and here. He’s shown up a couple of times to proclaim his veracity, and Marines who actually did serve in both Grenada and Beirut disputed that veracity. Well, Hondo got tired of it and submitted four more FOIAs – four variations of his name – they all came back the same;

William Blake FOIA March

I could post all four, but what would be the point? They are all signed by different clerks at the NPRC, so I’m guessing this is the height of due diligence. Unless Blake comes up with a DD214 which shows otherwise, we have to believe that he’s never set foot on those yellow foot prints.

The ball is in your court, Zippy.

Category: Phony soldiers

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If at all it will be one of those fakes… hen will these assmonkey just go away?


isnt this the guy in tulsa, OK? maybe i can go pay him a visit


Well done, fellas. Is there a dime-dropping procedure to get this clown’s VA bennies reviewed?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

No shortage of these guys lately it seems, and they are always weirdos with some odd desires….if it’s not feet it’s chubby girls tied down, or blood drinkers, or whatever….must be some sort of genetic mutation in the DNA…

@3 it’s not worth the legal hassles Smitty.
At the end of the day as much as these guys deserve a tune-up our system protects their lies, and you would be the criminal….boy things really have gone upside down.


VOV, I had forgoten about the cock inhaler. I’m going to have to go back and read his thread again. It’s monday and I need a good laugh.


Good thing this is BTTT, that way roid-boy can point to it with his little shrinky-dink dick.

Psst…Billy–jig’s up, son.

A Proud Infidel

I just wonder how soon that limp-dicked lardball dropout’s gonna come out screaming who’s butt he’ll kick or sue furst, (I ASSume he claims to have a lawer already).

I could use some more laughs!


In case anyone has forgotten, here’s what Jonn’s talking about with the “Zippy” reference:


Read some posts that were supposedly from this guy in one of the threads that sounded like someone who had experience in A Marine Engineer unit in a West Coast and Okinawa Aviation group. Could have been zippy or one of his butt buddies. At any rate the guy seems to never have been to either Beriut or Grenada. I hope for his sake he was just one of the slack jawed yokels who did his time and developed a condition that the VA considers service related. If he never served or made up some shit to get VA compensation I hope the hounds of hell chew on his ass like he has pork chop underwear.

2/17 Air Cav

My question is whether that thing under the helmet in his photo is his ass with something sticking out of it or his actual face. Inquiring minds want to know.


I get the feeling that if shitdick actually came up with a DD-214, it’d be as fake as Jesse MacBeth’s.

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Frankly Opinionated

Not only does he have a “foot fetish”, his girlfriend Buffy Gourley says that he is an avid Soap Opera watcher, “Days of our Lives”, I believe she said….. So manly…..


@12, It would probably be written in crayon.


That boot camp photo of him does look realistic.

A Proud Infidel

He still hasn’t showed up yet? I bet he’s still trying to make bail. For what it’s worth: Hey, Billy-boy! HEEEEERE DUMMY, DUMMY, DUMMY,…..


His records were sealed by the President.

He was classicfried by the NSA.

The operations he was on were deemed Notional Security Black OPS!


1371 Actual

For the couple of people on here who are not familiar with this douchebag- he’s a 100% bonafide poser.
I was one of the handful of Combat Engineers that hit the Island and then re deployed to our original destination- Beirut.
He was NOT with us.
Semper Fi……

A Proud Infidel

Has anyone herd fum hiz lawer yet?


His lawyer is busy in Grenada.


Looking for proof that Blake was there? Did he carve his name in a tree or something?



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Your the one who keeps avoiding confrontation.



After 4 attempts to find you’re records at NPRC failed. A Real Marine would want to clear his title & put him name on record.Failing to provide proof & wasting our time with your keyboard tough guy antics is speaking volumes on your credit-ability Blake.

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This clown has Final Four written all over him.

A Proud Infidel

@23, Ramirez has ten times the spine and balls that you do, he admitted that he f***ed up and apologized. YOU are like a cockroach in the kitchen, scurrying for cover the moment someone turns the light on! I look forward to your future rants, o tubby inbred one, I get a laugh out of them!

A Proud Infidel

To all fellow real Vets here: I just thought about the irregularity of “Tubby-Boy”‘s responses, I think it’s because he don’t get to his local “publick libary” to use their free internet as often as he’d like to anymore!

Hack Stone

Anonymous@23, your comments regarding our intelligence would have more credability if you could actually spell correctly.


The FB Group “Veterans of Beirut” is all a-twitter (no pun) about this foot-licker. I’ve taken the liberty of posting a link to this thread. They are probably reviewing as I type.

Let more shit come down on Bill “Flake’s” head.


Hey, Blake! Shall we play a game?

Name some names of the Marines with whom you served in Grenada and Beirut. That’s your part.

I’ll tell you if you got them right. That’s my part.

You up for the challenge?

BeirutIraqSomalia Marine

This is truly some of the best entertainment I’ve seen in quite some time. Thanks, Bill, Mike, Anonymous, or whatever name you’re using now for all this fodder to become the butt of our jokes.

Now for the serious parts. There are several combat veterans of Beirut and Grenada on to you and posting on this site. We know you weren’t there, no one that was in the unit you claim to have been in knows anything about you. You don’t forget the people you went to war with, especially when people didn’t come home, and don’t try this “secret ops” B.S. There were none, and anyhow it’s all been de-classified since 1999. Dude you’re merely showing either how delusional or stupid you are, in either case, you need professional mental health help.

The last serious part, I work for a state police agency and right now we’re checking into how we can prosecute you for communcating threats via the internet. BTW, no one is going to waste their time and money chasing you around. And back to your mental health issues, if you’re really 50, don’t you think it’s a little immature to be challenging people to fight in order to settle what could be settled by you showing us an actually DD-214? Blustering to cover up that you have been caught in a huge lie is what you’re doing. Once again, infantile behavior.

BeirutIraqSomalia Marine

Oh yeah, you look incredibly stupid wearing the steel pot with the brand new camoflage cover. How much did that cost you down at the Army/Navy store?

For you to use the deaths and tragedies we actually experienced to try to pick up women is lower than low. Looks like you took a page out of Obama’s playbook, you know, never let a tragedy go to waste. Yup, just like a politician or a drug dealer, use other people’s misery to gain something for yourself. BTW, I’ve seen you make alot of cracks about people with PTSD having to use medication to deal with the tragic deaths of their brothers-in-arms. That’s enough proof for me that you never heard a shot fired in anger. If you were really in combat, you would understand why some people have to have therapy and medication to deal with the loss of their friends. Kind of comical to me that someone that uses steroids so he can become big and bad ridicules people that use meds to deal with tragedy. From one drug user to another, huh? BTW, lifting weights does NOT make you a badass. I’ve seen some very oafish people that were huge from weights and steroids. Also big and slow loses to quick and strong anyday. Seen it happen plenty of times.

Joe Williams

No luck on finding zippy in Claremore. I starting to think this troll leading us on. Four FOIAS and no results.Cannot locate him in his hometown. Hiding in Tulsa ? Hey Skippy where do you want to meet ? Date , Time and Place ? Simple, also bring your DD-214. Waiting for your answer. Joe


@ #33: We have reason to believe that it is not women he tries to pick up with his BS.


@23 “You have pretty feet. What size are they?” Are you kidding me, Blake, you freakin’ dickwad… Jeez.

Colostomy bag.

BeirutIraqSomalia Marine

Colostomy bag, hehe.

I’ve never tried to pick up women by complimenting their feet and asking for their shoe size. Guess I’ve been doing it wrong.

Oh geez, just re-read post #23, he wants physical contact with a man. Guess he really is out of the closet now. I can actually picture him foaming at the mouth while typing out his diatribe. Also, let me get this right, the guy who’s lieing and been busted about it, can’t articulate his thoughts in a rational way, has no idea about capiltalization and punctuation, can only bluster and bloviate about wanting to fight, can’t produce basic documents every veteran has, falls back to gay slurs when questioned, and claims to be in the “real world” even when caught lieing, thinks the rest of us look “pretty fucking dumb”. Delusional at best. You’re not allowed sharp objects or out of your mom’s basement except to go to library to use the free internet, are you?

Shame my boxing days are over, really would like to use someone’s head for a speedbag one more time.

BTW, what’s “1 one 1 time with the man”. Never seen anyone stutter when typing before.

BeirutIraqSomalia Marine

Billy Boy, you really should come to the 30th remembrance. The combat engineers of 22nd MAU really want to have a reunion with you, and I’m sure they’d welcome you with open arms.

As a bonus everyone that you’d like to kick their ass would be in one place and we could all watch a bad-ass, Cuban killing, combat Marine go to town on all those jerks that question your bona-fides.


Hey, William “Pretty Feet” Blake. How are ya doin’, ghey boy?
You have not been forgotten, douche-nozzle.
TAH is still waiting for that DD214 with your Granada, Beirut (imaginary) service.
William Blake, you are a pervert, a liar, a phony loser. And you wet your bed, don’t you. Pussy.


Bartlesville OK. is where you will find William Robert Blake Jr. ass wipe. Bring your own first aid kit as you will need it and someone to drive you back home. Bill said he made 200 copies of his DD-214 to feed which ever one of you bitches that has the balls to show up. Joe Williams, bring your big mouth to B-ville or any of you internet ptsd rambo’s or you can send Don Shipley.


Sure he did, “Anonymous” – or should I say “Billy-boy”? Spending the night with your “friend” in Tulsa again?

Ain’t buying that BS. If Billy-the-Clown wanted to, he could take one of those “200 copies”, black out blocks 3, 5, and 19 (he’d only need to black out blocks 24 thru 28 if he has something to hide), scan it, and send it to Jonn.

If he’s legit, he’d get a public apology here at TAH.
The fact he won’t do that after nearly a year tells us everything we need to know about the jackwagon.

You do know that NPRC has also been queried about “Billy-Bob” at least 4 different times and can’t find any records on him – right?


Sorry the NPRC is part of the federal gov and we both know how they operate. Blake and myself where at 9th eng supt btln, Camp Hansen Okinawa. Blake 2 years, 1 for me, I was at 3rd MAW when our Marines in Beirut were Killed. I never saw combat except for fighting other Marines. I will get the phone # for the VA investigator that visited Blake at his home in Batlesville OK and post it here. Blake was never in Combat, he did catch someone in Bville posing as a Marine and confronted him, I believe that punk got on Bill’s computer at a bar where Bill is security. Bill has never claimed to be in combat, If any of you would like to meet me in Tulsa, I would be happy to oblige, Anytime.

Mark F

@42 Anonymous, wow! Just, wow! As it’s been pointed out before, if he has the proof, why not show it? As easy as e-mailing to the “bosses” here at TAH, with PII redacted. We’ve been dealing with you- er, Billy, here for a pretty long time, he’s had plenty of time to prove he earned The Title.

If anyone ever questioned my status in the military, I would happily provide proof to them, since I know how big of a deal Stolen Valor is, having outed a few posers myself.

And as for the “punk at the bar” was he the one who threatened my family an I via Facebook messages, and not Billy? By the way, I believe I still have the screenshots of that conversation…

Communicating threats via the Internet, tsk tsk, Billy. Should’ve stuck to your foot fetish videos on dirty websites.



@42: horsecrap. Billy-boy has had over a year to figure out how to scan and e-mail a redacted DD214 to the owner of this blog to support his claims of service. He refuses to do that.

Doing that would be an easy way to both clear his reputation here and get a public apology. His refusal indicates there’s almost certainly a reason he doesn’t want anyone here to see his “DD214”.


Wow, was it dig the hole deeper weekend here for our poser pals??
What a bunch of bull shit.



There is no need for anyone to “find William Robert Blake Jr. ass wipe”. As Hondo stated above, he can send a copy of his DD-214. I’m sure at the point that document is received and verified, the gentleman that runs this sight would be more than willing to update the posts accordingly.

Could you clarify your MOS? Just curious what you did that you bounced from Engineer Support to the Air Wing?


30th anniversary of the Beirut bombing. Did Billy make it to Jacksonville for the ceremony?


Hack–doubt it. There were some toes at some dive bar in OK that needed suckin.

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All you get from this clown are weak sexual threats.

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Fat boy here is still at it.

Threatens you, your family and then delivers a string of racial and sexual insults when you question his claims.

All for seeking clarification.

Then he wants to meet you for a fight.

No shit.
