Obama tax hikes loom

| October 1, 2012

Remember those “Bush tax cuts for the rich” we heard so much about for eight years? Well, it seems that now that they’re about to expire in the New Year, it’s the poorest working Americans who will suffer the most, according to the Washington Post;

For most taxpayers, the bulk of the increase would be triggered by the expiration of tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 during the George W. Bush administration. The expiration of President Obama’s payroll tax holiday, which shaved two percentage points off the 6.2 percent Social Security tax, comes in a close second.

But the lowest earners would be hit hardest by the expiration of tax breaks enacted as part of Obama’s 2009 economic stimulus package, the study found. The stimulus includes a temporary expansion of the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit for working families. And it temporarily bumps up a two-year, $1,800 tax credit for college tuition to four years and $2,500.

“The fiscal cliff turns out to be quite complicated,” said Donald Marron, director of the Tax Policy Center, the result of “an accumulating snowball of temporary tax provisions.”

Yeah, not complicated at all by calling them “tax cuts for the rich” when they were really tax cuts for working Americans. Some people who were exempted from paying taxes because of their low wages will have to pay taxes for the first time.

Just like those stupid Obama ads I see that say that Romney will raise taxes on the middle class while cutting taxes for the richest Americans. There’s not a bit truth in that, either, but you can use the the Bush “tax cuts for the rich” catch phrase as an example of how truthful the Democrats are when they talk about taxes. Like Clinton’s middle class tax cut which became the tax hike on all Americans, even Social Security recipients. Yeah, it turns out that we’re all rich according to Democrats.

Category: 2012 election, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan, Taxes

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Wait. Didn’t he promise he wouldn’t raise taxes on the middle class? Oh. Right. This isn’t raising them, it’s just letting tax cuts expire. After 8 years, it’s TOTALLY different.



Oh. Right. I gotcha.

Good thing BO’s there to make sure my taxes don’t go up or anything. I would be worried otherwise.

Mr. Blue

My taxes went up, then my job went away… but check out my Cool New Obamaphone(tm)!


Okay, now ya’ll done it. Sippy and the other ‘tards will be in here any second now telling you how ya’ll are just a bunch of racists.


Oh, boy! We are all finally going to be paying our fair share? And our neighbors and the thugs selling drugs and, and, and.


Oh, will you kindly take the pearls your clutching and shove them up your ass, sparky? I’ve acused two people thus far of being racist on this site. And that’s because they said things that were unquestionably racist. When people say racist shit, i call them on it. Deal with it.

This is tax cuts for the rich, because the Republicans had an opportunity to vote on keeping tax rates the same not only for the first 250k but for the first million and the Republicans elected to hold the tax cuts for the rich hostage. Fortunately once Obama gets re-elected and the sequestration AND the Tax cuts expire they will have to deal. So no, the tax cuts on the middle class and poor will not happen.


And right on fuckin cue! Thanks, sippy, you never fail to disappoint.


So no, the tax cuts on the middle class and poor will not happen.

But the tax HIKES will. Atta boy, sippy, nice Freudian slip there.

BTW–these are just the ones for 2013, not including the income tax hikes. Imagine what else is going to kick in come January 2014. There’s already talk in my company of dumping our health coverage altogether and just paying the fine, leaving us to fend for ourselves. Thanks, Obumbles!



Good thing Joe Biden goes to each and every cabinet meeting to fight for the middle class.

Both of them. Cabinet meetings, I mean. Even the one that Barry-O managed to drop in on. Musta been a Tuesday.


Only if it’s before his tee time, rik.


Since Insipid clearly identifies “rich” with “white” and “Republican,” I declare him to be a RACIST. Just because I say so.


They can dump your coverage, now, jackass. Without paying any fine at all. The only reason they offer it now is to promote the hiring of better people. Why in the world would they cut it after the cost-lowering mandates and subsidies (if they qualify) go into effect?

That’s a bullshit Koch-sucker site you gave. The CBO actually reports that the PPACA is going to cost LESS than formally predicted:


So not only are the Republicans going to lose in 5 weeks, but they’re going to lose HUGE in 2014 once people can see that they’ve been lying through their teeth about “Obamacare”.

Yat Yas 1833



@12- Pulling the “playing the race card” card is no better than actually playing the race card. The idea is to intimidate people into not labeling things that are clearly racist as racist. I’m sorry, referring to President Obama as an “Affirmative Action” President is clearly racist. Unlike Poetrooper, i actually DO have black friends and- without exception- every person i’ve discussed this with has not only thought it racist, but they actually visibly recoiled at the term. It is as manifestly racist as calling him a no account N***er. I’m not going to be intimidated out of calling things as they are, so you too can take your pearls and shove them.


Here’s some race-baiting, honest to goodness, down-home bigotry from one of Insipid’s intellectually dead counterparts:

“The Romney election fiasco will destroy the Republican Party, just as the Whig party fell apart in the last days of Millard Fillmore. The religious nuts and Dixieland ignoranti will demand the expulsion of all non-extremists and Karl Rove will be left at the Nascar track with Honey Boo Boo on his lap and a dwindling “base” of shrieking microcephalics awaiting the second coming of Adolf Hitler in a green satin Mountain Dew race-day jumpsuit. Respectable conservatives (they exist) will have to take their pleadings elsewhere, the venue or party yet-to-be determined, perhaps off-shore somewhere where the downtrodden sew blue jeans and counterfeit Louis Vuitton handbags.”


Racist. Just plain racist.


Are you saying that there weren’t tea-party rallys with Obama-as-Hitler signs?


@15 My, is that you, Gary Busey?

“Hey, some of mah BEST friends are BLACK!” I thought that one was declared declasse as being – dare I say – racist?


They weren’t 1–part of the rallies, 2–Republican or conservative.

If you had been paying attention, sippy, those “Obama-Hitler” posters were being put out by Larouchepac. You know, Lyndon Larouche? What party was he again?


Weren’t there lefty-rallies with “Bushitler” posters? What’s the difference?


Oh, and here’s some tea-baggers calling Obama the Antichrist:


“Tea baggers.” Well done, you Fascist hate monger racist! Well played. Oh, and really original, too.


How, ummmmm, is that, ummmmm, “racist?” Just cause you say so? TRy to be coherent, and try not to resort to hateful name calling an all of that dirty blue language you lefties love to use!


Yo Sippy … how the hell can you breath with your head stuck so far up there?


Lack of intellectual curiosity. Inseparably attached to dogmatic positions……..the modern Liberal. A life defined by YouTube videos….


Well if a “tea-BAGGER” is the one doing the actual “tea-bagging”, Sippy, that must make you a “teabag-ee”..

…in which case, how does that sack taste?


I know, I know…that was racist.


So sippy, you decry the source of the material, but do you deny that those tax hikes will be taking effect in January? Or that MIDDLE CLASS FAMILIES, particularly those with special-needs kids, will be particularly hard hit by the hard cap on DCAs?

I mean, it’s not like we weren’t getting fucked by not being able to pay for OTC meds with our HCRAs, right?


@21- It’s a matter of degrees. Are there some nut-cases that had Bush as Hitler poster? I don’t doubt it. But i was at 2 anti-war rally’s and i saw some more at C-span and I never saw one.

Plus, we’re mad at the real guy. Bush really did get us into a war based on false pretenses. He really did pass an unpaid for tax-cut during a time of war, an unpaid for medicare part D, he really did ignore intelligence that might of stopped 911, he really did take us from a surplus to a deficit and he really did impliment policies that caused a global systemic economic catastrophe.

President Obama has not “come for your guns”, he’s actually reduced gun laws.
President Obama has not raised taxes,he’s lowered them.
President Obama’s health care law is not a “government takeover” but a centrist law developed by the heritage foundation, put forward by Dole as part of a compromise with Clinton, and implimented- with great success i might add- by Governor Romney.

Even this talking point about his alleged incompetence is a fantasy on your part. He has overseen the most legislation of any President since LBJ. And he did it with a significantly smaller majority. In fact, the only reason why you’re doing it is so you can falsely state that Obama=Carter.

I hated Reagan’s policies, but i have to admit he was a wonder at pushing his god-awful agenda forward.


@ Sippy Cup … Don’t you dare bad mouth Ronald Reagan. You have know idea!


Special-Needs kids are among those being the most helped by the affordable care act because the PPACA gets rid of the lifetime limit.

Also you’re not getting “fucked” in regards to over the counter medicine. You can still purchase it if it’s prescribed by a doctor, you just can’t horde over-the-counter meds as a way of getting by the use-it-or-lose-it clause.

Plus a 1.5 million seniors are saving 800 bucks a year on the closing prescription drug donut hole.


@31- Saying he was a wonder at pushing his agenda through is “bad mouthing” Reagan?


Yo Sippy Cup … I have fixed your previous post.

President Obama has not “come for your guns”, no but since he is stripping away at defense funding … he will expect the citizens to use their own weapons to defend our shores.

President Obama has not raised taxes. BULLSH*T … the USSC just ruled a major foundation of the Offordable Health Care Act is a TAX. Plus my taxes have gone up!

President Obama’s health care law is … Yes … President Obama’s health care law. It is OBAMA CARE!

Any questions Sippy Cup?


It seems only a matter of degrees when it suits you.

You fantasize about Conservative opposition to Obama and try to invent your own rationalizations for it.

“The most legislation since LBJ?” So what? What good has it done?

So nice, so fair minded, so wonderful of you to admitting that Reagan was a “wonder at pushing his god-awful agenda forward.” So what? What is that tripe even supposed to mean?


Yo Sippy … You can call me Master Chief … and yes … he is idolized by conservatives … and by the way he is no longer here to defend himself. Therefore, lay off The Great Communicator. One other thing, if Nancy heard what you said about Ronnie and his agenda … well …


I guess there is a small correction he has lowered taxes for 95% of Americans. There is a small medicare tax increase of .9% on all income over 200 k for individuals and 250 for married couple filing jointly. But unless you smoke or go to tanning beds, your taxes have lowered under President Obama.


Oh, here’s a site that tells how horribly special needs kids are being treated by President Obama:


And here’s Stacy Lihn telling the story of how that horrible “Obamacare” has saved her daughters life:



That’s really the result of lower personal incomes and declining corporate tax revenues….You know, the usual things that usually happen during depressions/recessions.

Name an actual tax cut that Obama proposed, let alone has seen passed? You know, the guy that can’t be bothered to to submit a budget. Go ahead. Google it.


@Rik- What it means is that i can recognize reality. And part of that reality is knowing that there were FAR more Obama-as-antichrist-hitler signs at Anti-Obama rallies then those at the anti-bush rallys. If i started calling Reagan an incapable senile fool, it wouldn’t be reality. His great ability to get legislation done belies that.

And i submit that Obama’s legislation has ALREADY done a lot of people a lot of good. That his place in history is already assured as one of the great Presidents.


Sippy you are wrong … The wealthiest of American’s (as per Obama Administration) … those who make 200 k for individuals and 250 k for married couple filing jointly will be kicked square in nuts this coming tax year.

Thanks Pres. Obama for reclassifying me as a rich dude!

Are you say 95% of the country makse less?


Off the top of my head, he’s reduced payroll taxes by 2%, the making work pay tax credit, he also increased the child tax credit and he added a whole tax credit for education.


Oh, here’s more info. Small correction to the above, he’s lowered taxes on 98% of taxpayers:



Well,if you do make that much, you were already kicked “square in the nuts” as that tax went into effect last year. Obviously it was so onerous you didn’t even notice!

Furthermore, i reject entirely the notion that a 3% raise in taxes on those making over 250k is a particularly unreasonable request.


Well, ol’ sod, you aren’t a) very bright, or b) remotely convincing. And I declare Millard Fillmore a GREAT PRESIDENT. Just because I say so. Buenas noches from the piney woods of deep East Texas.


@41- Yes, if you do make 200k a year 95% of the country earns less than you do. Congratulations and stop being such a whiny-ass-little-bitch.


@45- Yes, but you’d have nothing to back that up. I have health care reform, banking reform, wall-street reform, ending DADT, being the first president to proclaim support for gay marriage, saving us from a second great depression, saving the car company, killing osama bin laden etc. etc. to back me up.


Sippy, sippy, sippy…again, show me where conservatives had anything to do with the Obama-Hitler posters. I know you read my post, and ignored it. But I’m not letting you ignore shit you find inconvenient.

Oh, and Bush-Hitler? One word, kiddo–Zombietime.

Yat Yas 1833

Ya know sippy, your political views don’t bother me at all, misguided though they may be. What does bother me is your blind allegiance to your “dear leader”. It’s the exact same thing that fueled the nazi party in 1930s Germany. NOOO, I’m not saying you or your dear leader are nazis, I’m just saying that your 100% placement of your total faith in his infallibility are troubling. Not even being able to consider another point of view without attacking the person proves my point.


@ Sippy Cup … that is Master Chief whiny-ass-little-bitch to you!

Holy crap Sippy you are a terrible adoicate for your party!

And if Nancy heard the way you spoke she would was you mouth out with soap!

NEWS FLASH: the 95% is a fallacy … are you talking net or gross?

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