Their Idealism Was Squandered on a Charlatan

| September 27, 2012

The conventional wisdom is that no one, having made a demonstrably colossal misjudgment, likes to be told, “I told you so.” Considering that millions of usually thoughtful voters cast caution to the winds in 2008 and voted for a presidential candidate about whom they knew nothing, there is now a plenitude of penitents upon whom those of us who had urged caution could righteously invoke that censure. Yes, the normal conventional wisdom should caution against its use, however, my own inability to resist that wisdom in dealing with a member of my own family who had willfully suspended belief and followed the Obama rainbow, left me rather pleasantly surprised.

Not only did I not get a response of righteous indignation and defense of the indefensible, I got a grudging agreement that their moment of political exhilaration was perhaps misguided and the results had proved to be disastrous. Once moved to idealism by Obama’s oratory, they had now been returned to earth cruelly by the very factor of which I had cautioned: the man’s total lack of executive, business or governing experience. Where once that concern had been brushed aside with a glib, “That’s not really a problem if he surrounds himself with experienced people,” my back-then admonition that an inexperienced executive has no skill in selecting qualified subordinates, the stark recognition of that truth has apparently come home to roost, as the Reverend Wright might rail. The ineptitude demonstrated widely and deeply throughout this administration has to be an embarrassment to its most ardent supporters much less those who were the hopeful, impressionable crossover voters in 2008.

So what’s my point here? Simply this: don’t be afraid to say “I told you so,” to those you know who drank the Kool Aid in 2008. Sure, some will respond angrily and defensively, but it’s not you they’re angry at, it’s themselves for being so easily and transparently duped. Worse they’re angry because their temporary foolishness has been so blatantly demonstrated by the absolutely horrible performance of this false Messiah president. After all, their idealism was squandered on a charlatan and the humiliation that harsh truth entails must necessarily inspire emotions that can be used to correct the terrible mistake to which they contributed.

But proceed with caution; don’t be smug or condescending which likely will be met with a blast of defensive Democrat talking points created specifically by the Obama campaign to enable the disillusioned to reinforce and defend their own doubts. Take it slow and allow these doubters to express their own misgivings, which, once voiced, become much more easily accepted as topics for critical discussion. There are enough millions of American voters who fall into this voting demographic to undo the damage they inflicted on America in the last presidential election. Let us go about returning them to a position of rational voting for candidates who can truly lead our country out of the morass into which this false Messiah has so deviously Pied-Pipered us.
Once burned, the easily winnable may be much harder to win. But they were burned by their emotions and idealism. Appeal to the stark realities of where this country and their children and grandchildren are headed if this grossly failed social experiment isn’t removed from office.

Crossposted at American Thinker.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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I’m an independent voter who went for Obama last time… and probably will again. Anything I can say to defend that choice here will clearly be met with all sorts of disbelief, anger and name-calling, so I won’t bother.

I will say, however, that for an article which at one level attempts to advise Conservatives on how to help Obama voters ‘see the light’, it would be best served by not trotting out names like ‘the Messiah’, calling the President a charlatan or insisting they were lead by the pied piper. In fact, follow one bit of advice from the same column: “don’t be smug or condescending”.

Use numbers, reason and empathy and you’ll get much further.

That said, for me personally and probably many other independents, one of the key issues this cycle is that Mitt Romney is, frankly, a fairly weak candidate who has proved time and time again to be difficult to relate to. I would’ve much preferred Rubio/Ryan or Huntsman and whoever. So my second bit of advice would be to work on converting them to understanding a Republican point of view, but not necessarily a pro-Romney or anti-Obama point of view.


Truer words have never been spoken about this subject


Sorry about the article not anonymous’ comment


Reposted from Vets for Peace on a mission to Pakistan

MCPO NYC USN (Ret.) Says:
September 27th, 2012 at 12:06 pm

OK … I will start.

First, NEWS FLASH …. them crazy terrorists over there chop off the heads of Americans. In the FBI they call that a clue. I would not go to Packofsand if it was the last know fun place to bring your family on summer vacation.

Second, CDR Leah Bolger, USN (Ret.) had one of the most under-whelming non-careers in US Navy history. Notice she retired right on time as a CDR at 20 years. Yes, she was passed over time and time again … well because she did not have what it takes. A non-leader, weak in the back bone, scares easy after dark, who now would rather hang out with the ENEMY.

Third, she is going on a possible on way trip and I wish her luck with her personal safety. No one likes seeing an American hurt overseas … this seems like a suicide mission of sorts!


Everyone says that Obama did the best he could and that it was better than anyone else could have done. Personally, I never play the shoulda/woulda/coulda game. What happened has happened, no matter what wargamers say otherwise.

However, that does not mean that we should be blind to what Obama did. People say that Romney is only for the rich because he supports rich corporations. Well, look that those corporations, that were failing at the time, he used his private money for (and that of other share holders). Burgerking, Toys R Us, and more. They are still around.

Now, look at those corporations that Obama used Taxpayer money to elevate in public attention. Ener 1, Solyndra, and others. They are all bankrupt. That probably says something right there.

I’m sorry, but I do not support someone who blames everyone but himself for the difficulties he is facing after three years after taking office. I do not support someone who says that police acted stupidly without all the info and that it was not an organized attack in Libya without all the info, then flips the moment it comes to light that he is wrong. I do not support that if you disagree with him, you are racist because you do not want to support a black man…

I could care less whether he were black, white, green, or purple. A rat is a rat… and I’m not talking about that scurrying creature that made an appearance during one of his speeches outside.


Incompetent and slothful, but he may well win reelection anyway. Bill O’ Reilly put it succinctly when he said ” people vote on emotion and not issues”. The first black President, the whole “cool factor” ( on talk shows, mag covers, hanging with celebs, can talk popular culture ),and the MSM protects him by mostly posting positive and squelching negative narratives. Most people will vote for the shiny object, and ignorant to the national deficit, foreign policy collapse, fast and furious, Gitmo, blatant class warfare, constantly passing blame to others…

Howard Stern had the “Man On The Street” segment where his crew asked blacks in NYC a bunch of loaded questions like “what do you think of Obama being a Mormon?”, “what do you think of Obama’s running mate Paul Ryan?”, or “do you agree with Obama’s pro life stance?” You gotta listen to the 7 minute segement – its scary. I’m not saying people should be suject matter experts, but come on!


Here is an article from Daily Caller about the total expense to tax payer last year funding Obama Presidency – yes, I know the Daily Caller is no friend of Obama and liberals.


#7 Devtun

That Obama is living large on the taxpayer dime has been pretty obvious for a while now – to anyone paying attention.

#1 Anon

How on earth you can vote for that Marxist? Never mind, clearly you’re a “spread the wealth around” kind so … bleh.


I did not buy the sales pitch the first time around. I’m not sure what the sales pitch is the second time around. I have seldom seen anyone keep a job with such a lackadaisical attitude toward it, such a lack of responsibility for the job, nor have I seen anyone who misunderstands simple ‘corporate’ politics (in this case, foreign relations) so completely. That he is still using THAT video as the reason for what happened two long weeks ago shows that he is unwilling to deal with the reality of it, and with the reality of the corner he has forced us into.

NO ONE in that position can afford to appear to be so ill-informed or badly advised or so completely incompetent. I’m not even sure he can ties his own shoes without being told how to do it.

I didn’t vote for him the first time because I didn’t buy the sales pitch. This time, I wouldn’t vote for him if he were white. I don’t believe anything he says, never did.

But I will blame him for everything, in office or not, if this country ever comes under attack again.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

For me Anonymous hits it on the head, all these undecideds are talking about Romney not being someone they can relate to….why is that important to them? They can relate to Obama, and the resulting 4 years have been a steady decline in jobs and prospects. I don’t care if Romney and I would never be comfortable in the same room, I want someone in the White House who can get production moving and put people to work in the private sector. Without the private sector there are no government programs and cuts for everyone civilians and military alike will be extremely likely to happen.

My new voting philosophy is simple Republican or Democrat deliver on your promises or I vote for your opponent in the next election. Period. I am tired of hearing bullsh1t from both parties, if you tell me you are going to create jobs and secure the borders do it or don’t p1ss and moan when you are out of a job. If every American stopped voting party and started voting for people who will do the work and get rid of these stay in office forever useless turds, the nation would be far more interesting and enjoyable than it has become lately. Democrats and Republicans need to work together, put the rhetoric aside and do the f$cking job we pay you to do or expect to get you 4ss kicked to the curb.


This is going to be a very sour note, but I’m old enough now (50) that I see a pattern. Every election cycle, the same political parties say the same things, promise the same things, and OFFER THE SAME SOLUTIONS TO OUR PROBLEMS. And what happens? Jobs disappear, taxes go up, prices go up, The deficit continues to spiral upward, and the economy continues to falter. Romney wouldn’t know a blue collar worker if he fell over one…and Obama wouldn’t either.

I agree with VOV on this. And I’ll stop ranting now.

2-17 AirCav

@1. Anonymous: Thanks for your advice. Others know that I rarely use vulgarities when commenting. Oh, I’m good for a hell or damn now and then but rarely anything stronger. So, I’ll get to my point: Take your vote and shove it up your ass.


Sad. Reasoned, temperate comments like those made by Anonymous are met with profanity and hatred.

Almost as sad as the people here praising a party that just voted down a jobs bill for veterans.


@10 I think the reason why relatability trumps economic prowess for many independents is simply that not everyone is feeling the economic pinch. It is unquestionably an issue for the country, and for an independent voter without a job is likely to be a very key issue – far more so than how relatable someone is. But, with that said, most people (and thus independent voters) do have jobs, and at that point, the question of character trumps economic know-how since the latter is personally unimportant.

I’m not saying this is right or fair, but that’s how I see things.


Character trumps economic know-how? Well, then, how can anyone who pays attention vote for Obama? Just the most recent example, the terrorist attack that was a “spontaneous” demonstration that was actually a terrorist attack. While the guy in charge couldn’t put off a campaign trip and a chance to hang with Jaye-Z and Beyonce? That really shows a lot of character.
And, someone who would have “preferred” Huntsman would vote for Obama, regardless. That’s the same logic that got us McCain last time around.
One-fifth of the work force is out of work, stopped looking for work or underemployed, and it really is beyond time to change the people in charge. The people currently employed as the ones with answers have shown, for the past 3.5 years, that they really have no answers.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@14 Yeah I’m thinking you did not mean character trumps economic know how exactly as worded, perhaps personality trumps character and or know how…character is typically defined as your moral compass, moral fiber, whatever ethical and moral compass your religion or lack thereof indicates. Romney is a good man, he has been married once and only once. He has worked hard his whole life, there is no stink of scandal around him at all. I can understand folks not liking him due to being a bland kind of guy (Ann Coulter even called him a “square”) but he has good character in my opinion. Unlike many others, I don’t doubt Obama’s character I think he loves the country and I think he is devoted to his family. But he is ineffectual in my mind similar to Jimmy Carter was to my mind. A decent man with no practical leadership experience and an inability to create bi-partisan legislation making him essentially unable to perform in the White House, Obama seems the same to me. He struggled to pass his own health care when his party had a super majority and could dictate terms to the Republicans. He has struggled in middle east, calling Bush’s surge unecessary but using the same strategy himself in Afghanistan when he became president. Claiming to not know that the Libyan attacks were a terrorist plot. Not one person on this board ever thought that exactly 11 years later on the anniversary of 9-11 an attack on the US Embassy that kills 4 Americans was a protest out of control. How naive can you be as commander in chief? To apologize for American’s right to free speech because the ignorant masses in feudal theocracies can’t comprehend our laws was insulting to many, and equally disappointing to others. Thus, performance trumps personality for me. None has been shown, so it is time for a new regime. Had the economy boomed and our enemies subjugated in fear of us I might think differently. Clearly none of that has happened as far as I can see, nor is it likely… Read more »


Almost as sad as the people here praising a party that just voted down a jobs bill for veterans.

Because in the end, it wasn’t about jobs for veterans, it was about lining the pockets of Democrat interest groups. Come on now, we can be honest here, can’t we?

And how well have those “jobs bills” been working out for the last 3 1/2 years so far? Yeah, kinda what I thought. Fix the fucking economy and veterans (and everyone else) will be going back to work. The bill you cite was a load of horseshit, and the only reason Dingy Harry allowed a vote or debate on it was because it was in fact a load of partisan horseshit.

Here’s a wild and crazy idea for you, Curious. How about passing a budget?

2-17 AirCav

Boy o’ boy. These clowns come in here, pretend to be independent and interested in reasoned grounds and what they are actually looking for is any opening to spew their gibberish. Character and obama? That lying, backstabbing piece of filth! Just look at the lataest goodies on who knew what and when regarding the attacks on our consulate and embassies. As for not feeling the economic pinch, go screw yourself, Anonymous. Where’s that boo-hoo empathy? You’re an independent like I’m a Muslim.


For the record Anon @1–Huntsman is a Chinese-speaking O-bot, which is why anyone on the right saw him for the full-o-shit phony he was/is. Ditto Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, and Sharkey the Cock Inhaler.

Anonymous #1

@18 Well, it must be prayer time for you soon. I’m expecting to vote for a Republican for Senate and a Democrat for President. That’s fairly independent, isn’t it? Or should I also shove my vote for the Republican up my ass?

Yat Yas 1833

@ 14 Anonymous, “not everyone is feeling the pinch”? I make $60k+ a year and I definitely feel the economic pinch. I feel it every time I fill the tank of my full sized Explorer, which gets lousy gas mileage. I feel it every time I hit Sam’s club to go shopping. My cart seems to have less stuff in it and I keep paying more. I feel it when I take my daughter and grandkids to lunch, at my granddaughter’s favorite place, and we order the same meals and it’s $4 more than last time.

Whether or not I ‘like’ or relate to or respect comrade obama is irrelevant. What I care about is how thin my wallet is getting. What I care about is his lying about the attacks on our embassies and consulates. What I care about is his refusal to accept responsibility for his failed policies. What I care about is him ‘apologizing’ to any and everyone in the world for us being Americans in America.

Anonymous #1

@19 Given the proximity of ‘Chinese-speaking’ next to ‘O-bot’, it almost sounds like you view that as a negative. Given how important China is to trade and defense, wouldn’t it be a plus to have someone knowledgeable of the culture and language?

And I’m pretty sure he’s been a long-time Republican, too. I’m not sure how that translates to ‘O-bot’. He’s fairly centrist, at least compared to the others, but that’s what I like. I’m liberal on things like science, education and social issues like gay rights, and conservative on things like social security and the military. Centrists are who people like me gravitate towards. It’s why I don’t mind Romney much, actually. Of course, I also think Obama is pretty centrist, but naturally most here would disagree.


@1Anonymous Since you feel qualified to tell me how to be persuasive with this:

“Use numbers, reason and empathy and you’ll get much further,”

May I then suggest you follow your own advice on this forum?

Please, please, please reveal to those of us here the “numbers” you feel will justify your voting for this grossly inept and ineffective community organizer for a second term?

I’m really interested in what numbers you can produce here that will convince the least stalwart conservative among us to vote for Obama.


@21 I’m sorry you’re feeling it. I understand a lot are. But I’m not. I don’t say that as bragging or anything, I just say it as, sure, I could use more money in my wallet, but it’s not noticeably worse than it was a few years ago, and I’m not in dire straits. Maybe I’m even better, though if that’s the case it’s not noticeably so either. The point is, some people are worse, some people aren’t, but I don’t think the *majority* are. For many, taxes went down, their homes which were dropping value like crazy when President came into office have recovered a bit, and I personally don’t know any close friends who are unemployed. Maybe I’m just lucky, I was just calling it like my experience sees it.

As for the embassy stuff, since everyone keeps bringing that up, to me this wasn’t a big deal. The truth always gets obscured for partial extremes in politics. Clearly, there was an attack. Also pretty clear is that there was a protest going on, a relatively peaceful, at the same time. And if it was orchestrated as cover for the attack, which I would find incredibly plausible, it at least seems like most of the participants were unaware of that goal. So, the President is faced with horrific attacks in an unstable land and needs to lower tensions. Does he a) call out EVERYONE who took part as terrorists, angering lots of people in a volatile region by what they will perceive as a dismissive insult, or b) acknowledge what THEY feel they’re protesting about, lowering tensions and preventing things from getting worse.

Call me crazy, but I’d go with ‘a’ as well. Even while making it damn clear to Morsi that this was indeed a terrorist attack, with some significant intelligence behind it, and we want some heads. Which we’ll get, either with his help or without it.

Does it also upset you when diplomats, spies or military intelligence tell half-truths in order to further US policy?

2-17 AirCav

@20. If, as I suspect, that Republican is not a conservative, by all means, do shove that vote up your egocentric ass too.


I also think Obama is pretty centrist

Which is where I stopped reading. Anyone who considers Obama “centrist” would say Mao is a right-winger.

And anyone who thinks this country as a whole is better off than it was four years ago, take off the blinders.

Hell, even Steve Wozniak is seeing Aussie citizenship, along with a whole host of other rich liberals who have bailed on the US for lower-tax countries (think Facebook for starters.)

In January 2009 I could fill up my 19-gallon gas tank for just over $35. Today I can’t fill up for less than double that–and I get FOUR DAYS between fillups. Heating oil is going for about $3.60/gallon and winter’s coming. Fucking hamburger is at/near $4/lb.

And I’m being told I need to “sacrifice” for those who have less. Really? That’s a nice code for bend over and spread my ass cheeks. Sorry, I’ve been taking more than enough lately, thanks all the same.


@23 The article was about courting disappointed Obama voters; the advice was how to do that better. Seeing as how I’m not trying to court anyone to vote for Obama, I’ll pass.


AirCav–I feel badly for AW1 Tim, where “Obama’s Comfort Girls” Snowe and Collins (thankfully one’s retiring) are the only Republicans to come out of that state since who knows when, but LePage is trying, God bless ‘im.


Newsflash–EVERYONE is disapponted in Obumbles. But what scares the ever-lovin shit out of me is the number of people who see the SCOAMF’s record and will STILL vote for him again.

Kinda reminds me of any given COPS episode where the woman comes stumbling out of the trailer, bloodied, eyes swollen shut, and when asked by the cops why she doesn’t leave the 100-lbs overweight/100-lbs underweight meth addict/alky/mentally deficient boyfriend/husband/baby daddy, looks all surprised and exclaims, “BUT HE LOVES ME!!!”

2-17 AirCav

And another thing, Anonymous, you talk too much and say little worth hearing. Did you major in philosophy and take a particular liking to the sophists?

Yat Yas 1833

@ 24 Anonymous, maybe i was a bit melodramatic about it but for many of my subordinate co-workers, it’s a reality. So you’re saying since you’re not feeling it and I’m only feeling it a little, it doesn’t matter?

The death of FOUR (4) Americans “isn’t a big deal”? His refusal to acknowledge it was a terrorist attack, then admit it then revert to denying it again isn’t a problem?

Welp, you’ve been very civil during our discourse, for which I thank you, but we’re just gonna have to agree to disagree.

2-17 AirCav

@28. I couldn’t imagine his pain.

2-17 AirCav

Why in the world would anyone who has the country’s best interest at heart vote for B. Hussein Obama? The answer is in the question, of course. If it’s one’s own interest (e.g., “I’m doing fine” or “I want to receive more), then, sure, you vote for the one who least threatens to rock your boat. But when looks beyond onself and considers the welfare and future of this country, there is no choice. It’s anybody but Obama. That’s why there is rarely a true independent. This is an ideological election, not a choice bewteen tweedledee and tweedledum.


@31 I’m not saying it doesn’t matter, I’m saying that unless people perceive it as a reality -either themselves, or through friends and coworkers like you see- they aren’t aware of the depth of the problem. Let me switch gears for a moment – a number of years ago, a family member was diagnosed with cancer. Before that moment, I’m sure I’d heard about people having cancer, but never really paid it much attention to it, despite the fact that it’s a very real, very common thing. After caring for someone fighting it? I notice it everywhere. I notice fundraisers for people suffering, charity events to raise money, people wearing wigs because they’re in chemo. Your eyes get opened to the things you experience firsthand far, FAR more than they do things you hear about secondhand.

You, your friends, all those people suffering in the economy downturn? That sucks. It just doesn’t ‘suck’ for me on the same level that it would if it were someone whom *I* interacted with every day and really understood. This maybe sounds unfair, but isn’t it always the case? People here often talk about the divide between the military and civilians and, ultimately, no matter how many stories a civilian hears about the military, he’s still not going to understand it on a level of someone who has served or has a son, daughter or sibling deployed, correct?

And no, I wasn’t saying the death of four Americans wasn’t a big deal, I was saying the President’s words weren’t a big deal. I think his words were designed to lower tensions, which is understandable. I think fighting rhetoric aimed at the entire crowd and/or country there would’ve been counter-productive. Most importantly, I choose to believe that, in addition to his words, he’s putting resources into place to find the people responsible. So, ultimately, do the words he spoke matter much to me? No. We’re Americans, we don’t let things like this go unanswered.

That said, no problem – we disagree, and that’s fine.


And that pretty much demonstrates the real divide in this country. There are entirely too many self-absorbed individuals who have no understanding of or interest in how interconnected we all are. If we go out of our way to insulate ourselves from those who are not just like us/look like me/vote the way I do/whatever criteria one chooses to use, then we will never see beyond the small sphere we imprison ourselves within.

One of the most appealing aspects of the veteran community is that we come from such a variety of backgrounds et al that we truly are the most representative community within society. And we still do not agree on everything. (Which some of us see as a good thing!) Yet there is a maturity (most of the time), an ability to see reality (most of the time), and solve problems on the fly. All while getting along well enough with everyone else around us to complete missions.

Does any of that mean that we will ever all agree on who has earned our vote? Of course not. But I expect most members of the military community to look far enough beyond the ends of our collective noses to see the suffering around us and the real risks facing this country if we don’t get some adults in DC who are willing to quit playing stupid games with our lives and our futures.

/rant (for now)


@27 Anonymous So you’ll pass, huh? Why does that not surprise me?

There is no substance behind this president and his record that can be positively demonstrated and supported numerically. It’s all about feelings and sensitivity and those ineffable qualities that you and those like you can somehow sense are right about this messianic leader. But no numbers to substantiate that faith…

When I wrote the piece, Anon, I wasn’t thinking about the likes of you, but rather those people of normal good sense who somehow lost it temporarily in the giddy madness of 2008.

In fact, I have no advice for any conservative for dealing with the likes of you, because people like you seem to have a contrarian bent that is intentionally impervious to reason. My piece was aimed at conservatives who know folks who jumped on the bandwagon in 2008 but now have some serious buyer’s remorse.

You are quite obviously not one of those.


Gov. John Sununu is on Susteren’s show now, saying Obama is “lazy and detached”, that Bo hasn’t met with any of his security breifings in months because he gets a summary on his Blackberry or whatever it is he uses.

Anderson Cooper in CNN is discussing the State Department’s decision to withdraw staff from the Tripoli embassy now. The Libyan government is saying there is the possibility that there will be violent demonstratios tomorrow (Friday). There is NOTHING coming from the WH about this, and if it weren’t for diligent reporters relaying information to at least two TV networks and also to radio networks, it’s entirely possible that none of this information would ever get through to the voting public.

And Bo is still harping on the video as the root of all the unrest.

To anyone thinks that this is no big deal, you need to consider how close we came in the 1960s to having a real nuclear war. Read up on the Mexican standoff that was the Cuban missile crisis. If you think it can’t happen now, you’re very naive. What does it take to make someone so dimwitted wake up?


Anyone who voted for Obama and now claims to have made a mistake are the same ilk that got ripped off by Democrat, Democrat campaign donor and current inmate Bernie Madoff – narcissistic, impulsive, greedy, and self-absorbed. 16 trillion in debt? No problem! A detached dilettante who tells different lies than the lies told by his Secretary of State? An incipient dictator who is clearly and persistently eroding the notion of American individuality? An incompetent administrator who’s own Praetorian guards get caught whoring in a foreign capital? Etc., etc. etc. Oh, but I’m going to vote for HIM anyway.

The people that voted for Obama last time knew what they were doing. The ones that will do so this time know doubly so. Doctrinaire, dogmatic, narcissistic, churlish and smug.

The argument is not academic. It’s not a simple difference of opinions among friends.


@36 Russ, your column was about getting disappointed Obama voters to come to the other side. Since I’m not trying to get anyone to come to the other side, I passed.

You like Romney better? Great. I’ve got no problem with that. I’m sure he’s a pretty decent guy once and would bring some useful business experience to the office. I feel the same way about Obama, only his pluses and minuses are different and, in my opinion, ultimately make him slightly better suited for the job. Clearly that makes me a horrible person wholly impervious to reason.


ultimately make him slightly better suited for the job

By all means, use the last four years and cite specific examples which make him “better suited for the job.”

I can’t wait to hear this shit.

Just Plain Jason

Anon, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


If you’re going to insult someones intelligence, Jason, it’s probably not a good idea to use an Adam Sandler movie to do it:

If you’re going to use an insult from fiction why pick one of the most idiotic movie makers and a lousy movie?

What next? “You are what the great poet, Curly, would call a ‘Wise guy?'”

At least if you’re going to steal an insult, give people the notion that your intellectual development continued past 8th grade. Try Shakespeare!

You are not worth another word, else I’d call you knave.
All’s Well that Ends Well (2.3.262)

I do desire we may be better strangers.
As You Like It (3.2.248)

You abilities are too infant-like for doing much alone.
Coriolanus (2.1.36)

You’ll still be engaging in unoriginal non-debate ad hominems. But at least you’d have class.

Yat Yas 1833

Sippy!!! ZZZZZZZZZ… You really don’t get it do you, most folks here use you as a jester’s fool and you don’t even realize it!?


Sippy–I like movie references, and where you’re concerned, here’s a few of my favorites:

“You’re an emotional fucking cripple. Your soul is dogshit. Every single fucking thing about you is ugly.” -Bad Santa

“I don’t like your jerkoff name. I dont like your jerkoff face, I don’t like your jerkoff behavior, and I don’t like you, jerkoff.” -The Big Lebowski

“You’re just an afterbirth, that slithered out of your mother’s filth. They should have put you in a glass jar on a mantlepiece.” -There Will Be Blood

“You despise me, don’t you?” “Well, if I gave you any thought I probably would.” -Casablanca

You may leave now, sippy.


Rik: I’d disagree with you in part. Some who voted for Obama last time can plausibly claim to have been misled. Eloquent demagogues have done that often throughout US history, even when there was clear evidence they were a bad choice (as IMO there was in 2008). See Long, Huey; Roosevelt, Roosevelt, Franklin D.; Johnson, Lyndon B.; and Wallace, George C.

However, anyone who votes for Obama in this election does so having already seen 3 1/2 years of abject, virtually across-the-board incompetence of a scope last seen during the Carter administration. Anyone who votes for hims this time around cannot plausibly later claim “I didn’t know”.


Sippy: since you’re into Shakespeare it should warm your heart to know that many of us think of the Bard whenever we read one of your comments. Specifically, on reading one of your comments we think immediately of Macbeth (Act V, Scene V): “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

Of course, many prefer a more modern expression of the same concept – perhaps as phrased by Reagan (“There he goes again . . . .”) or Bugs Bunny (“What a maroon!”). But the basic sentiment remains the same.


Hondo, he couldn’t figure out a way to spin it to blame Bush and the Republicans so he had to piss and moan over a movie quote.


Wow. I should be used to the people who defend Obama and his complete incompetence, but I am not. This is just unbelievable to me. I have had at least 4 conversations this week with others who are truly scared at the direction of the Country today and where it would be should the Pied Piper win another election. Where the hell have these people been living and what the hell have they been reading for God’s sake for the last 3 years? @39…How the hell is Obama better suited? Please show me your plus and minus list!! You are a prime example of someone who is clearly not seeing the bigger picture and will swallow whatever just to meet your own reality. Obama has not been transparent, has not improved the unemployment rate, or improved the jobs creation-lowest of any PResident since FDR…has absolutely no foreign policy attributes as he as alienated more of our Allies than not. He has subverted the laws because his own cabinet members have broken them and not received the punishment. He has not supported and defended the Constitution, but mocks it at every turn. As much as I despise the “If a Republican…” meme…are you effing kidding me on that? Bush 1 or 2 would have been hanged for any of their gaffes, much less playing golf pr partying it up with celebs! And Dick Cheney would have been burned at the stake were he AG Holder and the cover-up for Fast and Furious…What did Obama have when you voted for him in 2008? Hope and change? A senate run where he voted present? No, wait. I know. It was because you wanted to be able to say you voted for a black man, right? That’s your story and you’re sticking to it!! Do any of you Obama voters own that? He had nothing then and he’s got nothing now. What is he running on? His record of success? Plus and minus list, please! If you only have the balls to come back and say we must “agree to disagree” you will only… Read more »

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Last night there was a discussion on the “likability” factor on CNN. It showed an image that the Romney campaign released from his missionary days when he drew a large heart on the beach with the words “I love you Ann” in the middle. The Romney campaign realizes, unfortunately, that a great many people are not putting any thought into their vote beyond the “cool, likeability” factor when they step into the booth. Showing a more human side of Romney is their attempt to make those folks see him as a down to earth human being instead of a rich white guy stuffed shirt.

I am disappointed that it is something they feel they need to do. I would like to believe that our education system puts enough intellectual prowess into our citizens that they can comprehend simple math formulas and understand you can’t spend more than you make for long without creating some real problems.

It’s become clear to me though that our society has deteriorated to the point where celebrity worship has replaced respect for leaders and heroes in our moral compass these days as a nation. Where once Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and others stood now stands Snookie, Paris, and Lindsay….at least for a great many people. Since we now hold fornicators, dopers, liars, and reprobates in such high esteem it’s not hard to see why so many people don’t understand the value of a Mitt Romney. He suggested 47% aren’t going to vote for him due to economics. I would suggest it’s economics and a misplaced emphasis on flash over substance, it’s better to be cool than smart. It’s better to be famous than honest. Here’s hoping that 5-6% that are not sure who they will vote for are immune to the gods of celebrity and instead have some respect for the rules of simple math and a love of country that means leadership not celebrity will get their vote.


To the Obama Supporters:
If you are an Obama supporter, then I am led to one conclusion. And that is that you are all socialists. Therefore, if I respect that you are going to exorcise your right to vote and take us down this road leading to changing the entire U.S.A., I would ask one thing. Admit that you are a socialist. Admit that you ignore the failings of the Europeans in Spain, Italy, Ireland, Germany and the like in order to support Barack Hussein Obama and I will not debate you another word.
OTOH, if you come back and try to defend that BHO is not a socialist and by extension yourselves, you will leave yourself open to being pummeled with the facts that you ignore. Are you, Barack Hussein Obama supporters socialists or not. That is the question.