Phony deserter steals real soldier’s ID

| August 6, 2012

One of my ninjas sent us this link last Friday in which a soldier calling himself SGT Brock Lindsey is asking for funds to help him while he’s AWOL from the Army at Joint Base Lewis McCord.

The dude, SSG Kevin Baker, making the plea writes;

I know Sgt. Lindsey personally. We were in the same unit. I remember first explaining to him why I was not going to deploy a third time to Iraq. Since then, our unit has had multiple service members refuse orders and take stands against the injustices of the military. The choice Sgt. Lindsey has made should be supported by all people who stand against war and racism.

Yeah, well, AKO says there is only one SGT Brock Lindsey in the Army and he’s out in Grafenwoer, Germany doing his job as the company armorer, he’s not in JBLM. I double checked with our buddy, LTC Nathan Banks to make sure, and he confirms what I’ve just told you. As far as SSG Kevin Baker goes, AKO says there is no one at JBLM by that name.

I’ve been in contact with the real SGT Brock Lindsey in the course of this little investigation and advised him to check with his chain-of-command to see if there’s a way he can reach out and slap this asshole.

There’s nothing I like more than watching hippies separated from their welfare checks, until they start stealing the ID of good soldiers doing their jobs.

UPDATED: Someone emailed us to tell us that the hippies spelled Lindsey’s name wrong which sent us in an entirely wrong direction. The person who emailed us said this dude’s name is really Brook Lindsey. AKO confirms that there is a Brook Lindsey at JBLM. I’ve called the AWOL Apprehension folks there, but, of course, they won’t confirm that he was AWOL or that he’s turned himself in to military authorities;

The fact remains that these March Forward clowns dragged a perfectly honorable soldier’s name through the mud and that the hippies who are supporting this dumbass are undermining their own security.

Category: Phony soldiers

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CI Roller Dude

What an assclown 1st class…with multiple clusters. A new low for “Stolen Valor” pretending to be an AWOL soldier.
OK, what else?

Sgt Awesome

Sgt Brock Lindsey is also white… awkward



Sgt Awesome

Their facebook:
I posted asking where these funds go since the Soldier is obviously fake, we’ll see if I get responded to or deleted.


“Brock Lindsey” sounds like an standard-issue action hero name.

Which of course reminds me of this:

Yat Yas 1833

@ 2 Aaawe shi’ite! Now you did it!? Better take cover, the “racist brigade” wil out in force within the next 15 minutes!


As in Sgt. Rock?

The Dude

If you’re saying I am this guy Kevin Baker you’re wrong man


Yat! He can’t be a racist – it’s not the white guy claiming anything!!

Oh, wait. I see your point. Reality doesn’t matter at all to the delusional. Since the puke criminal fraudulantly making claims is not white, any defense the white guy might make to reclaim his own identity would be racist in their minds. Got it. Heaven forbid that he should actually file charges against the disgusting hunk of sub-human.


From the Facebook page
BREAKING: Sgt. Lindsey is now in custody with Fort Lewis MPs after turning himself in for being AWOL. After supplying him with housing and support, we got him with the best GI resistance lawyer in the area. Spread the word and stand with Sgt. Lindsey as he fights the charges!


Report the page as a scam.


I think youve been Busted Scammers


Fuck yes, I knew those shitbags were up to something!

something tells me that whole website is a gold mine for phony hunters!

Hack Stone

It’s kind of hard to fell sorry for then idiot hippies that are getting suckered. Sort of like a child molester getting run over by a drunk driver. You just don’t have an innocent party to pull for. I hope he keeps bleeding them dry. I wouldn’t lose any sleep over either case.

Sgt Awesome

^ “SSG” Kevin Baker’s facebook


Okay, Blackshoe, I clicked that link and ended up with a mouthfull of good McDonald’s frappe over my monitor… I’m sending you the cleaning bill for that.

As for the douchenozzels who are doing this. Remember, this isn’t just Stolen Valor, it is also identity theft and fraud. Those send you to places where you don’t drop the soap.


Okay, so now USACID @ JBLM needs to work with PCSO (Pierce County Sheriffs Office)and hammer this dickhead crew into the dirt…I suspect they might already be on top of it too.

Hack Stone

Blackshoe, in a case of six degrees, the old guy with the beard in that clips Cameron Mitchell, who played Capt. Stills in the (alleged) film Terror In Beverly Hills, starring Frank Stallone, who played the character ………. Hack Stone! I am sure that a majority of you have never heard of the movie, let alone watched (endured) it. If you want a taste of what real looks like, check this out:


I’m going to just ahead and assume this is another RCP front group.

Hack Stone

I meant to write “what a real hero looks like”. I really, really need to proofread before posting.


Oops, spoke too soon. It’s another World Workers Party front group. Stalinists instead of Maoists. Silly me.

It’s from the same communist burnouts, losers and lunatics who brought us March Forward and International ANSWER. Good to see they’re still duping gullible liberals into coughing up dough and showing up to their rallies.


@21, if you hover the mouse over the donate button, it links to “Answer Coalition”….


From the about page at Answer Coalition:

“March Forward! was formed because of the pressing issues facing veterans and service members: the forced participation in these horrible imperialist wars…”

bwaaaaaaaahahahaha, forced participation, haha *snort* We DO have an all volunteer army, right?

R Keen

I posted, referring folks here. Might as well indoctrinate the hippies into TaH.


Looks like a misspelling, maybe?

Brook Thomas Lindsey: Ft. Lewis Soldier Says Poor PTSD Treatment Forced Him AWOL

Green Thumb

Ass clown.

R Keen


R Keen

Even that blog doesn’t match the ourlivesourrights BS. According to Seattle Weekly, Lindsey turned himself in on June 19th, and mentions nothing about the war, only that he wasn’t getting proper treatment for his mental health. They also quote Kevin Baker, so you would think they are somehow linked.

However, the letter from Baker on Aug 1 says he hopes to turn himself in “very soon” and spells his name wrong repeatedly.

I don’t know WTF is going on here. His name is definitely Brook, as there are a couple of photos of him on the 5th Mobile facebook.


Do you fucking idiots just sit around all day coming up with the dumbest shit humanly possible?

You fucks should all have stayed in the military if you’re so proud of your ‘service’ but then again I’m almost certain ( given the odds) that most of you never even served.

Oh, great “journalism” by the way. You fucking morons can’t even check the local paper before you go flapping your fat racist goblets.

Keep up the good work. You keep providing more and more proof you’re just a bunch of inbreed asshats who are more fun to laugh at then to take serious!





Other than SF and Rangers, the infantry is the whitest part of the army. The blackest and brownest parts of the Army are quartermaster.

Everyone knows that except liberals, which is why liberals are so easy to shake down for money.

Marine 83

@ 31. Ooooh. Sombody got their panties in a bunch. As to checking out the local newsrag, if they had done their own job properly in the first place we wouldn’t be here making fun of them and the idiot who obviosly isn’t even in the military much less a deserter.





Are you really that stupid?

This antimilitary group posted the wrong name on their website. That wrong name belongs to someone of the same rank who most decidedly does NOT match what the site posted.

If you want to call someone a fucking idiot, talk to the fucking idiots at ANSWER who can’t even get the names of their useful fucking idiots straight.


#31 Anon:

Whatever blows your skirt up dude ….


Anon has thrown down the gauntlet. Apparently since we’re not all AWOL “War resisters” we very obviously have never served. @#31: You, sir, are a FUCKING MORON.


And of course that weeping, seditious gaggle of morons at Coffee Strong are knee deep in all this. I guess they need to keep pimping this shit in order to posit any continued relevance.


The name was spelt wrong in the email intentionally YOU FUCKING RETARDS!


It’s like talking with a bunch of people that can’t think clearly. Do you all come here and post things shit faced attempting to stroke your own egos over the war stories that you were all never a part of?

It’s pathetic. This entire website wreaks of old 40 something year old men in mid life crisis wishing they served when they never did.


Yep. You’re dumb.


Here, let’s save the trouble for all of your midlife crisis responses:

Redacted1775 Says: You’re dumb.
NSOM Says: : You’re dumb.
OldSoldier54 Says: You’re dumb.
malclave Says: : You’re dumb.

AND here is the unique one:Marine 83 Says: You’re dumb. * Drools on self*


Hmmm, guess you can’t take a hint.


I’m going to screen shot this entire page to show how stupid you people are. When the truth of the situation comes out, you’ll all have just embarrassed yourselves even further with your dumb, ill researched and slanderous accusations!Have a dandy night Ladies and gents!


Son, it’s better to let the world think you a fool, than to open your mouth and eliminate all doubt. A screen shot will just let everyone know how ignorant you really are.


Ah, poor “Anonymous”, seems like mummy didn’t love him enough as a child. That, and his 4th grade English teacher failed him.


What more “truth” is there to this? Some dumb website used the wrong dumb name to support an alleged AWOL soldier.


Sorry I’m not implying that the actual Sgt. Lindsey’s name is dumb, just that they used a real name (supposedly) to cover up for this other guy.

Yat Yas 1833

Anonymouse, you do realize you’re inane posts aren’t impressing anyone here and you infantile logic and continued use of personal insults and vulgarities only further display your ignorance. Why don’t you go back to mom’s basement and play with yourself some more.


Im gonna go out on a limb here and say that the folks who promoted this supposed AWOL piece of shit are the dumb ones in this convo. And hey anonymous, that would be you and your little drug addled friends.

Jon The Mechanic

@ Anonymous
Never served? Funny but right now I am about an hour SE of Bagram Afghanistan wearing the OCP uniform.

Many of the people here have probably had careers that started before you got your first erection and knew what to do with it. (Or more likely in your case, before you got hold of your client’s erection and knew what to do with it.)

Thank you, and goodnight bitch.