Bryan H Austin; sicko phony

| July 7, 2012

Ken sent us a link to POW Network’s post about Bryan H Austin, who was apparently flaunting his phony finery in Milwaukee Mitchell airport, wearing an Army ACUs uniform with Lieutenant Colonel rank, a special forces tab, as well as 82d and 101st unit patches. Apparently someone confronted him for ID and when he couldn’t produce any, he was taken into custody. It looks like he was using the stuff to get discounts and free stuff from well-meaning folks.

POW Network says that he also used his phony stories to move in with women and leach off of them until they toss his ass out. I don’t understand that. I have real stories that never got me laid, how do these phonies do that? But I never wore ACUs in the airport – with LTC rank.

But, apparently, after the authorities arrested him for the fraud attached to the uniform, they searched his computer and found 11 pictures to charge him with “Capture an Image of Nudity“, whatever that means.

I’m sure this will trigger a bunch of “I know that guy” comments when the post hits the search engines.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Green Thumb

Gnarly goatee. Tool.


It means the perv is a peeping tom. Creepy.

Old Trooper

Haven’t we been told it’s free speech and a victimless crime??


Can someone tell me why we never see a poser wanna be claim to be a cook, a tank mechanic, or fueler, for example? Why they all gotta be SF, Ranger, triple MOH soldiers?


Tom B.

@ #4…..I know, right?

Just another POS who wish he shoulda, coulda, woulda.


@4 I can’t understand it either. I was an AGE mechanic for 20 years and nothing says sexy like the aroma of eau de 90wt.


Tman, Tom B., Mike, I’ve wondered the same thing. 😀 Where are those “insta vets” with all their high speed stories about cleaning latrines, pulling guard duty in the towers (no event happening), or doing vehicle PMCS? 😀


@7 Yeah, just once I’d like to hear a story begin with, “No shit! There I was, about to open the latrine door, with a rag in my right hand, a can of GI Cleanser in my left and a worn out toilet brush handle in my teeth…

Wrench Monkey

Or the trauma of CQ.


“I don’t understand that. I have real stories that never got me laid, how do these phonies do that?”

Simple — the girls they DO get, aren’t worth much .

Joe Williams

We helo crew chiefs have been spared so far.The posers are always pilots. Joe

CI Rollder Dude

I’m glad the posers don’t know about the best Army MOS- Mess Kit Repair.
But why did this retard think he’d get away with pretending to be a Col? Maybe a Spec 4 (Sham Shield) or even a buck sergeant…
I guess the other confusing thing for posers with the ACUs is all the velcro where they can attach all kinds of things. This guy can be awarded the “LOSER” tab


That’s okay. Nobody wants to be a bubblehead either.


Ultimate test. If a guy can spout of a 9 line or rattle a SALUTE report, he’s worthless as a box of football bats.


The scumbag lists the POW Medal as one of the awards he claims.


“I knew this man way back when…” ROFL!


Hey Sparky, a fellow bubblehead of yours is a member of my church and an all around great man. Jonn has my info if you want lil bro….


Most likely a pedophile… trafficking in child porn. Piece of shit.


I DID know this guy. When I got off Active Duty and joined the Reserves, one of the officers in the HHC I was commanding wanted me to meet her former Ranger/SF husband, because I had been an Infantry Officer on AD and we probably knew the same people. And who was her husband? This asshat.

I will tell you, he talks a good game at first and didn’t make any of the usual power mistakes when I first met him. But the next few times, he started in on the stories about searching with Delta teams in Iraq for Saddam, etc. but my personal favorite was the story where he was left alone in a hide site as a sniper and had to shoot Iraqis in American DCUs who were trying to infiltrate our lines. When I confirmed with him that he was really saying he, as a LTC was acting as a SF sniper (sans spotter or any other support), I told him that it would be bast for him not to come back and told his then-wife that I thought he was a lying POS.

I’ve been waiting like hell for this sociopathic bastard to get his due. Karma’s a bitch, Bryan – I hope a very large, very horny guy named Bubba makes you his…

Ne Desit Virtus

I’m still waiting for the guy with the balls\ stupidity to put 2 or 3 oak leaf clusters on his fake MOH ribbon


I encourage those who care to contact the DA in the case John Luetscher: District Attorney’s Office 920-448-4190. Additionally, the Court Commissioners office number is 920-448-4285 Lawrence Gazeley is the contact there.
Felony “i” sentencing can be very broad. He may get away with mere probation for eleven felony counts! However the prosecuting DA can present historical behavior and ask that it be taken into advisement when sentencing. This man clearly has a history of lying (see above and personal experience), stealing (State vs Bryan H. Austin Waupaca County Case Number 1996CF000043 The defendant Bryan H. Austin was found guilty of the following charge(s) in this case. Forgery-Writings or Objects, a class C felony, Wisconsin Statutes 943.38(1)(a).), not working, using people to make his way through life.
Your contact to DA Lauetscher’s office with your belief of the importance of not desecrating the uniform may be the difference between fair and justice and another jerk-off walking on America’s streets.
His next court date is 7-20-2012 at 8:30 AM in the Brown County Circuit Court building: Commissioners’ Courtroom A – 1st Floor 100 South Jefferson Street Green Bay, WI 54301.
Or if you prefer his address is 1229 Walnut, Oshkosh, WI 54901.

Green Thumb

This man is a tickle monster.

Keep your pants up and your kids away.


lol at besig and the others.

It’s also in the movies too.

Ever notice that any major character in a movie that has a military past will ALWAYS be one of the following formers:

-Navy SEAL
-Special Forces
-Army Ranger
-Delta Force
-Marine Recon
(Para/SAS if movie is set in the U.K.)

The “hero” can never be something as simple as a mess specialist or payroll clerk. Always gotta be a high speed, super secret squirrel type with multiple combat tours and experience with black ops.


Hey! Casey Ryback was a cook! And not even a good cook. (But some things he’s good at.)


Yes Redacted1775, but don’t forget, before Casey got ‘demoted’ as a cook, he was, surprise, a Navy SEAL with extensive background in explosives, etc. etc.

It’s like that JAG tv series. The main protagonist was a JAG lawyer, but that wasn’t ‘sexy’ enough for the producers. So, before he went into the JAG, Rabb was an F-14 pilot (not a SEAL but good enough).


Yeah, but he crashed his jet. Much different than punching your CO in the face.

Yat Yas 1833

Just shoot the rat bastage, in the face, with a 106 “Reckless” rifle and go have a beer or nine.


Anyone found any QMC posers yet? LOL!


I know Bryan, and I know that he is going through treatment about his health issues. Bryan was never found guilty on anything. And to the people posting this crap shame on yourself. Bryan you hang in there and be strong like you are. Your treatment has come so far and we are proud of you!!!

Green Thumb

@29. Weak.


@29 Harry: Please explain how Bryan’s “health issues” caused him to do the following:
– lie through his teeth about serving in the Army.
– don the uniform of a U. S. soldier (a Lieutenant Colonel, no less) and wear it to con trusting and unknowing people into giving him items of value that he did not deserve.
– lie about serving as a Special Forces soldier.
– lie about serving in Iraq, including “Capturing Saddam Hussein”.
– lie about being awarded numerous medals that he never received.
– lie about being a prisoner of war.

We’ll be waiting.


The Wisconsin statute on “Capture An Image Of Nudity” is shown at .

Scroll down to “942.09? Representations depicting nudity.”

He is charged with a violation of subparagraph (2)(am)1, which states:

“Whoever does any of the following is guilty of a Class I felony:”

“942.09(2)(am)1. Captures a representation that depicts nudity without the knowledge and consent of the person who is depicted nude while that person is nude in a circumstance in which he or she has a reasonable expectation of privacy, if the person knows or has reason to know that the person who is depicted nude does not know of and consent to the capture of the representation.”

Clicking on the “View History and Details” link shows that he allegedly committed this offense on numerous different occasions in 2011. Sounds like one of those creeps who goes around taking pictures of women up there skirts and other such douchebaggery.

Obviously a man of sterling character. NOT.


Bryan WAS found guilty of a class C felony in 1996. Where were you then? And he will be convicted again this summer. Convictions are typically like an iceberg 20/80 of prior criminal behavior. You know it. There are not “health issues” that cause the way he has been, for so many years, for his own gain, against so many people and organizations such as the example in Milwaukee.
Harry, do you want to really know what the reality is? Sorry it’s not curable. He is technically a sociopath/psychopath, which is in general, “A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse.”
Here are some detailed sites for you to read and you will see the Bryan you know.
Hope they have free parking at prison for visitors so you can see the Bryan “you know.” Good riddance.


@33 John: what was he convicted of in 1996? Can you provide us a link to document that?

Not sayin’ we don’t believe you, but as you can probably tell, people on this blog are big on seeing source documents.


There are also a Class C felony for forgery- writings or objects and a few others listed under his name and DOB.


It’s to bad that people think they have the right to judge other people and there faults! 20 years ago since Bryan has committed a crime and you people think he is crazy! I think your the crazy people here talking about stuff that you don’t even know what is true!!! My God who made you people better than anyone else? Everybody lies so let’s but your crap out there as well! And it’s easy to blog about Bryan and yet you people hide under a stupid blogger name! Your no better than anyone else. Shame on all you, what a bunch of sick people! Bryan is a good person and time will prove that again in the end!


You miss the point Erin. We’re not better than anyone else. Especially those who gave their lives wearing the uniform your friend wore fraudulently. We, the living, are the keepers of a trust. To ensure that the memory and sacrifice of those who are no longer with us remains honored and unsullied by those who would use it for their own gain.
There are, without a doubt, some here who have earned decorations for valor. There are many others like me who have served (and/or continue to serve)who simply did their job and did it to the best of their ability. No matter what our achievements, they are OURS and OURS ALONE. They are not to be used by charlatans and con men for personal gain or to enhance their inflated sense of self worth or some Mittyesque delusions of grandeur. It is those who do that who think they are better than everyone else. They are beneath contempt.


“Everybody lies . . .” — ?? WRONG !! — I, DO NOT !!


@29 Harry – I don’t know what you’re even alluding to with your vague reference to “health issues.” Last I checked, being a lying, manipulating, all-around oxygen thief who falsely claimed to have done the kind of valorous deeds that much better men selflessly do with the understanding that the very nature of their profession precludes their ever receiving the public recognition of their efforts has nothing to do with an issue of one’s health, but rather is a simple failure of one’s integrity and honor. And please…PLEASE…don’t even try to play the PTSD card – don’t even begin to passively suggest it. Where could this champion of veracity and forthrightness have acquired such an ailment, Harry? Surely not in a combat zone – he’s never been to one (from what I’ve seen in my years as an Infantry Officer, that whole facing the enemies of my country on the field of battle thing is sort of a necessary piece to that whole PTSD puzzle). Or maybe we’re all missing something – yeah, that must be it. Somewhere out there at HRC there’s a “special” file (probably with a cool SF logo on top) that’s just bursting with the evidence to explain this clown’s ginormous promotion from E-4 to O-5 – maybe some Audie Murphy-style battlefield heroics? Wait…no. Even though Bryan and Audie were apparently both in for the MOH, the only guy who actually was awarded that honor was only made a 2LT. And how about the explanation for why there’s no record of Ranger School, SFAS or the Q Course – I know from personal experience that the first two show up in the Non-Super-Secret-Squirrel portion of one’s OMPF (couldn’t tell you about the latter, because I never went – seems your boy Bryan didn’t, either). So, Harry, there’s only one explanation, the same one he’s been feeding you like the load of shit he’s fed everyone else he meets…it’s all “CLASSIFIED.” Classified as “Completely Fucking Fake.” And, although you’re wrong that your boy Bryan has ever been found guilty (see above – facts are really a sonofabitch),… Read more »

SFC Holland

@37, “Brian is a good person” all evidence to the contrary…


Dear Harry/Erin, OK I’ll respond. Nichevo and others allude to the heart of the matter. It’s not important which role(s) you played. Your career can be filled with experiences that are all classified or filled with stories about DA Form 3161 processing excitements. Each and EVERY position is an integral part of the machine. Sure some are “sexier” than others but at the end of the day, everyone who served can hold their heads damned high and be proud of what they have given; it’s too bad this SOB didn’t and doesn’t now.
His disposition corrodes esprit de corps and makes a mockery of us off the front lines and cheapens the sacrifices of those hard-charging MOFO who have and are there now. His long-term historical behavior of deliberate mockery my friend is indefensible no matter which health issues he is overcoming and how good of a person he may be. That’s what people are disgusted about.


20 years ago since Bryan has committed a crime

Seems to me his recent arrest will give the lie to that statement. Poof–begone.


And just to clarify one quick point, one of the main reasons for the outrage at all of these phony “I used to be an [insert SpecOps unit here] and I got this whole chest full of medals for doing all kinds of sexy super-secret things that I can’t tell you about or I’d have to kill you” is because the guys who are really out there doing that stuff will never get the public recognition for their heroism. That’s not to say we should feel bad about that – the anonymity of their efforts is just part of what they signed up for and is a testament to their true silent professionalism. However, we will not and cannot stand by and allow those who did not earn those honors (and the respect that they deserve) while those who actually ARE deserving of that respect and HAVE earned those accolades are forced to silently watch as others steal their valor. And it is stealing. Those rough men have bought and paid for every ounce of that valor through their own blood, sweat and years and they should not be made to accept that those who haven’t attempt to take that recognition for themselves. That’s why we abhor the phonies, and the fakes and the liars and expose them for what they are at every opportunity – we do it not for ourselves, but for the victims of their deceit: the silent professionals who do not ask any of us to publicly recognize their accomplishments and heroism…they only ask that it remain their own.

Old Tanker

I’ll second, third and fourth what Tiger5 just said….
Spot-the-fuck on!


See you people truly don’t know the facts about Bryan here, it’s so amazing how you act like you know everything about health issues, last time I checked I didn’t see any doctors degrees on here! And for a fact yes, Bryan made a mistake, but he didn’t make money off of it, or did he take any spotlight away from anyone! There was never a court or a trial in this. I think you have to realize that you makes you better here sitting here writing what you think happened in fact they are just words. You don’t know the story other then what has been posted here! I find this very sad that people sit at there computers and waste time on crap like this stuff. And his current felony is complete different than the valor thing anyways. Where do you cross these together? They have nothing in common at all here! Keep the facts straight and know the truth before making any judgement on this! And do you feel better hurting other people here? You are just as sick as anyone else thinking you can hurt people for your own benefits! This is truly sad, and for people to get off hurting others is just as bad!


Made “A” mistake? Sounds like his whole life has been a series of shitty choices, but choices HE made. You’d think a reasonable adult would know better than to lie, scam, steal, and take pictures of girls naughty bits without their permission, but hey, I don’t need six fucking years of Medical School/residency to tell me he’s a sick fuck.

Virtual Insanity

“See you people truly don’t know the facts about Bryan here….”

Okay, Jeff. Then enlighten us.

Please try to do this in readable, complete sentences.

By the way, Jeff and Erin sure have similar writing and punctuation.


Oh, and “Jeff”, this one’s a hoot:

he didn’t make money off of it,

Did he obtain discounts for hotels, airfare, and meals he would otherwise have not had it not been for his impersonation, which, BTW, is itself illegal according to federal law (Title 18 USC 702?)


Old Tanker

I find this very sad that people sit at there computers and waste time on crap like this stuff.

And we find it very sad that you would waste time defending this oxygen thief…

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