Oh, my! Elevating the tone of the discussion.

| February 27, 2012

In case you think that Democrats are interested in having a discussion about solutions to the problems in this country, witness this from the DailyKos, written by some peawit douchenozzle who bravely calls him/herself “Troubadour”;

Yup, how do you have a rational discussion with a cretin like that?

Category: Liberals suck

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Sadly, the most damaging thing about this post is he/she/it votes.


There are moments in that screed where he/she/it reaches nice highs of invective, but overall I give it a 5.3. Points off for use of obscenities and invoking Godwin’s Law, because otherwise it could have been at least an 8.0.

No, not really useful for contributing to on-going discussions of public policy and international relations, but mildly entertaining.


Sounds like someone who had their World of Warcraft account hacked and they lost all their raid gear off their level 85 nightelf druid.


Yup…expect a LOT more of that come election time.


You get their Medicaid number and cancel their freakin’ benefits…that’s how you have a discussion with them.

I know a deep underground mine that will gladly put them to drilling rock in the lower drifts.

Taco Bell

Now that is the product of a good private school ha!!! Are you sure this IP address wasn’t from Thailand?


I think the proper answer to the little twerp is “FO&D”. De-cyphering that should be straightforward for most here, though we’d probably have to explain it to “Troubadour”.


Sounds like the republicans much-publicised neuro-linguistic programming agenda (y’know, using words like treacherous, foreign, them, socialist, etc, etc. in respect to Democrats) in reverse. Remind me again, what’s your problem with the article?

But seriously, you guys have a real double standard here. You pull the same kind of thing with your centralized push to use negative words in describing democrats, and when someone does it to you, you cry foul!

Country Singer

Ahhhh, that “new civility” we were lectured about by the Clueless Joes of America.


Satanic monkey-shit-throwing… Well, I’ll be darned.


Well, isn’t that just sooo special? Proving the impossibility of civil discourse by being completely irrational. Huh.


Remind me again, what’s your problem with the article?

Beyond the fact it seems to have been written by a mental patient, there is the whole “changing the tone” issue that was going to be the centerpiece of the left’s approach to governance. Seems that it’s an abject failure, at least on this particular individual.

But seriously, you guys have a real double standard here.

No double standard…no one that I’m aware of on this site has pledged to “change the tone”…in fact, I encourage the worst possible tone because within these ranting little ass nuggets are truths that can be concealed when everyone wants to sit around and be civil with one another. In Troubadour’s skreed, he/she/it has revealed their true nature and the finest way to combat this idiot is laid bare.


I will admit that the dipstick has collected together a rather impressive list of insults. He’s apparently highly “cut and paste” qualified.


Joe: a conservative’s argument is comprehensible, thought you might not agree. And it’s not invective if it’s objective truth, which many of the terms you list often are (e.g., socialist, them, foreign).

Old Trooper

Joe; you old hosebag, the only reason we still pay attention to you is so that we know what kind of discombobulated tripe comes from the other side. The problem is, Joe, is that we can get your usual bullshit by just going over to dailyKos and reading what the ignorant, wet behind the ears, no life experience, “experts” say about how real life actually is. So, reading your shit is just redundant.

As for the diatribe up at the top, at least we can understand the nuance on display.


I am far more concerned that the local dead-tree media keep running fictional stories about the nominating process for the Republicans. They keep printing AP articles claiming that the “candidates” are all talking about nothing but birth control.


After reading that I conclude the article must have been written by either my Creative Writing instructor or my Sociology instructor from when I was in grad school in San Fran.

For some reason they both took exception to my “Marines have the best commercials” T-Shirt.


I must admin I fell asleep after the fifth comma. You can’t talk or reason with those types any more than you can a rabid dog. Since it’s against the law to put them out of our misery, best just to let them consume themselves with hatred.


Again, the author is just turning the tables on you:

Newt Gingrich wrote, “Often we search hard for words to help us define our opponents. … Apply these [words] to the opponent, their record, proposals and their party.

“Decay… failure (fail)… collapse(ing)… deeper… crisis… urgent(cy)… destructive… destroy… sick… pathetic… lie… liberal… they/them… unionized bureaucracy… ?compassion? is not enough… betray… consequences… limit(s)… shallow… traitors… sensationalists…endanger… coercion… hypocrisy… radical… threaten… devour… waste… corruption… incompetent… permissive attitudes… destructive… impose… self-serving… greed… ideological… insecure… anti-(issue): flag, family, child, jobs… pessimistic… excuses… intolerant… stagnation… welfare… corrupt… selfish… insensitive… status quo… mandate(s)… taxes… spend(ing)… shame… disgrace… punish (poor…)… bizarre… cynicism… cheat… steal… abuse of power… machine… bosses… obsolete… criminal rights… red tape… patronage.”

SSG Medzyk

Pfft. I’m not “twisted”.


Joe: are you really that clueless? The material you quoted – unsourced – that you claim to have been written by Gingrich is logical instruction. The author, whoever it is, is giving guidance on how to shape the message. You can follow the logic, even if you may not agree with the objective. And many of the terms listed (e.g.: liberal, unionized bureaucracy, anti-jobs, intolerant) are 100% objectively true when applied to most if not all prominent liberal political figures/causes/movements in the US.

In contrast, the article quoted above from DailyKos is simply a near-meaningless rant (though it does begin with an impressive list of pejorative terms). However, otherwise it’s essentially devoid of content, boiling down to little more than “Republicans . . . baaad.” Reminds me of a little boy who’s learned his first few dirty words, actually.

If this latest comment of yours above is an example of your ability to read/comprehend/discern, I really question if you should be walking around alone without adult supervision. You’re simply too gullible for your own good.


Yeah Joe, because that rises (falls?) to the level of “maggot-ridden rot” or “syphilitic confederate poltergeists with erectile dysfunction”.



I maintain that some, if not all of the authors descriptions “…are 100% objectively true when applied to most if not all prominent conservative political figures/causes/movements in the US”.


Because all you “progressives” are just so cerebral. And the above rant proves it, right?

Face it Joe–cursing is merely the crutch of the inarticulate motherfucker.



The only “us vs. them” that should exist in this country is “us” (the people of this nation) vs. “them” (the legion of troubles that plague us). Nothing will get fixed or solved until we stop attacking each other and start attacking our problems. And our politicians hacking at each other isn’t doing anyone a bit of good.


Joe: some or all, eh? Wanna name the prominent conservative(s) you’d like to publicly accuse of either necrophilia or bestiality?


Joe (and others of that ilk)

The first proof that Jonn –and others have, in my opinion, is that he (and others here) have a life time PUBLIC record of proof that they have not only cared for something greater themsevles but truly sacrificed for it. So in that they can say whatever the fuck they want. they earned it.

Furthermore many here on this blog have given and some have given all. In my book that gives them the right to be a bit more direct in what they say or do. They don’t ask anyone of anything they can’t do themselves only ask that you bring what you can and to hep others. Join the team.

Finally something vets know deep down is that it is hard to roll up your sleeves when you are wringing your hands either crying or blaming others. It is easy to blame others and not look at your self. A servant leader does that…again something Vets know something about. It is not about who is right or who is wrong. It is not about being a caring person. It is about life…facing it…and dealing with it.

Death comes to us all…some sooner then others. The only question is how will you be remembered?

sadly I am coming quickly to the belief that unless you actually have sacrificed for others – and more then just drinking kool aid while you put in a play ground – STFU and get out of the way. There are real men and women who have work to to.


I just noticed post #18. What joe did actually was post key words for web searches. This way this blog and Gingriches name show up under those key word searches.

his actual context is meaningless.


#26 Steadfast&Loyal,

Minor correction: all readers of this blog have not given All to this great Nation of ours. Otherwise we have a Zombie problem.

I once gave a damn, but it broke in 2008.


“Nosferatu impersonating gollum acolytes”?

The whole screed was painful to read, but that line truly shows that someone has too much time on their hands.

Yat Yas 1833

That ladies and gentlemen was a tantrum. That was a spoiled brat not getting what he wants or not getting his way. That was a full blown, throw yourself on the ground and kick and-scream tantrum. Serves no purpose and doesn’t accomplish a thing. Sad.

The Torch

I know people like this guy. When Gabbie Giffords got shot, they made sure to give me a stern talking to about the “tone” conservatives had struck of late. It never occurred to them that blaming me and you and a half of America for what some lunatic had done was a great example of what’s wrong with the “tone” in America.

No, but seriously…I try not to act the same way toward leftists (“liberals”) as they act toward others. It’s hard. I want to give them back every bit as good as they dish out. Resist the temptation, or else you’ll end up being the same as this guy on Kos, raging the same way against the other side.

Just be forewarned that this is what we’re up against. This political/cultural fight that we’re so enmeshed in, it’s NOT a friendly disagreement. It’s pitched battle.

B Woodman

“Yep, how do you have a rational discussion with a cretin like that?”


End of discussion.

Powerpoint Ranger

Congrats on your big break with Daily Kos, Joe!

You’ll probably get big donation bucks from the Occupy crowds to scream all of that into the microphone when spring rolls around. It’ll probably get you all kind of hippie chick action too, but just make sure you triple-wrap and fumigate first.


Well…I’ll hand it to the author…very creative list of insults. That’s about it.

FSOnly one

There’s a difference between a simple fuck you and a pompous, overblown diatribe like that.

Fuck you, Joe



Every job has its challenges, and lot of those jobs come with (hackneyed?) mottos, ditties, or slogans to validate the hard work those jobs involve. I’ve seen them hanging on the walls of teachers, policemen and women, and firefighters. They have value in sustaining morale and purpose, but don’t take them too, too seriously. As challenging and danderous as being an active duty soldier is, in your post I see another form of exceptionalism that piggyback’s on the canard of American exceptionalism. Funny thing about exceptionalism – it’s always ME who is exceptional, never the other guy. Sure, there’s some truth to the slogans, but when you use it to maintain that YOU and your buddies should be the deciders and everyone else get out of the way (or STFU as you put it), well you can see why some of us think that self-serving attitude is a bunch of…..


Should read “dangerous”, not “danderous”. I’ll assume your personal grooming is probably OK.


Well, well. Sounds to me like the sour grapes of someone who was never good enough at anything, and/or who values himself above all else.

I particularly love the reference to “. . . the canard of American exceptionalism”. Tell me: what part of Canada do you live in, Joe? And just where in the US did you emigrate from prior to moving there?


Ho hum, one of our resident trolls crawled out from under the bridge to spew some more? Hiya Joey, how’s your buddy, Insipid? That is his rant up above, isn’t it?
And, is your domestic partner a teacher? You sure do prattle on about teachers.


That’s to make up for all the times you’ve denigrated teachers.

Mike D

The droning epsilons nodding appreciatively in response is full-on nauseating too, but hardly unexpected.


Hey, who you callin’ an Epsilon?


One problem I see above is the use of a term that the user doesn’t have full comprehension of.

Joe: You use the terms “challenging” and “dangerous.”

It would help in the discussion, if you would tell us the most challenging thing you’ve ever done, and if you would tell us the most dangerous situation you’ve ever been in.

Because when these men use the term “dangerous” and when you use it, I think the comparison is a bit…ah…uneven.


Yeah, Joey, PN brings up an intersesting question. We’re anxiously awaiting…. Nah, nobody really cares.
Your partner is a teacher because somebody says bad things about some teachers? Wow, I bet he feels special.


Well, since you ask Pinto, probably the most dangerous things I’ve experienced were as a climbing enthusiast in the 70’s, well before the safety equipment got nearly as good and reliable as it is today, before camming devices , and before I had good sense. I foolishly risked my life so many times I can’t count. Rockfall, massive rockfall, avalanches, lightning, storms, freezing cold, August blizzards, rain-slickened rock faces, miscommunication, poor judgement, poor protection, unreliable climbing partners, equipment failure, anchor failure… Really, by rights I should be dead. I credit dumb, blind luck. Like soldiers, I knew a number of others that weren’t so lucky. I finally quit that for the relative safety of bicycle racing, y’know, where you’re careening down a mountain pass at 55 mph three abreast literally bumping elbows in a pack of 150 riders, rock face on one side, empty space on the other, riders squealing their brakes and swerving around to avoid each other. But at least there was medical assisatance nearby, not so much with climbing. I don’t for a second compare those sports with being in battle, but there is a degree of danger involved.


“syphilitic confederate poltergeists with erectile dysfunction”.

Why the hell do we have to drag confederate poltergeists into this?


Your climbing experience interests me, Joe, because it’s obvious you take pride in having done it. Which you should. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing mountain climbers, cave explorers, and free-climbers, and all of them strike me as being competenet in their sport. (I’m not one of any of them; anything higher than a horse’s back is too far off the ground, as far as I’m concerned.)

My point is this: you have a level of expertise in a particular area, and when that subject is explored, you would expect folks to listen to what you had to say about it. That’s not being arrogant; that’s being knowledgable. The soldiers are no different. There is an emotional component to any activity where human life can be damaged or lost; again, that’s not arrogance coming through, but a flavor both bitter and sweet from an experience that cannot truly be recounted in all of it’s vividness, but only remembered.


Oh, I mentioned the somewhat dangerous stuff. As to “challenging” – getting my ass out of bed every morning and dragging myself into work.


Well Pinto,

I always enjoy your reasoned posts. I don’t tend to criticize soldiers or former soldiers for how they do their job. I fully respect and admire them, and their dedication and expertise, and I have said as much on several ocasions. What I do not agree with is the idea that when they return, they have some kind of special political status over and above that of a regular citizen and can talk down to anyone who hasn’t acheived their exalted, omniscient status. Again, I look back to my father, a modest man. After WW II when he came home, I imagine he wouldn’t have turned away a pat on the back for a job well done, but most of all he wanted to get back to work, back to a normal life. Just because he served he never imagined that he was somehow a better or more deserving American. Some of the contributors to this site pile thier own personal sense of exceptionalism on top of the flawed notion of American exceptionalism to become, what, raging omniscient egomaniacs?