Another Fake Navy SEAL (UPDATE)
So this poser goes by the name Nathan Seal, yea real original. He is claiming to be a Lieutenant in the Navy as well as being a SEAL. Oh and least not forget the CAR, standard poser issue. I made a screen shoot as back up when he deletes his account to hid the proof. Thanks to Extreme SEAL for finding this POS.
UPDATE: Seems that he has another facebook account.
Seems that his photo shopping is as good as is wear of the uniform.
Category: Phony soldiers, Shitbags
El fucktardo’s stack is upside down…..He’s not even TRYING!!!
I sent him a message:
You are a low down sack of shit pathetic excuse for a human being. Your uniform pictures look like shit, there is no way in hell you are an officer OR a SEAL.
I can’t tell if he is serious, brain damaged, or just just some idiot goofing off. Either way WTF.
Not only is his rack upside down, on his FB page he spelled Coronado (Cornado) and Parris (Paris) Island wrong. And he made O-3 in a year to boot. What a Fucktard!
Oh no, have you seen the tattoos yet?
Yeah, it’s not even worth asking this skidmark what his BUD/S class number is.
Yes unfortunately.
This pencil necked, whale hunting ginger dip shit is actually so desperate to get his man card I actually feel bad for him. I mean the “thank god for dead towel heads” bullshit, the Navy tats and the photo shopped pics of him in those cammies, come on. My guess is this guy hasn’t seen a positive male role model since the doctor delivered him.
Look like he had a High School field trip to Iraq AND Afghanistan. 😐
i bet you that woman is the first pussy he’s ever gotten.
Hell, I sent a message to his fiance letting her know he’s FOS
LOL, I saw that pic and my first thought (albeit a sarcastic, Powerpoint Ranger…oh hell, I’ve spent too many years in and around the military) was “well, that looks like a Mk 1, Mod 0 Navy wife”…
And a friggin’ GRAY t-shirt? Are you f’ingkiddingme?
Parris island academy high school? LMBO
O-3 yeah and I’m Major Pocket Rocket the USAF Astronaut Porn star
Worst thing yall could do is let him live with that wildebeeste hes kissing.
Jest some punk from Armagh trying to Walt and SBS/SAS/PARA/Bootneck is out.
Also one of his pics in Woodland IBA and DCU. I seem to have forgotton when SEAL’s wore the 4th ID Patch?
Are you saying that the one in uniform is NOT a woman? No way.
Some one check on Mr. Shipley, because if he sees this, as pissed off as he was in his video, it could put him over the edge.
I won’t even comment on the ribbon rack (that’s a whole lotta rack for a baby faced O-3, plus not presented properly): Blouse hangs off his shoulders and upper body (not fitted correctly), gray undershirt (wrong on so many levels an E-nuthin would know better), no creases in the blouse (like he just took it out of the dryer on put it on, which would fly about as far as someone could throw him). For an O-3 he is one un-squared away troop in presenting himself, which would not happen outside of his fantasy world.
Please, Dear God, let this fuckstick walk like that into McP’s in Coronado. The howls of pain and laughter would be heard over the traffic all the way up and down the Strand.
I wonder if he’s ever had that Trident “tacked on”. Without the backings, of course.
Dropped our boy a little note as well. Man, this guy is almost as bad as Soupy.
I was gonna comment, but you guys have pretty much covered it all. I could have instantly seen (and did) that this kid was a poseur as soon as I saw that T-shirt. Any sailor knows how to get and tailor a proper-fitting uniform. Good lord, at one time probably half the Philippines was employed doing alterations and custom tailoring for the Pacific Fleet.
Seriously, even at friggin Naval Station Rota, Spain, there was a Filipino woman with a tailor shop by the exchange.
This guy deserves that whale he’s kissing.
I messaged him with this:
Kid, you are so exposed as a fraud. Your profile and pic have hit the internet big time, and I suspect you’ll be getting a visit from the REAL NCIS in the future, as they take impersonating an officer very seriously. It’s a Federal crime, you know?
Do we have another finalist for next years Jesse Macbeth Stolen Valor tourney.
His cover is way to big for his tiny little Q-tip head, too.
Unless this kid gets Joe, OG and other members of the trolletariat to come to his defense; or he further beclowns himself on these pages, he won’t make it beyond round 1 the Jesse MacBeth tourney of roses.
The idiot posted his phone number. 6174135575 have fun.
Holy shit–he’s outta Boston? Hell, I oughta drop by and say hello.
Fucking Masshole.
Same guy
And pretty sure this is him too!/profile.php?id=100001856596693
Amber might accidentally eat him in her sleep.
TSO Adds:
One of these days I’m gonna give a shit enough to do an Intelius search on some of these douchebags.
#10 Doc:
Um, not only the FIRST, but I’m betting the ONLY…
Come to think of it, I have a buddy in the Boston PD. He was with 3/75 IN before he came into the MA ARNG. I’ll ping him and see if he’s interested.
The “Seal” has found his walrus.
@31- Good one.
I think we’ve all seen the video of what the Killer Whale does to the baby seal. This kid can only hope that Orca isn’t hungry.
You know, I really want to comment on this skidmark, but I can’t seem to even think of the right words. It’s not just how ate up his uniform is, the fact that he does not have a Ranger/SEAL wife, or that he isn’t even wearing the proper class ring! I think I might just need a little more coffee and this douchenozzel needs a visit from NCIS.
so on 1 Facebook he’s an “O4 at US Navy” (the Gallagher account) and Weston Stone is a Captain US Navy. both are widowed and live in Kabul and speak Spanish and Gaelic. tools and posers are fun to fuck with
Weston Stone Annapolis grad? would think that easy to verify
I frankly think he is real because a) he’s from mass, and b) every self-respecting phony valor guy would have a CIB.
I honestly think if Don Shipley found this kid he would drive that trident right into his forehead given his demeanor in that video….
Oooooh. I like that idea. Maybe I should find this kid and pass the information along to Don, just so I can watch.
A pinky ring? Is that a pinky ring? Who the fff. . . Oh, nevermind.
And I don’t think that’s a woman. I think that’s Rex Ryan.
Yes, looks like Ryan but we’re talking about the other one. Now, seriously, look at the pic of the one kid in the whites. That’s not a woman? I’m serious.
Thought so, too, Cav! Acting out due to gender confusion?
OWB: The adams apple in the second (lower) pic says no but, man, that’s all female all the time in the upper pic. If it’s a guy, the other one better check her lingerie drawer. She’s missing a pair or two of fishnets.
I looked at both of these profiles just for the laugh. On the second profile this tool has a pic posted with guys carrying M4s with blank adaptors on em. And his FB friends are wishing him good luck over there. What a bunch of morons.
It’s all even stranger when you read this from the Gallagher page.
“Very few people know the real me sometimes I don’t think I know the real me”
Gee you think?
Facebook is further proof that stupidity attracts more stupidity, or in this case, douchebaggery.
However, this kid is (so far) no higher than a 9 or 10 seed, at best. But if he/she shows up trying to defend or claim they’re a lawyer and that we’ll all be sued for libelslander, that ranking could climb mighty fast.
I still want to pull the backings off that Trident and tack the fucker into his hollow little chest.
I know this happened about 5,6,7 years ago, but since we’re on the subject of next year’s SVAs has anyone considered one former SSgt Jimmy Massey? check out the third entry down dated 11/14/2005. Google him too, he’s all over the place.
love to screw his fat girlfriend,..
Wow. He is totally out of uniform.
How is he going to pull off being a SEAL when he doesn’t even look like he’s hit puberty yet? Maybe Jabba The Hut on the left can do us all a favor and eat him? Once she sits on him it’s not like he’ll be able to get away.