Steve “Snake Eyes” Jordan, MSgt Soup Sandwich’s retarded cousin

| September 8, 2011

This post is now a nightmare with things in the wrong place, but wanted to update with this from POW Net…

UPDATE: Oh Steve, you’ve been a bad little monkey over there on N STILES ST (Or did you move to N WOOD AVE?) in LINDEN NJ…Mom and Dad (Eleanor and William) know about your SF days? You come off probation yet for your charge of UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF IMITATION FIREARM? Phone # still 908-943-7908, or did you get a new one? And by the way, Happy Birthday a little early (13th of this month)! And changing your DOB and SSN by 1 digit doesn’t really do much, the computers cross index by residence and a host of other factors, so that trick of changing your SSN from 152-84-xxxx to 132-84-xxxx didn’t do any good.

Don’t make me angry Steve, you wouldn’t like me when I am angry. Dude, I will go all Bruce Banner on your GI Joe ass. So, write a nice little apology, you can post it in the comments, or send it to I’ve got more fun here, should I share it Steve?

EDIT x2: And what in the holy name of Spongebob’s necrofiliac Aunt is this huge ball of wombat sperm?

EDIT: Is this shittard wearing a turtleneck?

Earlier, back in Gotham….

This morning, in the dawn air, I saw it, the douchebag bat signal.  I swooped in and found this asshat.


I maybe outmand but never out numbered, Country boy whose hunting skills were honed on his grandparent’s farm.He live for the hunt

Bragging rights

I love to kill terrorists when they try stupid shit


U.S. Army Spec Ops. (APO Wolfpack)


  • U.S. Army
    First Sergeant, 1988 – present

Um yeah, ok. When not killing terrorists who do stupid shit, he’s also a ninja.

Dude can sneak in through your window and knock up your chihuahua without even making a sound.

Does have a sweet beard though.

Heroes like this need all the publicity they can get, so, please go forth and find all you can on Steve “Dusty/Snake Eyes” Jordan. He may be from Linden NJ.

Places to start your search:
Google profile.
Flicker page.

More mental illness after the jump.

Extra points to the first person that finds pictures of him in a hot tub with a weatherman and a dead guy with a dog collar on.

This dude is hella fun….here he is before his mission to take out Cobra HQ:

Snake Eyes, you ever shot a machine gun on peyote? Fuggin badass man.

Here he is doing his best Cross-Dresser Barbie imitation:

This may or may not be his current look:


Here is his Myspace.

Here is his Model Profile.

His name is Steve A. Jordan, and he is from Linden.  We’ll get his DD214, if someone could look up on AKO.  Also, I know a PI in New Jersey, so I will do a background check.

Baghdad = Mom’s House. Tell me this isn’t the same house.

Category: Phony soldiers, Politics, Shitbags

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Thanks, TSO. Now the boss is coming over here wondering why I’m laughing my balls off.


Who wears fake beards? What a sad sap.

Just A Grunt

Hmmm, looks legit to me. I knew I saw this dude at Dragon Con this weekend.


Yes!! Thank you so much!

I wish his original facebook hadn’t been taken down, because it had “combat” photos of him shooting from around the corner of a building in “Iraq” (it looked like he was leaning up against his mom’s vinyl sided house in “Noo Joizey”).

There was also a pic of him rendering a salute at a funeral/honorable event wearing ACU’s and a beret and his caption said “2001” (BEFORE the ACU’s were issued, mind you)

There’s so much info out there about this guy. He’s obviously mentally ill.


Oh dear god….has the recession hit Clown College graduates this hard?

He even wears a beret like a douche.


Jesus, is that a GI Joe bit, a ninja costume, or is he trying to pull off a fat version of a Cylon from BSG?

Old Trooper

Jonn, COB6; it looks like he has the RatScuba badge right next to his Air Assault wings. Is that right?

Old Trooper

Also, those look like airsoft guns he’s posing with.


LOL @ the fake ass ACH (*Army Combat Helmet* for you Squids, Grunts and Flyboy types-much respect btw) and vintage “Desert Storm” goggles.


The facebook site that caught him has some of his far more interesting adult adventures outside of the GI Joe relm. BTW, his combat patch isn’t 1st CAV, it’s 3/75.


Old Trooper it is the SCUBA Badge. Funny thing is he also has the CIB w/1 Star and a Master Parachutists wings as well as Air Assault wings and a Ranger Tab.All of this while being a member of the 5th Squadron 117th Cavalry (which no longer exists btw) of the 42nd (Rainbow) Division Noo Joisey ARNG. Yeah I had done some research trying to find this clown when his mug got posted at another site.


Wait a second–Jersey, did you say? Hmmmmm…seems to me that some of our favorite trolls are from the NJ area, although strangely silent since they never showed in MN a couple of weeks ago.

Just sayin.


@Bobo yeah it does look like a Ranger Scroll and then on his ‘lil Snake Eyes Ninja suit he is wearing the Civil Affairs/PsyOps Patch. Gawd what a moron.


Whoa! That gave me a start. I thought I was seeing the reincarnation of Audie Murphy. Then I realized that the boots were wrong!

Old Trooper

Sparky: And to think that Jonn, TSO, and Mr. Wolf were chuckling at me when I presented them my bona fides, because I have my paperwork going all the way back to BT (I even have the original lime green folder that my recruiter put all my enlistment paperwork in, lol). Yeah, I’m kinda a pack rat that way.


blue pen in sleeve pocket, dead giveaway ha ha. I think this guy is really deranged. By the way,the Michael Hamilton conviction and 16 month sentence are getting radio air time this morning here in NC. Good to get the word out to folks that this foolishness doesn’t pay.


Dude! This guy just posted on a Civil Affairs facebook group yesterday!!! I was thinking there has to be a serious problem with him! I think he also popped up on one of the CA/Psyop LinkedIn groups


Well, of COURSE he’s fake!

All the REAL ninjas out there work for Jonn! 🙂


Better not F with my chihuahua, it will kick his ass.

Miss Ladybug

A First Sergeant since 1988? Dude can’t get a promotion in 23 years?


Nothing in AKO.

Rodger Young

Google’s a MFer. Have to reg to view tho, it gets worse.


Wow, I’m not really sure what to say about this dude besides… well… wow.


OMG this guy is friends with TOM! 24 inch chest with 28 inch waist…who is this guy kiddin’?


First off, he stole that first sentence from the introduction from a Ranger Up t-shirt! Secondly this Hoser had been posting on CA related facebook pages, complete with Snake Eyes pics, and had been roasted by us for wearing the USACAPOC combat patch, the pictures are down now…. Also, in his ACU pic, his Skill Badges are sewn on, while he is wearing his beret. No matter what time period he claims the picture was taken, he is seriously out of regs if he was ever in at all!!! An E-8 ought to know better!


What’s the over/under on this assclown coming in, either under his name or pretending to be a loved one, either defending this shit, or pretending it’s not that bad?

I’m picking post 65 in the pool. $5 a shot.


So what is this Dude’s real name? His FB has a new name on it…


I’m betting he’s a PFC who ETS’d in ’96….joined an airsoft club…posts regularly on….plays a lot of Call of Duty.


On second look with the added photo’s, given that he’s sporting a Jungle Expert patch….this guy was an E-6 over 20 yrs ago. O believe it came out of 670-1 around ’86.

Old Trooper

Ok, looking at the added pics, all I can say is…….wow. Is he wearing white gloves with his class A uniform? Plus, the shirt looks suspect in the class A photo as well.

I don’t know; maybe I’m nitpicking too much today? They aren’t even trying very hard, anymore.

Old Trooper

CI; notice in his E-5 photo that he’s sportin’ the Pathfinder badge, but it is mysteriously gone in the E-8 pic, replaced by the Scuba badge.


@Old Trooper – If this guy was legit, we could chalk that up to 670-1 specifying how many of which class of badges could be worn at a given time.

Since this guy is an offending poseur….all bets are off.


Old Trooper,
That is NOT a SCUBA badge. It is a Special Operations Diver badge. They didn’t have this new sexy one back in my day; we got the same SCUBA badge as engineers and underwater welders.


My bad COB6. It did appear to be a SCUBA badge but upon 2nd look it has what appears to be lightning bolts going through it. I am wondering where his Super Secret Squirrel Club badge is. He is out of uniform if he doesn’t have it above the CIB w/1 Star. 🙂


Im surprised he didnt put the Basic Aviation badge on…at least he d have some set of wings. Dude is about legit as a 6 dollar bill.


There is a SSG Steve Jordan in the Army based out of Oklahoma. Most likely not the same dude, but the ONLY Steve Jordan in Army records. There are a few Steven A. Jordans, but none that are enlisted or NCO.


…knowing is half the battle!


The 443rd CA Bn, is based out of the Midwest, and that dude claims to have been in the 443rd….


Why couldn’t it have been Jordan Carver! I’d’ve believed her!

Still, the last pic did cause my screen to experience high velocity iced tea.

Annoying Mike

Did you notice that he “friends” himself on MySpace multiple times with a different persona?

He is really a sad, sad, piece of work. I expect to see him next on some new episode of “1,000 ways to Die.”


He changed his name on FB to Ronald Dimico, AND he is a Manchester United fan? WTF?!?! SMH


I suspect that Steve A. Jordan is also a made up name, check this from his FB:

Old Trooper

Thanks, COB6, I wasn’t sure because, from the pic, I couldn’t get a good look at it.

The more I read and see of this assclown, the more I wonder if this fucking loser even has parents that claim him. Went over to POWNet through the link and just have to shake my head at what an utter and complete fucktard this waste of oxygen is.

77 11C20

Back to the E-6 photo when was the tan shirt replaced with the green on. Wasn’t in the early 80’s, he is showing at least 8 years in the photo. Plus no blue disks on his brass, no leadership tabs. Can’t be sure but doesn’t it look like a Ranger patch on his shoulder?

Old Trooper

77 11C20; yep, the tan shirt went away in ’81 (as did the Army khaki uniform) and yes, that is a Ranger scroll he’s sporting, along with 101st combat patch. It seems this moron has been playing dress up for many years.


This moron has pics on flickr as well.

Gotta love the one where he states he just came back from ‘Over Seas’

NR Pax

Could he be from the same unit as the Marine lesbian?

Old Trooper

Ordsoldier; his model profile says he’s 5’3″ tall and 125 lbs…… This boy needs to un-fuck himself and fast. As for the pic where he says he just came back from overseas; well, he probably jumped a mud puddle coming back from the dollar store.

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