Petraeus warns that Koran burning is bad for the troops
General Petreaus warned yesterday that the planned Koran-burning in Florida by the Dove World Outreach Center endangers the troops as well as all Americans. I completely agree with his reasoning;
“Images of the burning of a Quran would undoubtedly be used by extremists in Afghanistan — and around the world — to inflame public opinion and incite violence,” Petraeus said in an e-mail to The Associated Press.
Obviously, if the people we were defending and the enemy we are fighting were a bit more rational about respecting others’ opinions, this wouldn’t be a problem. That’s not the case, though.
In any case, the numbnuts of the Dove World Outreach Center are just as irrational in their own way. At Blackfive, Jimbo writes that Terry Jones, the leader of this group has written a book “Islam is of the Devil“, a sentiment that I’m sure many agree with.
But, ya know a group that calls themselves “an outreach center” (it’s right there in the name) should know better than to reach out with a clenched fist to get it’s message across.
They’ve listed 10 Reasons to Burn a Koran and every reason mentions God or Christ. The God I know wouldn’t agree with any of their reasons as legitimate for the action they intend this weekend.
The Dove Center also claims it’s reason for burning the Koran is;
We love, as God loves, all the people in the world and we want them to come to a knowledge of the truth. To warn of danger and harm is a loving act. God is love and truth. If you know the truth it can set you free. The world is in bondage to the massive grip of the lies of Islam
Yeah, we all know that. All of us. Burning a Koran isn’t going to bring anyone to the Christian church, or any other church for that matter. The people you’re planning to free from Islam are going to be inflamed by your narrow-minded and short-sighted actions.
Actually, it sounds as childish as Bobby Whittenberg and Matthis burning a flag to be pirate-rebels. It pisses me off greatly that Islam is intolerant of human rights and dissenting opinions, but I’d rather kill them in large numbers for their actions on the battlefield than just piss them off.
In fact, Terry Jones can probably call it off right now and mention that he’s made his point since Muslims are already getting violent about it. But, he’s got the money rolling in from people across the country, He’s not going to turn that spigot off;
Responding to Petraeus’ comments, Dove World Outreach Center’s senior pastor Terry Jones acknowledged Petraeus’ concerns as legitimate.
“Still, we feel that it is time for America to quit apologizing for our actions and bowing to kings,” Jones said in a statement released by his church. “We must send a clear message to the radical element of Islam. We will no longer be controlled and dominated by their fears and threats. It is time for America to return to being America.”
Since Jones has heard from the top commander on the ground in Afghanistan and he’s been told that he’s endangering the troops with his completely selfish demonstration of the capacity of his brain, I guess we can call his actions anti-military and anti-US since he’s doing the exact same thing that IVAW and Code Pink have been doing for years. Hiding behind the Bible doesn’t change the effect it will have on the battlefield.
You don’t cure hatred with more hatred. Well, except in Bizarro World.
Category: General Whackos
Cut from the same cloth as the Phelps clan, just a different message. Fuck ’em.
Since many in the Muslim world view The Crusades as something that happened just yesterday this thing is, indeed, fuel for the fire (no pun intended).
And, you are quite right Scott.
My view differs from others and I have already commented about this at length on another blog, so I won’t do so here, again, because I have neither the time, nor energy, to go through it all over again. Suffice it to say that I agree with Uncle Jimbo and my opinion will be different from others.
Scott stole my comment! Smells so much like Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka and the Phred Phelps Phreaks there.
Yes, in some way many of us would like to burn a Qur’an, but this would not be productive at all. Like the old childhood admonition- Let’s not lower ourselves to the level of the Radical Islamists.
Muslims get violent about everything percieved to be against allah, except
Throwing acid on Schoolgirls, Cutting off Noses and ears, killing 6 year olds for Being US Spies, Blowing up aything they can get.Cutting off a Professors hand for writing paper questioning Muhammeds Life.
Sorry my tolerance for Muslims feelings has run out.
Does anyone think if these Idiots dont burn the Koran that Mullah Omar will walk upt to a US patrol with Ice Cream for them?
That OBL will be offering free Pony Rides at FOB Salerno?
“Since Jones has heard from the top commander on the ground in Afghanistan and he’s been told that he’s endangering the troops with his completely selfish demonstration of the capacity of his brain, I guess we can call his actions anti-military and anti-US since he’s doing the exact same thing that IVAW and Code Pink have been doing for years. Hiding behind the Bible doesn’t change the effect it will have on the battlefield.” ========== So why didn’t GEN Petraeus make a statement during the previous 7 years for CODE PINK, IVAW and International ANSWER to knock off their “anti-war” rallies, because they were giving aid and comfort to the enemy and were getting our military members killed? Why are we only getting a statement about Koran burning? I see this in the same vein as censoring the Mohammad cartoons. Are we going to continue to curtail our own freedoms here, because Muslims have not evolved from the 7th Century? I believe after WWII, we told Japan that it would no longer practice Shintoism as a State religion. And Germany would no longer have NAZIism. Both countries would be secular and would unconditionally abide by the demands of the victorious Allies. Fast forward to now and both countries are flourishing having been forced “by the point of a gun” to evolve. We are doing the exact opposite in Afghanistan and Iraq. We are coddling an ideology akin to Shintoism and NAZIism. Imagine if we had allowed the new governments of Japan and Germany to keep Shintoism and NAZIism, respectively. That’s what we have done in Afghanistan and Iraq. We have not only allowed them to keep their own version of NAZIism, but we have told our own nations to stop doing things that will offend the NAZIs. This is madness. Instead of upholding the oath the US Military made to defend the rights within the US Constitution, the US military is telling US citizens to curtail their rights. This could have acted as a teaching moment for GEN Petraeus to tell Muslims that in modern civilized society, people are not… Read more »
Exactly, Sean.
If we’re going to change our behavior to make our soldiers at less risk, why don’t we just ask the Taliban for their demands and then abide by them? No one was burning Korans pre-9/11/2001 and yet they hijacked planes and killed 3,000 of our countrymen. No one was burning Korans in 1996 and 1998 when Osama made his fatwas against the United States.
So where does this end? There are *plenty* of things that inflame Muslims and put not only our troops in danger, but also civilians in countries around the world where there are large Muslim populations who riot over the slightest offense to their delicate sensibilities. Are we to just ask the Taliban for their list of grievances, so as to know what not to do, in order to keep our troops safe?
There is a reason that Christians, Jews, Mormons, Scientologists and every other religious group does not get violent and go on murderous rampages whenever they have cause to be offended. Because the civilized world told them to get the f*** over themselves and stop being whiney babies.
We are doing the exact opposite with Muslims. As a result, we are emboldening them to continue their threats, so that they get their way.
When does this end?
I don’t get the reasoning that if my brother dies, because some Muslims were offended at their Koran being burned here in America, that I am to get pissed off at the Church, instead of at the lunatics who subscribe to a 7th Century death cult. The Koran burning would not have killed my brother. The ideology that justifies killing in response to being offended would have killed him.
I’m not so naive that I think that the Taliban will get nicer if this asshole doesn’t burn the Koran, but why give them more unnecessary PR ammunition? The goat ropers don’t need more proof that this a war against Muslims to wave around in the village squares.
Yes, I would love to burn a stack of Korans on CNN or whatever channel they watch over there- but would purpose would it serve and how beneficial would it be for anyone.
It’s an empty gesture that won’t do anything positive for the troops. This dickwad has already proven that he really cares more about the money that is pouring into his coffers than he does about making any point he might have had or the effect it would have in the war against terror. That ain’t gettin’ him into my Heaven.
I have to agree with Sean and Michael.
Now I don’t care for this group at all, indeed if you look at them closely, they are really nothing but a clone of Phelps and company with their twisted ideology.
But there’s also a part of me that is freaking SICK and TIRED of the world coddling the Islamists around the world. You know what, that American flag is pretty sacred to me, yet the Islamists and others have burned that loooong before 9-11 to spite America and Americans. But we don’t go around killing or threatening Muslims or immigrants from Muslim countries because of that hatred.
I remember how the South Park thing went down, and how they were intimidated.
In a way I couldn’t care a spit if they burned korans, and a part of me wants SOME entity to do it, just to show the Islamists around the world we are not afraid, and why the hell should there be double standards where we coddle to their sensitivities yet they don’t for anyone else. Enough is enough.
Koran burning, flag burning… barghhh, history just keeps repeating itself in terms of idiots believing in their “original” petty and quite fascistic symbolism meant to attract mindless sheep… wish I could be burning something a bit smaller and much more potent to make this headache go away…
I suppose a subtle Cabernet will have to do for now…
Maybe I’ll burn some books, strip naked and dance around the pagan bonfire. Hmmm… [drumming fingers together]… yee-eesss… [background music: Hall & Oates, “Maneater”] LOL
“Koran burning, flag burning… barghhh, history just keeps repeating itself in terms of idiots believing in their “original” petty and quite fascistic symbolism meant to attract mindless sheep…”
Precisely; I won’t support this brand of simple-minded “action” in the same way I don’t support it when Matthis or Bobby does it from the opposite end of the spectrum. Symbolic burnings are the hallmark of idiots incapable of intelligent and rational analysis of their positions.
GEN Petraeus is Enabling Muslim Violence…
…Petraeus warned that burning Qurans “is precisely the kind of action the Taliban uses and could cause significant problems — not just here, but everywhere in the world we are engaged with the Islamic community.” And one of his …
Actually, Scott, I would change your statement to, symbolic burnings make it easier for idiots incapable of intelligent and rational analysis of their positions.
Meaning, the only way you can make some people understand your own position is by engaging in ‘dialogue’ which makes it easier for the ‘other’ side to understand.
Those who hate America have always burned our flag, our symbols, etc. etc. Yet we don’t go around violently protesting and killing people for it. And no matter how sensible or rational we try to be, the radical Islamists seem to either not care or not understand.
You see, this is America. We have the right to burn the koran or any other symbols. It’s our freedom and right. It’s our country and our soil. Why should what people thousands of miles away say or do influence or intimidate us as to how we want to do things in OUR own soil? I may not agree with it, but that’s an American’s right to do so as he wishes, not the citizen of another country thousands of miles away.
And if burning the koran is the only way we can let others know that we will do as we wish and not be intimidated, then so be it. If we become intimidated by this, what next?
My position is a bit different than the typical one here, it seems. First, I think it’s a stupid gesture to burn the books, but there is no particular reason they should be stopped from doing so. Second, I don’t see how allowing it endangers the troops any. No one not predisposed to joining the direct jihad is going to change there minds because of this. The reasoning for it seems to be, “It will be a grave insult to Islam, and that makes Muslims want blood.” Okay, but they perceive our very existence as an insult to Islam. Anyone who will follow that statement will do so for pretty much any reason; tossing one more on the heap is a drop in the bucket.
Might this provoke a spate of attacks in near weeks? Yeah, probably, but, again, I don’t see that being a bad thing. The attacks would be forthcoming sooner or later, regardless, and, this way, they are attacking on a much more predictable timetable.* Anytime they fight on our terms, we win, and this is dictating the terms to them. If they don’t use the predictable and wholly unsurprising outrage over the burning in a short time-frame, they lose most of its effect, and it becomes just another in the long list of recruiting bullet-points. “They burn Korans” doesn’t strike me as any more powerful a recruiting message than “They murder millions of Muslim men, women, and children and steal our lands”. Again, I don’t see it bringing in any recruits that wouldn’t join for other reasons.
*I really need to go easier on the commas…
Very good post, Jonn.
While driving home from work today, I was scanning through radio channels trying to find the one I wanted, and briefly came across – twice – Christian radio stations that were denouncing the Koran burning.
There is a Proverb (14:1) that says that a wise woman builds her house, but a foolish woman tears it down. The Koran burning seems very much like that analogy of the foolish woman tearing down her house, especially when you consider the potential dominoe effect and long-term consequences.
There are Islamic centers on probably every military installation now that serve Muslims who are serving in our military, not to mention the Islamic soldiers from other militaries who attend our military schools here in the States, training right alongside our soldiers and mixing with the American populace. The Israelis and Palestinians have proven over the millenia that their ways don’t work. Surely in this land so dedicated to the free we can show a way that does.
“Bloomberg Defends Pastor’s Right to Burn Quran,” Wall St. Journal, 8 SEP 10
I wish that those of you who are upset at burning Korans would voice the same level of disgust at the actions Of every Muslim nation that prohibits importing the Christian Bible or any Christian literature,
Whenever their own customs agents find it, it is seized and literally thrown into a trash can, then either taken to the landfill or burned.
You can’t have this both ways. Either all religious texts should be protected everywhere, or back down off your soapboxes.
You all are a bunch of chicken little’s running around and enabling these scumbag muslims to demand yet some other form of censorship, some other control over our lives.
I say burn their damned Korans as an example of our freedoms, as a a warning to them to back the hell down from their demands, and a statement that we Americans will NOT be cowed by a bunch of third-world, dark-age mental midgets who want to turn the world back to a time of horror.
September 11th is a perfect day for reminding muslims that THEY are the enablers of terrorism because THEY tolerate it and refuse to stand up to those who do.
I respectfully disagree, Tim. In addition to thinking through the repercussions of burning the Koran, there is also an over-riding reason to denounce such an action, and that is because Americans are better than that. They may not respect freedom of religion over there, but we should respect freedom of religion over here. The issue is not the religion; the issue is the violence.
“I wish that those of you who are upset at burning Korans would voice the same level of disgust at the actions Of every Muslim nation that prohibits importing the Christian Bible or any Christian literature,” ========== I tend to agree with a comment left over at Blackfive, where a commenter asked where was the General’s outrage the past 9 years regarding every other action here in America that put our soldiers at risk. * Mass media undermining the war effort with their reporting * NYT giving away our National Security secrets * NYT publishing diagrams showing where our body armor was weak * Mass media reporting FALSE stories about Korans in toilets * Mass media reporting FALSE stories about torture at GITMO (and the Democrats repeating these FALSE stories on the floors of Congress for cheap political points against President Bush) * Harry Reid and the Democrat Party declaring the war “lost” * IVAW, CODE PINK, International A.N.S.W.E.R. etc holding massive “anti-war” rallies * CODE PINK crashing Congressional hearings to protest the war and try to smear paint on Condoleeza Rice Etc, etc etc… Not once did any General step up and say that the mass media, “anti-war” protesters or the Democrat Party were putting our troops in more danger, because they were giving aid and comfort to the enemy. But *now*, he comes out and makes a statement about a small group of churchgoers in a small town in Florida burning Korans? All the actions taken by the mass media, “anti-war” protesters and the Democrat Party did not warrant a scolding from GEN Petraeus, because apparently they did not put our troops in more danger, but Koran-burning by a small church will? ** (For the record, I don’t think it is the General’s place to scold any of the groups (mass media, “anti-war” protesters, Democrats, anti-Islam protesters). The military takes an oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution. Part of that Constitution is about freedom of the press and freedom to protest. So Petraeus should neither scold protesters — whether “anti-war” or anti-Islam — nor the mass… Read more »
The showdown is coming.
Everyone get ready to pick a side.
AW1Tim #19 said: You can’t have this both ways. Either all religious texts should be protected everywhere, or back down off your soapboxes.
That’s one perspective, but burning books is wrong no matter who does it. I’d join you in turning parts of the Muslim world into glassy, glowing, slag heaps beginning with Mecca…
I’d certainly join you in burning Korans as a citizen, but I won’t support our government or ANY religious group doing so. To mix metaphors; that’s a can of worms at the top of a slippery slope.
That’s another perspective.
Tim, since when did “well he did it so I can to” become a defense for anything?
And this…
“I wish that those of you who are upset at burning Korans would voice the same level of disgust at the actions Of every Muslim nation that prohibits importing the Christian Bible or any Christian literature”
We do, daily, but frankly those are foreigners acting how they wish in their OWN country, not goofballs here in our own.
You know what I’m sick of? I’m sick of religious zealots who claim to follow the teachings of Christ, yet can’t ever seem to display even the most fundamental of his philosophies.
According to the New Testament one is supposed to live a “Christ-like life”, burning Korans is hardly “Christ like”. Neither is the language, attitude, actions, or image, of many of the marginal fundamentalist organizations.
As for the General chewing on one group over any other? Well I think it’s generally understood what kind of damage Code Pink and so many of the other leftist organizations are responsible for, simply put, it’s common knowledge and doesn’t need to be especially remarked on. When a religious group, especially a right leaning group does it however, I think there is a perception that they’re gonna get a pass from the pro military establishment for doing it, after all they’re basically ‘right leaning hawks’ right? Wrong. Wrong is wrong. I do agree that Gen P should keep his thoughts to himself however, that’s what he’s paid to do.
I will be curious to see if there are threats / violent actions taken against Dove World Outreach Center itself, or if those that protest the Koran burning attack others. I will also be curious to see what the response will be from law enforcement / the government if DWOC is threatened / attacked for burning the Koran.
Jacobite, remember the discussion we had about the religious persecution / martyrdom feedback loop? The idea that you’re serving God when you’re being persecuted, so you set up circumstances that lead to persecution, so you know you’re serving God…this is a perfect example of that.
I think we should all be able to express our American rights without worrying about what a bunch of Neanderthals are going to think. I wouldnt neccesarily burn a Koran, but I am all for their right to do it, and it may send a message to the Muslims that they arent immune to the hate theyve been spewing out for decades. They will reap what they sow. They burn our flag over here all the time, so why should I give a damn about their book? Fact is, I dont.
Pinto, exactly, I really don’t have anything to add to that except that the very act of examining themselves and their personal motivations is by their own reckoning ‘sinful’ and therefore to be avoided, it’s a wonderfully self feeding and vicious mechanism enabling some of the most bizarre and reprehensible behavior.
Dave, I agree we should all be able to express our American rights, even when such expression is extremely distasteful, that does not however mean such behavior is by extension ‘right’ or even marginally intelligent. Since I feel that the intentional pursuit of a course of action that will possibly put additional strain on an already heavily burdened fighting force contravenes the dictates of a polite society or even intelligence, I won’t hesitate to speak out in opposition to it, there by exercising my own rights under our Constitution. In my opinion the actions of the Dove World Outreach Center are both idiotic and hypocritical, and while I do believe they certainly have the right to go ahead and do it, I also feel others have the right to protest them in kind.
Hoping to send the Muslims a message? Good luck with that, wake me and let me know how that works out.
Above and beyond the Islamic/Christian battlefield, I feel it just plain wrong headed to burn books, of any kind. The only result that has ever had in this country is to embolden and strengthen the oppositions desire to see such literature which has from time to time come under attack, more publicly protected. The ‘moral majority’ has always been incredibly short sighted in this respect.
I have to admit I’m of two minds on this. The “church” sponsoring this idiotic event could care less about freedom of expression. I think the only thing they’re really interested in is “American Express”. That said, I am also sick of us having to walk on eggshells so we don’t “offend” anyone. If I had my way, we’d burn a lot more than Korans and I’d like to remind these goatfuckers what it means to really piss off a Superpower. My Dad said it best during the Iran hostage crisis. He said “Raymond, you ought to be glad your Old Man isn’t in charge, because I’d tell those bastards they have 24 hours to release the hostages or I’ll be able to see the oil fields burning from here”
In reading my e-mail, newsletters, FOXNews, etc. just now; I read that from Obummer on down, even his left hand (?)Man(?), Charlie RINO Crist; all state that the whackos at that Gainseville Fla church “have the right” to burn the Qur’an. Has anyone here, or anywhere claimed that they don’t “have the right”? They have as much right to be dipsticks as the Westboro Baptist Church Phreaks. Having “the right” in no way assures that it is “right”. Having “the right” doesn’t mean that the act will be productive. Having “the right” is no excuse to be morally deficient, to be childish, to unnecessarily bring more harm to troops and others.
Kieth Olberdork, and the rest of you Politically correct anal orifices just don’t get it, and most likely never will.
Exercise your rights Gainesville dumbschitts.
Where has all the common sense gone???????????
Absolutely correct, Southern Class. (I actually completely agree with you, for once.)
Has anyone here, or anywhere claimed that they don’t “have the right”?
The State Department called it “un-American“.
State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley called a Florida church’s threat to burn copies of the Quran to mark the Sept. 11 attacks “un-American” and said the plan was “inconsistent with the values of religious tolerance and religious freedom.”
I’d say that is the opposite of stating that they “have a right”.
And it’s amazing that when any non-Muslim religious group wants something, the Left crows about “separation of church and state!!!!!”. But when Muslims want something, the Left finds “religious tolerance” and “religious freedom”.
Michael in MI, I either don’t follow you, or I don’t see it quite like you do.
I myself consider the church’s threat to burn the Koran to be both inconsistent with American values of religious freedom as well as within the realm of protected free speech.
Matthis’ burning of the American flag was handled in the same way by the overwhelming majority of TAH commenters, including myself, and also including even those who were threatening physical violence against him for burning the flag. But none of those threatening to beat the crap out of him, to my recollection, thought that he didn’t have the “right.”
Also, that was me in #30 (forgot to put my name).
According to reports Iran is paying a $1000.00 bounty to any taliban who kills a american military member. What will motivate them more the money or burning the Koran. I don’t think burning the Koran will change anything. Just another way for the muslims to gain a little more influence over non muslims.
I myself consider the church’s threat to burn the Koran to be both inconsistent with American values of religious freedom as well as within the realm of protected free speech. ========== So this means that when TV shows, such as the many on Comedy Central, go out of their way to insult Christians and Jews and Mormons, that is “inconsistent with American values of religious freedom as well as within the realm of protected free speech”? This also means that when “artists” throw dung at a picture of the Virgin Mary and put the crucifiction in urine, that is “inconsistent with American values of religious freedom as well as within the realm of protected free speech”? I have to wonder then, why when Christians and Jews and Mormons get offended by those actions, they are told to shut up and get over it and there are no statements from Angelina Jolie or Hillary Clinton or the State Department about showing “religious tolerance”. Here’s my opinion on this matter… When ALL religions are treated equal respect, THEN I will denounce someone who insults Islam and Muslims. Until then, f*ck Islam and f*ck Muslims for not reforming Islam and putting the entire MF-ing world at risk of rioting, violence and mass murder. Where were the State Department and Hillary Clinton and Angelina Jolie making statements for anti-Prop 8 people to stop harassing Mormons and Christians who voted for Prop 8? Where were these people when the report came out that the most hate crimes in this nation are against Jews and there are hardly any at all against Muslims or Christians? Where were these people when the Muslim killed the military recruit in Arkansas? Where were these people when the Muslim mass murdered soldiers at Fort Hood? The fact is that Muslims literally get away with murder in this nation and are coddled, while some nutjob Christian church wants to do nothing more than burn some books and it’s made into an international incident and an insult to Islam? Are you kidding me? All this does is tell Jews and Christians and… Read more »
Or at least that is apparently what it has taught you…
By the way, have you seen the latest on Blackfive about this? That, “Apparently there is a connection between the Koran burners in Florida and the military-funeral-protesting jackwagons from Westboro, Kansas”:
Or at least that is apparently what it has taught you… ========== No, logic dictates that lesson. Logic also dictates the lesson that Muslims will get whatever they want, if they keep threatening us with violence over anything that offends them. It worked with the Mohammad Cartoons, it worked with Comedy Central, it worked with ‘Everybody Draw Mohammad Day’ and now, it has worked to get the top commander of the world’s superpower to tell his countrymen to stop doing things to offend Islam. From The Jawa Report: ========== Does that justify bigotry in the West or burning Korans? Of course not. But there’s something else it doesn’t justify: Refusing in the West to report, analyze, and condemn what goes on daily with far more public support and official approval in the Muslim-majority Middle East. What are the wrongful motives for that behavior? –Fear that telling the truth will make “Muslims” angry. –Belief that one only has the right to criticize one’s own country (or allies) and religion but that exercising rational judgment in discussing others is somehow “racist.” –Panic that reporting on the bigotry and extremism of millions of others will encourage a minister in Florida with 50 followers to burn a Koran. Such a paralysis is not how democracies are supposed to function. That is not how people keep their freedoms and way of life. ========== And, yes, I read the Westboro Baptist Church connection at The Jawa Report earlier. It changes nothing. Funny how the Westboro Baptist Church can travel all around the nation going to the funerals of military families and protesting at their funerals with hateful messages and, in response, the military members — known to liberals as right-wing, deranged, baby-killing terrorists suffering from PTSD who could snap at any moment — react with non-violence. Yet, a similar nutjob religious group can stay on their own church property and burn Korans, and the “religion of peace” members react with riots, protests and threats of violence, murder and fatwas. Seems to me that that baby-killing, psycopath nutjobs belong to Islam and the true “religion of peace”… Read more »
Here I go again, stepping outside to actually voice my opinion. Pastor Jones, and Fred Phelps to a much larger degree, dishonour the very memory of all those who sacrificed their lives to ensure the very rights and freedoms which they have chosen to flaunt in order to express their own bigotry and hatred. They, and their followers should be ashamed of themselves. Their actions are nothing but a blatant display of self-promotion and ignorance. It is clear that no one disputes their rights, but perhaps should question their “reason” (…the power of comprehending, inferring, or thinking, especially in orderly rational ways).
“Or at least that is apparently what it has taught you…”
“No, logic dictates that lesson.”
What kind of logic? You need to be clearer on that point since not all systems of logic support your hypothesis.
Hey, guess what!? We now also have to allow the Ground Zero Victory Mosque to be built in the heart of New York City, otherwise we risk not only the lives of our soldiers, but also the lives of American civilians. Imam Rauf on CNN: Moving The Mosque Could Get Us Killed ===== Rauf’s contention that we must accept the building of the mosque near Ground Zero because “moving it would embolden Islamic radicals, and in the Muslim world it would be considered an attack on Islam” is a threat. He seems to be saying that Americans better not fight this, or we’ll pay for our opposition to it by being attacked. That sounds like the same argument used against publishing a cartoon, or a book, or making a film exposing Islam’s violence. If you do it, you will die. Comedy Central took that kind of threat seriously by not showing criticism of Islam. ===== “What kind of logic? You need to be clearer on that point since not all systems of logic support your hypothesis.” I actually do not understand how you do not see the logic. Muslims threaten violence and get their way. Every single time. From Comedy Central to the Mohammad Cartoons to changing the name of Operation Infinite Justice to Operation Enduring Freedom to PSAs for the TV show ’24’ and now to having the top General of the largest Military in the world tell his countrymen to not do anything to insult Islam. Meanwhile, no such respect is given to any other religion — not Christianity, not Judaism, not Mormonism, not Scientology, etc. These religions and their followers are insulted and offended in every way every single day… in the mass media, by politicians, in songs, in TV shows, in movies, in magazines, in books. So, how do you look at this and not logically determine that in order to get respect for your religion and have people not offend your religion, you must threaten violence and murder? Islam is the only religion where its adherents threaten violence and murder when they are offended and… Read more »
Just FYI…I attempted to access the Dove World Outreach Center’s website, and it’s down. Apparently, they’ve heard quite a bit about their plan to burn the Koran.
Ace — and Christopher Hitchens — makes my point for me as well:
On that point — this very good (as usual) essay by Christopher Hitchens. There he notes we have demanded that every other religion be “domesticated,” which, dogged metaphor aside, means that we have demanded that other religions fall into compliance with civil law — even where (as with Christian Science) the illegal aspect of the religion is a truly important part of the religion.
And yet we don’t similarly insist on this with Islam. Islam is apparently a special religion in that it trumps civil law.
Again, another badge of Islam’s supremacy over other religions — and all governments — which is precisely what they’re killing for.
Other people have remarked upon the perverse incentives here: If Christians want their faith taken seriously, and respected by institutions and the government, apparently they’ll just have to start bombing and beheading and they’ll have that.
Furthermore, we continue to encourage Islamist killers. Every time they kill, what message does the nation and its communicative institutions parrot over and over?
1) Islam is a religion of peace.
2) Islam is one of the world’s “great religions.”
3) The overwhelming majority of Islam’s faithful are good, pious people.
Every time they murder in the name of Allah, then, we all collectively begin shouting how fucking wonderful Allah is.
Is it any surprise they continue to murder us then? They kill us, and we then proselytize on their behalf.
#39 Unfortunately I don’t have the time to explicitly debate this, and I do mean unfortunately because I like to give as much supporting info as possible when I take a stand. Long story short though, I don’t see anywhere near the religious persecution in this country that you do, actually the opposite, it seems like I’m constantly bombarded by the unwelcome advances of the Judeo Christian political powers, and I’m certainly aware of the overt/covert national support lent to two religious organizations, and state ‘support’ of another. I’ll offer a few examples at this time, more if I have time later. One example is, ‘In God We Trust’ on our currency, and another is the inclusion of ‘under God’ in our national pledge of allegiance. Now I know what the many arguments are surrounding both of those issues, so please spare me and the rest of us the rehashing of old ground, the fact still remains that both of these instances are obvious examples of official recognition of a belief system, the belief in a supreme being, what ever his/hers/it’s nature, and is not inclusive of all belief systems. In the realm of overt/covert national support for religions I offer up Israel and Ireland, and at the state level (I live in Arizona) I offer up for scrutiny – Mormonism. As a local issue I’ve grown up with, Mormonism especially has not suffered as you seem to think it has, quite the opposite in fact. The power of the Mormon Church here and in Utah is such that they are only threatened as a political voice by the primarily Catholic Hispanic population. There are many, many other examples I just don’t have the time to get into it. As for Islamic apologists etc., I will only say this, the apologists and their statements come from well known and established Leftist sources and are only representative of what we have all come to expect from them over the decades, it’s no grand conspiracy. As for Muslim extremists getting their way by threatening violence, can you please give me one example,… Read more »
As for Muslim extremists getting their way by threatening violence, can you please give me one example, just one, where they have in fact achieved that here in this country? Just one please.
Have you not read any of my comments? I gave plenty of examples of Muslims getting their way, and being put on a completely different level than Christians, Jews, Mormons, or followers of any other religion.
There are plenty of examples, but the ’24’ PSAs, the Comedy Central censorship and the Mohammad Cartoon censorship are the three most prominent. And of course the most recent examples are the Ground Zero Mosque and the Koran-burning. Muslims threaten violence and everyone from President Obama to GEN Petraeus chimes in to tell us to acquiesce to their threats.
Jacobite said: “As for Muslim extremists getting their way by threatening violence, can you please give me one example, just one, where they have in fact achieved that here in this country? Just one please. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the last 9 years especially makes your assertion incorrect.”
I can give you several. How about at the Mpls/St.Paul airport, where muslim cab drivers refused to carry fares that had alcohol or service dogs in their cabs. Their were threats of them being fired, they fought back and won an agreement with the MAC. A Community college in downtown Minneapolis used public money to put muslim foot baths in the restrooms of a public college. There are two right off the top of my head.
No, his assertion isn’t incorrect. In my daughter’s public junior high school, a special prayer room was made available to the muslim students during Ramadam, yet Christian students can’t even get together in a hallway and say a prayer before school. My daughter wore a t-shirt with a stick figure carrying a cross on a city street crosswalk and was told that she had to turn it inside out by a teacher. She had gotten it at a youth conference in Texas when she was visiting her grandparents. She asked why and the teacher said because it was religious in nature. She asked about the muslim students with headscarves and beanies and was told by the teacher that “that’s their culture”, to which my daughter replied “this is my culture and if you have a problem with it, call my dad” and she walked away. I never got a phone call.
#43 and #44
Neither of you has supported Mike’s original assertion, ‘Muslims threaten violence and get their way’. So in as much as the evidence is lacking, yes, his statement still stands as unsubstantiated and incorrect.
Using our own established systems to gain their ends is not the same as achieving an objective by threat or actual violence. What you are engaged in is ‘hyperbole’, and as long as you engage in it you allow the Islamic special interests to do end runs around you all day. Kind of how the book burning drags everyone’s eyes off of serious matters and focuses them on the hyperbolic event.
I asked for instances specifically concerning the hyperbolic statement that the muzzies get their way by violent means here, they don’t, and neither of you has given any. Nor have either of you given me any evidence that the muzzies are really being treated much different here than any other religion, in fact you both sidestepped my examples. Want another example that the religious right frequently gets their way the same as any other special interest? How about the obvious use of public funding for ‘Christian’ schools here in Arizona, and across the US?
“chirp-chirp” “chirp-chirp”
Are you daft, or do you jusy enjoy playing stupid?
Here, I’ll make it simple for you:
Stupid fanatic preacher threatens to burn holy book of those who use it as justification for attacking and killing us.
Liberal media gives massive amounts of coverage to the aforementioned jackass.
Extremists the world over see media coverage.
General who shouldn’t open his mouth says, “Please don’t do that, they’ll terrorize more.”
Extremists say, “Yeah! They’re scared we’ll step it up so we have control of the sitchy-ayshun! Go us!”
Fanatical preachuh man has now been asked to curtail his constitutional rights in order to not impede on the feewings of extremists out of fear.
The end.
“Neither of you has supported Mike’s original assertion, ‘Muslims threaten violence and get their way’. So in as much as the evidence is lacking, yes, his statement still stands as unsubstantiated and incorrect.” Are you that dense? We haven’t supported my assertion? Mohammad Cartoons not printed out of fear, ’24’ giving PSAs out of fear, Comedy Central censoring its shows out of fear. Those all support my assertion. If you’re going to ignore all that, well, then there’s nothing further I can say to prove my point. Hell, even Christopher Hitchens understands my point: ===== We may have to put up with the Rage Boys of the world, but we ought not to do their work for them, and we must not cry before we have been hurt. In front of me is a copy of this week’s Economist, which states that Rushdie’s 1989 death warrant was “punishment for the book’s unflattering depiction of the Prophet Muhammad.” There is no direct depiction of the prophet in this work of fiction, and the reverie about his many wives occurs in the dream of a madman. Nobody in Ayatollah Khomeini’s circle could possibly have read the book for him before he issued a fatwah, which made it dangerous to possess. Yet on that occasion, the bookstore chains of America pulled The Satanic Verses from their shelves, just as Borders shamefully pulled Free Inquiry (a magazine for which I write) after it reproduced the Danish cartoons. Rage Boy keenly looks forward to anger, while we worriedly anticipate trouble, and fret about etiquette, and prepare the next retreat. If taken to its logical conclusion, this would mean living at the pleasure of Rage Boy, and that I am not prepared to do. ===== Also, what ROS said. And, I reiterate my “the US does not negotiate with terrorists” point. GEN Petreaus has ended that policy by the statement he made. The terrorists have demanded that we give up our right to insult Islam. Instead of telling them to pound sand and that the United States does not give up its rights to appease Muslims,… Read more »
Jacobite in re to #46: Is that federal funding, or state funding? Has the fact that the GZM was fast tracked while the Greek Orthodox Church, which was destroyed on 9/11 and they have been trying to get approval for 9 years to rebuild alluded you? In G-d we trust on money is based on the fact that our country was founded on judeo-christian values an is irrelevant in respect to what we are currently talking about. It doesn’t state a specific G-d; does it? It doesn’t say the christian G-d, islamic G-d, etc. It says G-d, so if you worship a tree G-d, then it works for you just as well. Does having that saying on your money harm you in some way? Has it spent different because that saying is on our currency? Does it creep out of your wallet at night and whisper scriptures in your ear? If not, then I guess it really doesn’t hurt you; right? If you are an athiest, it shouldn’t matter at all since you don’t believe in a higher power, so getting whipped up about it is more about you than the actual printing on the money. As for the book burning; the media created that shit storm, not us. Personally, I don’t care if they burn Maxim magazine while dancing naked around a fire chanting the virtures of breast implants. The left has always told us, and pushed hard to get a “seperation of church and state”, when if they actually figured it out, their argument is the freedom of religion, not the freedom from religion. So, playing by their own rules, there shouldn’t be special accomodations made for one specific religious group in a public setting; correct? You contend that we need to show examples, yet you want to change the rules of what you will accept as proof. Ok; show me the proof that all these idiots in gummint are blubbering about in regards to the increase in attacks if the koran is burned. There are no examples to go by, for such outrage, so they stuff their… Read more »