More Revoked Clearances, Access

| March 22, 2025 | 29 Comments

Trump revokes security clearances of former opponents Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton

Trump said that ‘it is no longer in the national interest’ for those listed in the memo to have access to classified information
By Rachel Wolf

President Donald Trump revoked the security clearances of Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Liz Cheney and several other opponents who either severely criticized or acted against him.

The White House released a memo on Friday that read: “I have determined that it is no longer in the national interest for the following individuals to access classified information: Antony Blinken, Jacob Sullivan, Lisa Monaco, Mark Zaid, Norman Eisen, Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, Andrew Weissmann, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Cheney, Kamala Harris, Adam Kinzinger, Fiona Hill, Alexander Vindman, Joseph R. Biden Jr., and any other member of Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s family.”
In addition to having their security clearances revoked, the individuals listed in Trump’s memorandum have had their “unescorted access to secure United States Government facilities” rescinded.

Fox News

Mostly a symbolic gesture, especially considering how much Sleepy Joe actually gleaned from The President’s Daily Brief. There’s some payback involved too, as Joe revoked Trump’s access in 2021 due to his “erratic behavior.” This on the heels of Trump terminating Secret Service security protection for Hunter and Asheley Biden.

Not to be forgotten, Joe and Jill have kindly offered their services to the DNC, stumping for Democrat political candidates caught up in record low poll numbers.  Oddly the DNC has yet to accept the offer.

Category: Points-and-Laughs, Trump!

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jeff LPH 3 63-66

FIRST, holy moley, gadzooks, I’ll be a monkeys uncle


It only counts on the WOT. Hack hacked in there again and got the latest one.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I know sgtM, but I never can get to first on the WOT so I do the “first” thing on any post that hasn’t had a comment yet. Been doing it for a few years now. Later Alligator


Security clearance?
Hillary don’t need no stinkin security clearance.
Who’s gonna say no to her other than Trump?


Who’s gonna say no to her and live, other than Trump. TIFIFY.


Revoking what they shouldn’t have had after leaving “public service”. It’s still a lovely little “fuck you” from the Oval Office.


Considering the Clinton/Obama White House went around trying to undermine 45/47’s first term throughout the world, I’m talking to you especially John Kerry, revoking their clearance at 1201 20 Jan 2025 should have already been done.

Hack Stone

Having Joe Biden campaign for your candidates is Daniel Bernath volunteering to represent you in court.


He might just provide more effective counsel today than just a few years ago…


DeadDan became a grass roots influencer.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

Well played!

Army-Air Force Guy

You pay sleepy Joe to NOT endorse you!


Not in court, as Bernasty was disbarred. But he could represent someone in the Social Security Admin hearings, as a law license is not required.


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Last edited 10 hours ago by Anonymous
Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

It’s one thing to disagree with, or even severely criticize.
But the ones who had their clearances and access revoked, actively acted against the country they swore an oath to. Many of those actions should be considered treason, with all the punishments thereof (death).


Removing protection details = death sentence.
Sending armed FiB agents to collect post-it notes from a former President’s wife’s panty drawer = lawful, prudent, and supra-patriotic.

It’s hard to keep all this wrongthink and doublespeak from liquifying what’s left of my brain.

Bourbon, thank you for your service in these trying times!


There is good reason why America has its very own distilled spirits.




If for nothing else, be grateful to Trump and Obama, that each of them in turn kept that psychobitch out of the Presidency.



Oh, I am.
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Milo Mindbender

I hold a clearance, and the day I retire from military service it will be revoked. Why former presidents, secretary of state, and officers need to keep their clearances when they no longer have a legitimate need to know I will never understand. It’s not like the chain of command will ever be broken far enough to have to call in a former president to run things.
“Now warming up on the mound we have #46, they will pitch relief for #47 while they catch a breather.” I can’t see this being a thing.


I had one back in high school days when I had a summer job
with a small local defense contractor. No big deal but a few
years later I ran into the same portable sheltered equipment
in it’s intended environment. It was like deja vu all over again.

Army-Air Force Guy

What’s hilarious, as we all well know, is that the SV will brag about having a super-duper/ high speed low drag /top secret clearance, but of course they can’t tell you what the did in the military.


It will be revoked though it will still be “active” for 24 months after you get out. Meaning you will not have to go back 5-10 years if you get another clearance job within that 24 month window.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

What business does Das Hildebeast have that deserves a clearance these days?


She could tell you, but then you would have to kill yourself.

RGR 4-78

The Clinton Foundation (grift) must be funded! (S)


Activist judges demanding immediate reinstatement in 3…2…1…

After they get out of their secret boys club meeting.


I guess Killary and Kamaltoe Kackles will have to cast a seer spell with their coven if they want to be in the know.