Boomer’s Sunday
Thanks, Usual Suspects. You know who you are.

Category: Guest Post, Humor, Points-and-Laughs, Usual Suspects
Thanks, Usual Suspects. You know who you are.
Category: Guest Post, Humor, Points-and-Laughs, Usual Suspects
Good harvest.
Just a data point in a sea of stupid government bullshit (duplcative redundancy): the median salary at VA in 2024 was $89,365.
Cut’m until the waves crash ruddy.
🎵 the best part of waking up, is boomers on your screen 🎵
I’ll have to dispute that one. my dad did turn it around once.. He’d told my sister and I that if we behaved, we’d go to dunkin donuts after church.. well, we didn’t.. so he pulled into one entrance of the DD parking lot, and kept going right out the other, and straight home.. I still blame my sister…
My parents didn’t turn around. They pulled over to the side of the road to paddle our behinds.
I’ve done that.
My daughter remembers – and still keeps her seat belt buckled until the engine is turned off, decades later.
Poor Hunter had to relocate to South Africa to avoid deposition now that he has immunity. But sadly has no money now that his art work has suffered some frenzied depreciation.
He may come to regret choosing that particular asylum. When the locals tire of him, say when the money runs out, he may get tyred indeed. A nice safe Club Fed would be so very much less … caloric.
The picture is too blurry…..what is that tall thing? It looks like an RPG made into a lava lamp.
Because it’s an RPG made into a lava lamp.
I want one.
Easy enough to do, just a question of how authentic you want the RPG portion to be.
That may be state-dependent.
I just read about a supposed former navy seal Ryan Spencer on Facebook. To good to be true. Check it out.
When you get a call from Don Shipley, you done effed up real good
I smell toast a burning, that must be Spencer’s ass.
Great Sunday cartoons
Instead of a cash refund, you can pay me in Winged Hussars, Thank you very much!
Git in line!
All blonds get certified and hand-selected by me first!
That ‘Winged Hussar’ meme is not scratch-n-sniff?!
I demand a full refund!
The sign of the most dangerous creature known to mankind… This one was spotted in a subdivision near you…with a fair warning…sign!
Dam cougars are everywhere.
Roh-Dog on a provision run…
You know me too well. Like ammo…?
Speaking of: Happy Plauché Day to all the
goodbest Dads out there that do the right thing. no. matter. what.