Wednesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| March 12, 2025 | 15 Comments

With the cyber attacks hitting X/Twitter, I apologize for the tardiness of this much-needed content.

Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?

Literally nobody could have seen this coming

Crockett trying to be the new dumbest congressman

She’s trying real hard

Everything’s an existential crisis these days

Suddenly they don’t care about saving the environment

Say what?

Fuck right off with this BS

Just go buy a normal truck USPS

It pays to save the life of the most powerful man in the world, huh?

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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Progressivism truly is a mental disorder. These retards are unhinged.. Crockett (a disgrace to her namesake) is either dumber than a bag of hammers, or thinks her voters are. She fits in well with the squad (has DHS looked into the immigration fraud perpetrated by one Ilhan Omar yet?)


They are all suffering from a severe case of dtupidity (ht2 David). Not sure how this kongress kritter came to have the name of Crockett. I guess I could use my Ancestry account and do a deep dive. A quick “Bing” look shows that Colonel Crockett only had one son, Robert, that went to Texas after The Alamo fell, fighting @ San Jacinto. A Grandson fought thru the WBTS, surrendering @ Appromatox. No indication that any of Crockett’s family owned slaves, which is how many blacks got their sir names. One of the DNAtests accounts I looked at had so many errors (showed Crockett was born 6 March 1836, duh huh…that’s the day he died) and a lot of repetition on David’s Ancestry back to France and Ireland. I read, in years past, that Colonel Crockett had sent a letter to a nephew just before The Alamo fell about a piece of land he had looked at. Her name could come from that side. There’s a Fake Book page of “Crockett Descendants” but I don’t have a Fake Book account to look at that. Either way, the kongress kritter should follow and act upon a famous saying of Crockett’s…”Be sure you’re right…then go ahead.”

93 trucks for $3 Billion? WTF?!?

lawrence todd

I think electric mail trucks actually make sense. They are driven a short distancer daily and are available for recharge for an extended period. This is not a cost, battery life or fire risk evaluation, just that the type of service fits the electric vehicle model.


The original electric trucks built in the very early 1900s were all for delivery use including the mail. Very low speed, lots of torque. They ran on a huge 6V DC battery. But lead acid batteries simply were too high maintenance to make it work.


They do make sense, but like any other government project, it got gang raped by the good idea fairy, the EPA, DEI, and good old fashioned graft and corruption. I’d rather see a hybrid version, a little more useful in states with real winters.

Last edited 2 hours ago by SFC D

A better vehicle would be a horse and buggy. It’s green energy. Runs all day. Can rest all night and hay and oats are cheaper than EV batteries. Maintenance is minimal, furrier couple times a year for new horseshoes. It also provides a venue for farmers to sell feed. Keeps American dollars at home too. It won’t affect mail delivery times, because the mail is always late any how.


Farrier a minimum of every 6 weeks, probably every 4 given city streets.. ( that’s my sons profession) horseshit on the streets would be FAR less offensive than human shit and drug needles…


Free lawn fertilizer.

Retired Grunt

Wow, I could literally have saved them all of those study dollars. I have had to have several major surgeries and though I am extremely grateful to be alive I become slightly less after each one. It’s just the physical cost and I am not fighting a mental war with myself and God regarding the body in which my consciousness lies. I am also not having to shove stuff painfully in my body daily to keep that huge surgical wound open. Gee….. there’s so much more but I could have told them that. Lol. Do stupid crap, win stupid prizes.


Then there’s the issue of “feminizing” males. Guys, we’ve been telling you forever that female hormones are not for sissies and take years (like the first 11-14 on average) for a person to become used to dealing with their effects. Some never get a handle on it (here’s looking at all of you ostensible adult Karens in the wild, PMSing on the world). All of you with daughters know exactly what I mean.


MSNBC is running a continuous loop of old war footage. They just can’t let go.


Ukrainian soldier does Pikachu dance?

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

Survey on gender-affirming surgery.
Yeah…well….the people who go for those already have mental health issues. The surgery just exposes it physically.

Hey! It takes time, money, materials, tooling, and machinery to make those EV mail trucks. I’m sure more will be coming. (but I ain’t holdin’ my breath waiting)

Green Thumb

My Wednesday morning puke.