Daily FGS

| March 3, 2025 | 7 Comments

1860 Henry Rifle

NEW DETAILS: Homeowner shoots trespasser at home on Airline Road early Thursday morning
The 41-year-old man who was shot is considered to have non-life-threatening injuries, police said.

Author: Mia Valdez, Madeline Salinas
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A homeowner shot a 41-year-old man he said was breaking into his home early Thursday morning.

Corpus Christi Police Department Lt. Joshua Newman told 3NEWS the call came in around 4:26 a.m. when that homeowner told dispatch officers that he was holding a person at gunpoint at his home in the 900 block of Airline Road.

Police said on the call, the man told officers he saw a man in his backyard, and that the person had moved to his front yard.

The homeowner gave “commands to the trespasser,” according to officers, and fearing for his safety, shot at the man in the yard several times.

Police were on their way to the scene when they heard shots had been fired.

A fire station right across the street was able to quickly dispatch an ambulance to transport the alleged burglar to a local hospital, and police say his vital signs were stable.

Police said later Thursday the man’s injuries are considered non-life-threatening.

No arrests have been made.

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‘I pulled my gun on him’: Video shows Mid-Beach homeowner confronting burglar; suspect caught after manhunt

By Sheldon Fox, Samantha Sosa, Rubén Rosario, Alex Browning
MIAMI BEACH, FLA. (WSVN) – A prowler who broke into a home in an exclusive Miami Beach neighborhood found himself facing a pistol-toting homeowner, triggering a massive manhunt that led to the burglar’s arrest, police said.

Speaking with 7News on Thursday, homeowner Babba Joshua Yesharim said he saw the perpetrator on his property on Pine Tree Drive near 43rd Street on surveillance video during the overnight hours.

Then he decided to confront the uninvited guest.

“The dog was barking. One of the alarms sounded. I checked the cameras. I saw him downstairs on the property. I got my gun, I gave my wife one of our guns,” he said.

In a bathrobe with a flashlight and handgun, Yesharim faced the home invading burglar.

“The only thing that was going through my mind at the time was to protect myself and my family at all costs,” he said.

The security footage captured the pistol-toting homeowner as he greeted the intruder.

“I saw him in my courtyard by my front door. I pulled my gun on him, I told him, ‘Freeze. I’ve got a gun. I will shoot you,’” said Yesharim. “He looked at me and he started running away from me. And it looked like he went toward my neighbor’s house and hopped the wall there.”

The prowler would run into more trouble.

“I also have a house manager on property that was armed as well. He had a shotgun on him,” said Yesharim.

After realizing he’d targeted the wrong house, the suspect fled, but his break-in fail was about to get worse.

The search to find the burglar led to a massive manhunt, one made up of everything from SWAT teams to K-9 units to a police chopper.

“The police were really quick to respond,” said Yesharim. “I was really impressed with that. They were at my house in maybe three minutes.”

More than a dozen Miami Beach Police units flooded the Mid-Beach block.

With help from a Miami-Dade Sheriff’s Office helicopter, officers also put their police boat to work just east of the search mission.

But officers would find their man on land. K-9s and SWAT team officials grabbed him at a nearby vacant lot on Pine Tree.

The suspect, identified as Jose Santospena, was caught and cuffed and headed to jail.

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All this so Mr. Santospena could score some kid’s yogurt from the kitchen.

Police use tourniquets to help man shot in leg in northwest Canton

CANTON  A 43-year-old man was shot in the leg late Thursday night in the city’s northwest section.

Police officers applied two tourniquets to the victim’s leg after he was found lying in the middle of the street in the 400 block of McGregor SW. A handgun was found next to him.

They were notified at 11:09 p.m. about the shooting, which reportedly occurred nearby in the 400 block of Collins Court NW.

Another man told police he fired at the victim after gunfire toward his sister.

Four shell casings were found near the injured man.

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Nothing says ‘poor life decision’ like two tourniquets. One is quite sufficient and don’t ask how I know this. Thanks again, Gun Bunny.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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AW1 Rod

“A prowler who broke into a home in an exclusive Miami Beach neighborhood…”

“The search to find the burglar led to a massive manhunt, one made up of everything from SWAT teams to K-9 units to a police chopper.”

‘“The police were really quick to respond,” said Yesharim. “I was really impressed with that. They were at my house in maybe three minutes.”’

Yeah. I wonder what their response would’ve been like in any other neighborhood.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

And with a name like Yesharim, one has to wonder what size hat he wears?

KoB, would this count as bringing an entire PD to a gun fight? Worthy of entry into the T2NB2AGF?
Or are we overreaching just a wee bit for the sake of a laugh?

Last edited 6 hours ago by Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

Imma gonna go with Mr. Y’s hat size being “smol” (ht2 BCE), Tox. Not sure if bringing the whole PD is that uncommon, ‘specially, with a nod to AW1 Rod’s comment, in a high dollar ‘hood. Maybe we could say “Bringing yogart” to a gunfight, since that what the perp had armed himself with. I dug real deep seeing if I could find a pic of the Fur Missile K-9 Officer that is the one who actually brought Jose to bay, no joy on that. Pity

“… shot at the man in the yard several times.” Range time, Good Sir…Range time.

One (1) tourniquet is quite sufficient for a perp…’specially if it’s tied off between the chin and the chest.

Napoleon probably wished someone had interrupted him when he made the mistake of going further east than he should have.

Ain’t quite “pulled the trigger” on purchasing me a Henry…but I will…eventually if not sooner. They are way yonder more spendy than they were back in ’84 when a nice, new, “Yellow Boy” could be picked up for less than $500.

Old tanker

It may come as a shock but we never cared about the quality of the neighborhood. Other than the residents of the poorer one were usually more grateful than the rich ones who always seemed to think the sun rose and set on their asses.

What was looked forward to was the likelihood of making the arrest. Often mr moneybags would scare off the burglar and never notice which way they went.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

Three WRTs. Straight flush. Busy time.
“He fired at the victim…..”
And propagandists (can’t call “em “reporters”) still haven’t figured out the difference between a perpetrator and a victim.

Hack Stone

Meanwhile, in Boston, an off-duty cop ventilated a guying attempting to stab two individuals, so off course, the racist Boston Mayor Michelle Wu offered condolences. To the family of the assailant.



I’ve looked at the Henries, but they just don’t appeal to me.
“Range time needed” should be on the evals.