Wednesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| February 19, 2025 | 6 Comments





Stop enforcing the laws, and there’s no crime, right?

Truly one of the best and brightest

Trump’s making housing more affordable in D.C.!

$10M cuts a lot of foreskin

She tells a story like a 1st grader

Germans do seem to love authoritarianism

“Presidential Historian” proves she’s an idiot

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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The Google thing is legit. Does remind me of this:

The Bee beat us to reality.


Presidential Historian my dimpled butt!
It took a 10 second search to find out it NOTHING to do with celebrating a King’s birthday.

Washington’s Birthday was the first federal holiday to honor an individual’s birth date. In 1885, Congress designated February 22 as a holiday for all federal workers. Nearly a century later, in 1971, the Uniform Monday Holiday Law changed the date to the third Monday in February.” – National Archives

They just hate Trump so fucking much, and lie at every possible opportunity.


It doesn’t have anything to do with the King’s Birthday, which isn’t even a government holiday in Commonwealth Countries, although there are a number of observances. President’s or Presidents’ Day isn’t a Federal Holiday either.

Washington’s Birthday was adopted as a Holiday and a number of Northern States adopted Lincoln’s Birthday as a holiday through the years. There was steep opposition from Democrats to honor Lincoln all the way up to 1971 when Washington’s Birthday was moved to a Monday for a three day weekend. The old guard racist Democrats still has enough power to stop the movement to honor them together.

Eventually some of the Northern states combined them together to make a Presidents’ Day. This eventually began to get national play through advertising for retailers and car dealers to create a sales event and so we now have an informal Presidents’ Day.


Is it sad that I am laffing my azz off at these idjits? Or laughable that these idjits are so sad over We, The People winning?

PSA…we’ve won a battle or two, but the war is far from over.



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Skivvy Stacker

San Francisco city attorney David Chiu claims cracking down on illegal immigration makes cities less safe …”

How the fuck did this guy get through law school?