Elizabeth Warren sympathized with people who cheered an insurance company CEO’s assassination

| December 12, 2024

Image parody depicting Luigi Mangione being identified at McDonald’s. (Patriots.win)

One of the biggest stories over the past few days involved the assassination of Brian Thompson, CEO of UnitedHealthcare. Luigi Mangione, 26, approached Thompson and fatally shot him before making his escape. “Deny,” “defend,” and “depose” were written on bullet casings recovered from the scene. Many actually cheered this act, and sympathized with Mangione. After the latter was identified at McDonald’s and turned in, many flooded this establishment with negative reviews. Senator Elizabeth Warren made a statement empathizing with both Mangione and those who cheered his act.

From New York Post:

“The visceral response from people across the country who feel cheated, ripped off, and threatened by the vile practices of their insurance companies should be a warning to everyone in the healthcare system,” Warren (D-Mass.) told the Huffington Post in an interview.

“Violence is never the answer, but people can only be pushed so far.”

In a subsequent statement, the Massachusetts senator added: “Violence is never the answer. Period. I should have been much clearer that there is never a justification for murder.”

Last Wednesday morning, a gunman shot Thompson, 50, in the back of his head outside a Sixth Avenue hotel.

UnitedHealthcare is the largest private health insurance provider in the US.;

Since then, authorities have apprehended tech whiz Luigi Mangione, 26, as the suspected assassin.

Investigators have speculated that Mangione may have had a grudge against the healthcare industry as evidenced by an X-ray photo on his X account and the fact that he had books involving chronic back pain on his Goodreads account reading list, sources previously told The Post.

Strikingly, an outcry of netizens has cheered the slaying of Thompson, ripping into the US healthcare system. This included former Washington Post media journalist Taylor Lorenz taking “joy” in the killing.

“This is a warning that if you push people hard enough, they lose faith in the ability of their government to make change, lose faith in the ability of the people who are providing the health care to make change, and start to take matters into their own hands in ways that will ultimately be a threat to everyone,” Warren added to the outlet.

Additional Reading:

King, R. (2024, December 11). Elizabeth Warren outrageously sympathizes with UnitedHealthcare CEO killer: ‘People can only be pushed so far’. New York Post. Link.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Liberals suck, Society

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AW1 Rod

I would expect nothing less from Fauxcahontas. She’s a gibbering halfwit.


^THIS^ “You didn’t hear me right the first time, what I actually meant to say, and did say tho you didn’t hear me say ’cause I didn’t say was I don’t know what to say since I have been so oppressed because of my native american heritage. Who are you going to believe…your lying ears or my lying mouth?” Skrunt!

Lots of bloggers out there have lots of “theories” on this case. Some have it as a plot by nut jobs, some as a hit because he was fixin’ to spill the beans on the corruption of the insurance companies, others that by him using a “silencer/suppressor” on a “ghost gun” paving the way for more restrictions on such devices. I personally think dood had some help and he f*cked up big time by not tossing the weapon and not getting further away from the scene…if he in fact is the one that actually did the deed. Don’t know, weren’t there. An insurance company is a for profit entity and the less claims they pay out, the more profit they make.


So if I understand you correctly KoB, your theory is that another individual in the same pants, jacket, and facemask actually did the shooting. Luigi may have been parading around New York City in the same attire, but simply had the backpack full of evidence on him and was told to leave town. When they do the ballistics on the weapon, the only thing they will have on him is obstruction of justice, and possession of an unregistered NFA item (aka Tax evasion).


Not my theory, per se, MIRanger, just posting what I see on other blog sites. I do find it odd that a cold blooded killer would not have tossed the weapon and everything he had on him into the nearest river and beat feet as far and as fast as he could. I know that I would have. I kinda doubt we’ll ever know the complete story on this.


Unless the killer is an arrogant, narcissistic nut-job. Like Mangione


I’ve started to develop a theory that to many of these politicians think they are leaders by virtue of their election to office. And thus their voice and opinion means something. Liawatha and her compatriots in the legislative branch were elected to represent their constituents and not lead them, and their representation exists only for their State or district. IMO I don’t want or need to hear from them.


She’s always looking to get her feathers ruffled.


Is that what she calls it?


Can you say for her…
comment image

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

I completely understand people’s frustration and anger with the American insurance system. Obamacare was going to fix it, and only succeeded in pissing even more people off and reducing access to healthcare because many medical facilities won’t deal with it. My sympathy ends when some privileged dickhead decides that the answer is murder or violence. Game over, Luigi.


((Queue up Mario for Nintendo Game Over theme))


I think you don’t mean what you wrote – your sympathy for the people impacted by our shitty healthcare system surely didn’t end because someone murdered someone from that system, you just don’t excuse the murder, right?

Because that’s entirely understandable. The woeful problems with our healthcare system, and the countless lives impacted -and ended- because of it remain, even if civilized society can agree that murder isn’t the right solution.


My sympathy ends for that particular instance, not in total. Excuse the murder? I’m not sure how you managed to extract that from my post.


I was just checking, and making sure I understood — I think we’re on the same page.

The way it was worded, it sounded like you had sympathy for people angry and frustrated with the American insurance system -a general statement, applying to a lot of people, not just the gunman- so when you said your sympathy ends when someone commits murder, it wasn’t clear to me you were just talking about sympathy for the gunman. That’s all.


It’s ok to be mad at Mr. Insurance Man. It’s not ok to kill him.


Chaining them to a chair in a dark dank basement and putting out cigarettes on’m while blasting Abba’s greatest hits OK?

National Lampoon kinda taught us it’s the cure for extending the movie runtime out another 15 minutes or so.

(Cool your jets, FiB handler. This is a joke)


Abba’s greatest hits? You monster! Oh, the humanity!

pookysgirl, WC wife

My dad used to punish his four hard-rock-loving children by forcing us to listen to ABBA.


At least it wasn’t Muskrat Love. That song is impossible to explain to people who didn’t live through it.


Impossible to explain to those of us who did live through it.

On a related note (to be filed under useless knowledge), Toni Tenille sang backing vocals on Pink Floyd’s The Wall.


I lived through it, I’m still creeped out by it. But… Toni Tenille… Ooooh!

A Proud Infidel®™

Play them endless disco songs from the 70’s!


I’m pretty sure that not everyone was Kung Fu Fighting.


You can’t make it any clearer than that.


Luigi admired the Unabomber. Shows how incompetent he is. Of course in the eyes of War-ren the faux Indian squatter this guys is a hero to her TDS group of followers. Big bad corporate America. My thought on the matter is: Quit voting for liberal policies like affordable care. It’s not affordable after the government gets in volved. They dangled a carrot in front of insurance companies to make big profits by being able to deny care in the ACA.


The Left cheered when a man was gunned down ? Hmm…
So settling one’s differences with a gun is okay as long as ‘the right people are killed’ is part of the ever moving goal posts? What happened to joy? Love & understanding? Or is just because of all the Leftist Bridge Trolls that swore of men 3 weeks ago are THIRSTING after the suspected shooter?

Hack Stone

So, killing the CEO’s of health providers is acceptable because their policies are responsible for tens of thousands of lives ended each year. Good to know. The Board of Directors at Planned Parenthood may want to reach out to Thomas Turd Bolling of Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency and get a quote.

Forest Bondurant

And if anyone suggested that politicians should suffer a similar fate because of their lies and corruption, she would call for their immediate arrest and prosecution.


Dude, she and her ilk are still peddling the notion J6 was the darkest day in American history, even after it was just revealed there were DOZENS of FBI informants in the crowd, most of whom were also engaged in illegal acts. Go. Fuckin. Figure.


But it won’t be “insurrection” when Democrats riot and burn stuff this Jamuary.

Amateur Historian

I wrote this on YouTube, shortly before the platform took it down via shadow banning:

“If we, as a society, start to sanction and condone murder based on who a person is, what they do, or their politics, then the United States deserves to be destroyed.”


The gif that keeps on giving…..
Nada Indian.

Retired Grunt

My fellow veterans,..

Just my two sense. There are a crap ton of wrongs in this world and a crap ton of rights. I guess the true point is to find a balance somewhere in between the sewer and nirvana. None of us are getting out of here alive. As far as this is concerned I feel you must be concerned when people are praising a man who shot another non attacking man from behind and then multiple times and villifying a man who took a huge unarmed risk to defend people he didn’t even know from a perceived direct threat. People just want to fight, crazy.


Too bad it wasn’t Chuck Mangione.
The assassin said it Feels so Good


This one’s making the rounds…

comment image?w=530&ssl=1


MK stooges be like that.

Waiting for the [below meme] to resolve true when this headline is out of the news cycle plus 2 months.


Since this miscreant was so “wicked smaht,” one has to wonder why he didn’t throw his ghost gun away somewhere after the shooting, and ditch the false ID he used to check into that youth hostel in NYC, and why he kept the pistol (which otherwise could not be traced to him) and the suppressor, fake ID’s, money, passport, and his manifesto in his backpack. It seems like he wanted to make sure he would be convicted if he was apprehended.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hell, he also left a bunch of fingerprints at the scene of the crime!


It was definitely a publicity stunt. Very well done. He wants an audience.
He could have disappeared like a fart in the wind.


Like other lefties, he thinks he’s smarter than everyone else, and wants the publicity to prove it…


Exactly, dispose of it all (and get his McD’s to go).


Irresistable to some


Thanks for the Obamacare that led to this shit (and inspired the shooting), Democrats!!


Talk about a self-licking icecream cone.


It’s what the federal government does best.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The victim was a person who ran a company that denies insurance claims by clients at twice the national average knowing only 10% of people will appeal the first denial…the company is well aware they lose around 85-90% of their appeals, but that’s only 8.5-9% of the original 100% of denials…sending some folks to their deaths to increase shareholder earnings doesn’t seem like a very honorable job.

Of course there is no honor in killing him by shooting him in the back as he walks away, just the criminal action of another spoiled rich kid who was angry things weren’t going as he had planned with his future…


I am reminded of the Clarence Darrow quote, I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.”

Does that make me cold, most likely yes…but certainly no colder than denying cancer treatments for children while hoping their parents just walk away and don’t appeal the decision…


Agreed, I definitely struggle with this. If you look at how many people had insurance from them, and how many people died from that high denial rate, you’re talking about them being responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans. Indirectly, vs shot-with-a-gun, but still ultimately bearing some responsibility.

Murder is wrong, clearly. Surely so is indirect harm to thousands, no?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

You’re not wrong, I’m not cheering and that wasn’t the impression I was trying to make with my comment….

I’m just not crying for either of these assholes either.


She and AOC are taking turns in the stupid barrel this week.

Green Thumb

Warren is a moron.

She needs to go along with a bunch of those other career old fucks (both blue and red).


Out of all the insurance companies I have dealt with, United Healthcare was never a problem. It supplies my Medicare supplemental insurance. They are frequently pestering me on the phone about sending me a doctor for a home health visit or failure to renew a prescription. Other than small copays, I have never had to pay a dime for any treatment. They have always paid what was due, and I never had any problem with referrals to specialists. Besides, I thought Obamacare gave everyone great health insurance. I am even covered for an abortion or breast removal and birth control. So, I fail to see any wrongdoing by UHC. I am happy I don’t have the high Obamacare annual deductibles and premiums.

A Proud Infidel®™

She’s further living, breathing proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.

Old tanker

Last night, cbs news, (for whatever that is worth in credibility) stated there was no record that the shooter had any relationship with the company of the CEO he ambushed. In plain English, he had no valid personal grudge against that insurance company. It hadn’t done anything to him personally to justify his anger towards them.


So, let me see if I get this straight….the fake American Indian chick with a burnt-out lightbulb for a brain thinks it’s perfectly fine to just kill someone that you disagree with them? Like they tried to do to Donald? Twice.