Weekend Open Thread

| October 11, 2024 | 32 Comments

During an interview, Kamala Harris responded to a question prompting her to detail how she would be different from Joe Biden. Harris hinted that there would be no difference. In one statement, she obliterated Democrat attempts to distance her from Joe Biden’s policies. Enjoy your weekend!

Category: Open thread

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Hack Stone

Oh, wise and all knowing Magic 8-Ball, will Hack Stone be unburdened by what has been in order to holistically regain the highly coveted and rarely awarded of First Commenter for the This Ain’t Hell Weekend Open Thread, or will he once again be denied to his rightful claim by the existential threat posed by KoB? Magic 8-Ball says…


My inherwebz came back up 2 (two) seconds too late.

The Crown and Trappings Good Sir.


Good Jerb and TOP !) or something like that.
Fuck you all Friday.
Except OAM because she’s the Queen here and deserves no such unkindness…but SMOOCHEZ!!

Hack Stone

With Hack Stone restored to throne and securing the title of the First Comment for the This Ain’t Hell Weekend Open Thread, he now issues to the great unwashed masses known as the Adorable Deplorables the Weekend Safety Brief for Columbo Day Weekend.

1. If your monthly income is $0.00 a month, do not rent a home in Bethesda Maryland that cost $6000+ per month.

2. If you plan on taking your aircraft for a spin this weekend, add enough fuel for reaching 200 yards past the runway.

3. If you work for All Points Logistics and Phil Monkress calls you and asks you to do a solid, update your resume and sock away a few bucks, because if things go south, and they will, you may experience cash flow problems for the next ten years.



Hack Stone

Magic 8-Ball says…

Hack Stone

Missed it by 4 seconds. Hack Stone always comes first. At least that is what Rosetta Stone always complains about.

Commissioner Wretched

Whoa! Hack Stone gets FIRST??? Will wonders never cease? I take third with great pleasure, myself.

Commissioner Wretched

With the unusual notation that Hack Stone is on the throne for the coming week, we can only hope that he will rule benevolently. Me? I’m going to drop my trivia and run like blazes.

Another wonderful birthday! Did You Know…? is Eight Years Old!
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2024

This time of year is so wonderfully special! Not only do we get to begin our year-end holidays, I get to celebrate another birthday!

No, not my own, that was a couple of weeks ago. I’m talking about the column’s birthday. This week, my silly writings turn eight years old!

Back in 2016, I had no idea that the trivia column would still be going strong, and getting more readers each week. To those who are joining us now, I welcome you! To those who’ve been with me since the beginning, I thank you and I appreciate you!

I also wonder how you’ve kept your sanity through all of this.

Thank you for making these last eight years wonderful. Let’s start another eight right now!

Did you know …

… India has the largest postal network in the world? The nation has more than 150,000 post offices. However, it is also not unusual for a letter mailed to a destination less than 50 miles away to take more than two weeks to arrive. (I have a line I could use, but I’d have to mail it to myself. Wonder when it’ll get here?)

… every Treasurer of the United States since 1946 has been a woman? In fact, one of them used a dollar bill to solve a check-cashing problem. Rosario Marín (born 1958), who served from 2001 to 2003, was trying to cash a check at a grocery store but had neglected to bring her I.D. Marín asked the clerk if he had a dollar bill available, and pointed to her signature engraved on the bill as Treasurer of the United States. Noting that it matched the signature on the check, the clerk cashed Marín’s check. (Ingenuity. You have to admire it.)

Commissioner Wretched

… the first coast-to-coast airplane flight in the U.S. was made in 1911? Piloted by Calbraith Perry Rodgers (1879-1912), the flight began on the East Coast on September 17, 1911, and ended 49 days later on the West Coast on November 5, 1911. Amazingly, the total time in the air was only three days, 10 hours, 14 minutes. In between the 70 individual “hops” of the flight, the Wright biplane Rodgers was flying had to be repaired so often that by the time the trip ended, the only parts of the plane that were original were the drip pan and the vertical rudder. (And the pilot, of course.)

… the city of Atlanta, Georgia has 71 streets with the word “Peachtree” in their name? Guess what you will not find in Atlanta – an actual peach tree. None exist within the city limits. (Ever try growing a tree in a city? It ain’t easy.)

… at one time, dog collars did more than help identify dogs? During the early 1950s, a fad started among teenage girls with dog collars being worn on their ankles. If the teen was “spoken for,” or had a boyfriend, the dog collar would be worn around the right ankle. If the girl was single, it would be around the left ankle. (When they got married, they’d attach the collar to the man’s neck, and stick a heavy iron ball on a chain to it as well.)

… the hyperinflation in Germany following World War I was incredible? I’ll give you one example. In 1923, when the financial situation in the country was at its worst, the inflation rate was 3.25 million percent per month. Translated into figures I can handle, that means prices in the country doubled every 49 hours. (I try so hard not to do political humor here, but sometimes the urge is overwhelming.)

Hack Stone

Calbraith Perry Rodger’s had the foresight to ensure that he had enough fuel to reach the next runway, over.

Hack Stone

Hack recalls a few chunky girls who would frequent the Del Mar Enlisted Club who wore dog collars as they looked for their next Marine. Hack was not one of their many victims.

Commissioner Wretched

… we are all living in the past? Bear with me a moment. The human brain does not process and perceive events until around 80 milliseconds after they have happened. Thus, even your brain is living in the immediate past, and there is no such thing as “now.” (Chew on that a while. Oh, you already did.)

… the iconic look of a superhero was originally something completely different? When artist Bob Kane (1915-1998) created the comic strip superhero Batman in 1939, he originally envisioned the Dark Knight with a vastly different outfit – a red suit and a domino mask. But Kane’s partner, Bill Finger (1914-1974), talked him out of that, creating instead a black suit and mask. Finger also created much of the Batman mythos – Bruce Wayne, Gotham City, the Joker, and other elements now recognized as part of the world of Batman were in fact created by Finger, though Kane claimed all credit for the character and work until very late in his life. (Holy narcissism, Batman!)

… when you dream determines, in part, the quality of the dream? According to those who study such things, dreams that take place in REM sleep tend to be more bizarre and detailed, and even have story lines. By contrast, dreams which take place in stages 1 or 2 of sleep are shorter and simpler. The dreams we have in the deepest of sleep, though, are diffused and messy, and may even focus only on a color or emotion. (That explains a lot of my dreams.)

Commissioner Wretched

… the political figure who survived the most assassination attempts died of old age? Fidel Castro (1926-2016), who led the revolution that took over Cuba in 1959, survived more than six hundred attempted assassinations during his lifetime. After all those tries, Castro died at the age of 90 – of natural causes. (Yeah, that figures.)

… a popular jazz concerto was written because of forgetfulness? In 1924, composer George Gershwin (1898-1937) performed the concerto “Rhapsody in Blue” for the first time. Gershwin had written the concerto in a fast five weeks, after he read a newspaper article saying he was scheduled to debut a new concerto at a concert in New York by bandleader Paul Whiteman (1890-1967). The problem was, Gershwin had totally forgotten about Whiteman’s concert until he read the article, so he scrambled to get something composed, and ended up with the beautiful “Rhapsody in Blue.” (Love that piece of music. I’m glad Gershwin forgot.)

Now … you know!


Congrats on the auspicious occasion, CW! Many more, please.

Hack Stone

For those inquiring minds, the GoFuckMe fund set up for the former senior executive of the Reston Virginia office of All Points Logistics, we would like to thank all who have contributed. So far, we have raised $0.00, but those thoughts and prayers are a ray of sunshine on an otherwise cloudy day.

And Psul has implemented some cost saving moves, such as bundling his home and car insurance, which only makes sense since he is now living in his car.

A Proud Infidel®™

Psul? Oh yeah, I’d all but forgotten about him until his name was mentioned. Are he and that worn-out Jaguar still together?

Major Tuddy

This post identifies as FIRST.

Get over it, transfirstphobes.


The Good News of my Baby Girl and Grand Daughter “Weathering The Storm” from yesterday morning went to Hell in a Handbasket shortly thereafter. After dropping Trixie girl at the Doggy Doc, on my way to the Tooth Doc, I got word that my Compatriot under hospice care was going downhill very fast. Matter of days, if that long.

Tooth Doc swapped out the temporary crown for the permanent one but had to snatch out another that was split horizontally at the gum line and unrepairable, leaving hole in my chompers.

While in the chair, had a missed call from Doggy Doc to get there as soon as I could. Was getting The Prime Mover up to speed when another call came in from another Compatriot that we lost one of my Gun Commanders late Saturday Night and the word hadn’t been spread as of yet. Rest East, Major Zack, you will be sorely missed. “As Good a Man as ever pulled a lanyard…”

It gets worse. Doggy Doc found a very aggressive, inoperative doggie cancer in My Trixie Girl, explaining why she had been so lethargic and not eating for the last few days. I had to make the decision to let her suffer for a week or so or help her across the Rainbow Bridge. I held my Little Stub Tailed Hound in my arms as she passed peacefully, with a smile on her face. I’m sure that Little Chapman was waiting on her to show her around. Now there’s another hole in my heart.

On top of all that, inherwebz has been sketchy as all hell.

Not looking for a pity party, but just an FYI to all. Hug your Fur Babies and appreciate them while you can.


Rest Easy, Little Trixie, your Papa is gonna miss that Baby.

comment image


Prayers from the Dog Chapple in Vermont.


Dammit King, just got dusty as hell in here.. Little fur monsters damn sure take a piece of your heart with em.. Lost our little Tink just over a year ago.. still hurts like yesterday. Hang in their friend!

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, I had to say goodbye to my little “Kitten” who gave me 18 years with her, it’s never easy to let go, Pets are family too!

Commissioner Wretched

Deepest condolences, King. Our fur babies are family. Anything I can do …


I’m sorry to hear that, big bro. I’m afraid Sammy the Wonderdog will be joining Trixie shortly. Every dog you ever loved is waiting for you in heaven. Doesn’t make it any easier to let go, though.

Major Tuddy

I have two Scottish Terriers named Scottie and Bonnie waiting at those same gates.

The grief never dies, huh? But at least we have memories.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

You’re lucky, KoB. You got to hold your fur baby.
Mine passed peacefully in his sleep on our bed sometime in the night while we were all asleep. I still miss that mini Schnauzer, so bright, smart and eager.

We had a schnauzer growing up. There was absolutely no sneaking in past midnight.


Shameless plug for the Bee’s movie about the deadliest day in the history of the Universe.



Last edited 1 hour ago by 5JC

I know this is gonna be a he said she said it’s gonna be hard to confirm this and these guys are usually pretty legit with what they’re talking about about

First, I saw this posted on the show and then I went to go Google it and research it from other sources in American military news came out

C-17 loaded with hurricane relief supplies just for Kamala Harris photo op



A Proud Infidel®™

Present and unaccountable as I award myself yet another Honorary First.


Epstein did not kill himself.
We may soon be saying the same about Diddy.
How many on Diddy’s list are also on Epstein’s?
Epstein’s list is still more closely guarded that USG Top Secret Information.


Since it’s an open thread, here’s something for fans of baseball and a bit of history as well.
