Veterans’ service dog provider accused of SV

| August 6, 2024

“Maj Gen” Kirk Lanam

In the complete works of Gilbert and Sullivan, one can find a song that starts thusly;

I am the very model of a modern Major-General,
I’ve information vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical.

Kirk Lanam fancies himself a major general, but a local news organization has requested the records and…their results indicate that was a lie. It’s a lengthy read, but they do a bang up job on comparing Lanam’s tales of being a USAF Special Operations Airman, when he was…and you will not believe this…in federal prison.

This story has it all. He was a general, in “civil engineer, special operations” [Editor’s note: there is something we Zoomies call Red Horse that would fit such a definition, but this cat was never Red Horse], he runs a charity, a charity that buys vets service dogs, his service was of course classified at the highest levels, he’s got a PhD, AND the aforementioned stint in an FCI.

The most amazing part of this story to me though is that he had a bunch of legitimate veterans working for him that didn’t sniff out the BS right away.

From WLNS;

A 6 News investigation has revealed the leader of a nonprofit agency working with veterans has misled his volunteers, donors, clients and the media about his military service record – including embellishing his rank and claiming to have been a special operator for the United States Air Force.

Kirk A. Lanam, 52, is the executive director, president and founder of Veteran Service Dogs Organization (VSDO) and has claimed since at least 2017 to have been a special operations member with tours in combat zones all over the world. He’s also claimed to be a brigadier general and a two-star general, also known as a major general—appearing at promotional and fundraising events wearing a camouflage uniform bearing those ranks and patches from USAF Special Operations.

On April 19, 2023, Lanam, in civilian clothing and with one of his service dogs at his side, walked up to the podium at the Hamburg Township Planning Commission. “Good afternoon, my name is Brigadier General Kirk Lanam,” he said. “I am 34 years on paper with the United States Air Force and 22 years active combat.”

His military records, obtained by 6 News from the Air Force Personnel Center in Texas as well as the National Personnel Records Center (NRPC) of the National Archives, show Lanam served just under two years in the USAF, from July 1990 to June 1992. Those records reveal when he separated from the Air Force, he had a rank of Airman Basic (E-1).

Much, much more at the source.

Category: Air Force, Stolen Valor, Veterans in the news

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Go big or go home. Of course now he will have to go home, back to where he is loved often, if not painlessly, in the nearest Department of Corrections facility.


This hits me in two areas: Veterans in need, and dogs. Looks like this guy is exploiting both. Really? A two-star general? He couldn’t help himself. Not an E-8/9 or an O-6? No, he had to be the cock-of-the-walk. I hope they burn him to ground, and someone with integrity takes over the charitable work to help our vets.

Green Thumb

The only thing this loser exploited was a couple of taxpayer assholes.


Google Last Forever


AIR-MAN! Like somethin’ out of a dang funny book! AIR-MAN!


Guy’s playing pocket pool.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

He scratched on the shot because he had an itch.


You could probaly chalk it up to old age.


I see he went with the “go big or go home” school of stolen valor. Seeing as he got kicked out as a E-Nothing it’s no wonder the doofus thought it would be a good idea to claim General rank.
So, anyone know what this dumbass was doing time in a Federal prison for?


This lying, embellishing, COCKSUCKER (ht2 Mick) POS was busted for “computer intrusions”…aka…hacking. Hopefully, he will be sent back to the Federal PITA Prison and become the bitch dog to Bubba, Thor, Julio, and Tiny.


Just yesterday in a Docs waiting room a geezer gent was bragging to the receptionist about how many people he killed in VN. I felt sorry for him since he was clearly lonely and said at check in that he had no family or anyone to call. PS: I’m a geezer too and the same age as he was. Maybe I should have said something, but the gent was really down.

Marine 0331

SJ, I understand why you didn’t, but then again you could have sidled up to him geezer to geezer (I’m pre-geezer so I can say that – lol) to make small talk and just ask him a few questions and in so doing, sort of call him out. But the doctor’s office is not exactly the best place to do that and with him being the “down on his luck” sort, it was probably the best move on your part. Still, that sort of BS spewing pisses me off no matter who does it or where they do it. I get extremely pissed when I attend sporting events and see people sitting, or even fidgeting during the playing of the National Anthem. If I’m with my daughter, before the National Anthem plays she will give me a sideways glance and say, “Dad, behave.” LOL


I get the same side eye from my kids.

Marine 0331

My Daughter’s husband is the Head Football coach at the school where he teaches and the school is very patriotic and puts on a wonderful presentation of the playing of the National Anthem before each game. 99.9% of the parents and fans stand, but there are always a few turd nuggets who sit. If they are within sight of me and can see me, I usually glare at them. My daughter, who is very patriotic herself (as is her husband) is just concerned that I might embarrass her as the fans know she is the head coach’s wife. So, for that reason, I always limit my glaring, but I always shout out “God Bless America” at the end of the National Anthem.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

TURD Burglar.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I mentioned in the past that my Uncle raised dogs for the Military and one of his dogs got de ferred because the lawn mower partialy ran over the pooches fur. Ruff time for the pooch on that day.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande


Hack Stone

Does Hamburg Township have an All Points Logistics branch?

Green Thumb


But the reason the Channel 6 News Team cannot find him is that he is probably already down at All-Points Logistics in Merritt Island, Florida.

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics would probably give him quarter as he (Phildo) could not let this level of talent fall by the wayside.



President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

 “I am 34 years on paper ….”
Does this mean that he’s not potty trained or house broken?
It’s never too late to “fix” or castrate, just to keep the SV gene from spreading any further.

Hack Stone

Smack him with a rolled up newspaper and rub his nose in it.


Toilet paper

Hack Stone

If you put his name into the Facebook search window, there are at least half a dozen news sites with articles about him. Does “Any publicity is good publicity” still apply?


Why do they always involve innocent Dogs

Prior Service (Ret)

“I’m 34 kinds of AFU on paper, and 22 years of active confinement.”

‘Tard? Turd? Retard? Returd? It’s all so confusing. Just like “am I a brigadier general or a major general?”


I swear I experience secondhand embarrassment reading what these shitstains come
up with and say publicly. It’s like watching George Costanza fuck up — times a hundred.


Green Thumb

Dude looks a lot like Phil Monkress.

Just saying….

Hack Stone

May the Fake be with you.

Army-Air Force Guy

“Active combat?” As opposed to inactive combat?



Major General Kirk Lanam is my neighbor and MOST DEFINITELY earned the rank of Major General. He served his stint as the General-in-Charge of the 1/5 MEU on the Eisenhower.

You all have nothing else to do other that tear down a man that fought for our freedoms. I expect you’ll hear from Kirk’s lawyer soon….

Sorry, I miss the sock puppets so fucking much that I am trying to “type” them into existence. Sock Puppets were my favorite.

Hack Stone

The Golden Age of Stolen Valor. Since the supply of slimy valor thieves seems to be diminishing lately ( is that a good thing or a bad thing?), maybe TAH can take a tip from the rock and roll industry and repackage the classics under a Greatest Hits category. Pick one of our favorites from the glory days, and update us on what they have been up to since last heard from. Hack Stone would be interested in learning if Ronald Mailahn is still driving medical paint around South Jersey, Steve Burrell ever did a sequel to Weekend With Rita, and how Jarrett Gimbl ever made it to the cover of Prison Bride Monthly.


Ya think Alaska Bob ever made it out of Kelly’s “Canyon”? That whole thing was kinda fishy.


He didn’t make it. Couldn’t beat his way out of the bush.