Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, 9/11 plotter, reaches plea deal with US government

| August 1, 2024


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is accused of plotting the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. He was looking at the death penalty in the case against him. However, his lawyers managed to negotiate a plea agreement where Mohammed would get a life sentence in exchange for pleading guilty. Reports of the use of torture against Mohammed and against others provided headwinds to the government’s case, contributing to the defense being able to stretch the trial.

From Associated Press:

Strada, national chairperson of a group of families of victims called 9/11 Families United, had been at Manhattan federal court for a hearing on one of many civil lawsuits when she heard news of the plea agreement.

Strada said many families have just wanted to see the men admit guilt.

“For me personally, I wanted to see a trial,” she said. “And they just took away the justice I was expecting, a trial and the punishment.”

Michael Burke, one of the family members receiving the government notice of the plea bargain, condemned the long wait for justice, and the outcome.

“It took months or a year at the Nuremberg trials,” said Burke, whose fire captain brother Billy died in the collapse of the World Trade Center’s North Tower. “To me, it always been disgraceful that these guys, 23 years later, have not been convicted and punished for their attacks, or the crime. I never understood how it took so long.”

“I think people would be shocked if you could go back in time and tell the people who just watched the towers go down, ‘Oh, hey, in 23 years, these guys who are responsible for this crime we just witnessed are going to be getting plea deals so they can avoid death and serve life in prison,” he said.

Additional Reading:

Knickmeyer, E., Neumeister, L., a& Sisak, M. R. (2024, July 31). Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, accused as the main plotter of 9/11 attacks, agrees to plead guilty. Associated Press. Link.

Category: Terror War

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Hang him on the WTC memorial grounds.


That, or toss the mofo from the top of the Freedom Tower (aka One WTC). Make sure all of the world’s presstitutes are there to cover the event. Film at 6 & 11.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Nah. Professional presstitutes ain’t gonna be there to record that.
It’s going to have to be up to the amateurs with their cell phone cameras, releasing it on social media & free press sites, to get the event out to the world.

Odd that there seemed to be a multitude of presstitutes in PA a week or so back. Many that are normally NOT in attendance, all with high speed low drag cameras. It’s almost like “they” expected some sort of newsworthy “event”. Hmmm

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Yep, things that make you go “hmmmmmmm…..”


Fitting. Unfortunately, with how long things have taken so nowadays, he’d die old age (not even counting appeals) by having an official sentence to carry-out.

In 1942, it sure didn’t take this long with the German saboteurs.


P.S. For reference with the German saboteurs: Landed, 12- 13 June; Caught, 18- 27 June; Trial, 8 July- 3 August (Guilty); Got the chair, 8 August.

BlueCord Dad

From Silverado….


When KSM’s capture was announced on the news, I’ll never forget one shocked and surprised troop’s reaction: “What, Ron Jeremy’s a terrorist?!”

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

Rossi Odonal is ageing.

Hack Stone

Someone needs to make an appointment at a Brazilian Wax Spa ASAP. He might want to book the entire afternoon.

Hack Stone

That look you make standing in front of the 1st Sergeant’s desk following a payday weekend.


Boy, Rose O’Donnell has sure let herself go.


I’ll say…
comment image


I think castration would be appropriate.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

That would be a start.
Followed by a hot iron cauterization.
THEN thrown off the top of WTC 1 while still writhing in pain.

Skivvy Stacker

Oh, don’t sugar coat it, say it straight out…shove a hot fireplace poker up his hairy, Muslim, goat loving ass. And connect with his little, sub-sized, Muslim balls while you’re at it.


Just before they’re released back into the wild, the White House should issue a press release that they’ve all converted to Judaism. Could be very entertaining.


Sounds like its time kidnap Americans and do trade?
Change my mind.

Major Tuddy

Soak his ass in bacon grease, then throw him in a woodchipper feet first.


Skivvy Stacker

On slow speed.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Throw him naked into a pen of hogs that haven’t eaten in two days.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

343 NYFD FF’s are not with us anymore, 2 from R-1 whom I knew and were also Vollies in my Dept, one of my Brink’s co workers and A Brink’s co workers wife. Now it’s over 343 NYFD FF’s from post 9/11 illness with a few that were Vollies in my Dept and one of our vollies who was with our rig when called down to the trade center and Staten Island. They are gone now and these fuckin shitheads that caused it are still around thanks to the White House terrorist sympathers. I shouldn’t have acted so soon about the terrs not getting the hot seat or firing squad due to I don’t know what the bargaining was about, so hopefully we will get the true poop.



Agreed brother. I knew a few we lost that day as well, though not as well as you knew your friends. Still, any one of them was worth far more than these goat rapists..

one correction though, it should be 344 firefighters lost that day.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Thanks Brother, I now remember the Fire Patrolman who lost his life. his station was across the street from one of our customers. I think that all the stations are gone now but will check it out.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

In 2006, the NYC Fire patrol stations went out but in 2012 the FP was re organized under different operation conditions

Major Tuddy

I lived in Arlington, Virginia on 9/11. The first responders from Arlington County Fire Station 5 performed heroically that day. There’s a piece of WTC steel displayed right outside that fire station.

Speaking of the Pentagon, did any of you see the 9/11 Memorial there? First Floor, A Ring, Corridors 3/4. In addition, there is (as of 2018, which is when I moved to Florida) a display of 9/11 memorial quilts on Corridor 3, leading to the chapel on E Ring. I wish that I could show you pictures, but photography is banned there.

I stood outside, at the spot where the plane hit right before it hit the Pentagon. I walked through the halls that would have been filled with smoke on that day. That’s the sort of thing that gives you chills.

Never Forget; Never Again!


Post, re-post, and post again…

comment image

Skivvy Stacker

Baby, if I can get into the kind of shape it takes to make you scream out the name of our Lord and Savior when I’m fuckin’ you, count me in…..

Amateur Historian

Bullshit! Getting tortured for what they did is the least these assholes deserved. Getting hanged is what they deserve the most. We executed war criminals at Nuremberg and the Far East Tribunals. Disgusting that our government doesn’t have the stones to do now what they had then.

Major Tuddy

That’s because the current administration is too busy playing pronoun games with morbidly obese, chronically unemployable, mentally unstable neon hairs with way too many tattoos and piercings, who dress like a cross between a hobo and a circus clown, and whose ‘neopronouns’ are a vaguely German-sounding string of bullshit.

LTG George Washington would have hanged them all. The neon hairs, and the terrorists.

Me, I’m done being tolerant of these pedophile freaks.


Of all the unserious things our government does in America’s name, this may take the cake.

In trying to accomplish….exactly what, I don’t fucking know…our government handled this in the worst possible way.

What should have been open-and-shut proceedings against enemy combatants instead turned into this clown show of holding people for decades in a legal limbo, conveniently held out of country so that the lawyers could be satisfied that we “did the right thing”.

This is not to give succor to the hijackers and conspirators. It is to say that holding people in perpetual government detention, no matter who they are, is not the American way.

All of those held as part of the 9/11 attacks should have been promptly tried by military tribunal. Their overwhelming guilt announced to the world.

And then promptly hung at dawn.

Justice delayed is justice denied.

And now, with their lives secure (as I’m sure this won’t be the first negotiated sentence agreement), I would be willing to bet that one day some of them will walk this earth as free men.

Time will pass, and people will forget, and the pain will fade further away and some judge somewhere will decide that these terrorists have “paid their dues” and they will be granted parole. Watch.

Shame. What a fucking shame.

Last edited 7 months ago by Grunt
Major Tuddy

I have not forgotten, nor will I ever.

These scum need woodchipper justice. Soaked in bacon grease first.

All of them. Fuck their religion.

E. Conboy

That’s not religion! It’s idolatry! Throw them to the pigs!

Hack Stone

Meanwhile, the two Jordans illegally in the country who attempts to gain access to Marine Corps BAs Quantico have been released on bail for a scheduled court appearance in September. Place your wagers now on whether they show up for court.


All part of the dems plan.. in a sane world, they both would have been interrogated, then once all actionable information had been obtained, shot and dumped in an unmarked grave.. or left for the critters.. coyotes and buzzards gotta eat..


Or as an alternative, strap them to cruise missiles and deliver them back to Jordan


They got the court order, the bases are completely safe from these two.


One word and one word, “Give me a ping Vasili, one ping only please.”
(And as you all know, my Personal favorite…)


Forest Bondurant

The fact the government made a plea deal with this cocksucker tells you how much this country has fallen into the abyss.

He should have drawn his last breath years ago

Skivvy Stacker

Yep, “Plea Deal”.
The cry of the Chicken Hawk.
This government has absolutely no balls when it comes to meting out punishment for the worst crimes.
Oh, now and then you might get a lethal injection over a baby killing, or a gassing for a teenage girl’s brutal rape and murder…but that’s after 20 to 30 years of wranglin’ and tanglin’ and goin’ back and forth over how the punishment might just be too crewl and unushal t’fit the crime, and might just be tew hurtin’ fer the miscreant to endur, even considerin’ that he might have raped his victim with a cattle prod, lit them on fire, shot them up with hydrochloric acid, and then shoved a pack of cigars up their ass.
We just can’t have any of that Cruel and Unusual Punishment…in spite of the fact that public hanging, branding, whipping, and beheading were rather common practices back when the Constitution was written and weren’t considered to be cruel nor unusual. In fact, a rapid execution was considered to be rather merciful. What if the person was actually innocent? Well, that was bound to happen…we’ll give the family a couple of shillings, or a sovereign, or even a pound to make up for it, but other than that…well…the law is the law. You gotta love the old days in Colonial America.
I’m not saying it was the best system…
But maybe…just maybe…in some cases, it might be okay to just sort of go back to that kind of justice system…in some cases? Y’know?

E. Conboy

Drawn and quartered, the rack of nails, forced walk over a long bed of hot coals, the roasting bull… amputation of a hand or foot, blinding of an eye, castration, being whipped by passersby while locked in stocks, isolation in a dark and damp stinking dungeon, deprived of nutrients and water…these are some of the cruel and unusual punishments our country no longer applies no matter how heinous the crime and public sentiment demands. Criminals just don’t realize how fortunate they are in the sentencing phase! Love, Grandma.


Send him to a prison where Hell’s Angels and Aryan Brotherhood rule the yard.


No idea what the hell is going on here
